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ing the interest of the whole; we shall,

Curiosities of Literature. Vol. 3, Svo. therefore, confine our specimens to a few

12s. Murray, London, 1817.

passages from Mr. D'Israeli's 'Anecdotes of Prince Henry, the Son of James I. when a Child,' (drawn up from a manuscript memoir of him, written by one of his attendants,) and from

and his Queen Henrietta,' which may be consulted with advantage by the future historian of that eventful period.

"Prince Henry in his childhood rarely wept, and endured pain without a groan. When a boy wrestled with him in earnest, and threw him, he was not seen to whine

was early; for when bis playmate, the little Earl of Mar, ill-treated one of his pages, Henry reproved his puerile friend: I love you because you are my Lord's son and my cousin; but, if you be not better conditioned, I will love such an one better,' naming the child that had complained of him."

THE two first volumes of this amusing and instructive publication, have for many years been before the public, and the repeated impressions they have un-his Secret History of Charles the First, dergone, sufficiently attest the estimation in which they are deservedly held. The third volume, which is entirely new, is not inferior to the two preceding, in the variety and interesting nature of the articles which it contains; and it exhibits the same taste in selection and extensive reading, which uniformly cha-or weep at the hurt. His sense of justice racterizes all Mr. D'Israeli's productions. The present volume comprises upwards of thirty articles, historical, critical, biographical, literary, and miscellaneous, and treating on the following subjects, viz. The Pantomimical Characters-Extempore Comedies-Massinger, Milton, and the Italian Theatre-Songs of Trades, "His martial character was perpetually or Songs for the People-Introducers of discovering itself. When asked what inExotic Flowers, Fruits, &c.-Usurers strument he liked best? he answered, 'a of the Seventeenth Century-Chidiock trumpet.' We are told that none of his Tichbourne (a Roman Catholic's Histo-age could dance with more grace, but that ry)-Elizabeth and her Parliament he never delighted in dancing; while he Anecdotes of Prince Henry the son of James I. when a child-The Diary of a Master of the Ceremonies-Diaries, Moral, Historical, and Critical-Licencers of the Press-Of Anagrams and Echo Verses-Orthography of Proper Names -Names of our Streets-Secret History of Edward Vere, Earl of Oxford-Ancient Cookery and Cooks-Ancient and Modern Saturnalia-Reliquiæ Gethinianæ- -Robinson Crusoe-Catholic and Protestant Dramas-The History of the Theatre during its Suppression-Drinking Customs in England-On Literary Anecdotes-Condemned Poets-Acajou and Zirphile, of its Preface-Tom o' Bedlams-Introduction of Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate-Charles the First's Love of the Fine Arts-Secret History of Charles I. and his Queen Henrietta-TheMinister the Cardinal Duke of Richelieu-The Minister, Duke of Buckingham, Lord Admiral, Lord General, &c. &c. &c.Felton the Political Assassin-Johnson's Hints for the Life of Pope.

performed his heroical exercises with pride and delight, more particularly when before the King, the Constable of Castile, and other ambassadors. He was instructed by his master to handle and toss the pike, to march and hold himself in an affected style of stateliness, according to the martinets of those days; but he soon rejected such petty and artificial fashions; yet, to shew that bis dislike arose from no want of skill in a trifling accomplishment, be would sometimes resume it only to laugh at it, and instantly return to his own natural demeanour. On one of these occasions one of these martinets observing that they could never be good soldiers unless they always kept true order and measure in marching, What then must they do,' cried Henry, when they wade through a swift-running water?' In all things freedom of action from his own native impulse, he preferred to the settled rules of his teachers; and when his physician told him that he rode too fast, he replied, 'Must I ride by rules of physic?' When he was eating a cold capon in cold weather, the physician told him that that was not meat for the weather. You may see, doctor, said Henry, that my cook is no astronoWhere every article presents abunmer.' And when the same physician obdant materials for selection, it is diffi- serving him eat cold and hot meat together, cult to extract a part, without impair-protested against it, 'I cannot mind that

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now,' said the royal boy facetiously, reign of Britain (as he was expected to though they should have run at tilt to-be) a suitable education, and his pregether in my belly.' ceptor, Adam Newton, appears to have filled his office with no servility to the capricious fancies of his royal pupil.

