Sidor som bilder

Or fay, tis not your feale, not your inuention :

You can fay none of this. Well, grant it then,
And tell me in the modeftie of honor,

Why you haue giuen me fuch cleare lights of fauour,
Bad me come fmiling, and croffe-garter'd to you,
To put on yellow ftockings, and to frowne
Vpon fir Toby, and the lighter people :
And acting this in an obedient hope,
Why haue you fuffer'd me to be imprison'd,
Kept in a darke houfe, vifited by the Priest,
And made the most notorious gecke and gull,
That ere inuention plaid on? Tell me why?

Ol. Alas Maluolio, this is not my writing,
Though I confeffe much like the Charracter:
But out of queftion, tis Marias hand.
And now I do bethinke me, it was shee

Firft told me thou waft mad; then cam'ft in fmiling,
And in fuch formes, which heere were prefuppos'd
Vpon thee in the Letter: prethee be content,
This practice hath moft fhrewdly paft vpon thee:
But when we know the grounds, and authors of it,
Thou shalt be both the Plaintiffe and the Iudge
Of thine owne cause.

Fab. Good Madam heare me fpeake,
And let no quarrell, nor no braule to come,
Taint the condition of this prefent houre,
Which I haue wondred at. In hope it fhall not,
Moft freely I confeffe my felfe, and Toby
Set this deuice againft Maluolio heere,
Vpon fome ftubborne and vncourteous parts
We had conceiu'd against him. Maria writ
The Letter, at fir Tobyes great importance,
In recompence whereof, he hath married her :
How with a fportfull malice it was follow'd,
May rather plucke on laughter then reuenge,
If that the iniuries be iuftly weigh'd,
That haue on both fides paft.

all one: By the Lord Foole, I am not mad : but do you remember, Madam, why laugh you at fuch a barren rafcall, and you fmile not he's gag'd: and thus the whirlegigge of time, brings in his reuenges.

Mal. Ile be reueng'd on the whole packe of you?
Ol. He hath bene moft notoriously abus'd.
Du. Purfue him, and entreate him to a peace:
He hath not told vs of the Captaine yet,
When that is knowne, and golden time conuents
A folemne Combination fhall be made
Of our deere foules. Meane time sweet fifter,
We will not part from hence. Cefario come
(For fo you fhall be while you are a man:)
But when in other habites you are feene,
Orfino's Miftris, and his fancies Queene.

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01. Alas poore Foole, how haue they baffel'd thee? Clo. Why fome are borne great, fome atchieue greatneffe, and fome haue greatneffe throwne vpon them. was one fir, in this Enterlude, one fir Topas fir, but that's

the world begon,

bey bo, &c.


But that's all one, our Play is done,

and wee'l ftriue to please you every day.

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The Winters Tale.

Actus Primus. Scana Prima.

Enter Camillo and Archidamus.

F you fhall chance(Camillo) to vifit Bohemia, on the like occafion whereon my feruices are now on-foot, you shall fee(as I haue faid)great difference betwixt our Bobemia, and your Sicilia. Cam. I thinke, this comming Summer, the King of Sicilia meanes to pay Bohemia the Vifitation, which hee iuftly owes him.

Arch. Wherein our Entertainment shall shame vs: we will be iuftified in our Loues : for indeed--

Cam. 'Befeech you--

Arch. Verely I fpeake it in the freedome of my knowledge we cannot with fuch magnificence--- in fo rare-I know not what to fay---Wee will giue you sleepie Drinkes, that your Sences (vn-intelligent of our infufficience) may, though they cannot prayfe vs, as little accufe vs.

Cam. You pay a great deale to deare, for what's giuen freely.

Arch. 'Beleeue me, I fpeake as my vnderstanding inftructs me, and as mine honeftie puts it to vtterance.

Cam. Sicilia cannot fhew himfelfe ouer-kind to Bobemia: They were trayn'd together in their Child-hoods; and there rooted betwixt them then fuch an affection, which cannot chufe but braunch now. Since their more mature Dignities, and Royall Neceffities, made feperation of their Societie, their Encounters (though not Perfonall) hath been Royally attornyed with enter-change of Gifts, Letters, louing Embaffies, that they haue feem'd to be together, though abfent: fhooke hands, as ouer a Vast; and embrac'd as it were from the ends of oppofed Winds. The Heauens continue their Loues.

Arch. I thinke there is not in the World, either Malice or Matter, to alter it. You haue an vnspeakable comfort of your young Prince Mamillius: it is a Gentleman of the greatest Promife, that euer came into my Note.

Cam. I very well agree with you, in the hopes of him : it is a gallant Child; one, that (indeed) Phyficks the Subiect, makes old hearts fresh: they that went on Crutches ere he was borne, defire yet their life, to fee him a Man. Arch. Would they elfe be content to die?

Cam. Yes;if there were no other excufe, why they should defire to liue.

Arch. If the King had no Sonne, they would defire to liue on Crutches till he had one. Exeunt.

Scana Secunda.

