Act May 2, 1872. Railroad companies- Bonds, 314, 1082 Act May 10, 1872, (17 St. 91.) Mines and mining-Placer claims, 1133, 1217 Act June 1, 1872, ch. 255, §§ 4-6, (17 St. 197, 255.) Bill of exceptions-Authenti- cation, 200-202, 848 Act June 6, 1872, ch. 315, § 2, (17 St. 231.) Customs duties-Classification, 715, 1226 Act June 8, 1872, § 82, (17 St. at Large, 283.) Post-office-Compensation, Act March 3, 1873, ch. 269, §§ 2, 47, 50, 52, (13 St. 115; 17 St. 603, 607, ch. 279.) Banks and banking-Transfers, 140, 720, 721 Act June 11, 1874. Ambassadors and con- suls-Compensation,
Act June 16, 1874, (18 St. at Large, 72.) Army and navy-Traveling expenses, 505, 506
Act June 20, 1874, (18 St. at Large, 116,) § 6. Board-Public works-Abolition, 587, 588, 1119, 1315, 1318 Act June 22, 1874, ch. 391, §§ 12-14, 16, 21, (18 St. 188-190.) Customs duties-Re- liquidation,
| Act March 3, 1883, ch. 121, (22 St. 487-489, 509, 510, 512, 525.) Customs duties- Rate, 158, 423, 426, 459, 733, 734, 736, 921, 959-961 Act July 5, 1884, ch. 220, $§§ 9, 12, (23 St. 115, 552.) Claims against United States -Allowance, 666, 667, 670, 672, 998, 1000 Act March 3, 1885, § 2, (23 St. 443, ch. 355.) Appeal-Supreme court,
261, 336, 509 Act June 2, 1886, §§ 4, 5, (24 St. 77.) Courts -Alabama claims,
1001, 1003 1033, 1035, 1036 Act Feb. 18, 1887, (24 St. 248.) Property- Compensation,
Act July 8, 1886. Courts-Claims,
Act March 3, 1887, ch. 359, §§ 9, 12, (24 St. 507.) Court of claims-Executive depart- ment,
Act March 3, 1887, ch. 373, §§ 2, 6, (24 St. 248, 505, 552.) Removal of causes-Com- pensation, 65, 66, 82, 121, 122, 260, 261, 495, 1002, 1003 Act March 3, 1887, ch. 376, § 4, (24 St. 556.) Public lands-Railroad grants,
558, 559, 817, 842-1 St. 52. Navigable waters-Highways, 844, 846-849, 1329 4 St. 157. Georgia-Florida-Boundary
Act June 23, 1874. Bridges - Construc- tion,
Act 1875, §§ 1, 2. Writs-Issue, Act Feb. 16, 1875, § 3, (18 St. 315, ch. 77.) Courts-Jurisdictional amount,
8175 St. 743. Florida-Union,
7 St. 68, 96, 120. Indian title-Extinguish- ment,
38, 160, 1191, 1192 Act Feb. 18, 1875, ch. 80, (18 St. 316, 320.) National banks-Interest,
9 St. 77. Public lands-River grant, 9 St. 922. Mexico-Treaty.
Act March 2, 1875. Circuit court Juris- diction,
Act March 3, 1875, ch. 137, §§ 1, 2, 5, (18 St. 470.) Removal of causes,
10 St. 298. Post-office-Compensation, 11 St. 9, ch. 28. Public lands - Railroad grants,
11 St. 719. Customs duties-Exemption, 12 St. 85, §§ 1, 11. Grants-Commission- ers,
Act June 11, 1878. Claims -Rejection- Board of audit,
63, 65, 121, 256, 261, 422, 662, 758, 759, 814, 1098, 1156, 1229, 1315 Act June 30, 1876. Army and navy-Ap- propriations, Act July 31, 1876, ch. 246, (19 St. 121.) Public lands-Grants, 419, 420 Act Feb. 27, 1877, (19 St. 250,) ch. 69. Steam-vessels-Passengers, 614-617 1315, 1318
Act June 18, 1878, ch. 262, (20 St. 144,) §§ 1, 3-5. Awards-Distribution, 1218, 1219, 1224 Act March 3, 1879, § 5. Post-office- Ap- propriations,
Act May 27, 1880, §§ 1, 2, 4. Public lands -Confirmation-Title,
Act June 11, 1880, (21 St. ch. 206, p. 178.) Statutes-Repeal,
Act June 16, 1880, § 8, (21 St. 284, 286.) Claims-Rejection-Board of audit, 1315, 1316, 1318, 1319 Act May 6, 1882, ch. 126, §§ 1-5, 12, (22 St. 58.) Chinese-Immigration,
12 St. 772. Land grant-Kansas, 12 St. 798, ch. 104, § 3. Land grants-Lim- itation,
12 St. 1199. Extradition-Treaties, 14 St. 331, § 14. Taxation-Swamp lands, 21 14 St. 385. Habeas corpus-Restriction, 1214 15 St. 260, ch. 69. Taxation-Swamp lands, 21 15 St. 475. Customs duties-Dominican re- public,
457 1002, 1218, 1223 16 St. 121, ch. 93. Land grants-Limita- tion,
15 St. 679. Treaties-Claims,
16 St. 573. Railroad-Aid,
16 St. 592. Customs duties-Reduction, 17 St. 59. Railroad-Aid, 17 St. 839. Treaties-Claims, 17 St. 861. Commission-Duration, 18 St. 760, 833. Commission-Duration, 19 St. 65. Army and navy-Traveling ex- penses,
Act July 12, 1882, ch. 290, § 4, Courts-National banks, Act July 15, 1882. Eminent domain- Water-works, 636-639
664-666, 670-673 Act June 5, 1882, (22 St. 98.) Courts- Alabama claims, 1000, 1001, 1003 (22 St. 163.)
