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tions of the society had increased in extent, and the funds were in a satisfactory state. He deprecated any strong expression of opinion with regard to the Educational Scheme of Government, as a day had been appointed for the discussion of that mea


The report was then read to the meeting. It stated that the principles on which the society was established, were: 1st. The daily reading and teaching of the Holy Scriptures, to the exclusion of catechisms or other formularies; 2nd. The guarantee of liberty of conscience to parents to decide what Sunday-school or place of worship the child should attend; and 3rd. The maintenance of local and separate committees to elect their own teachers and to control their own schools. During the past year, the model school for boys had retained its high character; 78 boys had been admitted during the year; making the total number, since its foundation, 29,595. The normal school had been sustained with vigour, and the students were very diligent; the number had been 233; and the conduct of those who had been sent to the schools had been satisfactory. The normal school for females was also flourishing. 146 new schools had been opened during the year in different but important localities. Six gentlemen had been more or less employed in visiting and inspecting the schools of the society. The grants of the society for schools in England and Wales, amounted, during the year, to 9917. 3s. 3d. Attempts had been made to increase the funds, but without effect, owing to local claims. As the result of mature deliberation, the committee purpose commencing four branch normal schools; the first, near the centre of the cotton manufactures; the second, in the heart of the clothing districts; the third, in the western district; and the fourth, in the eastern counties. The sum would probably be, for the first year, for buildings and supporting the schools, 20,0007.; and the committee powerfully urge on the Christian public the necessity of large pecuniary support.

The Rev. G. Clayton, the Hon. V. Smith, the Earl of Chichester, Mr. Sergeant Thompson, Rev. T. R. Hall, and Lord Ebrington, addressed the meeting on their resolutions in an impressive manner; and at the close of the meeting, Mr. Burnet being loudly called for, and by permission of the chairman, briefly, and in his pointed style, addressed the meeting; after which the proceedings quietly terminated.


The fourth annual meeting was held in

Freemason's Hall, on Thursday evening, April 22nd. The large room was crowded, and the appeals made for sympathy, prayer, and holy effort on behalf of God's ancient people, appeared to find a ready response in the hearts of all. The report presented indubitable evidence that the Divine blessing is attending the quiet labours of the society's missionaries, eleven of whom are engaged among the Jews in our own country, and one is successfully pursuing his work on the continent. A brief notice was given of three instances in which there is every reason to believe that the means employed were effectual to the conversion of souls to God; and the report contained the peculiarly satisfactory assurance, that in no case had the hopes expressed of the conversion of individuals, referred to in former reports, been disappointed. The opening of a Jewish Mission College was announced, and its claims on the liberal support of the friends of Israel urgently pleaded. The meeting was addressed by J. D. Paul, Esq., the Revs. George Clayton, P. La Trobe, Dr. Leifchild, Dr. Beaumont, R. Redpath, R. H. Herschell, S. A. Dubourg, Gloucester, and John Henderson, Esq.

In addition to the instances alluded to in the report, we have the pleasure to state, that another fruit of the society's instructions, a young Jewish teacher, from Russia, was baptized by the Rev. J. Houghton, at Trinity chapel, Edgware-road, on Thursday evening, May 13. The history of the young man, and of his conversion to Christ, is full of interest and encouragement.


THIS most charitable society, instituted in 1838, held its annual meeting, April 22nd, in the Hanover-square Rooms, which were crowded by a fashionable audience. The Bishop of Oxford presided, and opened the proceedings by a most eloquent address. In remarking on the many cases of intellectual and moral capabilities of the blind, he concluded by urging upon the audience the duty of becoming constant contributors to an institution which enabled them to imitate their Divine Master, by opening the eyes of the blind, or of comforting the heart of the mourners. From the report it appears that more than 500 blind persons have been taught to read at the society's schools, which now contain sixty-seven pupils, boarders, and day-scholars. The education includes also music, basket and fancy-work, knitting, arithmetic, writing, and geography. Branch schools have been promoted in many provincial towns, and in the colonies, and other foreign countries. Several thousands of embossed books have been sold or dis

tributed. At intervals the pupils sang hymns, and read passages from the Bible, and their elocution excited the admiration of the assembly. The meeting was addressed by the Bishop of Tasmania, the Master of the Temple, Lord Dudley Stewart, and other gentlemen, all calculated to advance the

interests of the society. It appears that the Receipts for the past year were 1,1977., and the expenditure, 1,1381.