Enter Leontes, Hermione,Mamillius, Polixenes, Camillo. Pol. Nine Changes of the Watry-Starre hath been

The Shepheards Note, fince we haue left our Throne
Without a Burthen: Time as long againe
Would be fill'd vp(my Brother) with our Thanks,
And yet we should, for perpetuitie,

Goe hence in debt: And therefore, like a Cypher
(Yet ftanding in rich place) I multiply

With one we thanke you, many thousands moe,
That goe before it.

Leo. Stay your Thanks a while,
And pay them when you part.

Pol. Sir, that's to morrow:

I am question'd by my feares, of what may chance,
Or breed vpon our abfence, that may blow
No fneaping Winds at home, to make vs say,
This is put forth too truly: befides, I haue stay'd
To tyre your Royaltie.

Leo. We are tougher (Brother)
Then you can put vs to't.

Pol. No longer stay.

Leo. One Seue'night longer.

Pol. Very footh, to morrow.

Leo. Wee'le part the time betweene's then:and in that Ile no gaine-faying.

Pol. Preffe me not ('befeech you) fo :

There is no Tongue that moues;none, none i'th'World
So foone as yours, could win me: so it should now,
Were there neceffitie in your request, although
"Twere needfull I deny'd it. My Affaires
Doe euen drag me home-ward: which to hinder,
Were (in your Loue) a Whip to me; my stay,
To you a Charge, and Trouble: to faue both,
Farewell (our Brother.)

Leo. Tongue-ty'd our Queene? fpeake you.

Her. I had thought (Sir) to haue held my peace, vntill You had drawne Oathes from him, not to stay: you(Sir) Charge him too coldly. Tell him, you are fure All in Bobemia's well : this fatisfaction, The by-gone-day proclaym'd, say this to him, He's beat from his best ward.

Leo. Well faid, Hermione.

Her. To tell, he longs to fee his Sonne, were strong: But let him fay fo then, and let him goe; But let him fweare fo, and he shall not stay, Wee'l thwack him hence with Diftaffes. Yet of your Royall prefence, Ile aduenture The borrow of a Weeke. When at Bobemia You take my Lord, Ile giue him my Commiffion, To let him there a Moneth, behind the Geft Prefix'd for's parting: yet (good-deed) Leontes, I loue thee not a Iarre o'th' Clock, behind

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To mingle friendship farre, is mingling bloods.
I haue Tremor Cordis on me: my heart daunces,
But not for ioy; not ioy. This Entertainment
May a free face put on: deriue a Libertie
From Heartineffe, from Bountie, fertile Bosome,
And well become the Agent: 't may; I graunt:
But to be padling Palmes, and pinching Fingers,
As now they are, and making practis'd Smiles
As in a Looking-Glaffe; and then to figh, as 'twere
The Mort o'th'Deere: oh, that is entertainment
My Bofome likes not, nor my Browes. Mamillius,
Art thou my Boy?

Mam. I, my good Lord.

Leo. I'fecks:

Why that's my Bawcock: what?has't fmutch'd thy Nofe?
They fay it is a Coppy out of mine. Come Captaine,
We must be neat ; not neat, but cleanly, Captaine :
And yet the Steere, the Heycfer, and the Calfe,
Are all call'd Neat. Still Virginalling

Vpon his Palme? How now (you wanton Calfe)
Art thou my Calfe?

Mam. Yes, if you will (my Lord.)

Leo.Thou want'ft a rough pafh, & the shoots that I haue
To be full, like me yet they fay we are
Almost as like as Egges; Women say so,
(That will fay any thing.) But were they falfe
As o're-dy'd Blacks, as Wind, as Waters;falfe
As Dice are to be wish'd, by one that fixes
No borne 'twixt his and mine; yet were it true,
To fay this Boy were like me. Come(Sir Page)
Looke on me with your Welkin eye: fweet Villaine,
Moft dear'ft, my Collop: Can thy Dam, may't be
Affection? thy Intention ftabs the Center.
Thou do'ft make poffible things not fo held,
Communicat'ft with Dreames(how can this be?)
With what's vnreall: thou coactiue art,

And fellow'ft nothing. Then 'tis very credent,
Thou may'ft co-ioyne with fomething, and thou do'ft,
(And that beyond Commiffion) and I find it,
(And that to the infection of my Braines,
And hardning of my Browes.)

Pol. What meanes Sicilia?

Her. He fomething feemes vnfetled.

Pol. How? my Lord?

[blocks in formation]

Of my Boyes face, me thoughts I did requoyle
Twentie three yeeres, and faw my felfe vn-breech'd,
In my greene Veluet Coat; my Dagger muzzel'd,
Leaft it should bite it's Master, and fo proue
(As Ornaments oft do's) too dangerous:
How like me thought) I then was to this Kernell,
This Squath, this Gentleman. Mine honeft Friend,

Will you take Egges for Money?

Mam. No (my Lord) Ile fight.

Leo. You will: why happy man be's dole. My Brother Are you fo fond of your young Prince, as we Doe feeme to be of ours?

