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had learned them, when the number first came out. After tea, he conversed with her upon her state as a sinner, and spoke strongly of the importance of holy dispositions, in order to enable us to enjoy heaven. This made a great impression upon her. She ex. pressed with much feeling a deep concern for all her naughty tempers, told him of the painful period before mentioned : and begged him to pray, that all her sins might be forgiven, and subdued, and washed clean away in the precious blood of Jesus Christ; that she might be made a holy child, a lamb of Christ's flock, and go to him when she died; that her dear mama, and her dear sis. ters, might love the Lord Jesus Christ, and go to heaven too. From this time, these petitions had always a leading place in her own prayers. During this visit also, she repeated several portions of the Holy Scrip. tures, and some hymns with great energy ; and enjoyed with sacred delight what he read and repeated to her. She dwelt much upon the hymn beginning, “ Jesu, lover of my soul;” and requested us to sing that which begins, “Not all the blood of beasts," which was, I think, her chief favourite.

(To be concluded in our next.)

SHORT SERMON. “ Sanctify the Lord of Hosts himself; and let him • be your fear, and let him be your dread.”--

Isaiah viji. 13.
I hope most of my young readers

know, that the word “sanctify" means “ to make holy;" and by the “ Lord of Hosts” is meant that great God, who has armies of angels, and “spirits of just men made perfect," at his command. Now to " sanctify the Lord of Hosts himself,” is to have your hearts filled with high and holy thoughts of this great God; and, as “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh," to let your friends and play-fellows see, that by your conduct and example you are always striving to serve and obey this Lord of Hosts, as the armies in heaven do.

We now come to the second part of our text-"Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.”

I need not explain what « fear and dread” are; for I am sorry to say, that many children have this feeling at some times when they would be better without it. I know little girls who will run away at the sight of a dog or a cow; their “ fear and dread” are so great. I know some children, who cannot go up and down stairs in the dark; and others who cannot sleep, unless their dour is open, or some one in the room with them: and all from this “ fear and dread" of they know not what. Now such silly fears as these make children very unhappy themselves, and their friends tov:

but how can they get the better of them?

Let your chief fear be, lest you should lose God's favour ; and your chief dread, lest you should incur God's anger.

1. To do this, you must put yourself under God's care : go upon your knees; tell him you are a poor, sinful, helpless child ; but beg him to take you into his family, to make you holy and to keep you from evil.

2. You must pray that the Holy Spirit will make you know what sins those are which most easily beset you-you must also pray to him to give you a tender conscience that you may fly from sin, or (having been tempted to wickedness) may grieve over it, and heartily ask God's pardon in the name of Jesus.

Now a child who in good earnest thus makes the Lord of Hosts his fear and dread, will soon lose all worldly fear. “What,” says such an one, “if God be for us, who shall be against us?” Why should I be afraid when nothing can harm me without his will ? For i know he is “stronger than the strong man armed,” and “ withdraweth not his eyes from the righteous.” Here is a happy child, let him be rich or poor. “He has God for his father and friend for


But I must say a little word to those children, who do not “fear God, nor love him, nor seek to please him.” No wonder you are afraid. I cannot expect you to be otherwise; there are dangers on your right hand and on your left; and you have no reason to hope that God will give his angels charge over you! An evil conscience always makes a coward. It is said thieves are cowards; and see what a coward Cain was, when God turned him from his presence, a fugitive and vagabond upon the face of the earth. It is not too late for you to turn to God; make him your friend ; and you will have nothing to fear.

SCRIPTURE ILLUSTRATIONS, (From Jowett's Christian Researches.) On the east side of the Nile, I saw a cattle fair. Several buffaloes were swimming, from the opposite side, across the water. Their unwieldly body sinks deep into the water, so that only a part of the neck is level with the surface; while their uplifted head just raises the snorting nostrils above the water. Often a little Arab boy takes his passage across the Nile upon the back of this ani. mal; setting his feet on the shoulders, hold. ing fast by the horns, and thus keeping his balance. As the buffaloes rose out of the water on the bank, I was struck with their large bony size, compared with the little that had appeared of them while in the water. It brought to mind the passage in Genesis, " Behold, he stood by the river : and behold there came up, out of the river, seven well-favoured kine and fat-fleshed ;

and they fed in a meadow.” It was the very scene, and the very country.

“The earth brought forth by handfuls ;” Gen. xli. 47. This I witnessed. I plucked up at random, a few stalks out of the thick corn-fields. We counted the number of stalks, which sprouted from single grains of seed ; carefully pulling to pieces each root, in order to see that it was but one plant. The first had seven stalks; the next, three; the next, nine; then eighteen; then fourteen. Each stalk would bear an ear.

At one place the people were making bricks, with straw cut into small pieces, and mingled with the clay to bind it. Hence it is, that, when villages built of these bricks, fall into rubbish, which is often the case, the roads are full of small particles of straws, extremely offensive to the eyes in a high wind : they were, in short, engaged exactly as the Israelites used to be, making brick's with straw; and for a similar purpose-to build extensive granaries for the bashaw: treasure-cities for Pharaoh. Exod. i. 11.


PART 1. My little friend, come listen to my speech, While I attempt in easy words to teach How all we see should lead us to the Lord; And in your memory my verse record..

That dazzling sun which shines so very

bright, And fills all heaven with his glorious light,

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