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at Nismes, for otherwise the idea would not have been started of banishing Protestant worship out of the city. By whom this spirit was excited, to whom the long existence of the evil is to be attributed, may be a matter of doubt. They who would make it a merely civil question will have to account for the singularity of the circumstance, that during the Revolution and throughout the whole despotism of Buonaparte the Protestants enjoyed equal liberty of worship with the Catholics. Many have been the civil dissensions, but they never took this turn, till the Bourbons were re-established, and not till the Duke of Anguouleme had made his appearance in the South of France.

It is now asserted, and no one can feel a pleasure in its being otherwise, that the cabinet of France are entirely disposed to grant religious liberty to the Protestants. Happy shall we be to learn that this is the case: but the exertions in England will be found to have been very useful. The strong and decisive manner in which London, Exeter, Glasgow, Hull, Newcastle, Plymouth and other places have declared their sentiments, do honour to this country. Even if they had merely met to express their abhorrence of persecution in general their meetings would have been beneficial for even in a country, Protestant like our own, this sentiment is not, we fear, as yet, universal. It cannot be too often impressed upon Christians, that persecution is alien to their religion: they are under the Jaw of love; and no one, who taketh upon himself the name of Christ, must dare to condemn his neighbour or insult and revile him for a difference of religious opinion. To his own master he standeth or falleth, and in religion no one upon earth has a right to call himself lord or master. This says the Saviour, is the case in other communities; but it shall not be so in mine.


The name of the Duke of Wellington has been brought forward upon this occasion, in consequence of a letter written by his Grace to the Protestant Society. In this much is attributed to the state of parties in the South of France, and the disposition of the French government to religious liberty is strongly maintained. But

as to the facts themselves they are not attempted to be denied, and it does not by any means appear, that the Duke of Wellington had better means of information than might be had in London. In the circles, in which his Grace moves, it cannot be expected that the situation of Protestants would be the subject of much attention; and the state of France is such, that their complaints would be very much stifled, before they reached the capital.

The Protestant ministers have also lately appeared with addresses to the court, from different places, and letters to the societies in England. But besides that the representation of the quiet state of Protestants in one place is no argument against persecution in another, these addresses seem to have been got together as in England sometimes, when compliments agreeable to the court are procured from various places, and the little dependence to be placed upon them is proverbial. It was not to be expected, that an attack upon the Protestants would begin in Paris. The attempt to excite such a measure might be attended with dangerous consequences: for, if the Protestants are few in number, the Catholics themselves are far from being a considerable body; and they, who have no religion at all, might involve in common ruin both the parties.

The horrors that have taken place are to be traced up to a remote source, to the revocation of the edict of Nantz, by the infamous Louis the XIV.; whose name we are glad to see not quoted, when an attempt is made to cast a lustre upon that of Bourbon. Henry the IV., Louis the XII., and St. Louis are spoken of, but the great hero is Henry the IV., who was a Protestant, and for political purposes having changed his religion, his name is tarnished in one of his descendants, who became a faithless persecutor. The conduct of Louis the XIV. has been beyond measure ruinous to France. In the first instance it banished from the country a very great proportion of its arts, sciences and literature. At the time of the revocation of the edicts, the Protestants possessed a very learned clergy, and several schools and universities. There was great emulation between the learned of the two sects, and the Ca

State of Public Affairs.

tholic clergy were kept in order by the respectability and talents of their opponents. The effect of the persecution of the Protestants was not at first seen, but it appeared in the following reign, when the clergy had different opponents to deal with, and found themselves unable to cope with the rising body of infidels. If it were allowable to speak positively on the judgments of God, we might almost say, that the Bourbon family, the emigrant nobility, and the Catholic clergy, received in the revolution the just retribution for the atrocious acts of their ancestors in the reign of Louis the XIV. Assuredly the rise and progress of infidelity may be attributed to this cause. The morality of France was undermined by the expulsion of the Protestants, and we will venture to prognosticate, that the restoration of that body will be the great means of restoring better principles to the kingdom of France.

