Sidor som bilder
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The first and second death-The first and second resurrection-The
Millennium-Christ will not reign personally during the millen-
nium-The departed spirits communicate with one another-
The duty to be performed by the angels on the day of judg-
ment-There will be degrees of exaltation and degradation in
the next world-The wicked dead conscious of what has trans-
pired, but not conscious of what is transpiring in this world—
The righteous dead are conscious of those facts only which
God vouchsafes to communicate

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Ir may, perhaps, be expected that I should assign some reasons for giving to the world the following Treatise on the Doctrine of Hades, or the Intermediate State of Souls between Death and the final Day of Retribution, when all men shall render an account of their conduct to the Supreme Judge.

In the first place, then, it may not be improper to inform the reader that I was induced to write upon the subject in question, partly in deference to the request of numerous friends who had heard a course of my Sermons on the Doctrine of Hades, and to whom the theme was quite new; and partly because I felt convinced by the prevailing ignorance of people generally, that it had been much neglected, and that even the great body of Christians, who are well acquainted with the doctrines of our Holy Religion in other respects, cannot be said to possess all the information they ought on this particular branch; but what determined me more than any other consideration was a consciousness of the importance of the subject itself, and the desirability of making others acquainted with the same; for there is no denying the fact that, unless we have a correct knowledge of this theological point, it is simply impossible for us to penetrate into the depth of Scripture, and to discover the beauty and harmony that everywhere pervade the word of the Living God. On the contrary, many important passages will remain unintelligible and enigmatical; and when we make inquiries as to their import, we may expect the answer which we have so often received, namely, That

there are many things in the Bible not to be understood; that we must exercise our faith, and all the apparent difficulties and perplexities will be explained in the next world. Who is not familiar with language of this description? To speak of Christ as the Substitute for man is perfectly true; but to make that substitution consist, simply and absolutely, in His death upon Calvary, because He said, "It is finished," must ever indicate a most imperfect and superficial acquaintance with the deeper meanings of the Bible; nor can the doctrine of "Substitution," in any proper sense of the word, be made to harmonize with such views. A few moments' reflection ought to convince those who thus regard and represent the great work of the Atonement, that they are building their house upon a sandy foundation which is utterly indefensible, deceiving themselves and others, and practically contradicting the express testimony of the Almighty Himself.

So little, indeed, was actually known in that part of the United Kingdom in which it pleased Providence to place me respecting this great doctrine, that on my preaching a sermon relative thereto, in a somewhat prominent church, considerable excitement was, in consequence, caused, and much discussion and controversy ensued. Some of the members of the congregation, in whose presence the discourse was delivered, showed manifestations of bewilderment, and even went so far as to say they considered such doctrines repugnant to the word of God. Let it be further noted that this sermon, of which I am now speaking, was addressed to members of the Church of England; and if we find among that large, respectable, and influential body of Christians such an entire absence of all knowledge of the Scriptural doctrine of Hades, what amount of information can possibly be expected from many of the other religious denominations who do not, I think, profess, as a body, to believe in the detention of departed spirits within the confines of any region, distinct and separate from Heaven or Hell, during the interval elapsing between the time of death and the day of Judgment? A few days after the delivery of the

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