Characters of Shakespeare's Plays: in large printBoD – Books on Demand, 3 feb. 2023 - 392 sidor Reproduction of the original. |
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Characters of Shakespeare's Plays: & Lectures on the English Poets William Hazlitt Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2015 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
admirable affections answer appear beauty better blood breath character circumstances comedy comes common critic death doth equal everything expression eyes fall Falstaff father fear feeling fool force fortune friends genius give grace hand hath Hazlitt hear heart heaven Henry hope Hubert human Iago imagination interest keep kind king lady Lear less light live look lord Macbeth manner master means mind moral nature never night noble object observations once Othello passages passion perhaps person piece play pleasure poet poetry poor present prince reason respect rich Richard scene seems sense Shakespeare sleep soul speak speech spirit stage stand story striking sweet tell tender thee things thou thought true truth turn whole young youth