Cal. I'll shew thee every fertile inch o'the island; And kiss thy foot: I pr'ythee be my god. Trin. By this light, a most perfidious and drunken monster; when his god's asleep, he'll rob his bottle. Cal. I'll kiss thy foot: I'll swear myself thy sub ject. Ste. Come on then; down, and swear. Trin. I shall laugh myself to death at this puppyheaded monster: A most scurvy monster! I could find in my heart to beat him, Ste. Come, kiss. Trin. -but that the poor monster's in drink : An abominable monster! Cal. I'll shew thee the best springs; I'll pluck thee berries; I'll fish for thee, and get thee wood enough. I'll bear him no more sticks, but follow thee, Trin. A most ridiculous monster; to make a wonder of a poor drunkard. Cal. I pr'ythee, let me bring thee where crabs grow; And I with my long nails will dig thee pig-nuts; Shew thee a jay's nest, and instruct thee how To snare the nimble marmozet: I'll bring thee To clust'ring filberds, and sometimes I'll get thee Young sea-mells from the rock: Wilt thou go with me? Ste. I pr'ythee now, lead the way, without any more talking.-Trinculo, the king and all our company else being drowned, we will inherit here.Here; bear my bottle. Fellow Trinculo, we'll fill him by and by again. & Sea-gulls. Cal. Farewell, master; farewell, farewell. [Sings drunkenly. Trin. A howling monster; a drunken monster. Cal. No more dams I'll make for fish; Nor fetch in firing Nor scrape trenchering, nor wash dish; Has a new master-Get a new man. Freedom, hey-day! hey-day, freedom! freedom, hey-day, freedom! Ste. O brave monster! lead the way. [Exeunt. ACT III. SCENE I.- Before Prospero's Cell. Enter FERDINAND, bearing a Log. Fer. There be some sports are painful; but their labour Delight in them sets off: some kinds of baseness The mistress, which I serve, quickens what's dead, baseness Had ne'er like éxecutor. I forget: But these sweet thoughts do even refresh my la bours; Most busy-less, when I do it. Enter MIRANDA; and PROSPERO at a distance. Mira. Alas, now! pray you, Work not so hard: I would the light'ning had He's safe for these three hours. Fer. O most dear mistress, The sun will set, before I shall discharge What I must strive to do. Mira. If you'll sit down, I'll bear your logs the while: Pray, give me that; I'll carry it to the pile. Fer. No, precious creature : I'd rather crack my sinews, break my back, While I sit lazy by. Mira. It would become me As well as it does you: and I should do it And your's against. Pro. Poor worm! thou art infected; This visitation shews it. You look wearily. Fer. No, noble mistress; 'tis fresh morning with me, When you are by at night. I do beseech you, (Chiefly, that I might set it in my prayers,) What is your name? Mira. Miranda:-O my father, I have broke your hest to say so ! Fer. Admir'd Miranda! Indeed, the top of admiration; worth Of every creature's best. Mira. I do not know One of my sex; no woman's face remember, Save, from my glass, mine own; nor have I seen More that I may call men, than you, good friend, And my dear father: how features are abroad, I am skill-less of; but, by my modesty, (The jewel in my dower,) I would not wish Any companion in the world but you; Nor can imagination form a shape, Besides yourself, to like of: but I prattle Something too wildly, and my father's precepts Therein forget. Fer. I am, in my condition, A prince, Miranda; I do think, a king; The flesh-fly blow my mouth.-Hear my soul speak ; The very instant that I saw you, did 9 Command. 1. Owned. My heart fly to your service; there resides, Am I this patient log-man. Mira. Do you love me? Fer. O heaven, O earth, bear witness to this sound, And crown what I profess with kind event, If I speak true; if hollowly, invert Do love, prize, honour you. Mira. I am a fool, Fair encounter Of two most rare affections! Heavens rain grace On that which breeds between them! Fer. Wherefore weep you? Mira. At mine unworthiness, that dare not offer What I desire to give; and much less take, The bigger bulk it shews. Hence, bashful cunning! Fer. And I thus humble ever. My mistress, dearest, My husband then? Fer. Ay, with a heart as willing As bondage e'er of freedom: here's my hand. Mira. And mine, with my heart in't: And now farewell, Till half an hour hence. 2 Whatsoever. |