those chimes so sweetly pealing." Then && smoulin sec cacy in this little song that wil. mak: 1; HLIVETRA ' Mr. Wallace's forte is evidently that of pure mend sung by Miss Romer in the first act. I treat rel a similar sweetness and repose. His principa de that he too much neglects that in which he most ana taken as a whole, being sadly deficient in repose and rewry pernah so called. That he proves himselt experienced in maTY DOLLIS tion, and that he aims at a bold and vigorous treatment of us subject, must be admitted by all who have listened to the e put upon the stage, and, considering the tolerant tartar Lane audiences, likely to compensate 12. failures of success. t is well Drury Jr nis late F.M at a the goal, The HAYMARKET ever propers. Its manage legemettled racer, having determined upoL FOR DET and then burt renev ne exer fun of the inte mere entitied. + Wars un Coco Fore We may men - tinted to the plexity of 11.3 weve prs the seculier The comdexterity that shows the author & master stapro. It is but an managed with a adaptation from a Fream operet. Da exetent me, by Morton. It is as periet tre from onection and as mul of the frolesome spirit of the dorine entenare of the French school, as any vilkt version we ever remember t nave seer produced. H great attraction team the serenade "to an ar To perfection aut Mephistorie te vermillion tights and Vesuvias 8. ace WILL the most perfect ease. Bassator s fancy pal uchier ou fancy prodigiously. Diabe The inte nous u Oxford-street has been in great mu8L GAT ASTLEY'S AMPHITHEATRE: falÏOWS #7 1. - tion are equally active, but more classical in their admirable exertions. Then the great Bethon of Rouen, Mr. Paul, out-Herculeses Hercules by his feats of strength and agility; lastly, "The Day after the Fair," exhibits the laughable humour of Barry the clown to the best advantage. At COVENT GARDEN the concerts of Monsieur Jullien opened a fortnight back with the greatest éclât. The new arrangements are on a handsome and most liberal scale, and the house is re-decorated in white and gold with great good taste. Jullien has engaged half the best instrumentalists of Europe to secure the popularity his bold speculation has hitherto maintained in an almost unprecedented manner. STATE OF THE ODDS, &c. REVIEW OF THE PAST RACING SEASON.-We think it but right, though almost unnecessary, to state that the remarks on Gorhambury Races and the late lamented Lord Verulam, in this paper, were not only written, but worked off previous to the decease of his Lordship. SALE OF BLOOD STOCK.-The late Mr. Rawlinson's stud, quite in accordance with the popular opinion that no man's horses sell so well as a dead man's, brought the following generally excellent prices at Tattersall's, on Monday the 10th of last month: Coronation, by Sir Hercules, out of Ruby ...... Chadlington Maid, 5 yrs., own sister to Coronation, covered by Venison Coral, 6 yrs., sister to Coronation, covered by Venison. Cherry Bounce, 2 yrs., sister to Coronation Chesnut Yearling Filly by Elis, out of Coral Guineas. 1000 630 310 135 130 115 80 72 34 Coronation was bought in for one of Mr. Rawlinson's sons, and has since been advertized to cover at Willesden Paddocks. On the 17th the following elegant extracts from John Day's stable changed owners on the same plan and place : Guineas. Maid of Orleans, 3 yrs., by Jereed, out of Sister to Ainderby 150 49 Bastion, 3 yrs., by Defence, out of Europa.. 43 Winchelsea, 3 yrs., by Camel, out of Monimia by Muley 40 Muscovite, 2 yrs., by Kremlin, out of Harmony 34 Stockbridge, 2 yrs., by Venison, out of Defiance 34 Cambaules, 2 yrs., by Camel, out of Pocahontas (without his engage. Viaduct, 2 yrs., by Stockport, out of Mystery Tenebrosa, by The Saddler, out of Gipsians; covered by Emilius 24 That good race-horse and promising stallion, Inheritor, has lately been purchased by the Société de Vervietoise for 500 guineas, and has been started for Belgium. DEATH OF LORD VERULAM.