Sidor som bilder

Cadillac, i. 32; Vaudreuil re-
ports the attack on Deerfield to,
i. 68; his attitude concerning
the inciting of the Indians to
war against the English, i. 102;
letter from Subercase to, i. 116;
De Goutin's reports to, i. 117;
Subercase's complaints to, i.
117; Acadian gossip reported
to, i. 118, 119; Nicholson's ex-
pedition reported to, i. 142;
Subercase's report of the siege
of Port Royal to, i. 155; ap-
proves of Costebelle's scheme,
i. 158; his letter to the Acadian
priests, i. 190; Iberville and his
brothers accused to, i. 306, 307;
La Vente's memorial to, i. 313;
ii. 318.

Ponchartrain, Fort, built by Cadil-
lac, i. 28, 279. See also Detroit,

Ponchartrain, Lake, i. 302.

another attack on, i. 145; the
attack on, i. 151; surrenders to
Nicholson, i. 153; its name
changed to Annapolis Royal, i.
154; Vetch commissioned as
governor of, i. 154; previously
in the possession of New Eng-
land, i. 154; its capture means
the conquest of Acadia, i. 155;
ii. 47, 49, 50; Ramesay advances
upon, ii. 169; should be restored
to France, ii. 260; ii. 267, 268,
270, 272, 273. See also Annap-

Port Royal Basin, i. 127.
Portsmouth, i. 5, 49, 51; proposed

French and Indian attack on,
i. 96, 97; Vetch at, i. 136; con-
ference between Governor Dud-
ley and the Abenakis at, i. 220;
ii. 65, 155, 182.

Portugal, i. 145; ii. 167, 270.
Poskoiac River, the, ii. 14.

Pontbriand, Bishop, letters of, ii. Postes de la Mer de l'Ouest, ii.


Ponthieu, regiment of, ii. 158, 159. Pottawattamies, the, i. 14; at De-
Pontoosuc, see Pittsfield.
troit, i. 275, 283; the village of,
i. 279.

Popple, Mr., i. 137.

Porpoise, Cape, Indian attack on, Poubomcoup, Marie Muis de, i.
i. 44.

Port à l'Anglois, i. 187.

Poutrincourt, Baron de, i. 113.

Porte Dauphine, the, see West Powder River Range, the, ii. 24.


Portland, city of, i. 45.

Port Louis, ii. 166, 167.
Port Royal, i. 107, 110; the seat
of government, i. 112; Major
Church plans an attack on, i.
121; Governor Dudley refuses
to allow an attack to be made
on, i. 121; Major Church at, i.
123; Massachusetts passes a re-
solve for an expedition against,
i. 125; failure of the expedition,
i. 129-131; New England plans

VOL. II. 26

Preble, Captain, ii. 197.

Prentice, Rev. Mr., ii. 115.
Price, attacks the French and In-
dians, i. 98.

Priests, the, in Canada, vast pos-
sessions of, i. 25.

"Prince d'Orange," the, ii. 159,
160, 165.

Prince Edward's Island, i. 207.
Prince, Rev. Thomas, ii. 77.
Protestantism, bound up with the
new political order, i. 192.
Protestant Reformation, the, i. 214.

[blocks in formation]

Provincial Assembly, the, ii. 232.
Puants, the, see Winnebagoes, the.
Puritanism, the antique, i. 223.
Puritans, the, dislike Joseph Dud-
ley, i. 105.
Purpooduck Point, Indian attack
on, i. 45.

Putnam, Israel, at Bunker Hill,
ii. 90.

Payzieulx, De, ii. 274.

QUAKERS, the, in Pennsylvania, i.

Quary, Colonel, i. 8; on the trade
between Boston and the French
of Acadia, i. 108.
Quebec, i. 6; Dudley urges the

capture of, i. 103; the English
plan to attack, i. 135; excited in
expectation of Nicholson's at-
tack, i. 142; Viscount Shannon
ordered to attack, i. 149;
Walker's expedition plans to
attack, i. 165; its joy over its
deliverance from the English, i.
180; Saint-Pierre at, ii. 41; the
English plan to attack, ii. 153;
ii. 335, 354.

Quebec, the Bishop of, i. 194, 200;
ii. 179, 354, 355.
Queen Anne's War, i. 3, 17, 34-54;

essential purpose of, i. 47; at-
tack on Hampton, i. 48; on
Black Point, i. 48; on York, i.
48; on Berwick, i. 48; on Ha-
verhill, i. 49.

Queen's Bastion, the, at Louis-
bourg, ii. 301.
Quesnel, i. 363, 364.
Quinipissas, the, see Bayagoulas,

RAINY LAKE, ii. 12; Fort St. Pierre
at, ii. 14.

