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dcasting to support freedom and democracy in a rapidly ging international environment.


ROADCASTING STANDARDS.-United States international ting shall

be consistent with the broad foreign policy objectives of United States;

be consistent with the international telecommunications ies and treaty obligations of the United States;

not duplicate the activities of private United States dcasters;

not duplicate the activities of government supported dcasting entities of other democratic nations;

be conducted in accordance with the highest professional Hards of broadcast journalism;

be based on reliable information about its potential audiand

be designed so as to effectively reach a significant audi

ROADCASTING PRINCIPLES.-United States international cing shall include

news which is consistently reliable and authoritative, ace, objective, and comprehensive;

a balanced and comprehensive projection of United States ght and institutions, reflecting the diversity of United Es culture and society;

clear and effective presentation of the policies of the Unitcates Government and responsible discussion and opinion ose policies;

programming to meet needs which remain unserved by otality of media voices available to the people of certain


information about developments in each significant region e world;

a variety of opinions and voices from within particular ns and regions prevented by censorship or repression from ing to their fellow countrymen;

reliable research capacity to meet the criteria under this


adequate transmitter and relay capacity to support the ties described in this section; and

training and technical support for independent indigemedia through government agencies or private United s entities.

ICE OF AMERICA BROADCASTS.-The long-range interests ited States are served by communicating directly with the the world by radio. To be effective, the Voice of America the attention and respect of listeners. These principles fore govern Voice of America (VOA) broadcasts:

f Public Law 103-415 (108 Stat. 4301) added subsec. (c).

(1) VOA will serve as a consistently reliable and authoritative source of news. VOA news will be accurate, objective, and comprehensive.

(2) VOA will represent America, not any single segment of American society, and will therefore present a balanced and comprehensive projection of significant American thought and institutions.

(3) VOA will present the policies of the United States clearly and effectively, and will also present responsible discussions and opinion on these policies.


(a) ESTABLISHMENT.-There is hereby established within the United States Information Agency a Broadcasting Board of Governors (hereafter in this title referred to as the "Board"). (b) COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD.

(1) The Board shall consist of 9 members, as follows:

(A) 8 voting members who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(B) The Director of the United States Information Agency who shall also be a voting member.

(2) The President shall designate one member (other than the Director of the United States Information Agency) as Chairman of the Board.

(3) Exclusive of the Director of the United States Information Agency, not more than 4 of the members of the Board appointed by the President shall be of the same political party. (c) TERM OF OFFICE.-The term of office of each member of the Board shall be three years, except that the Director of the United States Information Agency shall remain a member of the Board during the Director's term of service. Of the other 8 voting members, the initial terms of office of two members shall be one year, and the initial terms of office of 3 other members shall be two years, as determined by the President. The President shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, Board members to fill vacancies occurring prior to the expiration of a term, in which case the members so appointed shall serve for the remainder of such term. Any member whose term has expired may serve until a successor has been appointed and qualified. When there is no Director of the United States Information Agency, the acting Director of the agency shall serve as a member of the Board until a Director is appointed.

(d) SELECTION OF BOARD.-Members of the Board appointed by the President shall be citizens of the United States who are not regular full-time employees of the United States Government. Such members shall be selected by the President from among Americans distinguished in the fields of mass communications, print, broadcast media, or foreign affairs.

(e) COMPENSATION.-Members of the Board, while attending meetings of the Board or while engaged in duties relating to such meetings or in other activities of the Board pursuant to this section

622 U.S.C. 6203.

g travel time) shall be entitled to receive compensation the daily equivalent of the compensation prescribed for of the Executive Schedule under section 5315 of title 5, tates Code. While away from their homes or regular places ss, members of the Board may be allowed travel expenses, per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by law (5 03) for persons in the Government service employed inter-. The Director of the United States Information Agency be entitled to any compensation under this title, but may ed travel expenses as provided under this subsection. CISIONS. Decisions of the Board shall be made by majority quorum being present. A quorum shall consist of 5 mem


THORITIES.—The Board shall have the following authori

To direct and supervise all broadcasting activities coned pursuant to this title, the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba and the Television Broadcasting to Cuba Act.

O To review and evaluate the mission and operation of, and ssess the quality, effectiveness, and professional integrity all such activities within the context of the broad foreign y objectives of the United States.

To ensure that United States international broadcasting onducted in accordance with the standards and principles ained in section 303.

O To review, evaluate, and determine, at least annually, the tion or deletion of language services.

O To make and supervise grants for broadcasting and relat ctivities in accordance with sections 308 and 309.

