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SALE OF WAVERLY MSS.-The sale of the Wa- in the time of peace, 45,000 able-bodied men, 2000 verly MSS. took place at Edinburgh on Saturday, stout lads, and 14,000 Royal Marines, consisting of on the disposal by auction of Mr. Ballantyne's libra- 100 companies, thus divided:-Head quarters, Chatry. The manuscript of "The Black Dwarf" ham, first division, 24 companies; Portsmouth, secbrought twenty eight guineas; Sir Walter's proofs ond division, 28 companies; Plymouth, third diviof his "Life of Napoleon," in nine volumes, were sion, 24 companies; Woolwich, fourth division, 24 sold for forty-five guineas; and twelve volumes of companies. Royal marine artillery, 10 companies, proofs of the " Waverly Novels " fetched forty-one head quarters, Portsmouth.-Hampshire Guardian. guineas.

TRADE BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND CHINA.The number of ships which arrived in Hong Hong during the year 1847, was 699-viz., 414 from Great Britain, 147 from the British colonies, 16 from the United States, and 95 from foreign states. The total tornage amounted to 229,465. The value of during 1846, was 642,700 piculs, or 325,780.; and in 1847, 840,990 piculs, or 493,239. The estimated value of sugar exported from Hong Kong during 1847 amounted to 144,8277.

DR. SMITH'S CLASSIC BIOGRAPHY--We have watched with the deepest interest the progress of Dr. Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology-a work which has now reached Deyond" Plato,"--and, like the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, by the same editor, consists the imports into Hong Kong, in Chinese vessels, of the accumulated contributions of our best classical scholars, Professor Ramsay of Glasgow; Dr. Schmitz and Mr. Gunn of the High School of Edinburgh; Mr. Elder of Durham; Mr. George Long of Cambridge; Philip Smith, B. A.; C. P. Mason, University College, London; Dr. Greenhill of Ox- NEWSPAPERS AT ROME.-The Pore having declinford; Mr. Bunbury of Cambridge; Mr. Liddell of ed absolute sovereignty, and constituted a represenWestminster School; Rev. H. H. Millman, and tative Government, the Roman periodical press has others; articles by all of whom we have read with obtained the same freedom as the Florentine. The admiration of the terse, accurate, recent, and authori-"leading Journals" of Rome are the Bilancia and tative details which they have contrived to intro- the Contemporaneo; and after these come the Italico, duce.---Lowe's Magazine. the Speranza, Commercio, Paladia, Unione, Indicatore, Epocha, Capitole, &c. The censorship, except over religious writings, is totally abolished by the new Constitution.

DEPARTURE OF JENNY LIND FROM STOCKHOLM-Mdile. Jenny Lind arrived at Blackwall, on Friday, the 21st of April by the countess of Lonsdale steam er, from Hamburgh. She appeared in excellent BATHS and WASHHOUSES.-At a meeting of the health and spirits. We see by the Swedish papers, subscribers to the institution in George-street, Eustonthat her departure from Stockholm was attended by square, a report was read, stating that, since the the most extraordinary demonstration. It was on formation of the society in 1846, more than 200,000 the 13th instant; the weather was beautiful; from male and female bathers had availed themselves of 15,000 to 20,000 people lined the quays; military the institution; while 70,000 poor women have bands were placed at intervals, and she embarked washed, dried, ironed, and mangled the linen of amidst cheers and music. The riggings of the themselves and families, who at least average four vessels in the harbor were manned. The hurrahs in number in each family. It was ultimately resolvand the waving of hats and handkerchiefs continued ed that a special appeal should be made to the public as long as the vessel which bore Jenny Lind remain- to obtain means for its extension. ed in sight. Her last performance in Stockholm was for the benefit of a charitable institution she has founded. The tickets of admission on this occasion were put up to auction, and fetched immense prices.

KEEPER OF SHAKSPEARE'S HOUSE.-It is stated that the Commissioners of Woods and Forests have appointed James Sheridan Knowles, the dramatist, to the charge of Shakspeare's house at Stratford-onAvon, at a salary of 2501. a year.-Globe.

A NEW DISCOVERY IN CHEMISTRY-Paper-coloring and designing by nitrate of silver, and other TESTIMONIAL TO THE POET THOM.-The secretary salts, has been suggested in the French Academy by of the committee in Dundee for raising subscriptions M. Larocque, who intimates that he has discovered for the widow and children of Thom, the Inverary that nearly all salts are volatilized with aqueous va- poet, writes to us thus-"I am glad so say that our por, or with any vapor arising from saline solutions; fund progresses in a very satisfactory way; already and that, in this way, he has colored papers in de-it amounts to nearly 2001.; which sum, however, signs reserved in white, especially with nitrate of includes a grant of 201. from the royal Literary silver thus volatilized. Some of these M. Larocque Fund, and several collections made at a distance submitted to the Academy.-The Builder.

