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political organization, of which the Jesuits | South America,) on terms comparatively were the institutors and directors. It is low, and with facilities incalculably famore than possible, that this has left vourable. That moment is not arrived; behind it effects not yet entirely termi- we therefore return to Mr. Graham's nated. Nevertheless, the acknowledged remarks on the present trade of Buenos disinclination of this province to combine Ayres, which, he observes, "is princiwith its more violent neighbours, must be pally in the hands of the British." On allowed a speaking importance, in con- this he reports interesting particulars, nexion with what has been already ob- which do not stand in need of any ilserved. lustration from us.

But, if Buenos Ayres finds it so difficult to maintain supremacy over her immediate neighbours, of what advantage to her are conquests in Chili, conquests beyond that prodigious range of mountains, the Andes, which Nature has placed as an eternal barrier between two dissimilar countries? Will that province, with Peru, long continue subject to Buenos Ayres? We answer, No. Undoubtedly, commercial speculations have had their share in the motives which have induced Buenos Ayres to carry her arms into Chili, under pretence of promoting liberty and independence, and for a while this pretence may prosper. For a while that city may monopolize the commerce of those parts; but the Western Ocean is the natural high road of commerce to the Western coast; there is, at this moment, a trade carried on with it to a considerable extent, though characterized as contraband; and when the legal impediments are removed, this will increase accordingly, notwithstanding the abundance of horses and cattle furnish great facilities among the mountains of Peru, as observed by Mr. Graham. Buenos Ayres has her object at present time will shew how long she can retain it, after having accomplished it.

But the great struggle of commerce will depend on the occupation of the Isthmus of Panama, and its vicinity. Whoever possesses that narrow neck of land, and will call in the aid of art to perfect the plan of nature, by a judicious canal-or more than one-will save the dangerous passage round Cape Horn, which is not at all times practicable; may run southward and northward along the coast, by taking advantage of the winds, and thereby may furnish the commodities of Europe received by way of the West Indies, (and the returns of

The population of these provinces the reader will remark for himself: with the advantages already obtained in the better price for labour, the greater importance attached to the lower classes, and the acquisition of foreign articles at a cheaper rate. If we are not misinformed, a part, at least, of these advantages are now become questionable, as the govern ment at Buenos Ayres has found itself under the necessity of having recourse to forced loans from the merchants, and of laying additional duties on commodities.

Whether any thing beyond the political feelings of the moment entered into the instructions of the American Commissioners, or the consideration of their government, we presume not to conjecture; but every well-informed Statesman is aware of the importance of Morals, both as to principles and practice, in forming the character of a people, after a time. There is, also, another important matter omitted in this Report, the state of Religion and religious impulse, throughout these provinces. It will be recollected, that the system of religion is the Catholicism of Rome, and this in its exclu sive spirit. The population, as well as the clergy, are deeply imbued with it, and there is no apparent means of loosening their bondage. This implies a recognition of Rome as their Spiritual head: it implies submission, more or less real and profound, to injunctions from that court. Is the court of Rome favourable or unfavourable to the cause of revolutions at this moment? What are likely to be the sentiments of that court, as time proceeds; and what effect will those sentiments produce on the government, the clergy, and the people at large?

In this respect, the provinces of South America are very differently situated, from what the provinces of North Ame

north-westeru sources of the river La Plata to the southern cape of America, and from the confines of Brazil and the ocean to the ridge of the Andes, may be considered that which is called "the United Provinces of South America."