THE annual meeting of this institution was held at Finsbury Chapel, on Monday evening, April 26th. The attendance was very numerous, J. Colman, Esq., mayor of Norwich, in the chair.

After prayer by the Rev. E. Davis, the chairman in a brief speech said that he thought "this institution had not received that support which is due to it, and if we do not look more to home missions, our foreign operations will not succeed. From that source our Foreign Society had derived its Careys and Yateses in the east, and our Birchells and Knibbs in the west."

The Rev. S. J. Davis then read an abstract of the report. With few exceptions, the reports from the country stations were encouraging. Ninety agents had been employed at about as many principal stations, and with the assistance of others, to subordinate stations to the amount of 223. Upwards of 500 persons had been added to the churches, by the toilsome and persevering efforts of the agents. Instruction had been given to 111 sabbath-schools, to 7,500 scholars.

From the treasurer's report, it appeared, that the total receipts of the Society, during the year, amounted to 5,1197. 1s.; the expenditure to 5,1187. 2s. 6d. ; and, after deducting the 6007. that had been borrowed during the last two years, left a net balance against the Society of 5991. 1s. 6d.

The Revs. F. Tucker, J. Brown, J. H. Hinton, J. Bigwood, and J. Higgs, moved and seconded the various resolutions, with great ability and energy, and with reference to the education measure, and also to the powerful opposition of the clergy and country gentry to our home missions.

Motions of thanks to the officers of the society, with the appointment of the committee, &c., and also of thanks to the chairman were moved and seconded by J. Low and P. Daniell, Esqrs., and by Rev. S. J. Davis and Mr. Bousfield. These were briefly disposed of, and after singing the doxology, the meeting separated.


held at Finsbury Chapel, on Tuesday evenTHE annual meeting of this society was ing, April 27th. It was respectably, but not numerously attended : W. Vickers, Esq., of Nottingham, in the chair. The proceedings were commenced by singing and prayer. The chairman then rose, and adverted with much feeling to the unparallelled condition of Ireland; and stated that through this and other kindred societies, the people had a thirst for knowledge, and had become, comparatively, a thinking and reading people, and are determined to think for themselves.

(Loud cheers.)

The Rev. F. Trestrail then read the Report, which detailed, as usual, the various communications from the agents of the Society, who had met with, on the whole, an encouraging measure of success. Some of the agents had been much employed in relieving the distresses of the famishing poor. The reports from all the districts of the Irish provinces, united in testifying the gratitude, the patience, and surprise of the people, who were amazed at the liberality of the English, for the Saxon and the heretic had been their kindest friends. The funds had suffered on account of the existing distress. The treasurer then presented his accounts, which stated that the total receipts for the past year, amounted to 2,2837.11s. 7d.; the expenditure to 3,9137. 3s. 10d.; leaving a balance against the society of 1,6297. 12s. 3d.

The Revs. J. Elven, T. James, T. Berry from Ireland, moved, seconded, and supported the first resolution, which elicited much affecting information respecting the awful dispensation that has overtaken the poor of that country, and much sympathy with them. The Revs. J. Wheeler and T. F. Newman moved and seconded the next resolution, acknowledging the spontaneous efforts of the British public to alleviate the distresses of the Irish population, and adverted to various historical and political details that have tended to bring on the destitution of Ireland, and urged on the audience the importance of greater efforts than ever, in order to evangelize the sister country. The chairman, in adverting to the large balance against the Society, urged on its supporters to double and (in London especially) to quadruple their subscriptions. After the doxology and benediction, the proceedings of the evening terminated.


THE fifty-fifth anniversary of this institution was held at Exeter Hall, on Thursday morning, April 29th. A large concourse of

friends was present, and on the platform were many ministers, and the principal laymen of the denomination. The chair was filled by Joseph Tritton, Esq. The proceedings commenced by singing and prayer.

