Sidor som bilder

of the theatre, altogether admirable. Paul Bedford and Miss Woolgar both assist in this piece.

The LYCEUM Theatre has shared in the propulsion given to amusement by the commencement of winter, and goes on as prosperously as the managers thereof can desire. Keeley is rather rich in "The Last of the Bravoes," otherwise an uninteresting novelty. The new farce, "Peter Jenkins," has more available properties of fun in its composition.

Who has not, that is addicted to spectacles (not spectacles) au grand and equestrian shows, who has not visited Mr. W. Batty's Theatre, and pronounced "The Bride of the Nile" a worthy successor to worthy predecessors in the same line of bustle, pageantry, and glitter, and all the properties dear to the juvenile imagination, and mayhap, also, to those of a riper growth? Who, therefore, need be told categorically of the various items that form the whole, and who of the claims to precedence always maintained by the far-famed riding in the circle? If we advert to the merits of Mr. Batty as the spirited manager of a truly national establishment, it is rather in the way of our office than as a matter of need, to remind the public that the proprietors of this house, and the company thereof, are as enterprising aud as zealous as heretofore in the discharge of their laborious functions.

The STRAND Theatre continues its career of magical delusions, under the auspices of Monsieur Philippe, with unabated vigour. His magic basins attract crowds within their vortex nightly; and his experiments are pleasingly varied by dancing on the tight rope, in which Mademoiselle Kophel au la fille des fleures bears the chief interest.


STABLE TALK AND TABLE TALK, OR SPECTACLES FOR YOUNG SPORTSMEN. BY HARRY HIEOVER, LONDON. LONGMANS & Co., 1845.-Twenty years ago, probably nothing within the possibility of letters was more improbable than that the author of these pages should write a book, except that he who has laid them before him at this moment for notice should be their reviewer. But "time works wonders" is a proverb to which every man's experience echoes "Amen!" Poor Harry Hieover!-that the shadow of thy exchequer should ever have waxed less! Thou, with ever a good horse in thy stable, a good bottle of claret in thy cellar, and the best of welcomes to both in thy heart for a friend! Well, what though we meet here in unexpected fellowship, a cordial good speed to thee, says one who knew thee in the sunshine of thy fortunes, and who holds thee-if such may be-in better account now that, by thine own telling, a cloud has come o'er the spirit of thy career. That thou wert a sportsman we

needed not this written guarantee; that none but a sportsman could have accomplished this work is most certain. Literature it is said does not rank as a profession-is not recognized as such, because "any one may take it up." Imagine a young gentleman at Swan and Edgar's, writing "Notitia Venatica!"... But to the matter in hand. This volume does not relate to any sport in particular, but to all manner and means of sporting in general. It wants an index sadly; and that is all it wants to be as nearly a perfect work of its sort as one might wish to lay hands on of a dull day, or any other, when in the mood to read. Hieover is a thoroughly practical man; and he is more than that he is a thoroughly amusing one: the pleasantest quill-driver probably that ever drove four horses as they ought to be driven. His Stable Talk is not destined to be a sporting classic, certainly; but it will be a welcome tome in the sanctum of every Englishman with a taste for his national recreations, and a relish for the proper style of their treatment by the essayist.

THE DOG; by William Youatt. Charles Knight and Co., Ludgate Street. Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.-One strong objection "the trade" is certainly sure to point out to any hapless man who may have taken into his head to write a book of what may be considered a sporting nature, is the proverbially confined circulation of such compositions. It may prove acceptable to one particular class; and if so, all well and good; but if not, there is very little chance of getting it off with the rest of the world. Now, there never yet was a more striking, or more triumphant, exception to this, perhaps but generally too correct, rule than Mr. Youatt's well-known work on the Horse-one that the great mass, "the anybody," might peruse without ever finding himself at sea, or bothered with a succession of strange terms he lacked the experience to understand, or the energy to inquire about; and still, on the other hand, one from which the most practised sportsman might derive almost an equal amount of amusement and information, with little chance of being annoyed with what Jack Tar would call "lubber's lingo," or ridiculous, theoretical opinions. It is in this well-determined arrangement, assisted by many other and really more weighty (but not so catching) recommendations, that we find the immense success, the universal approval, of decidedly one of the most popular works the Society ever brought out. To say that its successor, the undertaking we have now under consideration, is based upon the same admirable principle, will be only confirming that which all must have supposed would be the structure of it: we have the same wonderful research, the same complete power in treating every section of the subject, and the same desire pervading every page, that the volume should never be read but to be understood. In one leading feature, indeed, we must say we consider this far excels its elder brother; and, for that very reason, feel inclined to believe it will attain even still greater popularity-a superiority, however, that arises entirely from the difference in the nature of the two animals, and not from a greater ability or experience of their author with one or the other. The more rational and higher deve