PRESENT NAVAL FORCE OF GREAT BRITAIN-Flag Officers-Admiral of the Fleet, Sir J. H. Whitshed, Bart., G. C. B.; 30 admirals, 45 vice-admirals, and 75 rear-admitals; captains, 544; commanders, 869; lieutenants, 2339; masters, 435; mates, 49; second masters, 160; inspectors of hospitals and fleets, 6; deputy-inspectors, 12; physicians, 2; surgeons, 354; assistant-surgeons, 243; acting assistant-surgeons, 63; dispensers of hospitals, 4; paymasters and pursers, 456; clerks 237. The naval force of Great Britain consists of 678 ships of war, (carrying from 9 to 1120 guns each of different calibre), either in commission, ordinary, or building; of these 165 are armed steamers, many of them built of iron, and propelled by the screw. This immense fleet employs,

sent in a lump to us: but a good deal doubtless will yet be done in other places; and in London the Caledonian Society have formed a committee. We may thus, one way or other, muster more than 300Z.; which, invested safely and judiciously, will be very great assistance to the family."-Dumfries Herald.

SONG OF THE PHILOMELA.-Mr. Broderip quotes Bechstein, the rhapsodist, as thus interpreting part of the song of a favorite nightingale. Hark to the note of Philomela-

"Zozozozozozozozozozozozo, zirrhading.

Hezezezezeze zezeze zeze zezezezeze, couar ho dze hoi. Higa.gaigaigaigaigaigaigaigai, guaiagai coricor dizo dizo pi.

Of which we will only say, that we hope it was more harmonious than it looks.-Church of England Quarterly Review.

PASSENGERS AS COMPARED WITH ACCIDENTS-By search of Sir John Franklin, under Sir John Ross. an analysis of the returns recorded in the railways It confidently asserts that no Arctic or Antarctic Exdepartment, it appears that of the 110 persons killed pedition has ever sailed under such favorable cirand 74 injured, on all the railways of Great Britain cumstances. All the experience obtained from and Ireland, during six months, there were 5 pas- former Expeditions has been made available, and sengers killed and 39 injured, from causes beyond the scientific arrangements for ventilation and heattheir own control; 3 passengers killed and 3 in- ing are admirable. jured, owing to their own misconduct or want of caution; 9 servants of companies or o contractors killed and 8 injured, from causes beyond their own control; 56 servants of companies or of contractors killed and 19 injured, owing to their own recklessness or want of caution: 36 trespassers and other persons, neither passengers nor servants, killed and 5 injured, by improperly crossing or standing on the railway; 1 suicide. Total: 110 killed; 74 injured. And, for the same period, the number of passengers amounted to 31,734,607.—Parliamentary Paper.

The vessels (the Enterprise and Investigator, the first of 407, and the latter of 420 tons) are built as strong as wood and iron can make them, with due regard to their sailing qualities. They are larger and far more elegant in appearance than the Erebus and Terror. It will be remembered that those vessels were fitted with screws worked by steam under high pressure. It was found impossible with the most favorable circumstances to obtain a greater speed than three knots an hour from this power; and there was the serious disadvantage of the most valuable portion of the vessel being occupied by cumbersome NEW GALVANIC APPARATUS.-The Rev. Dr. Cal- machinery. The plan, we know, was strongly oblam, Professor of Physical Science in Maynooth jected to by Sir James Ross-and we shall be quite College, has invented a new kind of galvanic bat- prepared to hear of its having turned out a signal tery, in which the pile consists of alternate plates of failure. In the present Expedition a different course zine and cast-iron. In ordinary batteries, the use of has been pursued. A launch is attached to each platina plates is a source of great expense-the or- ship, fitted with a screw propeller. These boats are dinary price of platina being about 32s. per ounce. so constructed as to be easily stowed midships; and In those in which copper is substituted for platina, the steam machinery, which is light and portable, the great number of pairs of plates required, renders occupies but little room, and can be shipped and una powerful battery equally expensive. A Wollas- shipped in a very short space of time. The result of ton battery, to be as efficient as the one that has various experimental trips gave an average speed just been completed at the College of Maynooth, of seven knots an hour; and it is expected that these would require 10,000 pairs of copper and zinc launches will prove of great service in exploring plates, and thus it is estimated that the entire bat- open seas during a dead calm and in towing the tery could not be constructed for less than 2000. A vessels. Ninety tons of prepared fuel for the use of Grove battery as powerful as the Maynooth one the launches are carried by each vessel. would require an expenditure of 8001. for platina The ships are amply provided with instruments alone, independent of other cost, while the Maynooth for magnetical and meteorological observations. All battery has cost in the present instance only 401. A the barometers have undergone the most rigid comseries of experiments were tried, from which it ap- parison with the Royal Society's standard instrupears that this battery is three times as powerful as ment--and we were pleased to find that some of the any other now in existence. A full-grown turkey newly invented aneroid barometers have been supwas killed in half a second on being touched by the plied by the Admiralty's orders. wires; discs of iron, thick pieces of copper, and pieces of the hardest tempered steel, were ignited with the greatest ease.-Herald.