Act Aug. 7, 1882, § 2, (22 St. at Large, 88, 348.) Public lands-Titles, 50, 53, 998, 999 Act March 3, 1883, ch. 97, (22 St. 473.) Army and navy-Pay, 79, 80, 163, 164, 508, 1023, 1024
22 St. 487. Post-office-Compensation, 22 St. 858. Chinese-Treaty stipulations, 668 23 St. 17. Office and officer-Voluntary service,
Act Feb. 1, 1871, (Sess. Laws, 91.) Rail- road companies-Liability,
Rev. St. 1920. Insurance companies Penalty,
St. 1885, ch. 395. Insurance companies Penalty,
of the states, in which the lands taxed were situated, to pay the tax.-United States v. State of Louisiana, 17; Same v. State of Ala- bama, 21; Same v. State of Mississippi, 21.
2. A tax on "corporate franchise or busi- ness" of corporations in New York was im- 1379 posed by Laws 1880, c. 542, as amended Laws 1881, c. 361, at the rate of one-quarter mill on the capital stock for each one per cent. of dividend of six per cent. or over. An insur- ance company claimed exemption on so much of the capital as was invested in United States bonds, exempt from state taxation by act of congress. The judgment of the court of ap- peals of New York enforcing such tax was af- firmed by a divided court.-Home Ins. Co. v. New York, 1385. Tax titles.
1. R. occupied five lots, one of which he owned, the others being leaseholds, with privilege of purchase. He assigned the lease- holds, and leased the lot he owned to H. for the term of 10 years, at an agreed monthly rental, with privilege of purchase. H. cove- nanted to pay off two deeds of trust standing against the last-named lot, and it was agreed that, if H. did not exercise the privilege of purchasing that lot, R. was to have, for one year after the expiration of the 10-years term, the privilege of buying H. out by refunding all payments made by him in purchasing the fee-simple of the leaseholds, etc. H. paid off the incumbrances on R.'s lot, remained in pos- session for the 10 years, paid the rent agreed, and exercised the privilege of purchasing the leaseholds, but did not purchase R.'s lot; nor did R. exercise his privilege of buying H. out. Held, that the payment by H. of the deeds of trust was a part of the consideration for the assignment, and did not entitle him to be subrogated to the rights of the mortgagees.- Robbins v. Clark, 1339.
2. Bonds issued by a town in lieu of an ap- propriation voted in aid of a railroad, were accepted by it, and sold and delivered to plaintiff, upon whose suit against the town. they were adjudged void for want of authority in the town to issue them. Held, that the purchase by plaintiff being no payment of the appropriation voted by the town, plain- tiff as a volunteer was not subrogated to the company's right to enforce collection.Etna Life Ins. Co. v. Town of Middleport, 625.
Sunday laws, see Carriers, 4.
Constitutional powers, see Constitutional Law, 22-24.
Of banks, see Banks and Banking, 1-6. telegraph companies, see Constitutional Law, 10, 11; Telegraph Companies, 2-5. railroads, see Railroad Companies, 11, 12. Direct tax.
1. The direct tax laid by the act of August 5, 1861, did not create any liability on the part
3. A record of county board proceedings showed a resolution that a sum for an illegal purpose be paid out in orders on the county treasurer, immediately followed by another that a tax be raised for the contingent fund that a tax be raised for the contingent fund to defray general expenses. Oral testimony other records established the fact that taxes showed that such sum was actually paid, and were levied for similar purposes afterwards. Held sufficient proof that the sum voted was paid out of the levy resolved upon, and that the levy and tax titles founded on it were con- sequently invalid under the Michigan law. Culbertson v. H. Witbeck Co., 1136.
4. For the purpose of proving certain tax deeds void, parol evidence that certain sums time when they must have come from a tax illegally paid out by a county were paid at a levy for which such deeds were made, is ad- missible.-Id.
5. A sale of lands for delinquent taxes will not be set aside, on the ground of unjust valu- ation, where no such purpose appears on the part of the assessor or board of equalization, although unimproved lands were assessed at a higher rate than improved lands owned by residents, yet no discrimination was made between unimproved lands owned by resi- dents and by non-residents, and the error in valuation could have been corrected by appro- priate proceedings before the tax sale.-Bee- son v. Johns, 352.*
TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. Taxation, see Constitutional Law, 10.
of receipts, see Constitutional Law, 24. Negligence in sending message.
1. Plaintiff brought suit against a telegraph company for damages for negligence in delay- ing the delivery of a message instructing the addressee to buy for plaintiff 10,000 barrels of petroleum, the market price of which, when the message ought to have been delivered, was $1.17 per barrel, but when received by addressee had advanced to $1.35 per barrel. The addressee did not purchase. Held, that the plaintiff could recover only nominal dam- ages.-Western Union Tel. Co. v. Hall, 577.
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