Policy might have taught the French the folly even of their persecution. Where there is a great established sect, the Dissenters from it are generally to be found in the middle walks of life, and in them chiefly among the most industrious and economical. If any of this class rises to opulence, his wealth soon finds its way into the establishment. It is a proverbial saying, that it is not easy to find three generations of Dissenters, who rode in coaches. The reason is obvious; increasing wealth brings the occupier more in contact with the higher classes. His sons and daughters, by this association, gradually indulging in a little relaxation from the severe principles of the father; or perhaps the father himself, when settled on his country estate, may have led the way by occupying occasionally the squire's seat in the parish church. The nearest meeting may be too vulgar. An advantageous match may occur for sons and daughters, and to abstain from church or customary visits, exposes to the imputation of singularity. A variety of similar circumstances, will be suggested to the mind of the reader, and lead him to reflect on our Saviour's words: "hard is it for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven:" and perhaps it is one of the hardest trials of a pas rent to reflect upon the changes that may take place in his posterity. This,


however, should stimulate us to impress most strongly on the minds of our children the importance of scriptural truth, not teaching them to gabble over like parrots catechisms, and creeds, and confessions of faith, but to exercise their understandings daily in the divine word, that they may esteem the gospel as the precious jewel, to purchase which a man will part with all his substance.

The amnesty bill has passed in France, modified from that which was presented by one of the hot-headed royalists, but containing greater severity than that which had the sanction of the court. A considerable degree of discussion took place in the Commons' house, but when it was brought to the House of Peers, it was passed by acclamation, and in a manner, which in England would be deemed most unfitting and indecent. The king's consent soon ratified the deed, which drives away from France a number of the regicides, and exposes to pains and penalties a number of persons involved in the administration, under the three months' reign of Buonaparte.

The anniversary of the execution of Louis the XVI. has been kept with great solemity, and by a very judicious regulation, instead of a sermon, by which the passions might have been inflamed, the will of the deceased sovereign, calculated to sooth them down, was read in all the churches. It is to be wished, that this may produce the desired effect; but in opposition, as it were to it, a plan has been struck out, which can but be of a very dangerous tendency. This is to have manifestos in different places, expressing detestation of the crime of regicide, and to these people are invited to subscribe their signatures. It was not considered by the framers of this measure, that more than one half of the present population of France had nothing to do with the sentence. on the late king: they were at the time of its passing, too young to enter into the merits or demerits of the case, and it cannot answer a good purpose to compel them now to examine the question. Whether kings may be justly dethroned by their subjects or not, is not a question for the multitude to decide upon. The history of the world proves that, whether right or wrong, the case has frequently oc

curred, and will frequently occur again, and in the most despotical kingdoms the occurrences are most frequent. Revolutions cannot always be prevented, even where discretion sits at the helm: the storm may be too great for the most prudent pilot: but, where the laws are good, and are executed with fidelity, the sovereign has little to fear. Papers and protestations will not support a throne. Its base must be fixed on more solid ground; and the king, who reigns in the hearts of his people, is the most se


Among the strange events of these troubled times, may be ranked the seizure, by the French government, of three English officers, on the alleged crime of aiding the escape of Lavalette. One of these gentlemen is a highly distinguished character, and what is more remarkable, one against whom Buonaparte is supposed to have entertained the most decided enmity. Sir R. Wilson, without doubt, gave him just cause, for no one has by pen and sword proved himself a greater foe to his tyranny. It would be improper in the present state of the case to make any comments on this event. These officers, it is said, will be brought to a trial, but Sir Robert, with great propriety, has refused to answer those interrogatories, which it is the custom, and a base custom it is, to put to an accused. We shall see in what manner the French courts conduct themselves upon this occasion, for

without doubt care will be taken that they may have a fair trial.

The affairs of France occupy at present so large a space in the contemplation of Europe, that little room is left for observations on what is taking place in other parts of the Continent. Prussia's new constitution is not yet fixed. The independence of the two kingdoms of Sweden and Norway under one sovereign is settled. Spain goes on its usual course, and its best men are in prisons and gallies. This does not, however, advance its cause with the colonies. Carthagena is not taken. The independents in Mexico are increasing in power, and Buenos Ayres has fitted out a fleet under the command of an Englishman, which will clear the Pacific of every ship wearing Spanish colours.

At home all eyes are directed to the approaching sessions of parliament. The great business of the Continentat peace is to come under early discussion, and the state of the landed interest will make a prominent feature in its debates. The corn bill has not answered any of the intentions for which it was designed by its framers. A temporary distress has been occasioned, and in the attempt to remedy it great care must be taken, lest the evil should be increased. This country's prosperity is owing to its trade, commerce and manufactures; and if the landed interest should injure them, it must participate in their sufferings.


