Sidor som bilder

(1) the advancement of human rights is a stated objective of the foreign policy of the United States;

(2) the constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech, press, and peaceful assembly have not been adequately respected in the People's Republic of China;

(3) the exercise of religious activities has a detrimental effect on a participant's civil, social, and economic status within the People's Republic of China;

(4) the freedom of movement and the freedom to form independent trade unions and other voluntary associations are severely curtailed;

(5) there have been some encouraging developments including an effort by the current leadership of the People's Republic of China to develop economic policies without regard to a rigid application of Maoist ideology; and

(6) the American people desire to extend their moral support to the struggle for freedom and justice within the People's Republic of China.

(b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.-It is the sense of the Congress that the leadership of the People's Republic of China should take necessary steps toward establishing a more democratic society, with a free and open political system that will protect the essential human rights of all people living within that country.


(a) FINDINGS.-The Congress finds that

(1) stability and peace prevail on the island of Taiwan and in the Western Pacific region;

(2) economic vitality, educational advancement, and social progress have created conditions favoring the furtherance of democracy in Taiwan;

(3) the people of Taiwan, in both national and local elections, have shown themselves fully capable of participating in a democratic political process;

(4) the authorities on Taiwan are nurturing a transition toward more truly democratic and representative political institutions, although a minority of the seats in the central legislature and central electoral college are filled through periodic elections, with the majority of seats still being held by individuals who took office in the late 1940s;

(5) on September 28, 1986, Taiwan's democratic opposition announced the formation of the Democratic Progressive Party; (6) on October 7, 1986, President Chiang Ching-kuo, announced that the Kuomintang intended to end the state of martial law and to lift the ban on the creation of new political parties;

(7) the lifting of martial law in July and the release of detainees symbolize the growing respect for human rights and freedom of expression on Taiwan;

(8) the Kuomintang has indicated a desire over the next few years to make more representative Taiwan's central representative bodies, to broaden decision making within the Nationalist Party, to enhance the rule of law, and to increase the powers of local-level government; and

(9) our common commitment to democratic institutions and values is an increasingly strong bond between the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan and an acceleration of progress toward a full democracy on Taiwan, including full respect for human rights, will strengthen United States ties with the people on Taiwan.

(b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.-The Congress

(1) welcomes the democratic trends emerging in Taiwan and commends the progress that has been made recently in advancing democratic institutions and values;

(2) welcomes the lifting of martial law and looks forward to the lifting of the ban on new political parties;

(3) encourages the leaders and peoples of Taiwan to continue this process with the aim of consolidating fully democratic institutions, in particular by

(A) guaranteeing freedom of speech, expression, and assembly; and

(B) gradually moving toward a fully representative government, including the free and fair election of all members of all central representative bodies; and

(4) requests the American Institute in Taiwan to convey this Nation's continuing support for a democratic and prosperous Taiwan, as stated in the Taiwan Relations Act, and our encouragement for democracy to the leaders and the people of Tai




(a) REPORT.-Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit to the appropriate committees of the Congress a report concerning:

(1) The status of the Japanese Government investigation of the transfer of milling machines to the Soviet Union by Toshiba Machine Company, including any prosecution, fine, or other government action.

(2) The status of the Norwegian Government investigation of the transfer of numerical controllers by Kongsberg Vappenfabrik (KV) to the Soviet Union, including any prosecution, fine, or other government action.

(3) Actions undertaken by the Japanese and Norwegian Governments to ensure that such transfers or other breaches of security related to international espionage do not recur.

(4) Actions and plans of the United States Government to respond to such cases of international espionage.

(b) DISCUSSIONS.-The Secretary of State shall enter into discussions with Japan and Norway regarding compensation for damage to United States national security resulting from such cases of international espionage. The Secretary shall submit a preliminary report to the appropriate committees of the Congress concerning the status of such discussions 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act and shall submit a final report 360 days after the date of enactment of this Act. The Secretary may submit such other subsequent reports as may be appropriate.

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1 the President should enter into discussions with crandae: hich participate in mutual defense alliances with the med

States, especially the member nations of NATO and Japan, for the purpose of reaching an agreement on a more equitable distribution of the burden of financial support for the alliances;

(2) the objective of such discussions with the member nations of NATO and Japan should be to establish a schedule of increases in defense spending by our NATO allies and Japan or a system of offsetting payments that is designed to achieve, to the maximum practicable extent, a division of responsibility for defense spending between those allies and the United States that is commensurate with their resources;

(3) the President should report to the Congress, within one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, on the progress of such discussions; and

(4) if, in the judgment of the Congress, the President's report does not reflect substantial progress toward a more equitable distribution of defense expenses among the members of a mutual defense alliance, the Congress should review the extent of the distribution of the mutual defense burden among our allies and consider whether additional legislation is appropriate.





Except as otherwise provided in this Act, this Act shall take ef fect on the date of its enactment.

i. Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1986

and 1987

Partial text of Public Law 99-93 [Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987; H.R. 2068], 99 Stat. 405, approved August 16, 1985; as amended by Public Law 99-151 [Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1986; H.R. 2942], 99 Stat. 792, approved November 13, 1985; Public Law 99-399 [Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986, H.R. 4151], 100 Stat. 868, approved August 27, 1986; Public Law 100202 [Continuing Appropriations for 1988, H.J. Res. 395], 101 Stat. 1329, approved December 22, 1987; Public Law 100-204 [Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989; H.R. 1777], 101 Stat. 1331, approved December 22, 1987; Public Law 102-138 [Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1992 and 1993; H.R. 1415], 105 Stat. 647, approved October 28, 1991; Public Law 102-392 [Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1993; H.R. 5427], 106 Stat. 1703, approved October 6, 1992; Public Law 102–549 [International Narcotics Control Act of 1992, H.R. 6187], 106 Stat. 4914, approved November 2, 1992; Public Law 103-199 [FRIENDSHIP Act, H.R. 3000], 107 Stat. 2317, approved December 17, 1993; Public Law 103-236 [Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1994 and 1995; H.R. 2333], 108 Stat. 382, approved April 30, 1994

NOTE.-Sections in this Act amend other State Department and foreign relations legislation and are incorporated elsewhere in this compilation.

AN ACT To authorize appropriations for fiscal years 1986 and 1987 for the Department of State, the United States Information Agency, the Board for International Broadcasting, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


(a) SHORT TITLE.-This Act may be cited as the "Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987". (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.-***



The following amounts are authorized to be appropriated for the Department of State to carry out the authorities, functions, duties, and responsibilities in the conduct of the foreign affairs of the United States and for other purposes authorized by law:

36-063 97-12

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