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16 and 18 Jacob Street.


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A FEW days had passed after the Grand Mustaphabad Steeplechase, during which Yorke was casting about in vain to discover opportunity for obtaining a glimpse of the one person who now made up his world, uneasy and restless at getting no news of her, yet not venturing to present himself at the Residency lest he should be thought to be presuming too much on the sympathy Miss Cunningham had shown on that occasion; when one morning Mr. Spragge, returning from the mess a little later than his chum, came across the little garden towards the veranda where Yorke was sitting in his easychair, waving a piece of paper in his hand, and calling out, "Don't you wish you were me, my boy! Here's a start!" handed the paper to Yorke to read. It ran as follows:


"The 76th N.I. will furnish a detachment of one European officer and 80 sepoys to receive charge of treasure from the detachment -th


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you know; I shall make up to the little French girl Mademoiselle Justine, isn't her name? I shouldn't know a bit what to say to the mistress; never was a lady's man. I wish I knew a little French, though. I couldn't make love in English, if you paid me for it; but I feel as if I could do the thing in French at a tremendous pace, if I only knew how to talk it."

"You are very glib with your anticipations," said Yorke, who had risen from his chair and was pacing up and down the veranda; "but you won't have too much time to display your accomplishments. I suppose you will be back again tonight?"

"Back to-night! not a bit of it. It's the Nawab's stipend, don't you see, that's come from the lower provinces. It has to be made over to his people, and there will be counting, and weighing, and receipt-taking, and what not, which will take a precious lot of time. Sure to be kept waiting one day, if not two. Oh yes, I hope to punish the Commissioner's champagne at dinner tonight, and no mistake. But I say," he continued, noticing Yorke's cager, anxious face, " I had forgotten about you all the time. What a selfish chap I am, to be sure. Now, you needn't look so fierce, Arty; of course I've got eyes in my head, even if I can't see through a stone wall; why shouldn't you go instead of me? No, I don't want to go a bit, I was only humbugging about the little French girl-in fact I'd much rather stay at home. The thing's done in a moment. I'll just step over and tell the adjutant that I have a particular engagement, and ask him to alter the roster. So I have, I want a game of rackets this evening most particular;" and so saying the good-natured fellow set off on his errand, hardly waiting to hear his friend's hearty-"I declare, Jerry,

you are the best fellow that ever lived."

The detachment of the 76th duly marched into the Residency grounds


little before sunset, the senior native officer with drawn sword leading the little column, the tumbrils with the treasure in the midst, Yorke on horseback in the rear. They were met at the entrance gate by one of the Commissioner's red-coated servants, who led the way to a clump of trees on the right just within the enclosure wall, which was to be the site for their encampment. In answer to Yorke's inquiry why the tent he had sent on in advance was not pitched and ready, the man explained that the Commissioner had ordered the officer's things to be taken to the house, where a room was prepared for him, and his servant was now waiting; and while the man was speaking, Yorke descried the Commissioner and his daughter advancing from the house towards him. Yorke had never seen Miss Cunningham on foot, except when close by in a room, or surrounded by people: as she now came across the lawn, attired in a light muslin dress for the days were getting warm-he had time to notice the grace of her light step, the easy movement of her tall figure; while from her dainty boots to her broad-brimmed garden hat, every thing about her seemed equally tasteful and refined. The very parasol she carried, he thought, was like the wand borne by a goddess to enchant and subdue mortals.

The Commissioner, after greetings, explained that he had taken the liberty of assuming that Yorke would be their guest while at the Residency, and so had ordered his baggage to the house; and when the latter objected, with sore misgivings lest he should be taken at his word, that duty required him to sleep with the men by the treasure, Mr. Cunningham relieved his mind by explaining that his duty had in fact ended with the delivery of the treasure at the Residency. Strictly speaking, the Commissioner ought then and there to take over the money from him, but it would be simpler to have it made over direct to the Nawab's people from the tumbrils, and so save a double transfer, the Commissioner meanwhile being responsible for its safe custody. Thus Yorke could accept the invitation without any qualms of conscience. He would actually spend a whole day and sleep under the same roof with his beloved. It was like a vision of paradise opening before him.

