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6853, 6861.

Throop, B. II., 6161.

Throop, D., letter, 1776. 3373.

Throope family, 5051.

Thrum, T. G., 7130.

Thurston, G. P., 6666, 6667, 6670, 6672.


Thurston, J., will, 1674. 6856.

Thruston exhibit, Tennessee archeology.


Thruston family, 6852-6874.

Thurston, A. S., 3400, 3406.

Thurston, B., 1714.

Thurston, M. E., 4283.

Thurston, R., memoranda of family deaths

1720-1770. 3374.

Thurston, R. H., 4297.

Thurston family of Newbury, 3400.

Thwaites, R. G., 10, 15, 26, 205, 812, 1422,
1513, 5802, 6925, 6933, 6935, 6936,
6939, 6959, 6983, 6987, 6988, 6991,
6994, 6997, 7001, 7005, 7006, 7007,
7015, 7019, 7022, 7026, 7028, 7039,
7040, 7061, 7066, 7074, 7101, 7104,

Thwing, N., 3395.

Tibbles, T. H., 4417.

Tibet, explorations, 904.

Sven Hedin in, 903.

Tichenor, I. T., 1284.

Ticknor, Geo., 2773, 2811, 2835, 7443.
Ticknor, H. M., 3686.

Ticonderoga, Vt., battle, 1758. 4541, 5149.
capture of, 1775. 1981, 6735, 6737.
Ticonderoga expedition, 1756, conduct of
Gen. John Winslow, 2624.
Ticonderoga, expedition against, 1758.
2257, 2404.

Ticonderoga expedition, 1775. 1119, 3388,


papers relating to, 1109.

Tidal bore, 577, 578.

Tides, Atlantic coast, 899.

Atlantic estuarine, 899.

Bay of Fundy, 7474.
Chesapeake Bay, 900.

Tilghman, J., 6066.

Tilghman, T., letters to Mr. Wilmot, 1774.


Tilghman, W., letter to J. Yeates, 1814.

Tilley, R. H., 4894.

Tillinghast, P. E., 6597.
Tilton, A. C., 7053.

Tilton, M. Josephine, 5744.
Timber line, 575, 905.

Time, computation of, 6058, 6059.
proposed change of marking, 7148r.
unification of, at sea, 7321.

Time signal, special, 1904. 905.
Timm, Adolph, 885.

Timrod, Henry, bibliography, 1283.
Timson family, 6853.

Tin-Tin, a mission Indian, 1016.
Tindall, W., 1266, 1267.
Tinneh language, 7318.
Tinneh vocabulary, 7187.
Tippecanoe, battle of, 1624.
Tipton, T. W., 4416.

Tipulidae, tertiary, 760.
Tisdale, H., 1581.

Tishomingo Creek, battle of, 4349.
Tissot, Father, diary, 929.

Titan's New Almanack, 1729. 2139.
Tithingmen, 196, 292.

Massachusetts, 314.

Saxon, in America, 312, 1813.
Titicaca, Lake, basin of, 7391.

Title deeds, places to search for, 3367.
Tittman, O. H., 898, 904.

Titus, A., 3396, 3398, 3400, 3407, 3408,
3411, 3413, 3729, 3769, 3789, 4209,
4216, 5044.

Titus, A., jr., 3394, 5027.
Titus family, 5027.

Toasts, old-time political, 6187.

Tobacco, Virginia, in Russia in seventeenth

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bill of estate made between 1723 and

1725. 2271, 4165.

boundary in 1691. 2244.
Boyd-Peabody-Waters House, 4173.

buildings constructed during 1902. 4171. caucus of 1808. 2258.

celebration, July 4, 1826. 4168.

cemetery inscriptions, 1833-1900. 4169. chronology of events in 1902. 4171. church members, 1684-1751. 3374. church records, 2262, 2468. court records, 1642-1657. 4167. Cummings burying ground, inscriptions, 4167.

deaths, 1658-1800. 2271, 2521, 4165. fires in, 4171.

houses and buildings, 4171.

Howlett mills, 4165.

in 1828. 4169.

in 1836. 4169.

Lake burying ground, inscriptions, 4173. manuscript records of the town, alphabetical index, 4177.

meetinghouse on the Common, 4166. seating, the, in the meetinghouse, 1762

and 1771. 4169.

men who took the oath of allegiance and fidelity, 1677-78. 2271, 4165. Methodist Episcopal Church, historical sketch, 4165.

minute men at battle of Lexington. 4163. newspaper items relating to, 4167, 4173. newspaper items, August 14, 1770-November 2, 1800. 4164.

old oak at, 4169.

Peabody-Batchelder-Young house, 4173. Pine Grove Cemetery, inscriptions, 1717

1849. 4169.

Rea Tavern, burning of, October, 1836.


early records, 1639-1684. 4164, 4165. Revolutionary war records, 2260a. 4173. settlement of, 4163.

South Side Cemetery, inscriptions, 4167. Suffolk deeds, abstracts from relating to early settlers, 4168. tazpayers, delinquent, 1663. 4169. tax rate, 1687.


two hundred and fiftieth anniversary cele

bration, 4168.

village in 1800.


vital records to 1849. 4171-4173, 4176. vital statistics, 1900-1904. 4168, 4171

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[blocks in formation]

Townsend Harbor, Mass., 3196.

Townsend House, 2195, 2204.

Townsend, Ohio, history, 7408.

Townshend, C. H., 1160, 1161, 3394, 3395,
3400, 3404, 3408, 3410, 3411.

Townshend, N. S., 5713.
Townshend family, 3387.

Township government in Ohio, evolution, 11.
Towse, E., 7130, 7139.

Towson, collections of coins belonging to
Maryland Historical Society, 1899.

Toynbee Hall, East London, 1820.
Tozer family, 3374.

Trabue family, 6811, 6828.

Tracheotomy operation, 6168.

Tournament and the joust, 6344.

Tout, C. H., 7320, 7322, 7326, 7328, 7337.

Towamensing Township, Pa., 7422.

Towamensing, Pa., Christ Church

theran) congregation, 7422.

Tracy, F. M., 1577.

Tracy, F. P., 1032.

Tracy, H., 555.


Tracy, J. C., 4683.

Tracy, N., 2620.

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