Verhandlungen des fünften Internationalen Orientalisten-Congresses, gehalten zu Berlin im September 1881

Weidmann (A. Asher), 1881

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Sida 69 - A. Firkowitsch und seine Entdeckungen. Ein Grabstein den hebräischen Grabschriften der Krim" (Leipzig 1876, JC Hinrichs), von welcher letzteren er 30 Exemplare an die noch nicht im Besitze des Schriftchens befindlichen Mitglieder der Section vertheilte, verwiesen hatte, zeigte er an einigen Proben, 1. wie handgreiflich viele der von Firkowitsch gemachten Fälschungen seien und 2. in wie raffinirter Weise F. selbstgemachten Epigraphen in Pergamentcodices den Schein hohen Alters zu geben verstanden...
Sida 124 - Ang. 1881. Fol. 7 SS. 11. Von FW Eastlake. * Lecture delivered in the City Hall, Hong-Kong, China, November 15th 1880 by FW Eastlake on the Cuneiform Inscriptions (gedruckt in vier langen Streifen). 12. Von Leonello Modona in Bologna. * La leggenda Christiania della rebellione e caduta degli Angeli in rapporto a due tavolette Assire del Museo Britannico, esame storico-critico per Leonello Modona. Bologna 1879. 8. In 100 Exemplaren. 13. Von der Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen...
Sida 87 - Sanskrit abounds in exceptions and irregular forms is a palpable proof of its being spoken generally by the common people at one time. The second part of the paper showed briefly how Sanskrit is regarded in India at the present day. It was stated that in spite of all the exaggerated difficulties of its grammar, the educated classes of India can and do use Sanskrit as a medium of intercommunication of every description and that it, being a kind of 'lingua franca' among learned men through out that...
Sida 93 - Bühler, for Professor Max Müller's "Sacred Books of the East," whereas the other has been translated by the editor himself. But I know it as a fact that several other competent scholars would have been only too glad to offer to the society the results of their labours, if they had not been given to understand that the state of the society's funds did not permit the committee to undertake to publish any more works. It appears, unfortunately, that, after Goldstücker's death, the committee thought...
Sida 133 - Onokotes, Caricaturnamen Christi unter Juden und Heiden. Ein Sendschreiben an Frederic W. Farrar DD. Berlin 1875. 8. 2. Esmun. Eine archäologische Untersuchung aus der Geschichte Phöniziens und Kanaans. 2. Ausg. Berlin. 47. Von Prof. Dr. H. Strack in Berlin. Firkowitsch und seine Entdeckungen. Leipz. 1876. 8. In vielen Exemplaren. 48. Von Herrn Leopold AF Arends in Berlin. LAF Arends, über den Sprachgesang der Vorzeit und die Herstellbarkeit der althebräischen Vokalmusik. Mit Musikbeilagen. Berlin...
Sida 119 - Syamacharan Ganguli. 18 SS. aus einer Zeitschrift. In 2 Exemplaren. 3. Von Rajah Comm. Sourindro Mohun Tagore, in Pathuriaghata Raj Bati, Calcutta. 1. The five principal Musicians of the Hindus, or a brief exposition of the essential elements of Hindu Music as set forth by the five celestial Musicians of India. An offering to the fifth International Congress of Orientalists, to be held at Berlin in Sept. 1881. Calcutta 1881. fol. 38 SS. Mit einem lithographirten Titelbild. In 200 Exemplaren.
Sida 130 - Vikrainorvasi, drama del poeta Indio Kalidasa en cinco actos, version directa del Sanscrit por ' D. Fr. Garcia Ayuso. Madrid 1874. kl. 8. geh. 3. Gramätica ärabe, segun el metodo de Ollendorf, por DF Garcia Ayuso. Madrid 1871. 8. geh. 4. Ensayo crftico de gramätica de los idiomas indo-europeos Sanskrit, Zend, Latin, Oricgo, Antiguo Eslavo, Litauico, Antiguo Aleinan y Armenio par D.
Sida 123 - Archivio Storico Artistico Archeologico e Letterario della Citta e Provincia di Roma, fondato e diretto da Fabio Gori.
Sida 94 - Series are no doubt doing excellent and highly useful work, thanks to the englihtened support of the Indian Government and the labours of native and European scholars; but is it not also desirable that a little more encouragement should be given to scholars at home for making accessible to our science the magnificent MS. treasures bestowed on their country by a Colebrooke, a Wilson, and a Wilkins? Some time ago Dr. WW Hunter, in a couple of lectures, set forth, in an attractive manner, "what England...
Sida 85 - ... Standing here, therefore, as I do this day, before the Members of this great International Congress as a Delegate of the Government of India, I must be allowed to say that it redounds greatly to the honour of that Government that in its desire to support the cultivation of Oriental studies in...

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