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Ruins of Uxmal.—A losty Building.--Magnificent View from its Doorway.-Pe culiar sculptured Ornaments.--Another Building, called by the Indians the House of the Dwarf.-An Indian Legend.-The House of the Nuns.-The House of Turtles.-The House of Pigeons.-The Guard-house.-Absence of Water. The House of the Governor.-Terraces.- Wooden Lintels.-Details of the House of the Governor.-Doorways.-Corridors.-A Beam of Wood, inscribed with Hieroglyphics.-Sculptured Stones, &c.

In the mean time I returned for one more view of the ruins. Mr. Waldeck's work on these ruins had appeared before we left this country. It was brought out in Paris in a large folio edition, with illustrations fancifully and beautifully coloured, and contains the result of a year's residence at Merida and eight days at Uxmal. At the time of his visit the ruins were overgrown with trees, which within the last year had been cleared away, and the whole was laid bare and exposed to view. In attempting a description of these ruins, so vast a work rises up before me that I am at a loss where to begin. Arrested on the very threshold of our labours, I am unable to give any general plan; but, fortunately, the whole field was level, clear of trees, and in full sight at once. The first view stamped it indelibly upon my mind, and Mr. Catherwood's single day was well employed.

The first object that arrests the eye on emerging from the forest is the building represented on the right hand of the engraving opposite. Drawn off by mounds of ruins and piles of gigantic buildings, the eye returns and again fastens upon this lofty structure. It was the first building I entered. From its front doorway I counted sixteen elevations, with broken walls and


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