) To allocate funds appropriated for international broading activities among the various elements of the Interonal Broadcasting Bureau and grantees, subject to the limons in sections 308 and 309 and subject to reprogramming fication requirements in law for the reallocation of funds. To review engineering activities to ensure that all broading elements receive the highest quality and cost-effective very services.

5) To undertake such studies as may be necessary to idenareas in which broadcasting activities under its authority d be made more efficient and economical.

To submit to the President and the Congress, through the ector of the United States Information Agency, an annual ort which summarizes and evaluates activities under this e, the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act, and the Television adcasting to Cuba Act.

10) To the extent considered necessary to carry out the funcas of the Board, procure supplies, services, and other peral property.

11) To appoint such staff personnel for the Board as the ard may determine to be necessary, subject to the provisions Citie 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the

competitive service, and to fix their compensation in accordance with the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates.

(12) To obligate and expend, for official reception and representation expenses, such amount as may be made available through appropriations (which for each of the fiscal years 1994 and 1995 may not exceed the amount made available to the Board for International Broadcasting for such purposes for fiscal year 1993).

(13) To make available in the annual report required by paragraph (9) information on funds expended on administrative and managerial services by the Bureau and by grantees and the steps the Board has taken to reduce unnecessary overhead costs for each of the broadcasting services.

(14) The Board may provide for the use of United States Government transmitter capacity for relay of? Radio Free Asia. (b) BROADCASTING BUDGETS.

(1) The Director of the Bureau and the grantees identified in sections 308 and 309 shall submit proposed budgets to the Board. The Board shall forward its recommendations concerning the proposed budget for the Board and broadcasting activities under this title, the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act, and the Television Broadcasting to Cuba Act to the Director of the United States Information Agency for the consideration of the Director as a part of the Agency's budget submission to the Office of Management and Budget.

(2) The Director of the United States Information Agency shall include in the Agency's submission to the Office of Management and Budget the comments and recommendations of the Board concerning the proposed broadcasting budget.

(c) IMPLEMENTATION.-The Director of the United States Information Agency and the Board, in carrying out their functions, shall respect the professional independence and integrity of the International Broadcasting Bureau, its broadcasting services, and grant



(1) Section 4 of the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act (22 U.S.C. 1465b) is amended by striking "and the Associate Director for Broadcasting of the United States Information Agency" and inserting "of the Voice of America".

(2) Section 5(b) of the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act (22 U.S.C.1465c(b)) is amended by striking "Director and Associate Director for Broadcasting of the United States Information Agency" and inserting "Broadcasting Board of Governors".


To assist the Board in carrying out its functions, the Secretary of State, acting through the Director of the United States Information Agency, shall provide information and guidance on foreign policy issues to the Board.

7 Sec. 1(8X1) of Public Law 103-415 (108 Stat. 4302) struck out "to" and inserted in heu there of "of".

822 U.S.C. 6205.

· INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING BUREAU. STABLISHMENT.—There is hereby established an InterBroadcasting Bureau within the United States Informancy (hereafter in this title referred to as the "Bureau"), to all nonmilitary international broadcasting activities supy the United States Government other than those den sections 308 and 309.


O The Director of the Bureau shall be appointed by the irman of the Board, in consultation with the Director of the ed States Information Agency and with the concurrence of ajority of the Board. The Director of the Bureau shall be led to receive compensation at the rate prescribed by law evel IV of the Executive Schedule.

O Section 5315 of title 5, United States Code, is amended dding at the end the following:

irector of the International Broadcasting Bureau, the ed States Information Agency.".


DARD OF RFE/RL, INCORPORATED.-The Board may not y grant to RFE/RL, Incorporated, unless the certificate of ation of RFE/RL, Incorporated, has been amended to pro

O the Board of Directors of RFE/RL, Incorporated, shall ist of the members of the Broadcasting Board of Governors olished under section 304 and of no other members; and such Board of Directors shall make all major policy deter ations governing the operation of RFE/RL, Incorporated, shall appoint and fix the compensation of such managerial ers and employees of RFE/RL, Incorporated, as it considers ssary to carry out the purposes of the grant provided r this title.


The Board may not make any grant to RFE/RL, Incor ted unless the headquarters of RFE/RL Incorporated and enior administrative and managerial staff are in a location h ensures economy, operational effectiveness, and accountby to the Board.

Not later than 90 days after confirmation of all members e Board, the Board shall provide a report to Congress on number of administrative, managerial and technical staff FE/RL, Incorporated who will be located within the metroan area of Washington DC, and the number of employees le principal place of business will be located outside the opolitan area of Washington DC.

ITATION ON GRANT AMOUNTS — The total amount of grants the Board for the operating costs of Radio Free Burone io Liberty may not exceed $75,000,000 for any fiscal year al year 1995

3206. . 6207.


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