THE SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN DIFFICULTY.-The Schleswig-Holstein dispute in a measure began with the attempt of the late King of Denmark to enforce the female order of succession in Schleswig as well as in Denmark, in default of direct male heirs, whilst Holstein still followed the collateral male line. The representative of this female line is Prince Frederick of Hesse, the son of the Lanograve William of Hesse Cassel by the Princess Charlotte of Denmark. Prince Frederick is heir to Hesse Cas

Under all these favorable conditions, we sincerely trust that the Expedition will succeed before the close of this summer in meeting with Franklin. That every effort will be made for the purpose we feel assured; and such efforts are not limited to the present year-for the ships are fully provisioned for three years.


The Constitutionnel gives the following:-' During the days of the 23rd and 24th of February, 1512 barricades were erected in Paris. Each barricade required on an average 845 paving stones, so that the sel by right of his father, and to Denmark by right people in few hours must have torn up 1,277,640 paving stones There were also 4018 trees, some of of his mother, if, in the latter case, the direct female them of very large size, cut down; 3704 lamp-posts line were preferred to the collateral male. The broken down, and between 3000 and 4000 lamps male line in Denmark is represented by the Duke of broken; 53 guard-houses were burned or torn Augustenberg, now in arms against the Danish down, and about 603 watch boxes and small wooden King Prince Frederick is at present in London; bureaux destroyed. In this calculation no mention and the Times states that he has accepted an alterna- is made of the iron railings which were torn down tive put by the Chainber of Hesse Cassel-bas chosen his German lot, and resolved to renounce the at the Bourse, and many of the churches and other public buildings." claims of his family on the Danish crown. It is assumed by the Times that the way for a peaceable arrangement of the Danish and Prussian quarrel is thus opened.

LARGEST MUSEUM AND LIBRARY KNOWN.-It has been decided that the palace of the Louvre shall be connected by additional buildings with that of the THE EXPEDITION IN SEARCH OF SIR JOHN FRANK-1 uileries, and that the royal library shall be depositLIN. The Athenæum has had the opportunity of in-ed there. The entire pile will thus form the largest specting the vessels, fitted out for the expedition in museum and library in the world.

DR. CHALMERS' ELOQUENCE.-The following is tended by extreme destitution and distress, and an one of the most striking among the many anecdotes amount of mortality unprecedented in former years. told, illustrating this celebrated Scotchman's elo- The number who embarked in Europe in 1847, for quence. Soon after the promulgation of his fame, Canada was 98.006, viz.: from England, 32,228; he preached in London on a public occasion in from Ireland, 54,329; from Scotland, 3,752; and Rowland Hill's Chapel. His audience was nume- from Germany, 7,697. Of the whole number, 91,rous, and principally of the higher circles. Upward 882 were steerage passengers, 684 cabin, and 5,541 of one hundred clergymen were present, to whom the front seats in the gallery were appropriated.

In the midst of these sat Mr. Hill himself, in a state of great anxiety arising from his hopes, and fearful that he would not succeed before an audience so refined and critical. The Doctor as usual commenced in his low monotonous tone, and his broad provincial dialect was very disagreeable to the delicate ears of his metropolitan audience. Poor Mr. Hill was now upon the rack; but the man of God having thrown his chain around the audience, took an unguarded moment to touch it with the electric fluid of his oratory, and in a moment every heart began to throb and every eye to fill. Knowing well how to take advantage of this bold stroke, he continued to ascend; and so majestic and rapid was his flight that in a few minutes he attained an eminence so high that every imagination was enraptured. The rapid change from depression to joy which Mr. Hill experienced, was too much for him to bear. He felt so bewildered and intoxicated with joy, that unconsciously he started from his seat, and before his brethren could interfere, he struck the front of the gallery with his clenched fist, and roared out with a stentorian voice-"Well done, Chalmers."