The chairman, after a customary apology, proceeded to welcome the friends of this society to another of these delightful anniversaries, and to express his earnest desire of the presence of their great Lord and Master. He gave an interesting review of what the missionaries and agents had been honoured to accomplish; and as to its perpetuity, the crown of all its excellence, while it baffles all our conceptions, it shall elevate our hopes, and animate our hearts, -of the Messiah's "kingdom there shall be no end." (Loud cheers.)

The Rev. J. Angus then read the report, which commenced by recording the death of various exemplary missionaries, and the cessation of others through infirmity and affliction. Several missionaries had been sent out. The mission in India was in a prosperous state. A larger number of the Scriptures and portions of them, with many thousands of tracts, had been issued from the press than for several previous years. The additions to the churches in India have amounted to 331, a larger number in one year than the mission has ever known. The total number of members in India is

1,842. The finances, also, are encouraging. Various trials of the African Mission are detailed, with the opposition of the Spanish government. A deputation had visited Jamaica, to overlook the stations, and to afford assistance where it was required, at the additional expense of 2,000l., which sum has been nobly guaranteed by one of the treasurers. The total number of stations is about 75; of ministers, 30; and members, about 30,000, 600 of whom have been added during the year. The total number of members added to all the mission churches in the year, is 1,207; the sum total, including Jamaica, being 36,463. The day and sabbath schools are also flourishing. The total receipts for all purposes are 28,223. 11s. 7d., being an increase within the year of 1,9247. 12s.; the expenditure amounts to 26,3991. 2s. ; and the balance has been applied to the reduction of the debt, which now amounts to 3,7117. 9s. lld. The Rev. D. Katterns and Rev. J. Stock moved and seconded the first resolution with most able and impressive speeches. They were followed by the Revs. C. M. Birrel and J. Angus-the deputation to Jamaicain the most faithful, truth-telling, and effective speeches, on the actual state and prospects of the churches in that island; the latter gentleman concluded by the utterance of this petition,-" God grant that our other fields of labour may have a share of the

blessing which the island of Jamaica has received, and we shall then be repaid a hundred-fold for all that we have done." A motion of thanks to God for the safety of the deputation, &c., was sustained by appropriate speeches from J. Sheppard and J. L. Phillips, Esqrs. The motion of thanks to the treasurers, secretary, and committee, was made by the Rev. W. Fraser, and W. Bond, Esq., in an impressive manner, to which Mr. Peto replied in a sympathetic and suitable address. Then, after singing a verse, this interesting meeting was brought to a close by Dr. Steane, who pronounced the benediction.


THIS Society held its annual meeting at Park-street Chapel, on Wednesday evening, April 28th. The place was filled by a respectable audience; and the platform was crowded by ministers and the leading supporters of this society; Henry Kelshall, Esq., in the chair.

The proceedings commenced by singing; after which, Rev. Dr. Davies engaged in prayer. The chairman, in a brief address, stated that this society was not in any sense opposed to the British and Foreign Bible Society, but formed to aid the same objects, had not. and to carry them out where that society We can have no doubt, that we are honouring God in endeavouring to send his word to every member of the human family. The report, as read by Dr. Steane, stated what the mission press was doing with respect to the Hindi Testament, the Sanscrit, and Bengali. The total number of copies of the whole, or of parts of the word of God, sent out from the Baptist Mission Press since 1831, was 387,137. The sum of 2,0007. had been voted to the Baptist Mission Society for the Calcutta translations. The total receipts for the year were 2,1257. 16s. 6d., including legacies and donations. And the committee expressed a belief, that the society was beginning to be better understood; and that two clergymen had sent them donations, with the intention of continuing their support.

The several motions were moved and seconded by the Revs. J. Sprigg, A. M. Stalker, J. Winter, D. Gould, Groser, M. Woolaston, Mills, and Dr. Burns, in an animating strain, and adapted to encourage the further efforts of the society. The meeting concluded by singing the 117th Psalm, and prayer by the Rev. Mr. Swan.