"Born in Scotland, and heir to the crown of England, at a time when the mutual jealousies of the two nations were running so high, the boy often had occa- "Desirous, however, of cherishing the sion to express the unity of affection, generous spirit and playful humour of which was really in his heart. Being Henry, his Tutor encouraged a freedom questioned by a nobleman, whether, after of jesting with him, which appears to have his father, he had rather be King of Eng-been carried at times to a degree of moland or Scotland? he asked, “which of them was best?' being answered, that it was England, ‘Then,' said the Scottish-born Prince, 'would I have both! And once in reading this verse in Virgil,

Tros Tyriusve mihi nullo discrimine agetnr. the boy said he would make use of that verse for himself, with a slight alteration,


mentary irritability on the side of the Tutor, by the keen humour of the boy. While the royal pupil held his master in equal reverence and affection, the gaiety of his temper sometimes twitched the equability or the gravity of the Preceptor. When Newton, wishing to set an example to the Prince in heroic exercises, one day practised the pike, and tossing it with such little skill as to have failed in the

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'Anglus Scotusne mibi nullo discrimine agetur.' attempt, the young Prince telling him of "He was careful to keep alive the same his failure, Newton obviously lost his temfeeling for another part of the British do-per, observing, that to find fault was an minions, and the young Prince appears to evil humour. Master, I take the humour have been regarded with great affection of you.' 'It becomes not a Prince,' obby the Welsh; for when once the Prince served Newton. Then,' retorted the asked a gentleman at what mark he should young Prince, doth it worse become a shoot? the courtier pointed with levity at | Prince's Master!'-Some of these harmless a Welshman who was present. 'Will you bickerings are amusing. When his Tutor, see then,' said the princely boy, how I playing at shuffle-board with the Prince, will shoot at Welshmen?' Turning his blamed him for changing so often, and back from him, the Prince shot his arrow taking up a piece, threw it on the board, in the air. When a Welshman, who had and missed his aim, the Prince smiling, taken a large carouse, in the fulness of his exclaimed, Well thrown, Master;' heart and his head, in the presence of the which the Tutor, a little vexed, said, 'he King, said that the Prince should have would not strive with a Prince at shuffle40,000 Welshmen to wait upon him, against board,' Henry observed, 'Yet you gownsany King in Christendom; the King, not men should be best at such exercises, a little jealous, hastily inquired, To do which are not meet for men who are more what?' the little Prince turned away the stirring.' The Tutor, a little irritated, momentary alarm by his facetiousness, said, I am meet for whipping of boys." 'To cut off the heads of 40,000 leeks.' 'You vaunt then,' retorted the Prince,

"His bold and martial character was discovered in minute circumstances like those. Eating in the King's presence a dish of milk, the King asked him why he ate so much child's meat? Sir, it is also man's meat,' Henry replied;-and immediarely after having fed heartily on a partridge, the King observed, that that meat would make him a coward, according to the prevalent notions of the age respecting diet; to which the young Prince replied, "Though it be but a cowardly fowl, it shall not make me a coward.'-Once taking up strawberries with two spoons, when one might have sufficed, our infant Mars gaily exclaimed, "The one I use as a rapier, and the other as a dagger.'


It is well known that great pains were taken, in order to give the future sove


that which a ploughman or cart-driver can do better than you.' 'I can do more,' said the Tutor, for I can govern foolish children.' On which the Prince, who, in his respect for his Tutor, did not care to carry the jest farther, rose from table, and in a low voice to those near him said, 'He had need be a wise man that could do that.'-Newton was sometimes severe in his chastisements; for when the Prince was playing at Goff, and having warned his Tutor, who was standing by in conversation, that he was going to strike the ball, and having lifted up the Goff-club, some one observing, 'Beware, Sir, that you hit not Mr. Newton;' the Prince drew back the club, but smilingly obterved, 'Had I done so, I had but paid my debts.'-At another time, when the princely boy was amusing himself with the sports of a child,

