A history of Christian doctrines, tr. with additions, Volym 1 |
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Sida 14
... Philo- sophie , Leipzig 1798-1819 , 11 Bde . [ The " Grundriss " of the same author is published in English under the title : " A Manual of the History of Philosophy , " translated from the German by the Rev. Arthur Johnson , Oxf . 1832 ...
... Philo- sophie , Leipzig 1798-1819 , 11 Bde . [ The " Grundriss " of the same author is published in English under the title : " A Manual of the History of Philosophy , " translated from the German by the Rev. Arthur Johnson , Oxf . 1832 ...
Sida 34
... Philo- B. COLLECTIONS OF THE WORKS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WRITERS DURING THE MIDDLE AGES ( more important for Ecclesiastical History in general than for the History of Doctrines in particular ) : Meibomius , Basnage , Muratori , Mabillon ...
... Philo- B. COLLECTIONS OF THE WORKS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WRITERS DURING THE MIDDLE AGES ( more important for Ecclesiastical History in general than for the History of Doctrines in particular ) : Meibomius , Basnage , Muratori , Mabillon ...
Sida 59
... Philo und die alexandrinische Theosophie , 2 parts , Stuttgart 1831. By the same : Das Jahrhundert des Heils , 2 parts , Stuttg . 1836 ( zur Geschichte des Urchristenthums ) . Georgü , über die neuesten Gegensätze in Auffassung der ...
... Philo und die alexandrinische Theosophie , 2 parts , Stuttgart 1831. By the same : Das Jahrhundert des Heils , 2 parts , Stuttg . 1836 ( zur Geschichte des Urchristenthums ) . Georgü , über die neuesten Gegensätze in Auffassung der ...
Sida 60
... Philo's book , De Opificio Mundi , by J. G. Müller , Berlin 1841. [ Philo Judæus , transl . in Bohn's Eccles . Library , by Yonge , 4 vols . ] Edw . von Muralt , Untersuchungen über Philo in Beziehung auf die der ( Petersburger ) ...
... Philo's book , De Opificio Mundi , by J. G. Müller , Berlin 1841. [ Philo Judæus , transl . in Bohn's Eccles . Library , by Yonge , 4 vols . ] Edw . von Muralt , Untersuchungen über Philo in Beziehung auf die der ( Petersburger ) ...
Sida 85
... philo- sopher Crescens . His two Apologies are of special importance ; the longer addressed to Antoninus Pius , the other to the Roman Senate ( the numbering varies , see Neander , i . 3 , s . 1111 , and Semisch , ubi supra , s . 911 ) ...
... philo- sopher Crescens . His two Apologies are of special importance ; the longer addressed to Antoninus Pius , the other to the Roman Senate ( the numbering varies , see Neander , i . 3 , s . 1111 , and Semisch , ubi supra , s . 911 ) ...
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Andra upplagor - Visa alla
A History of Christian Doctrines, Tr. with Additions Karl Rudolph Hagenbach Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2015 |
A History Of Christian Doctrines, Tr. With Additions Karl Rudolph Hagenbach Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2018 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
according Alexandria Alexandrian school Apol apostles Arian autem baptism Baur Bishop Cels Christ Christian christlichen Christology Church Clem Clement Clement of Alexandria Cölln Comp Cyprian Deus divine dogmatic Dogmatik Dogmengesch Dogmengeschichte Dorner Ebionites Ecclesiæ ecclesiastical edition enim Epistle Euseb F. C. Baur faith Fathers Gesch Geschichte Gieseler Gnostics Hær heresies heretics Hilgenfeld Hist History of Doctrines idea Irenæus Jesus Justin Kirche Lehre Leipz Logos Lond Manichæism Marcion Montanists Münscher Neander opinion Origen Pæd passages period Philo quæ quod Sabellianism Sabellius Scripture Semisch soul Spirit Strom sunt Tatian tendency Tert Tertullian Testament Theodoret Theol theology transl Tryph Tüb vols writings Zeitschrift ἀλλ ἀλλὰ αὐτοῦ γὰρ δὲ δι διὰ εἶναι εἰς ἐκ ἐν ἐστιν καὶ κατὰ λόγος μὲν μὴ οἱ οὐ οὐκ περὶ πνεῦμα πρὸς τὰ τε τὴν τῆς τὸ τοῖς τὸν τοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ τῷ τῶν ὡς
Populära avsnitt
Sida 382 - Trinitatem in unitate veneremur; neque confundentes personas, neque substantiam separantes; alia est enim persona Patris, alia Filii, alia Spiritus Sancti; sed Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti una est divinitas, aequalis gloria, coaeterna majestas.
Sida 104 - Viderint qui Stoicum, et Platonicum, et Dialecticum Christianismum protulerunt. Nobis curiositate opus non est, post Christum Jesum, nee inquisitione, post evangelium.
Sida 397 - Nam sicut anima rationalis et caro unus est homo, ita Deus et homo unus est Christus.
Sida 320 - Aliud est ad veniam stare, aliud ad gloriam pervenire, aliud missum in carcerem non exire inde, donee solvat...
Sida 296 - Seipsum primus obtulit, et hoc fieri in sui commemorationem praecepit, utique ille sacerdos vice Christi vere fungitur, qui id quod Christus fecit, imitatur ; et sacrificium verum et plenum tune offert in ecclesia Deo Patri, si sic incipiat offerre, secundum quod Ipsum Christum videat obtulisse.
Sida 382 - Et in hac Trinitate nihil prius aut posterius, nihil majus aut minus, sed totae tres personae coaeternae sibi sunt et coaequales.
Sida 178 - Ecclesia proprie et principaliter ipse est Spiritus in quo est trinitas unius divinitatis Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanetus. Illam Ecclesiam congregat, quam Dominus in tribus posuit.
Sida 430 - Rom. ix. 20, and adducing examples from sacred history. Even in this life worldly goods, health, beauty, physical and intellectual powers, are distributed unequally, and not always in accordance with human views of merit, ibid.
Sida 166 - Hunc missum a patre in virginem et ex ea natum, hominem et Deum, filium hominis et filium Dei, et cognominatum Jesum Christum...