The 22nd annual meeting of this society was held on Tuesday evening, May 4th, at

Finsbury Chapel, T. Challis, Esq., Alder- BRITISH AND FOREIGN SAILOR'S SOCIETY. man and Sheriff in the chair. After singing, and prayer by the Rev. W. Tyler,

The chairman, who was received with loud cheers, rose and said, that the efforts in this cause remain as great as ever. And if the visitors knew the entire results of their exertions, they would find enough to encourage them. All that I am anxious to impress upon you is, that we should rise up to the full sublimity of the subject, to convert the metropolis, to convert its masses. And no matter whether few or many obstacles in our way, if we only draw our supplies of strength from a divine source, if we pray more fervently, and leave the results to God, then our encouragement will be greater. Here we have no sectarian bias. We want to take the poor to heaven with us. This is an object commended and commanded by our common Christianity, and I believe that our exertions in London are intimately connected with the prosperity, happiness, and salvation of the world. (Loud cheers.)

The secretary then read the report, which, after noticing the affecting amount of sabbath desecration, adverted to the operations of the society, which were as follows:-Associations, 98; families visited, 50,867; number of visitors, 2,084; prayer-meetings, 80: 1,033 persons have been prevailed upon to attend public worship, and yet but few churches and chapels provided accommodations for the humble poor. The visitors

had induced 1,748 children to attend the sabbath, infant, or day-schools; and local schools had been opened in various places. Bibles or testaments, to the number of 1,750 copies, had been distributed. Open air and tent preaching had been conducted in various

The fourteenth annual meeting of this institution was held at Finsbury Chapel, on Monday evening, May 3rd. The chair was occupied by Mr. Alderman and Sheriff Challis. The proceedings commenced by singing, and prayer offered by the Rev. Mr. Baynes.

The chairman said, "When I remember how enthusiastic all are in thanking the officers of our navy, I cannot think that we are properly discharging, by anything we have yet done for sailors, that debt of gratitude we owe them. The neglect of sailors must arise from the fact, that we do not consider their circumstances, the mischiefs to which they are exposed, and the misery they suffer in consequence of it. Now, in supporting this cause, we are not merely paying attention to our sailors, but cutting off from parties, who live for mischief, their resources, and who inflict upon our seamen the greatest possible evils.

The secretary then read the report, which first adverted to the deaths of the president, dents, Admiral Young, and the late secreLord Mountsundford, one of the vice-presitary, the Rev. C. J. Hyatt, to whom it paid a high tribute of respect. One agent, the Rev. C. Von Bulon, had visited 639 vessels of various nations, selling testaments and bibles, and distributing 4,340 tracts. The Thames missionaries had been very successful, having paid 8,785 visits in the port of London alone, to vessels from almost every part of the world: 640 meetings had been held afloat, at which 11,474 sailors had attended; and 295 services had been conducted on shore. The attendance of sailors at the sailor's church had been encouraging.

places with pleasing effects. In the past Thirty additional loan libraries had been

winter great destitution had been met with by the visitors, who had been the means of relieving 2,699 cases of affecting distress. From the low state of the funds, the committee urged that small contributions from each of the associations, or congregational collections should be made; and they ex. pressed their hopes that the pastors and churches of the metropolis would not be insensible to the claims of the society.

From the balance sheet it appeared that the receipts for the past year amounted to 7157. 18s., and the expenditure 7797. 4s.

In moving and seconding the resolutions of the society, its various claims were most ably advocated by the Rev. Dr. Morison, by the Reverends J. Kennedy, J. Branch, W. Frazer, J. Viney, J. Thomas, and Mr. Pitman; and after the motion of thanks to the chairman had been responded to, the doxology closed the meeting.


furnished to various vessels, and 48,000 tracts had been given away in London alone. The schools are in a prosperous condition. Her majesty had ordered 201. to be paid to the society in the name of the Prince of Wales. The total receipts of the society amounted to 2,1287., the expenditure to 2,0447. 198. 8d., with various outstanding claims.