"And so here is the poor horse that fell with you," said Miss Cunningham, turning towards Devotion, which during the conversation had been standing peacefully a little behind its master in charge of the barelegged groom. "None the worse, I see. How nice the poor fellow looks!" she added, moving up and patting its neck. "Will he eat bread, Mr. Yorke? if so, we must give him some presently, when the man brings it for Selim. I am so glad to see it has got off without harm as well as its master. You must have thought it so unkind of us," she added, turning to him, "never to have sent to inquire after you; but Colonel Tartar was calling here, and said you had been dining with him the evening before, and gave a very good account of you." And the pang of jealousy that Yorke felt at hearing of Colonel Tartar's visit was sufficiently allayed by the reflection that Miss Cunningham had been thinking and talking about him. Stopping first to post his sentrics, he then with elated heart followed his hosts in their visit to the stables, where the young lady fed her Arab with bread and lucerne grass, reserving, however, some

morsels for Devotion, while Yorke looked on in an ecstasy of pride. Thence they strolled into the garden, and wandered about till it was dusk and time to dress for dinner.

The house, flat-roofed, formed a great square block, one story high, the floors raised about four feet from the ground, the public rooms in the centre, the sleeping-rooms opening to the spacious veranda which extended round the house.. Yorke's room, which seemed big enough to take in the whole of his bungalow, was entered from the east veranda by two enormous doors, which served also as windows; a door on the opposite side communicated with the drawing-room. Miss Cunningham's own rooms, no doubt, would be on the west side, and the thought that she was occupying the same house made the whole building seem sacred; and the young mandressed himself for dinner with a sort of pious awe.

On entering the drawing-room, now dimly illuminated for it required a great wealth of lamps and candles to light up this great salon properly, an expenditure reserved for large parties-Yorke made out that there was another person present, who proved on closer acquaintance to be Captain Sparrow. That gentleman received him with languid affability, observing that he supposed there was a good deal of duty in the way of treasure-escort and work of that sort, which must be an agreeable relief from the monotony of cantonment life. Then presently Miss Cunningham entered in a dinner dress of silk, for the evenings were still chilly. Surely, thought Yorke, each change of toilet is more becoming than the last. Then came the CommissionerColonel Falkland had returned to his own province-and dinner being: announced, they repaired to the breakfast-room, always used for

small parties or when the family were alone, and which with its small round table, well lighted up, looked bright and cheerful by contrast with the dim drawing-room, -Captain Sparrow conducting the lady, Yorke and the Commissioner following.

The dinner was very quiet: the Commissioner was taciturn, according to his wont; while Yorke was almost too happy for conversation, nor did the brilliant epigrammatic turns of speech which would alone have been worthy of utterance in the presence of the beautiful hostess, come readily uppermost. Sparrow, however, in his languid way was talkative enough, and Yorke observed with secret complacency that Miss Cunningham was evidently amused at his harmless vanity and his affectation of refinement. The same sense of humour, he thought, was apparent in the earnestness with which, after their return to the drawing-room, she pressed him to sing, going to the piano and beginning the accom paniment of one of his songs; when the captain, nothing loath, stood up beside her and warbled forth a ditty in his approved style. His song ended, the Commissioner led him away to the adjoining billiardroom, and then followed for Yorke blissful half-hour, while Miss Cunningham sang to him, on his pressing her, one song after another; and as the young man stood by her side, watching her face, the one point of light in the great dim chamber, they seemed so entirely alone, and he was so borne along on the tide of emotion aroused by the tender accents of her voice, and the nearness of her person, that his humility and bashfulness for once forsook him. Surely, he thought, all this hope cannot be born altogether of delusion. In that gentle breast there needs must be some respon


sive sympathy with so much devotion, which only awaits an appeal to be called forth: and in another moment Yorke might have fallen at her feet to pour out his tale of love, his hopes, his fears, his sense of unworthiness to aspire to the priceless reward he sought for, when a voice was heard at the other end of the room, that of Mr. Cunningham, asking them to come and join in a four-game, repressing the ecstasy of passion which was on the point of finding utterance. And the words which were rushing to his lips remained unspoken.

The glare of the billiard-room, with its unromantic accessories of settees and cigars, acted like a disenchantment to recall our subaltern to the prosaic realities of everyday life; but he found some compensation for the descent on its being settled that he was to be Miss Cunningham's partner. In billiards, at any rate, he could be her master (although he thought with an introspective sneer that it was a contemptible thing to excel in such a matter), for he was much the best player of the four, while the lady was only a beginner; and to give confidential advice about each stroke, to be even allowed to touch her hand and adjust the taper fingers so as to form a proper rest for the cue, this was a new form of bliss.

But the happiest hour must have an end. The second game finished, Miss Cunningham, placing her fair arms on her father's shoulders, greeted him with a kiss on either cheek, and holding out her hand graciously to cach guest, retired from the room. Captain Sparrow followed her example; and then the Commissioner, proposing an early ride in the morning, wished his visitor good-night, and the gentlemen repaired to their respective Then Yorke, lighting a


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