To make cold nymphs chaste crowns; and thy brown groves, Whose shadow the dismissed batchelor loves, Enter Ceres. Cer. Hail, many colour'd messenger, that ne'er Who, with thy faffron wings, upon my flowers And fome donation freely to estate Cer. Tell me, heavenly bow, } Iris. Of her fociety Be not afraid; I met her deity Cutting the clouds towards Paphos, and her fon Dove-drawn with her; here thought they to have done Some wanton charm upon this man and maid, Whose vows are, that no bed-right shall be paid * Thy pale-clipt Vineyard. i. e. the Vineyard inclosed or fenced with Pales, in Opposition to the wide and open Sea-marge or Coaft. 'Till Hymen's torch be lighted; but in vain Cer. High Queen of state, Great Juno, comes; I know her by her gate. [Juno defcends, and enters. Juno. How does my bounteous sister? go with me To bless this twain, that they may profp'rous be, And honour'd in their issue. Jun. Honour, riches, marriage-blessing, Cer. Earth's increase, and foison-plenty, Fer. This is a most majestic vision, and Pro. Spirits, which by mine art I have from their confines call'd to enact Fer. Let me live here ever; So rare a wonder'd father, and a wife, Make this place paradife. Pro. Sweet now, filence: Juno and Ceres whisper serioufly; D5 There's There's fomething else to do; hush, and be mute, Or else our spell is marr'd. Juno and Ceres whisper, and fend Iris on employment. Iris. You nymphs, call'd Naiads, of the winding brooks, With your fedg'd crowns, and ever-harmless looks, Enter certain Nymphs. You fun-burn'd ficklemen, of Auguft weary, SCENE IV. Enter certain reapers, properly habited, they join with the nymphs in a graceful dance; towards the end whereof, Profpero starts fuddenly, and speaks; after which, to a Strange, hollow and confused noise, they vanish heavily. Pro.s I Had forgot that foul confpiracy Of the beast Caliban, and his confed'rates, Fer. This is most strange; your father's in some paffion Saw I him touch'd with anger so distemper'd. "Are 66 66 66 66 66 Are melted into air, into thin air; And, like the baseless fabric of th' air-visions The cloud-capt towers, the gorgeous palaces, And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Is rounded with a fleep." -Sir, I am vext; Bear with my weakness, my old brain is troubled: Be not disturb'd with my infirmity; If thou be pleas'd, retire into my cell, And there repose: a turn or two I'll walk, To still my beating mind. Fer. Mira. We wish your peace. Exit Fer. and Mira. Pro. Come with a thought; - I thank you:Ariel, come. Profpero comes forward from the Cell; enter Ariel to him. Ari. Thy thoughts I cleave to; what's thy pleasure? Pro. Spirit, We must prepare to meet with Caliban. Ari. Ay, my commander; when I presented Ceres, I thought to have told thee of it; but I fear'd,. Lest I might anger thee. Pro. Say again, where didst thou leave these varlets? Ari. I told you, Sir, they were red hot with drink[ing; So full of valour, that they smote the air D6 There There dancing up to th' chins, that the foul lake Pro. This was well done, my bird; Ari. I go, I go. [Exit. Pro. A devil, a born devil; on whose nature [Profpero remains invisible. SCENE. V. Enter Arielloaden with glistering apparel, &c. Enter Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo, all wet. Cal. P RAY you, tread softly, that the blind mole may not Hear a foot fall; we now are near his cell. Ste. Monfter, your Fairy, which you say is a harmlefs Fairy, has done little better than plaid the Jack with us. Trin. Monfter, I do fmell all horse-piss, at which my nose is in great indignation. Ste. So is mine: do you hear, monster? if I should take a difpleasure against you; look youTrin. Thou wer't but a loft monster. Cal. Good my lord, give me thy favour still : * The trumpery in my house, go bring it hither Forstale to catch these thieves] If it be asked what Neceffity there was for this Apparatus, I answer that it was the superftitious Fancy of the People, in our Author's Time, that Witches, Conjurors, &c. had no Power over those againft whom they would employ their Charms, till they had got them at this Advantage, committing some Sin or other, as here of Theft. Be |