-It is with sincere regret we find it amongst our other duties to record the death of so thoroughly good a man, as well as so excellent a sportsman. The noble earl, who had for the last few months suffered from dropsy and a disease of the heart, expired at his seat, Gorhambury, on the 17th of November, in the seventy-first year of his age. Nearly all our national sportshunting, racing, shooting, cricket, and other varieties-found in his lordship a worthy patron and zealous supporter. Without ever_pursuing the fickle goddess of the cap and jacket to extremes, Lord Verulam's career on the turf and in the stud furnishes us with the names of some first-class candidates, whether turning to the events of the few last years, to instance the all but Derby horses, Robert de Gorham and Gorhambury, or trace yet further back to the days of the latter's dam, when natty Arthur Pavis and "the beautiful Brocard" showed each other off to so much mutual advantage. His lordship's death, of course, disqualifies Morocco for the Derby; though that colt, we hear, has just shifted his quarters from Gorhambury to the stable of Sir John Gerard. The Oaks amount of subscribers is also reduced one by the same event, in the erasure of the filly by Sir Hercules, out of Duvernay. MULTUM IN PARVO.-The Jockey Club have passed a vote of thanks to J. P. Alix, Esq., for his disposition on all occasions to promote the amusement and objects of the Jockey Club, and particularly for his late liberal conduct in cutting down some trees which interfered with the view of the horses running over the Cesarewitch course. It has at length been finally determined to make the money subscribed for a Bentinck Testimonial the foundation of a benevolent and provident fund, to be called "The Bentinck Fund, for the benefit of trainers and jockeys, their widows and children." better or more appropriate ways could have been devised for handing the great and generous exertions of Lord George Bentinck down to posterity, than the establishment of such an institution; and we only hope the idea will be carried out with the proper consideration it merits. We have great pleasure in announcing the arrival of Charles Henry Russell, Esq., solicitor, at his residence, Whitecrossstreet Gaol this is an event which has for some time been looked forward to, in consequence of the learned gentleman having neglected to pay over certain costs incurred in an action at Guildford, known as Russell versus Bentinck, and involving questions as to the laws for rascals and men of honour.-The proprietors of the Great Western Railway have given three hundred towards the prize-capital of the next Ascot Meeting.-A Sweepstakes of a very novel description, called the Newmarket Triennial Produce Stakes, to be run three years successively, has been opened for a first trial in the First October Meeting, 1848. The entries will then be three-years-old, and the same lot of horses will have to pay, run or not, the stake of 10 sovs. each in 1849 and 1850. There are already upwards of sixty subscribers, though we fear it will never come out so well as it looks upon paper. Few horses in these times, take the whole range, run on for three years; much less then can we expect any great continued field from one Produce Stake. A very unsatisfactory settling over the Houghton-we might, indeed, join in the trio, but especially the one including "the last of the Baron's" performances-has set in the winter campaign with a combined want of money and confidence, that threatens to make book-manufacturing for the next few weeks or months a not over put-money-in-the-purse employment. The list, however, appears now to have settled down to something like a standard aspect, from which we gather that the winning stables of last Derby and Oaks are to follow suit at any rate as far as finding first-favourites goes for the next; although it is even now evident that Lord George and His Grace have not yet determined whether Princess Alice or Cuckoo shall win and wear the latter-a point, be it remembered, in close imitation of Refraction and Miss Elis, and which, we have no doubt, will be brought out in an equally fair-play stand-up set-to. On other heads we can offer no comment beyond or on the quotations, which in almost every instance must be read rather as individual bets than average prices. ERRATUM. In the List of Mr. W. Edwards' Mares, in our last number, the dam of St. Nicholas (Seamen, sister to Sailor,) was given by mistake instead of the mare Appleton Lass; real dam, viz., Van by Ivanhoe. END OF VOL. XIV. Printed by Joseph Rogerson, 24, Norfolk-street, Strand, London. |