loped faculties of the dog, his instinct, fidelity, courage, and other endearing qualities, afford a continual variety of entertaining anecdote, from which Mr. Youatt has introduced a most judicious and copious selection, that carry off his deeper, and, as it is, dryer points with a dashing effect, which all who open on the work will, or we much mistake, be pleased to see and acknowledge. The early history of the dog commences, appropriately enough, chapter the first; but here the writer, though evidently well-read up in the antique, does not dwell at any great length: he might, in fact, have enlarged upon this branch to advantage, especially with all the learned authorities he does let us know he has at his elbow. To this succeeds the varieties of the dog, in three divisions or chapters, one being allowed to each class;-about the best digested thing of the kind, either for original matter or collated information that ever appeared. Without wishing to particularize, we would call the sportsman's attention to the article on the foxhound, as a thoroughly perfect epitome; and, then, having looked over that, just ask of Mr. Youatt why he wouldn't give us the beagle and harrier on something the same terms? Now and then, of a necessity we presume, he really does "cut it too short." After these comes what is justly due, a dissertation on the good qualities of the dog; then his anatomy; and then a most important part of the volume, of which it is impossible to speak too highly, the diseases of the dog. The writer, we believe, is what would be vulgarly denominated "dog-doctor" to her majesty; and, of a truth, he has here given us strong evidence of the good judgment shown in bestowing, and his good right to holding, such an appointment. The treatise on rabies, or canine madness, is of itself a work of infinite value-a positive boon, if only properly taken, to all mankind. The horrible effects of this fearful malady, the insidious nature of its attacks, and the preponderance of cases in pet or household dogs, coupled as they are in our author's account with the means for distinguishing, guarding against, and even checking it, involve some serious facts, which it becomes the duty of cvery one to be speedily and intimately acquainted with. The distemper, and every other known disorder, with well-authenticated facts, or examples from personal observation, follow; and the new laws of coursing conclude a volume, which, with the assistance of its predecessor, will make the horse and the dog as well known and esteemed by the whole of the world, as Nimrod's Horse and the Hound, and other handbooks of the kind, have served them in ours. The woodcuts, of which we should say there is a plentiful supply, are not all of equal merit, the setter, sheep-dog, and many others being in the highest style of excellence; while the English greyhound, and one or two more, are little short of eye-sores, which mar instead of assisting Mr. Youatt's descriptive.


THE BRITISH STUD. Painted by J. F. Herring, Esq.; engraved by J. Harris.

This subject contains the portraits of a mare and a stallion, placed in a paddock, and most naturally and characteristically grouped. The mare is the celebrated matron of the turf Languish, the property of the late Marquis of Westminster. She was bred by Mr. Bristowe in 1830, by Cain out of a Paynator mare, dam Lydia by Poulton, out of Vanity. The horse is the well-known sire Pantaloon, bred by Mr. Gifford in 1824, by Castrel, out of an Alexander mare, dam İdalia by Peruvian, out of Musidora. He was, also, the property of the late Marquis of Westminster. The Messrs. Fores, of Piccadilly, are the publishers of these two national pictures, and deserve well of the Turf for handing down to future emulation such studies of the thoroughbred horse of our time. They employ the best artists, and spare neither pains nor cost to produce works worthy the taste of the period for which they cater. We wish well to this enterprize, and shall be glad to see these pictorial annals of the British stud go on, and prosper.