Under the royal government, it was divided into the Inteudencies or provinces of Buenos Ayres, Paraguay, Cordova, Salta, Portos, Plata, Cochabamba, La Paz, and Puno. Subsequently to the revolution, in the year 1814, another division was made, and from the provinces of Cordova, Salta, and Buenos Ayres, were taken those of Cuvo or Mendoza, Tucuman, Corieutes, Entre Rios, and the Banda Oriental. The others, it is believed, retained their former boundaries, and, with the exception of Paraguay, are generally called “ Upper


This widely extended country embraces almost every variety of climate and soil, and is capable of every variety of production. A large part of it, however, particularly on the west side of the river La Plata, and southerly towards Cape Horu, is deficient in wood, even for fuel, and in water; that which is found is generally brackish.

rica were, when they revolted from Britain. As Protestants they acknowledged no spiritual superior, and they derived their religious authority from among themselves; whereas, the superior clergy among the Spanish Americans must either maintain their obedience to the Holy See, or become schismatics, and possibly heretics, in the issue. If, then, the efficacy of their spiritual administrations depends on their regular induction and appointment to office, what will become of that efficacy should the Pope withold his sanctionshould he lay these provinces, all, or any of them, under an interdict-should he include them in his anathemas, and assign them to a place too dreadful to be thought of, till they had repented, and -and made their peace with Romewith their mother country-SPAIN? The public has lately heard much on Although three centuries have passed by volunteers from among our countrymen, as well officers as soldiers, having sailed since the Spaniards made their first settlement to join the insurgents or patriots. Their and cities have grown in it, yet its general imdestination, if rumour be correct, is not provement and population have by no means the Southern Provinces, but the North-kept pace with them; for the lower provinces ern Provinces of South America: concerning these, the Report before us affords no evidence; but all who are acquainted, in any degree, with the nature of the climate our compatriots are about to endure,—all who have read the life of Nelson, or have any recollection of the capture of Fort Omoa, with the consequences of that expedition-not to go further back to the attempt on Carthagena, and the famous sea-monody of Admiral Hosier's Ghost,-all will agree with us, in allowing greater scope to apprehension than to expectation. Alas! for those heroes, who will be vanquished without a combat, and will fall without seeing the enemy that inflicts the fatal stroke!



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in this country, and some considerable towns

have been almost entirely abandoned to the immense herds of cattle which graze on their plains, and require only the partial care of a comparatively few herdsmen; and the inhabitants of Upper Peru have been engaged more generally in the business of mining than was favourable to improvement or population. Certain small districts have peculiar advantages, are said to be well cultivated, and very productive: but agriculture has in general been very much neglected. It is, in a great degree, confined to the vicinity of towns and cities, and may be said to limit its supplies to their demands. This state of things, combined with the regulations of the former government, the influence of climate, and the force of example, has stamped the character or indolence upon that class of society usually considered as the labouring class. The same causes have not operated, at least with the same force, upon the other inhabitants of the country; hence they are more industrious, and more active: their manners are social, friendly, and polite. In native talents they are said to be inferior to no people; and they have

SPANISH SOUTH AMERICA, given proofs that they are capable of great and






The country formerly known as the viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres, extending from the

persevering efforts; and they are ardently attached to their country, and warmly enlisted in the cause of its independence.

It is not necessary for me to enter into a detail of the causes which led to the revolution in 1810. The most immediate, perhaps, are to be found in the incidents connected with the two invasions of the country by the Bitish in 1805 and 1816, and in the subsequent events in Spain, as they had a direct tendency

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to show to these people their own strength, attempts have been made to bring about and the incapacity of Spain to give them pro- union, they have hitherto been unsuccessful, tection or euforce obedience. The ground-The provinces of the "Banda Oriental" and work was, however, laid in the jealous and op- the " Entre Rios," on the eastern side of the pressive system adopted at a more early period river, under the direction of General Artigas, are now at war with those on the western by the kings of Spain, whose policy it seemed to be to keep within as narrow limits as cir-side, under the Government of the Congress cumstances would permit the intelligence, at Buenos-Ayres. wealth, and population of that part of America subject to their dominion, as the surest means of preserving an empire which they considered the great source of their wealth and power.

This war has originated from a combination of causes in which both parties have, perhaps, something to complain of, and something to blame themselves for.