Our Subscribers will receive with this number, to face the Eleventh Volume, a Portrait of our late venerable friend and correspondent, DR. TOULMIN. A few Proof Impressions have been pulled in Quarto, on fine Paper, price 5s., which may be had of the Publishers, as also the Proof Prints, in the same size and at the same price, of DR. PRIESTLEY and SERVETUS. It is particularly recommended to such as wish to preserve a complete setof the Monthly Repository Engravings to supply themselves early; for in a little time the early prints, like the early numbers of the work, will be unobtainable.

Owing to the Editor's unavoidable absence from home, various articles intended for the present number, must lie over; particularly some promised articles of Review and some communications of Intelligence.

It is intended to make the present Volume a complete Register of the Proceedings on behalf of the French Protestants, and our country Correspondents are requested to supply us with copies of Resolutions, &c., which they may observe to be omitted.

We have received Subscriptions from Mr. Jevans and others for the Unitarian Fund; from Mr. Scott, &c. for the Greenock Chapel; and from Dr. Carpenter for Rossendale, all which will be more particularly acknowledged in the next number.

The Obituary of the Rev. Francis Blackburne, of Richmond, in Yorkshire, (who we lament to say died on Sunday, the 21st inst.) did not reach us till that department of our work was closed.

We intended to press upon the notice of our readers the proposed Edition of Dr. Priestley's Works, by our much-esteemed friend and highly valued correspondent, Mr. Rutt; but we must content ourselves at present with expressing an earnest hope that so useful a purpose will be warmly supported by the Unitarian body.


THE period is not yet arrived when the COMMITTEE of the DISSENTING MINISTERS can relax in their exertions, or recommend to the Public indifference and inaction, without sacrificing the Protestants of France and the general interests of Freedom and Religion.

Convinced that they should have betrayed the cause of truth, by confiding in the false or partial representations of an enslaved press, and by waiting till it should be the pleasure of persecutors to give publicity to their own system of crimes and oppression, the Committee have persev red in their endeavours to obtain information on the real character of past events, and on the present condition of the objects of their solicitude. In these endeavours they have succeeded beyond their expectation; and have received abundant and perfect conviction of the dreadful calamities to which Protestants, as such, have been exposed, and of the wily and cruel machinations which are still gmployed to suppress their complaints, to pervert the truth, and to maintain a persecuting domination over their spiritual and temporal interests. From the most respectable sources of correspondence, and the testimony of eye-witnesses, with some of whom (fugitives from the horrors which still possess their imaginations, and which have reduced them from comfort and independence to servitude and poverty) they have had the melancholy gratification of per sonal intercourse, every evidence that even Prejudice itself would demand," has been furnished to the minds of the Committee.

They are morally certain, from the evidence of facts, that it is religious animosity which has enkindled that desolating fire; the progress of which they have been anxious to arrest, and the ravages of which they are labouring to repair. They know that the first victims of massacre and pillage were warm and acknowledged royalists, that peaceable and unoffending persons have been murdered, distinctly, because they were Protestants, on no other ground, and without any other charge: that upwards of an hundred persons (of whom they have already had information) have abjured the Protestant faith, as the price of liberty and life: that the letters sent to this country, professedly to deprecate" foreign interference," have expressed the very reverse of the real feelings and wishes of the sufferers, and have been obtained by the arts and power of the French authorities: that similar papers have been, in some instances. refused, and in others the sanction of a Consistory has been given in the public papers to instruments signed only by oue individual, contrary to the declared sentiments of the Ministers of the Con sistory and the Members of the Church.

Alarmed by the spirit which this country has displayed, and checked by the light which has been thrown on their conduct by the Committee, the persecutors have betaken themselves to methods more wary and insidious, but most dangerous to the prosperity and existence of the Reformed communion; and it is to the continued and undiminished exertions of British Christians that they turn for consolation and relief.

The Committee, therefore, entreat those who may not have contributed to the fund, from which they are taking safe and effectual methods to administer support to the Protestants of France, no longer to resign themselves to the influence of ignorant, prejudiced, or designing parties, but to aid the Com mittee in the sacred cause, in which, unawed by clamour, and unmoved by defection, they feel themselves compelled to persevere.