his Tutor wishing to draw him to more 'manly exercises, amongst other things, said to bim, in good humour, 'God send 'you a wise wife! That she may govern you and me!' said the Prince. The Tutor observed, that he had one of his own; the Prince replied, But mine, if I have one, would govern your wife, and by that means would govern both you and me.'Henry, at this early age, excelled in a quickness of reply, combined with reflection, which marks the precocity of his intellect. His Tutor having laid a wager with the Prince that he could not refrain from standing with his back to the fire, and seeing him forget himself once or twice, standing in that posture, the Tutor said, Sir, the wager is won, you have failed twice;' Master,' replied Henry, "Saint Peter's cock crew thrice.'-A Musician having played a voluntary in his presence, was requested to play the same again. I could not for the kingdom of Spain,' said the musician, for this were harder than for a preacher to repeat word by word a sermon that he had not learnt by rote. A clergyman standing by, observed that he thought a Preacher might do that: Perhaps,' rejoined the young Prince, for a bishoprick!'

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"The natural facetiousness of his temper appears frequently in the good humour

cluded the men: it happened that an old servant, not aware of the injunction, entered the apartment, on which the Prince told him he might play too; and when the Prince was asked why he admitted this old man rather than the other men, be rejoined, Because he had a right to be of their number, for Senex bis puer.

"Nor was our little Prince susceptible of gross flattery, for when once he wore white shoes, and one said that he longed to kiss his foot, the Prince said to the fawning courtier, 'Sir, I am not the Pope;' the other replied that he would not kiss the Pope's foot, except it were to bite off his great toe. The Prince gravely re

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joined: At Rome you would be glad to kiss his foot, and forget the rest.'

"It was then the mode, when the King or the Prince travelled, to sleep with their suite at the houses of the nobility; and the loyalty and zeal of the host were usually displayed in the reception given to the royal guest. It happened that in one of these excursions the Prince's servants complained that they had been obliged to go to bed supperless, through the pinching parsimony of the house, which the little Prince at the time of hearing seemed to take no great notice of. The next morning the lady of the house, coming to pay her respects to him, she found him turning a volume that had many pictures in it; one of which was a paintiug of a company sitting at a banquet: this he shewed her.

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'I invite you, Madam, to a feast.' 'To what feast?" she asked. To this feast, said the boy. What, would your highness give me but a painted feast? Fixing his eye on her, he said, No better, Madam, is found in this house.' There was a delicacy and greatness of spirit in this ingenious reprimand, far excelling the wit of a child.


with which the little Prince was accustomed to treat his domestics. The Prince had two of opposite characters, who were frequently set by the ears for the sake of the sport; the one, Murray, nick named the taylor, loved his liquor; and the other was a stout trencherman.' The King desired the Prince to put an end to these brawls, and to make the men agree; and that the agreement should be written and transcribed by both. Then,' said the Prince, must the drunken taylor subscribe it with chalk, for he cannot write According to this anecdote-writer, it his name, and then I will make them appears that James 1. probably did not agree upon this condition-that the trench- delight in the martial dispositions of his erman shall go into the cellar and drink son, and whose habits and opinions were, with Will Murray, and Will Murray shall in all respects, forming themselves opposite make a great wallet for the trencherman to his own tranquil and literary character. to carry his victuals in.'-One of his ser- The writer says that, his Majesty, with vants having cut the Prince's finger, and the tokens of love to him, would sometimes sucking out the blood with his mouth, interlace sharp speeches, and other demonthat it might heal the more easily, the strations of fatherly severity.' Henry, young Prince, who expressed no displea- who however lived, though he died early, sure at the accident, said to him plea- to become a patron of ingenious men, and santly, If, which God forbid! my father, a lover of genius, was himself at least as myself, and the rest of his kindred should much enamoured of the pike, as of the fail, you might claim the crown, for you pen. The King, to rouse him to study, have now in you the blood royal.'-Our told him, that if he did not apply more little Prince once resolved on a hearty diligently to his book, his brother, Duke game of play, and for this purpose only Charles, who seemed already attached to admitted his young gentlemen, and ex-study, would prove more able for govern

mentand for the cabinet, and that himself, would be only fit for field-exereises and military affairs. To his father, the little Prince made no reply: but, when his tu tor one day reminded him of what his father had said, to stimulate our young Prince to literary diligence, Henry asked, whether he thought his brother would prove so good a scholar? His tutor replied, that he was so likely to prove. Then,' rejoined our little Prince, will 1 make Charles Archbishop of Canterbury.'