Rale, Father Sebastien, the Jesuit,
at Norridgewock, i. 37; the most
conspicuous and interesting fig-
ure among the later French-
American Jesuits, i. 214; early
life of, i. 217; among the Abe-
nakis, i. 217; his work at Nor-
ridgewock, i. 218-220; his
knowledge of the Indian lan-
guages, i. 220; on the treaty
between Governor Dudley and
the Abenakis, i. 221; on the
land trades between the English
and the Indians, i. 222; foments
the irritation of the Norridge-
wocks, i. 224; his controversy
with Baxter, i. 229; his corre-
spondence with the New Eng-
land ministers, i. 230; urges the
Norridgewocks to war, i. 231;
prevents peace being made at
Georgetown, i. 233, 234; price
placed on his head by the Eng-
lish, i. 237; Colonel Westbrook
tries to arrest, i. 238; his papers
secured by the English, i. 238;
killed by Benjamin Jaques, i.
247; estimate of his character,
i. 248, 249; his commission from
Vaudreuil, i. 250; at Fort St.
Louis, i. 327.

the attack on Wells, i. 42; on
the Falls of the Saco, i. 44; on
Spurwink, i. 44; on Cape Por-
poise, i. 44; on Winter Harbor,
i. 44; on Scarborough, i. 44 ; on
Purpooduck Point, i. 45; on
Falmouth, i. 45; due less to the
Abenakis than to the French, i.
46; the loss of life, i. 47; the | Ralle, Rallé, Rallee, see Rale.

Red River Raft, the, i. 356.
Reed, Josiah, ii. 252; death of,

ii. 255.
Rémonville, Sieur de, proposes to
form a company for the settle-
ment of Louisiana, i. 299; i. 309.
Renaissance, the, far more than
a revival of arts and letters, i.

Renards, the, see Outagamies, the.
Renaudière, see La Renaudière.
Renommé," the, ii. 92, 312.
Repentigny, ii. 185.

[ocr errors]

Rameau, i. 209, 327.
Ramesay, governor of Montreal,
on the attack of Deerfield, i. 70;
on Beaucour's unsuccessful ex-
pedition against Connecticut, i.
96; sent out against Nicholson's
expedition, i. 140; accomplishes
nothing, i. 141; on the number
of Nicholson's force, i. 142;
complains of English instiga-
tion, i. 331; sent to Acadia, ii.
169; advances upon Port Royal,
ii. 169; ii. 172, 175, 176; tries
to persuade the Acadians to join | Rhode Island, the colony of, i. 8,
his expedition against Annap-
olis, ii. 181; retreats from Grand
Pré to Chignecto, ii. 182, 183,
184; plans to surprise Noble, ii.
184; accident to, ii. 185; makes
good use of the victory over the
English at Grand Pré, ii. 200;
letter from the Acadians to, ii.
201; his peremptory orders to
the Acadians, ii. 203; ii. 343,
347, 349, 351.
Ramillies, i. 163.

Ramsay, R. A., on the Gill family,

i. 93.

Rasle, Rasles, see Rale.
Rasser, ii. 293.

Raudot, the Canadian intendant,
on the French and Indian attack
on Haverhill, i. 99; his letters
to Ponchartrain, i. 119; urges
the occupation by the French of
Cape Breton, i. 186.
Ravistock Parish, ii. 74.
Reade, Gen. J. Meredith, i. 350.
Rebald, Père, i. 368.
Rebateau, M., ii. 158.
Récollet Friars, the, i. 24, 25, 118.
Rednap, the English engineer, in
the expedition against Port
Royal, i. 125, 126, 128.
Red River, i. 355.

121; joins an expedition against
Port Royal, i. 125; ordered to
furnish troops for the conquest
of Canada, i. 135, 143; decides
to attack Port Royal, i. 145 ;
expense of her futile expedition
of 1707, i. 146, 150; French
scheme to destroy, i. 162;
ordered to make ready for the
Canadian expedition, i. 165;
joins Shirley's expedition against
Louisbourg, ii. 69, 71; loses
faith, ii. 82; reimbursed by
England for expenditures on
the Louisbourg expedition, ii.
143; supports the plan to con-
quer Canada, ii. 152; responds
to Shirley's call to the defence
of Annapolis, ii. 182; ii. 343,

Rhodes, Captain, at Louisbourg,
ii. 112.

Ribaut, voyages of, ii. 47.
Richardson, Captain, ii. 91.
Richelieu, Cardinal, ii. 268.
Richmond, Colonel, at Louisbourg,
ii. 132.

Richmond, Fort, i. 222, 245.
Richmond, town of, i. 222.
Richmond's Island, i. 53.
Rigaud, see Vaudreuil, Rigaud de.

Rigauville, at Grand Pré, ii. 191.
Ring, Joseph, burned alive by
Indians, i. 48.

Rio del Norte, the, i. 311.
Rio Grande, the, i. 355.
Rivière-aux-Canards, settlement
of, ii. 197, 199, 203.
Robbins, Jonathan, i. 258; raises

a company to hunt Indians,
i. 259; wounded, i. 262, 264.
Roberts, Colonel, burns the fort at
Albany, ii. 210.