THE RACE FOR THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA'S CUP, AT Ascot, June 12th, 1845. Painted by J. F. Herring, Esq.; and engraved by J. Harris.

This is another of those spirited works for which the Messrs. Fores, of Piccadilly, have lately been distinguished beyond all the other publishers of sporting subjects in the metropolis of England. It was really but just there should be some national tribute of acknow ledgment-some popular record of the golden countenance shown to the British turf by the reigning Imperial Family of Russia. There could not have been a more appropriate or useful one devised than this presentment of the first contest for the father's cup: we should be glad to see it followed by a picture of the race founded and endowed by the son-the Cesarewitch Stakes at Newmarket. Horace, no bad authority, says

Segnius irritant animos dîmissa per aurem
Quàm quæ sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus-

which, freely rendered, means—

Your narratives may all be very well,

But painted stories are the things that tell.

The subject of this engraving is the finish for the race to which it relates. The portraits, both of the men and horses, are singularly faithful. James Robinson, on Alice Hawthorn, and H. Bell, on Faugh-a-Ballagh, are perfect; and our good-humoured little friend, George Whitehouse, on the Emperor, capital. Let the Messrs. Fores make such running as this in their "Racing Scenes," and it will be our duty, in capacity of judge, to place them before all com. petitors-many lengths.


SALE OF BLOOD STOCK.-In consequence of the continued illness of Mr. W. Edwards, the celebrated trainer, his stud were, according to a notice of some standing, brought to the hammer in the Second October Meeting. The Tattersall firm of course officiated, and gave the following return :




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Retamosa by Reveller, out of Mandane by Sultan, 9 yrs. old
Joujou by Taurus, out of Plaything by Lamplighter, 7 yrs. old..
Mandane by Sultan, out of Maria by Waterloo, 14 yrs. old
Chesnut mare by Emilius, out of Fidelity by Whisker, 6 yrs. old
Appleton Lass by St. Nicholas, out of Seamew sister to Sailor, 9 yrs. old
Luxury by Agreeable, out of Caradori by Centaur, 8 yrs. old
Mistake by Little Red Rover, out of Waresti by Sultan, 8 yrs. old
Liberia by Liverpool, out of Mandane by Sultan, 4 yrs. old
Prudence by Liverpool, dam by Camel, 3 yrs. old..
Bettina by Sultan, out of Goldpin by Whalebone, 7
Toy by Liverpool, out of Plaything by Lamplighter, 4 yrs. old
Alecto by Liverpool, out of Ally by Partisan, 3 yrs.
FOALS OF 1845-

Colts by Plenipotentiary:

Out of Retamosa

Out of a mare by Langar, out of sister to Cobweb
Out of a mare by Emilius, out of Fidelity

Out of Luxury

Out of Liberia

Fillies by Plenipotentiary:

Out of Joujou

Out of Appleton Lass

Out of Toy..




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Colts by Assassin :

Out of Mandane

Out of Voluptuary, by Reveller

Out of Mistake

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Joujou and Appleton Lass were purchased by Mr. Hart of Berlin, who also takes out with him to Germany the Yorkshire Lady, by Voltaire out of Yorkshire Lass, covered by Bay Middleton, and Firebrand sister to Phosphorus, by Lamplighter out of Camarine's dam, a pair for which he gave Lord George Bentinck £700.

At the general meeting of the Jockey Club, held in the Second October Meeting, Sir Joseph Hawley, Bart., and Sir John Gerard, Bart., were elected members in the ordinary way; and Lord Palmerston an honorary member by acclamation, the standing rules and orders of the Club being suspended for the occasion. At the same time a vote of thanks was passed to His Grace the Duke of Richmond and Lord Palmerston, for their indefatigable exertions and eminent services in securing the recent alterations in the laws of racing. Another subject brought under consideration was a proposal to erect a grand stand on the Heath, funds for which were already subscribed, and a plan submitted by Mr. George Tattersall, the

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