"Our Henry was devoutly pious and rigid, in never permitting betore him any licentious language or manners. It is well known that James I. had a habit of swearing, innocent expletives in conversation, which, in truth, only expressed the warmth of his feelings; but, in that age, when Puritanism had already possessed half the nation, an oath was considered as nothing short of blasphemy. Henry once made a keen allusion to this verbal frailty of his father's; for when he was told that some hawks were to be sent to him, but it was thought the King would intercept some of them, the little Prince replied, "He may do as he pleases, for he shall not be put to the oath for the matter.' The King once asking him, what were the best verses he had learned in the first book of Virgil, the little Prince answered, These :

Rex erat Ænas nobis quo justior alter Nec pietate fuit, nec bello major et armis. "Such are a few of the puerile anecdotes of a Prince who died in early youth, gleaned from a contemporary manuscript, by an eye and ear witness. They are trifles, but trifles consecrated by his name. They are genuine, and the philosopher knows how to value the indications of a great and he roic character. There are among them some, which may occasion an inattentive reader to forget, that they are all the speeches and the actions of a child!''

The secret history of Charles I. and his Queen Henrietta is drawn from manuscript letters of the times, and from the printed" Ambassades du Marechal Bassompierre." They shew how bigotted she was to the Romish faith, and how faithfully she educated her two sons in its tenets; but they also shew that Charles I. was by no means the weak, uxorious monarch he is represented by many writers.

"When Henrietta was on her way to England, a Legate from Rome arrested her at Amiens, requiring the Princess to undergo a penance, which was to last sixteen days, for marrying Charles without the

VOL. IX. No, 53. Lit, Pan. N. S. Feb. 1.

papal dispensation. The Queen stopped her journey, and wrote to inform the King of the occasion. Charles, who was then waiting for her at Canterbury, replied, that if Henrietta did not instantly proceed, he would return alone to London. Henrietta doubtless sighed for the Pope and the penance, but she set off the day she received the King's letter. The King, either by his wisdom or his impatience, detected the aim of the Roman Pontiff, who, had he been permitted to arrest the progress of a Queen of England for sixteen days in the face of all Europe, would thus have obtained a tacit supremacy over a British Monarch."

"By the marriage-contract, Henrietta was to be allowed a household establishment, composed of her own people; and this had been contrived to be not less than a small French colony, exceeding three hundred persons. It composed, in fact, a French faction, and looks like a covert project of Richelieu's to further his intrigues here, by opening a perpetual cor- . respondence with the discontented Catholics of England. In the instructions of Bassompierre, one of the alleged objects of the marriage is the general good of the Catholic religion, by affording some relief to those English who professed it. If, however, that great Statesman ever entertained this political design, the simplicity and pride of the Roman Priests bere comzeal they dared to extend their domestic pletely overturned it; for in their blind tyranny over Majesty itself.

"The French party had not long resided here, ere the mutual jealousies between the two nations broke out. All the Engish who were not Catholics, were soon dismissed from their attendance on the Queen, by herself; while Charles was compelled by the popular cry, to forbid any English Catholics to serve the Queen, or to be present at the celebration of her mass. The King was even obliged to employ poursuivants or king's messengers, to stand at the door of her chapel to scize on any of the English who entered there, while on these occasions the French would draw their swords to defend these con

cealed Catholics. The Queen and her's' became an odious distinction in the nation. Such were the indecent scenes exhibited in public; they were not less reserved in private. The following anec. dote of saying a grace before the King, at his own table, in a most indecorous race run between the Catholic priest and the King's chaplain, is given in a manuscript letter of the times.