The Revs. D. Katterns, J. Kennedy, J. G. Truman, C. Prest, H. Richards, J. Boaz, from Calcutta, H. Gloster, Rev. Mr. Stally brass, and Dr. Hewlett, eloquently pleaded the cause of sailors; and, after the usual motion of thanks had been carried, the meeting separated.

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11th, 14th, and 15th of May. The attendance was large, the spirit harmonious and refreshing, and the deliberations peculiarly interesting and important. Dr. Hamilton presided with great suavity of manner, combined with dignity and impartiality. His opening address, which has been printed and circulated, was regarded as one of his best efforts. What he said to pastors and churches, on the subject of accepting government grants, will, we trust, receive their calm and thoughtful consideration.

Many points of business were discussed, which we regard to be of great importance to our denomination. We sincerely hope that the report of the committee which sat at Birmingham, (and which was adopted by the Union,) on the differences which have arisen between the Irish Evangelical Society and the Congregational Union of Ireland, will lead to an amicable settlement of the pending difficulties. The Union agreed to advise the two Committees to accept the terms of adjustment proposed. We think them fair and honourable to both parties concerned, and shall deeply regret if they are not cheerfully agreed to.

The fund from the Witness and Penny Magazine, for aged ministers and providing deferred annuities for them, continues to be large and productive; indicating the great energy and success of the indefatigable and worthy editor.

The discussions on education were full of interest, and will, we hope, be very useful. Brethren must bestir themselves, if Dis. senters are to retain their present standing in the noble effort to educate the poor. They may be greatly tried by the late measures of government; but if they are awakened to new zeal, in the cause of education, we have no fear as to the result. Let them lean on themselves.

The deputations from Scotland and Ire. land were received with affectionate sympathy; and the tie of brothely love was strengthened by their wise and loving appeals.

There was one scene in the proceedings of the Union which can never be forgotten. We refer to the visit of a Dutch clergyman, who has become the translator of several of Mr. James's useful publications, particularly his "Anxious Inquirer." The narrative of this interesting and devoted man was overwhelmingly affecting, and drew tears from all eyes. We wonder not that our friend Mr. James was so much touched and subdued by the palpable demonstration of the effect produced by his writings in a foreign land. To hear, from the lips of an eyewitness, of the conversion of twelve young clergymen, by one little volume, translated into their native tongue, was sufficient to move a heart less sensitive than that of Mr. James.

May all our brethren remember, that usefulness to souls is the grand object at which it becomes them to aim!



Since we last addressed our readers on this subject, a triumphant majority in parliament has given its sanction to the government plan. We deeply regret the result; but the petitions of hundreds of thousands have been utterly disregarded; and those who have done their duty in the crisis may have an easy and approving conscience.

What, then, will be the duty of Dissenters who have so nobly struggled to resist the measure which has passed into law? We take it for granted that no one in his senses can deny that it is a measure recognizing State pay for the promotion of religious education. It is so, whatever any man may think or say. Can any consistent Dissenter, then, receive one penny of the money? If he does, how can he say another word more against the Establishment principle?

We so highly approved of Dr. Hamilton's remarks on this subject in his opening address at the Congregational Union, that we give them in full, for the warning and guidance of our brethren :

"Certain events, which have occured in the course of this year, affecting our history, cannot be overlooked.

"A measure, most unconstitutional in its form, most ensnaring in its character, has been brought into the Legislature, and for the time has passed. Though we might not agree to an absolute unanimity on certain abstract and residuary points-as it was declared to be designedly and necessarily a scheme of religious education-we have, it is believed, with one voice, repudiated it. We, who object to all establishments of religion, could not foster a new one. We, who refuse all parliamentary grant for religious purposes, could not accept this. We have been overborne. But our resistance has not been in vain. Public inquiry has been aroused. Cognate questions have been provoked. Men begin to search more keenly into the scope of government and the province of legislation. An incredible extent of misinformation and prejudice has been detected, which has, at least, been surprised and shocked. All the symptoms of misgiving have been betrayed. Brilliant sophism was all that could be afforded in answer to statistics and facts. We have stood true. We have been found faithful among the faithless. Its mockery of fairness towards us, who could not defile ourselves with its benefits, we saw from the beginning but State-craft and diplomacy

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