The revolution having been auspiciously General Artigas and his followers profess a belief that it is the intention of the Governcommenced in the city of Buenos Ayres, was warmly and zealously supported by the mass ment of Buenos-Ayres to put them down, and of the people descended from the Spaniards; oblige them to submit to such arrangements but the native Spaniards, as well those do- as will deprive them of the privileges of selfmesticated in the country as those in the ser- government, to which they claim to have a vice of the king, were almost all opposed to it, right. They say, however, that they are wilparticularly at the time and under the cir-ling to unite with the people on the western side of the river; but not in such a way as cumstances it took place. Dissensions were the immediate result, and their long standing will subject them to what they call the tyranny jealousy and distrust of each other have by of the city of Buenos-Ayres. On the other subsequent events been heightened into deadly hand, it is stated that this is merely a pretext; hostility, which time alone can wear away. that the real object of General Artigas and These dissensions have been considered as one some of the principal officers is to prevent a of the causes that produced those which sub- union on any terms, and to preserve the power sequently took place among the patriots them. they have acquired, by giving an erroneous selves, and which have been most serious ob- excitement to the people who follow them. stacles in the progress of revolution. Other That it is wished and intended to place these obstacles, however, have been presented by the provinces on a footing with the others. That royal government in Peru, which has hitherto the respectable portion of their inhabitants not only been able to sustain itself there, but are aware of this fact, and anxious for a union; has found means, by enlisting the native Peru- bat are prevented from openly expressing their vians, in its service, to send at different times sentiments from a fear of General Artigas, considerable armies into the upper provinces whose power is uncontrolled by law or justice; on the river La Plata, where the war has been and hence the propriety and necessity of aidcarried on from the commencement of the re-ing them to resist it. Armies have accordvolution to the present day with various suc-ingly been marched within the present year cess; the great extent and peculiar character of into these provinces; but they were not joined the country, and the want of resources, having by a number of the inhabitants, and were deprevented either party from making a decisive feated with great loss. blow of the contest. When we came away, the advantage in that quarter was on the side of the Spaniards, as they were in possession of the provinces of Upper Peru, which had to a certain degree at least, joined in the revolution, and some of which are represented in the Congress. Every where else they have been obliged to yield up the government and abandon the country, or submit to the ruling power. The peculiar situation of Monte Video, on the east side of the river La Plata, open to the sea, and strongly fortified, enabled the Spanish naval and military forces, at an early period in the revolution, to make a stand there: they were ultimately obliged to surrender it; not, however, until long-protracted, and perhaps ill directed, efforts on the part of the assailants, had given rise to many jarring incidents between those who came from the opposite shores of the rivers; probably the effect, in part at least, of ancient jealousies, kept alive by the individual interest of different leaders; these have been followed by the individual interest of different generals; and have been followed by events calculated to produce a still greater alienation; and although several

This war is evidently a source of great injury and regret; and, at the same time, of extraordinary irritation to both parties; for, independently of other causes of recrimination, each accuses the other of having brought about that state of things which threatens to place a most important and valuable portion of their country in the hands of a foreign power, who has invaded it with a regular and well. appointed army, and is gradually taking pos session of commanding points, from which it may be difficult for their united force hereafter to dislodge them. That they will unite is, I think, to be calculated ou, unless some event disastrous to the cause of the revolution itself takes place; for their mutual interest requires a union. But more of moderation and discretion may be necessary to bring it about than is at this time to be expected from the irritated feelings of some of the principal personages on both sides.

The city of Sauta-Fé, and a small district of country around it, also refuses to acknowledge the authority of the Government of Buenos-Ayres.

In Paraguay the events of the revolution

have differed from those in any other pro-
vince, as the inhabitants of that country have
uniformly resisted the efforts of the other pro-
vinces to unite them. After having aided the
Spanish authorities placed over them, to repel a
military force which had been sent to over-
throw them, they themselves expelled from their
country these authorities, and established a
Government of their own, totally unconnected
with that of the other provinces, with whom
they manifest an unwillingness to keep up
even a commercial intercourse. This has gi-lonial government of Spain.
ven rise to a suspicion in the minds of some
that there is a secret predilection among them
for the ancient order of things. But from what
is said of their cold and calculating character
-from the safe position of their country, and
its capacity to supply its own wants, it is pro-
bable that their object is to husband their re-
sources, and profit by the exertions of others,
without giving their own in aid of them; and
possibly, in case of ultimate failure, to place
their conduct in a less objectionable point of
view before the Government of Spain. What-
ever may have been their motives, they have
hitherto contrived to escape in a great measure
the evils of war.