From a large mass of communications, the Committee can only insert the following extracts, which will prove how far the exertions of Britons are appreciated in France.

From the letter of an eminent minister in the South.

27th of January, 1816." I have been waiting an opportunity of sending by sea, as one dare not put letters in the post. If letters contain some particulars which may be useful to you, you will understand that in making use of them, you must suppress the names of the parties who transmit them. The greater part of the pastors, terrified by what they have seen in the public papers, dare not boldly declare themselves, especially after some individuals, through fear or ambition, had communicated your Circulars to the civil administrators, who have dictated the answer to be made, and have inserted it in the public papers.

The open prozsecutions have ceased, for the present, in Languedoc, but dark and

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secret machinations continue against the Protestants. Of this you have a proof in the change of their religion by many poor families of Nismes. The principa} manufacturers, Protestants, have fled from the scene of carnage; the poor work. people, who have not the means of quitting the country, are obliged to seek work of the Catholic manufacturers, and many of these have refused it to those who would not embrace the Catholic religion, or have severely menaced them. Such is the cause of this public abandonment of the truth!

"In many places the temples are still shut up.

"Many Protestants, in the unfortunate country round Nismes, suffer the extreme of misery.

"If you have succours to communicate to them, there must be great precautions taken by the persons who devote themselves to execute the act of charity, that they may not be molested by the agents of government, or the fanatics.

“At Montauban, the Protestants have often been menaced; but to this moment, owing to their prudence and moderation, they have not been able to find an occasion to provoke them to quarrel.

"The schools experience difficulties-the Catholic clergy are stirring themselves to embarrass them; but if the school at Paris can maintain itself for some time, the number of masters which it will form, will, in the end, distribute themselves in every part of France.

"We are perfectly convinced that the efforts of our brethren, and the interference of their government with ours, have been very advantageous to the cause of the Protestants, and that their continuance must be very useful ;—though, by the reply made to the Duke of Wellington, he was led into an error, which is the cause that in his letter of 28th of November, he has affirmed some things which are entirely false, and denied others, the truth of which is well known to the Protestants of the South. May God Almighty support your Christian zeal, and give it a happy issue, for the advancement of his glory, and the protection of our brethren in Jesus Christ! A Correspondent, whose authority is of the highest importance, writes as follows:February 6, 1816,

"The Protestants are now tolerably tranquil, externally; but every cause of uneasiness remains. I will answer on my head that political differences of opiDion have only been the excuse, the religion and respectability of the Protestants being the real cause of their sufferings. The assassins of peaceable citizen, walk abroad with unparalelled assurance, and recount their deeds of blood with diabolical pride! Not one of the murderers has been condemned; and the arrest of Trestaillon has cost the generous La Garde his life.

"If political opinion were the real cause, why has the storm fallen on the Protestants alone? Why, when they could have revenged themselves on the murderers of their brethren, did they remain tranquil, although daily exposed to the same dangers and the same fate? We are told that tranquillity is restored, and that all has been hushed; but, in most places, the Protestants have been dis. armed, and the weapons placed in the hands of their Popish neighbours. The authorities, who shut their eyes to all the atrocities committed, Jand who suffered the pillage and massacre of the Reformed, without one repressive measure, are yet the same. Now and then indeed, a weak and perfidious proclamation, exhorting to order, but at the same time lavish in praise to the national guard (per. petrators of the crimes) for their fidelity and royalism; but too much excites the fears of those who have the sword of the assassin and the spoliation of a banditti. Those who have been imprisoned, several hundreds, solicit in vain a public trial and when they ask to be released, are given to understand, that money or apostacy is the only price at which they can obtain their liberty.

"Everywhere the same cruelties are not practised as in the Gard; bnt where are not the Reformed despised, shut out from all places of profit and trust, and denied in fact all the advantages promised them by their constitutional charter Protestant Mayors of towns or villages have been displaced,~no one dares con. fide to the post his sentiments, ministers dare not correspond, and at their peril refuse to write as they are ordered. The sufferers are afraid of their own oice when they speak of their woes. No one dares write, no one dares speak, no one dares complain! The storm has fallen on the property of the rich and

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