The Miscellaneous Works of John Dryden, Esq ; Containing All His Original Poems, Tales, and Translations, in Four Volumes. Volume the First [-the Fourth].

J. and R. Tonson in the Strand. MDCCLXVII, 1767 - 368 sidor

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Sida 183 - Neither is it true, that this fineness of raillery is offensive. A witty man is tickled while he is hurt in this manner, and a fool feels it not.
Sida 202 - ... him those manners which are familiar to us. But I defend not this innovation; it is enough if I can excuse it. For (to speak sincerely) the manners of nations and ages are not to be confounded; we should either make them English or leave them Roman.
Sida 171 - It is an action of virtue to make examples of vicious men. They may and ought to be upbraided with their crimes and follies, both for their own amendment (if they are not yet incorrigible), and for the terror of others, to hinder them from falling into those enormities, which they see are so severely punished in the persons of others.
Sida 191 - Horace so very close that of necessity he must fall with him; and I may safely say it of this present age, that if we are not so great wits as Donne, yet certainly we are better poets.
Sida 79 - By how much more the ship her safety owes To him who steers, than him that only rows; By how much more the captain merits praise, Than he who fights, and fighting but obeys; By so much greater is my worth than thine, Who canst but execute what I design.
Sida 124 - ... words may then be laudably revived, when either they are more sounding or more significant than those in practice ; and when their obscurity is taken away, by joining other words to them which clear the sense, according to the rule of Horace, for the admission of new words.
Sida 54 - Now, monster, now, by proof it shall appear, Whether thy horns are sharper, or my spear. At this, I threw : for want of other ward, He lifted up his hand, his front to guard. His hand it pass'd; and fix'd it to his brow: Loud shouts of ours attend the lucky blow.
Sida 183 - The character of Zimri in my Absalom is, in my opinion, worth the whole poem: it is not bloody, but it is ridiculous enough; and he, for whom it was intended, was too witty to resent it as an injury.
Sida 94 - And in the water views perhaps the knife Uplifted, to deprive him of his life; Then broken up alive, his entrails sees Torn out, for priests t' inspect the Gods
Sida 222 - My long dependence in an hour is lost. Look round the world, what country will appear, Where friends are left with greater ease than here? At Rome (nor think me partial to the poor) All offices of ours are out of door : In vain we rise, and to...

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