were its strongest advocates. It is generally
admitted, however, that some changes for the
better have been made. Much care seems to
be taken to educate the rising generation, and
as those who are now coming on the theatre of
action have grown up since the commence-
ment of the revolution, and have had the ad-
vantages of the light thrown in by it, it is fair
to suppose that they will he better prepared to
support and administer a free government than
those whose habits were formed under the co--

Their resources, in men and money, are said to be considerable, and no country is more independent of foreign supplies.

Their conduct furnishes a striking contrast to that of the people of Buenos-Ayres, who eutered into the revolution with unbounded zeal and energy, and ever have been ready to meet the difficulties of so great an undertaking. This circumstance connected with their local situation, greater resources, and more general information, and perhaps the fact of their having been the first to get power into their hands, have had the effect to give them a controlling influence over the revolutionary government, which has not failed to excite, in some degree, the jealousy of the other provinces, and amongst themselves a feeling of superiority little calculated to allay their jealonsy. Great evils were at one time apprehended from this state of things; but the Congress which met at Tucuman, in March, 1816, composed of depaties from the several provinces then united, assumed the sovereign power of the country, boldly declared its absolute independence, and adopted a provisional form of goverament, which is understood to have the effect of allaying disseusions, and of introducing a more regular administration of public affairs. It will be seen from the documents in your possession, that this provisional constitution recognizes many of the principles of free government: but with such drawbacks are little calculated to enforce them in practice. Great allowances are doubtless to be made for the circumstances of the times, and the danger and difficulty of tearing up ancient institutions, or of adapting new principles to them. But, after due allowance for all these considerations, it did not appear to me that so much had been done for the cause of civil liberty as might have been expected, or that those in power

The commerce and manufactures of the country have grown beyond its agriculture.Various causes, however, have contributed to lessen some branches of manufacture since the revolution, but commerce is understood to have been increased by it. A much greater variety and quantity of foreign goods are imported, and a greater demand is opened for the productions of the country. The city of Buenos-Ayres is the seat of this commerce. From it, foreign and some domestic goods, are spread through the interior, as far as Chili and Upper Peru, and, in return, the various productions are drawn to it. This trade is carried on principally by land, as is that between the different provinces, though some small portion of it finds its way up and down the large rivers from the La Plata, which is itself not so much a river as a great bay. The abundance of cattle, horses, and mules, and of some other animals peculiar to the country, which are used in the mountainous regions of Peru, furnish facilities for transportation not to be found in any other country so little improved; hence the price of transportation is very low, and the internal trade greater than it otherwise would be, though it had been ma terially lessened in some important branches by the war with Peru, and the system adopted in Paraguay.

The export and import trade is principally in the hands of the British, though the United States and other nations participate in it to a

certain degree. It is depended on as the great source of revenue to the State; hence they have been tempted to make the duties very high, and to lay them upon both imports and exports, with the exception of lumber and military stores. This circumstance, connected with the fact that payment is demanded at the custom-house before the goods are delivered, has led to a regular system of smuggling, which is said to be carried to great excess, and doubtless occasions the official returns to fall short of the actual amount of the trade. This may be the reason why they were not given to us. The articles imported are almost every variety of European and East India goods, principally from England; rum, sugar, coffee, tobacco, cotton, and timber from Brazil; lumber of almost every description, cod-fish, furniture, gin, and some smaller articles, from the United States, together with the military stores; which however, find their way into this country directly from Europe, and are thus furnished at a cheaper rate than we can sell them. The

principal articles of export are taken from the various animals of the country, tame and wild, from the ox to the chinchilla; copper from Chili, and some of the precious metals, drawn principally from Peru; but as gold is worth 17 dollars the oz, and passed by tale at that rate, very little of it is exported; hence the currency of the country is gold; for they have no paper money. The " Libranzas," or bills of credit, issued by the Government, are, however, an article of traffic among the merchants, as they are received in payment of one half of the duties. No distinction is made in favour of the trade of any nation, save only that the British merchants have some peculiar facilities granted them in relation to their letters, which are an object of taxation, at least so far as applies to those sent out of the country.