"The King and Queen dining together


in the presence, Mr. Hacket (chaplain to and enmities, that I have more trouble to the Lord Keeper Williams) being then to make them agree than I shall find to acsay grace, the Confessor would have pre-commodate the differences between the vented him, but that Hacket shoved him two Kings. Their continual bickerings, away; whereupon the Coufessor went to and often their vituperative language, octhe Queen's side, and was about to say casion the English to entertain the most grace again, but that the King pulling the contemptible and ridiculous opinions of our dishes unto him, and the carvers falling to nation. I shall not, therefore, insist on their business hindered. When dinner this point, unless it shall please his Majesty was done, the Confessor thought, standing to renew it.' by the Queen, to have been before Mr. Hacket, but Mr. Hacket again got the start. The Confessor, nevertheless, begins his grace as loud as Mr. Hacket, with such a confusion, that the King in great passion instantly rose from the table, and, taking the Queen by the band, retired into the bed-chamber.' It is with diffi culty we conceive how such a scene of priestly indiscretion should have been suffered at the table of an English Sovereign."

One of the articles in the contract of marriage was, that the Queen should have a chapel at St. James's, to be built and consecrated by her French Bishop; the Priests became very importunate, declaring that without a chapel mass could not be performed with the state it ought before a Queen. The King's answer is not that of a man inclined to Popery. If the queen's closet, where they now say mass, is not large enough, let them have it in the great chamber; and, if the great chamber is not wide enough, they might use the garden; and, if the garden would not serve their turn, then was the park the fittest place.'


The French Bishop was under the age of thirty, and bis authority was imagined to have been irreverently treated by two beautiful viragos in that civil war of words which was raging; one of whom, Madame St. George, was in high favour, and most intolerably hated by the Eng!ish. Yet such was English gallantry, that the King presented this lady on her dismission with several thousand pounds and jewels. There was something inconceivably ludicrous in the notions of the English, of a Bishop hardly of age, and the gravity of whose character was probably farnished by French gesture and vivacity. This French establishment was daily growing in expence and number; a manuscript letter of the times states that it cost the King 2407. a day, and had increased from three-score persons to four hundred and forty, besides children!

It was oue evening that the King suddeuly appeared, and, summoning the French household, commanded them to take their instant departure--the carriages were prepared for their removal. In doing this, Charles had to resist the warmest intreatics, and even the vehement auger of the Queen, who is said in her rage to have broken several panes of the window of the apartment to which the King dragged her, and confined her from them.

The French Priests and the whole party feeling themselves slighted, and sometimes worse treated, were breeding perpetual quarrels among themselves, grew weary of England, and wished themselves "The scene which took place among away; but many having purchased their the French people, at the sudden announceplaces with all their fortune, would havement of the King's determination, was rebeen ruined by the breaking up of the markably indecorous. They instantly flew establishment. Bassompierre alludes to to take possession of all the Queen's wardthe broils and clamours of these French robe and jewels; they did not leave her, strangers, which exposed them to the it appears, a change of linen, since it was laughter of the English Court; and one with difficulty she procured one as a facannot but smile in observing, in one of vour, according to some manuscript letthe dispatches of this great mediator be- ters of the times. One of their extraorditween two Kings and a Queen, addressed nary expedients was that of inventing bills, to the Minister, that one of the greatest for which they pretended they had enobstacles which he had found in this diffi-gaged themselves on account of the Queen, cult negotiation, arose from the bed-chamber women! The French King being desirous of having two additional women to attend the English Queen, his sister, the Ambassador declares, that it would be more expedient rather to diminish than to increase the number; for they all live so ill together, with such rancorous jealousies

to the amount of 10,000l. which the Queen at first owned to, but afterwards acknowledged the debts were fictitious ones. Among these items was one of 400l. for necessaries for her Majesty; an Apothecary's bill for drugs of 800%.; and another of 1507. for the Bishop's unholy water,' as the writer expresses it. The young French

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