Pol. If at home (Sir)

He's all my Exercife, my Mirth, my Matter;
Now my fworne Friend, and then mine Enemy;
My Parafite, my Souldier: Statef-man; all:
He makes a Julyes day, fhort as December,
And with his varying child-neffe, cures in me
Thoughts, that would thick my blood.

Leo. So ftands this Squire

Offic'd with me: We two will walke (my Lord)
And leaue you to your grauer steps. Hermione,
How thou lou'ft vs, fhew in our Brothers welcome;
Let what is deare in Sicily, be cheape:
Next to thy felfe, and my young Rouer, he's
Apparant to my heart.

Her. If you would feeke vs,

We are yours i'th'Garden: shall's attend you there?


Leo. To your owne bents difpofe you: you'le be found, you beneath the Sky: I am angling now,

(Though you perceiue me not how I giue Lyne)
Goe too, goe too.

How the holds vp the Neb? the Byll to him?
And armes her with the boldneffe of a Wife

To her allowing Husband. Gone already,

Ynch-thick, knee-deepe; ore head and eares a fork'd one.
Goe play (Boy) play: thy Mother playes, and I
Play too; but fo difgrac'd a part, whofe iffue
Will hiffe me to my Graue: Contempt and Clamor
Will be my Knell. Goe play (Boy) play, there haue been
(Or I am much deceiu'd) Cuckolds ere now,
And many a man there is (euen at this prefent,
Now, while I fpeake this) holds his Wife by th'Arme,
That little thinkes fhe ha's been fluyc'd in's abfence,
And his Pond fish'd by his next Neighbor (by
Sir Smile, his Neighbor:) nay, there's comfort in't,
Whiles other men haue Gates, and those Gates open'd
(As mine) against their will. Should all despaire
That haue reuolted Wiues, the tenth of Mankind
Would hang themfelues. Phyfick for't, there's none:
It is a bawdy Planet, that will strike

Where 'tis predominant; and 'tis powrefull: thinke it :
From Eaft, Weft, North, and South, be it concluded,
No Barricado for a Belly. Know't,

It will let in and out the Enemy,

With bag and baggage: many thousand on's

Haue the Difeafe, and feele't not. How now Boy?
Mam. I am like you fay.

Leo. Why,that's fome comfort.

What? Camillo there?

Cam. I, my good Lord.

Leo. Goe play (Mamillius) thou'rt an honest man: Camillo, this great Sir will yet stay longer.

Cam. You had much adoe to make his Anchor hold, When you caft out, it still came home.

Leo. Didft note it?

Cam. He would not ftay at your Petitions, made His Bufineffe more materiall.

Leo. Didft perceiue it?

They're here with me already; whisp’ring,rounding :
Sicilia is a fo-forth: 'tis farre gone,

When I shall guft it laft. How cam't (Camillo)
That he did ftay?

Cam. At the good Queenes entreatie.

Leo. At the Queenes be't: Good fhould be pertinent, But fo it is, it is not. Was this taken

By any vnderstanding Pate but thine?

For thy Conceit is foaking, will draw in

More then the common Blocks. Not noted, is't,
But of the finer Natures? by fome Seueralls

Of Head-peece extraordinarie? Lower Meffes
Perchance are to this Bufineffe purblind? fay.

Cam. Bufineffe, my Lord? I thinke most vnderstand Bobemia stayes here longer.

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Th'entreaties of your Mistresïe? Satisfie?

Let that fuffice. I haue trufted thee (Camillo)
With all the neereft things to my heart, as well
My Chamber-Councels, wherein (Priest-like)thou
Haft cleans'd my Bofome: I, from thee departed
Thy Penitent reform'd : but we haue been
Deceiu'd in thy Integritie, deceiu'd

In that which feemes fo.

Cam. Be it forbid (my Lord.)

Leo. To bide vpon't thou art not honeft: or If thou inclin'ft that way, thou art a Coward, Which hoxes honeftie behind, reftrayning

From Courfe requir'd: or else thou must be counted A Seruant, grafted in my ferious Truft,

And therein negligent or else a Foole,

That feeft a Game play'd home, the rich Stake drawne, And tak'ft it all for ieaft.

Cam. My gracious Lord,

I may be negligent, foolish, and fearefull,
In euery one of thefe, no man is free,
But that his negligence, his folly, feare,
Among the infinite doings of the World,
Sometime puts forth in your affaires (my Lord.)
If euer I were wilfull-negligent,

It was my folly : if induftriously

I play'd the Foole, it was my negligence,
Not weighing well the end: if euer fearefull
To doe a thing, where I the iffue doubted,
Whereof the execution did cry out
Against the non-performance, 'twas a feare
Which oft infects the wifeft: thefe (my Lord)
Are fuch allow'd Infirmities,that honestie

Is neuer free of. But befeech your Grace

Be plainer with me, let me know my Trespas By it's owne vifage; if I then deny it,

'Tis none of mine.

Leo. Ha' not you feene Camillo ?

(But that's paft doubt: you haue, or your eye-glasse

Is thicker then a Cuckolds Horne) or heard?

(For to a Vision fo apparant, Rumor
Cannot be mute) or thought? (for Cogitation
Refides not in that man, that do's not thinke)
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