Louisbourg expedition, ii. 83;
English recognition of, ii. 142;
ii. 281.
Rousseau, France drunk with
the wild dreams of, i. 4.
Rouville, Hertel de, commands
the expedition against New
England, i. 56; attacks Deer-
field, i. 59; the number of
prisoners, i. 67; wounded, i. 68;
commands a second expedition
against New England, i. 96.

Robinson, John, attacked by the Rowe, town of, ii. 231.

Indians, i. 244.

Rochefort, i. 153.

Rochefort Point, ii. 149.

Roxbury, ii. 67.

Royal Battery, the, ii. 85, 93, 277,

278, 279, 280, 282, 288, 294.

Rochelle, i. 153, 308; ii. 158, 161, Royal gate, the, at Louisbourg, ii.


[blocks in formation]


Roy, Jacques, marriage of, i. 89.
| “Ruben,” at Louisbourg, ii. 120.
Rum, in Canada, i. 112.
Rutland, i. 244, 251.
Ryswick, the Peace of, i. 4, 7, 11,
59, 134, 213.

SABLE, CAPE, ii. 164, 165, 201,
320, 326, 328, 345.
Sable, Island, ii. 159, 273.
Sabrevois, Sieur de, ii. 239.
Saco, hamlet of, i. 46; rises from
its ashes, i. 222; ii. 75.

Saco, the Falls of the, Indian at-

tack at, i. 44, 256.

Saco River, the, i. 36, 37, 50, 256,
259,261, 268.

Sacs, the, i. 14; on Fox River, i.

275; at Detroit, i. 283, 292;
called to a council at Green
Bay, i. 336; the Outagamies
incorporate themselves with, i.
344; i. 350.

Sacs and Foxes, the, i. 344.
Saddleback Mountain, ii. 243.
Sadler, escapes from the Indians,
ii. 250.


Sâgean, Mathieu, the romance of, | St. Francis, the Abenaki mission

i. 354.

Saginaws, the, attack the Outa-
gamies, i. 330; make raids on
the Miamis, i. 335.
Saguina, the Ottawa chief, i. 281,
283, 284, 289.

St. André River, the, i. 368.
Saint-Ange, Sieur de, i. 340.
Saint-Ange, the younger, i. 340;
at Fort Orléans, i. 361.
St. Antoine, Fort, i. 351.
St. Bartholomew, Island of, i.

Saint-Castin, Baron Vincent de,
draws up a plan for attacking
Boston, i. 6; fort of, i. 122; i.

Saint-Castin, the younger, i. 38;
on the Kennebec, i. 234; ar-
rested by the English, i. 237;
liberated, i. 237; ii. 261, 266.
St. Charles, Fort, on the Lake of
the Woods, ii. 14.

of, i. 217, 234.

St. George, Fort, attacks of the
Penobscots on, i. 254.

St. George River, the, i. 213; fort
on, i. 243; conference between
the English and the Penobscots
at, i. 254; ii. 267, 268.
St. Germain, Treaty of, ii. 259,
268, 269, 270.

St. Jean de Luz, ii. 289.
St. John, Secretary of State, i.


St. John, chief station of the Eng-
lish at, i. 131; attacked by Su-
bercase, i. 131, 132; Subercase
repulsed, i. 132; captured by
Saint-Ovide, i. 132, 133.

St. John River, the, i. 213; ii. 311.
St. Joseph River, the, i. 281, 340,
341; ii. 57.

St. Lawrence, the Gulf of, i. 104,
186, 324.

St. Lawrence River, the, i. 13, 21,
134, 135, 165, 169, 170, 175, 186,
212; ii. 153, 218, 258, 260, 327,

St. Christopher, Island of, contri-
bution of New England to the
sufferers of, i. 100; i. 186.
Saint-Clair, Lieutenant-General, ii. St. Louis, city of, i. 13, 328.
153, 155, 328.

St. Croix River, the, i. 213; ii.
260, 266.

Saint-Denis, Juchereau de, sent to
explore western Louisiana, i.
355; his experiences with the
Spaniards, i. 355.
Saint-Denis, Mother Juchereau de,
i. 178; on the deliverance of
Quebec from the English, i. 180;
on the death of Admiral Walker,
i. 182.

St. Domingo, i. 321, 323.
St. Esprit, ii. 288, 289.

St. Etienne, Lieutenant, ii. 293.
St. Francis, Abenaki village of, i.
78, 79; ii. 244.

St. Louis, Fort, the Illinois In-
dians at, i. 275; the Kaskaskias
at, i. 327.

St. Louis, mission of, i. 80.
St. Louis, the Rock of, i. 327.
Ste. Marie, ii. 297, 308.

St. Martin, Island of, i. 186.
Saint Michael the Archangel,
mission of, ii. 7.

Saint-Ours, ii. 185. See also Des
Chaillons, Saint-Ours.
Saint-Ovide, Sieur de, captures St.
John, i. 132; on the apathy of
the Acadians, i. 197; governor
at Louisbourg, i. 204, 205; ad-
vises the Acadians concerning
the oath of alliance, i. 206.

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