JetThe weekly source of African American political and entertainment news. |
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ABC-TV Alabama Angeles Barbara McNair Barry Goldwater Bishop brothers candidate Carl Sanders cent Chicago Church City Civil Rights Act civil rights bill civil rights law civil rights workers Cleveland Williams club County declared desegregation Detroit Dick Gregory Dorothy Eisenhower Trophy extremism extremists Farrington federal Florida former Freedom Fulbright Galimore Gregory Harlem head heavyweight hospital Hotel housing integrated jail James Jesse Gray Johnson killed Little Richard Louis Luther King Jr Malcolm Malcolm X Marvelettes Mayor Miss Idaho Mississippi Moore NAACP National Assn Negro Negro leaders Negro Women Nina Simone Norford overtime Pierson play police Porgy And Bess President Lyndon racial RIGHTS FIGHT riots Robert Rouzeau Russia segregated school segregationist shoes SIMEON BOOKER singer Sonny Banks star theatre tour Urban League Urge Negro vote voter Washington white backlash wife Williams woman World York youths