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JANUARY, 1825.


THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOV). “ A child should never remember the time when he was ignorant of God,” was a sentiment expressed by one who had studied well the infant mind, and knew of what it is capable, when under proper instruction, aided by the divine blessing. And pious parents may take comfort, that while they are sowing the seeds of religion in the heart of a child, yet lisping on their knees, it shall not be lost, but shall spring up to the praise and glory of God.

Little Mary was just four years old. She had been separated from her mother for some time, and had, as yet, heard nothing of God. This pious parent, wishing that the child's first impression of the greatness and majesty of the supreme Being should be pleasing, hit on the following method: Mary lived in a close part of London, where she seldom enjoyed the fresh air of the country. One fine evening, after a hot and sultry day, her mother told her she would take her to see a pretty garden a little way out of town; and desired her to prepare for the walk. The little girl obeyed with a joyful heart; and nothing

could exceed the delight she felt, as she jumped, and ran, and walked before her mother. The garden belonged to a man, who excelled in all kinds of fruit and flowers. He gathered a nosegay from his choicest plants, and gave them a charming treat from his finest fruit. Mary was struck with wonder; and feasted for sometime in silence. At length she said, “what a nice garden this is, Mama; and what a kind man, to make such sweet flowers, and such good fruit for people !"-"My dear, listen to me (replied her mother.) The gardener did not make the least flower that grows here. Look up to the blue sky above your head, my Mary. Beyond those bright clouds, there is a great and holy, and powerful Being. His name is God. He made all things. All the men and women who are alive in the world were created by him; and all the trees and flowers, you so much admire, were the works of his hands. This great God knows all things; he sees all things; and he is so good, that he takes care of all his creatures; even such a little helpless child, as you are, my Mary. He gives you every comfort you enjoy. He gave you your dear parents, your brothers and sisters, and kind friends. He made you strong and healthy; provides you with food and clothes, and

watches over you when you wake, and when you sleep.”_" But, Mama, yon make my clothes; and when I was sick, you nursed me and made me well.”ir My dear, God helped me to do this. The clothes you wear, first came from hiin. The frock you have on now is made of cotton, which once grew in a field. The coats your brothers wear are made of wool, which grew on a sheep's back. The food you eat comes from God. The beef you had for dinner to day was the flesh of an ox. The chicken came from a little egg. The potatoes and carrots grew in the earth. And, my dear, the very medicines I gave you when you were ill, were made from herbs; and these I could not turn to your good, nor the food I give you to your nourishment. It is God who does all this. And ought you not to love this good God?" Little Mary was affected. Her eyes filled with tears. “Mama, tell me more of God; I did not know that he was so very good to me.”-“We will talk about God every day, my dear, and you will learn to love him. Then you will be his child, and he will be your father and friend for ever.-Do you remember that great book I read in every day, Mary?” “Yes, Mama."-"Well, that book is called the Bible. It tells us about God, and what we must do to

please him. Do you not wish to please

this good God ?” “Oh yes; but I am · so little what can I do for God?” “You must fear him, my child; for as I told you before, he knows all you do, or say, or think. You must love him with all your heart, and obey all his commands ; he tells you to obey your father and me; to speak the truth always, and to love your fellow-creatures. We are not to stay for ever in this world; but God has promised those who love and serve him here, that they shall live with him in a far better world than this; and be happy for ever and ever. Here you sometimes cry and are sorry; but there you will shed no tears. Here you have pain; but there is no pain in that blessed place.-If you are a wicked child, God will be angry with you. He will not suffer you to dwell with him; but you will be separated from him for ever." Mary became thoughtful. “What is my child thinking about?” asked her mother. “Mama, I shall never live with God. I am often cross to my sister Lucy; I do not always obey you ; and you know I told a story one day.' My dear, God has said lie will punish sin; but he is of tender mercy; and he has promised to forgive those who are sorry for their sins. Now you are sorry for offending God, are you not? Then

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