In the official statements given to us, to which I beg leave generally to refer for information as to the foreign relations, the productions, military and naval force, revenue, and population, the latter is stated at 1,300,000

exclusive of Indians. This is understood as comprehending the population of all the provinces; but, as some of them are not under the Government at Buenos Ayres, I have thought it proper to annex the several estimates I have collected of the population of each province, as they may serve to give some general information on that point. The most immediate difficulty felt by the Government, whilst we were in the country, seemed to arise from the want of money; for, although the debt was small, their credit was low. It had not been found practicable to adopt a system of finance adequate to the exigencies of the times, though it would seem, from the statements given to us, that the revenue of the last year exceeded the expences. The important events of the present year in Chili, of which you are informed, will doubtless have the effect to raise the credit of the country, and to lessen the pressure upon it, at least for a time, and will probably leave the Government more at leisure to attend to its internal affairs.

When we came away, it was understood that a committee of the Congress was engaged in drafting a new constitution, the power of forming and adopting it being exclusively vested in the Congress. Whether it will assume a federal or a national character, is somewhat doubtful, as there are evidently two parties in the country, whose views in this respect are very different, and it is believed that they are both represented in the Congress. The one party is in favour of a consolidated or national government; the other wishes for a federal government, somewhat upon the principles of that of the United States. The probability seems to be, that, although there might be a a majority of the people in the province generally in favour of the federal system, it would not be adopted upon the ground that it was not so well calculated as a national go. vernment to provide for the common defence, the great object now in view. The same general reason may be urged, perhaps, for giving to the latter, should it be adopted, less of a

republican character than probably would have been given to it in more quiet and peaceful times. There is danger too, as the power of forming and adopting the constitution is placed in the hands of a few, that the rights and privileges of the people may not be so well understood or attended to as they would have been had the people themselves had a more immediate agency in the affair. It is not to be doubted, however, that it will at least have a republican form, and be bottomed upon the principles of independence, which is contended for by all descriptions of politicians in the country who have taken part in the revolution, and will, it is helieved, be supported by them, in any event, to the last extremity.

Their means of defence, of which they are fully aware, are, in proportion to their numbers, greater perhaps than those of almost any other people, and the duration and the events termination never to submit to Spain. This of the war have strengthened the general deformer sufferings and deprivations; upon a determination rests upon the recollection of consciousness of their ability to defend and to govern themselves; and upon a conviction that, in case of submission on any terms, they would, sooner or later, be made to feel the considerations doubtless have the most weight vengeance of the mother country. These upon those who have taken a leading part. They, of course, use all their influence to enforce them, and thus to keep up the spirit of the revolution. In this they have probably bad the less difficulty, as although the sufferings of the people have been great, particularly in military service, and in raising contributions necessary for that service, yet the incubus of Spanish power being thrown off, and with it that train of followers who filled up almost every avenue to wealth and consequence, the higher classes have been awakened to a sense of advantages they did not before enjoy. They have seen their commerce freed from legal restraints, their articles of export become more valuable, their supplies furnished at a lower rate, and all the offices of Goverument, or other employments, laid open to them as fair objects of competition. The lower classes have found their labour more in demand, and better paid for; and their importance in society greater than it formerly was.

They are yet, however, from their indolence, general want of education, and the great mixture of "casts" among them, in a degraded state, but little felt in the affairs of the Government. The stimulus now given will operate to produce a change in them for the better, and, it is to be presumed, will gradually have its effect, as their docility, intelligence, and activity, when called into service, give evidence that they are not deficient in natural or physical powers.

Labour, as it becomes more general, will become less irksome to individuals, and the gradual acquisition of property which must necessarily result from it in such a country, under a good Government, will doubtless produce, the happy effects there which it has uniformly produced elsewhere, and more espe

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