GOOD NEWS FOR SPINSTERS-The Athenæum mentions a gigantic scheme, originating in the colonies, and supported by subscriptions raised there, for carrying over 20,000 young women, of good character and sound health as brides for the expectant bushmen. The unmarried daughters and sisters of artizans are the classes which the committee charged with the detail of the plan contemplate carrying out. They are required to pay a small sum as a sort of guarantee of their respectability.

were infants. Deducting from this aggregate the Germans and the cabin passengers, the entire number of emigrants who embarked at British ports was 89,738, of whom 5,293 died before their arrival, leaving 84,445 who reached the colony. Of these it is estimated that six-sevenths were from Ireland. Among the thousands who reached the colony, a large portion were laboring under disease in its worst type, superinduced by the extremity of famine and misery which they had suffered previous to embarkation. Of the 84,446 who reached the colony alive, no less than 10,037 died after arrival, viz.: At quarantine, 3.452; at the Quebec Emigrant Hospital, 1,041; at the Montreal Hospital, 3,579; and at other places in the two Canadas, 1,965; leaving 74,408. But of these no less than 30,265 were admitted into hospital for medical treatment.

Thus it will be seen that more than one-seventh of the total embarkations died, that more than oneeighth of the total arrivals died, and that more than one-third of those who arrived were received into hospital.

Up to the 12th of November last, the number of destitute emigrants forwarded from the agency at Montreal to Upper Canada, was 38,781, viz.: male adalts, 12,932; female adults, 12,153; children under twelve, 10,616; infants, 3,080. The expenditure necessarily incurred for medical and hospital attendance on the sick, and for the burial of the dead, was considerably enhanced by the necessity of providing for numerous individuals, and even for entire families, during the sickness or convalescence of their parents or friends, and of maintaining numbers of orphans, of whom upwards of 1,135 became chargeable upon the public funds. The expenses on account of emigration in Canada East, from the opening of the navigation in 1847 to December in IMPORTANT GEOLOGICAL DISCOVERY.-Nearly the same year, amounted to £106,001 15s. 3d. thirty years ago Dr. Mantell described the form and The receipts from various sources amounted to £43,structure of the teeth of that colossal extinct reptile, 707 18s. 4d.; showing an excess of payments over called the Iguanodon. At that time, however, no- receipts of £62,693 16s. 11d. The Committee of the thing was known of the jaw in which these teeth Executive Council conclude their report by recomwere once contained; but Dr. Mantell's continued mending the adoption of precautionary measures researches have now rewarded him with the comple- against a recurrence of the same calamity, and sugtion of his former interesting but partial discovery. gest an increased emigrant tax, and stringent regulaHe has found large portions of the upper and lower tious providing for the accommodation of emigrants jaw of this extraordinary antediluvian, and they on board ship. differ entirely in form from anything previously known in this class of reptiles. Indeed, the confi- CENTRAL FIRES IN THE EARTH.-The increased guration of the jaw is wholly unlike that of any temperature, found at increased depths in digging other animal. This curious discovery has been the Artesian wells, more particularly that of Gremade in the "Wealden formation," in the south of nelle in France, has been adduced by M. Arago, and England.

EMIGRATION TO BRITISH PROVINCES IN NORTH AMERICA.—A number of official papers have just been issued in England, by order of Her Majesty, in continuation of those presented to Parliament in December last, relating to Emigration to the British Provinces of North America.

The papers consist of correspondence between the Colonial Office, the Governor General, the Earl of Elgin, Lieut. Gov. Sir W. Colebrook, and Mr. Merivale. The report of the Committee of the Executive Council on Matters of State (enclosed in Lord Elgin's dispatch) describes the progress of immigration in 1847, which it appears has been at

other philosophers, as proof of central fires in the earth. Commander C. Morton, of the Royal Navy, known as the propounder of the " electrical origin of hail stones," and the vegetable origin of the basaltic columns of the Giant's Causeway, and those of Staffa, merely regards the increased temperature at increased depths as the natural consequence of the increased pressure of the atmosphere, and as much a matter of course as the increased cold or diminished temperature found to exist on ascending mountains, according as the atmospheric pressure diminishes in the ascent. The beautiful simplicity of this theory may, perhaps, induce the conviction of its alliance with nature. In corroboration, we may justly remark that the artificial compression of air does elicit heat.

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