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received a violent strain. The first object naturally must be to reduce the inflammation, which will be very considerable in the neighbourhood of the injured part. To this end, our old ally, fomentation, long continued and oft repeated, must be called into requisition; and a poultice may be applied, if the situation will admit of its being adjusted. Some persons also make use of local bleeding; it can do no harm, and I am disposed to doubt its doing much good. A dose of physic may be given with manifest advantage, as it will have a tendency to cool the general habit. Cooling applications must next be made use of freely, as nothing further can be effected till the inflammation has completely subsided; after which it will be seen whether it be necessary to resort to stimulants or not. Should the lameness have disappeared without them, the limb must be allowed some little time to regain its accustomed strength, before the horse is again put to hard work. A bandage kept constantly moist with strong salt and water will materially assist in this.

Weakness of the back sinews is in some measure allied to strains, and must be subjected to something like the same description of treatment. Salt and water bandages will be of essential service, as indeed they will in all cases of weakness or enlargement of the legs. Firing I believe to be the only radical cure; but I only profess to treat of what may be effected by stable management. An elastic boot, of much the same description as has been already recommended, when speaking of speedy cut, will assist the leg materially. After all what is the chief benefit to be derived from firing in these cases, except that it forms a natural and permanent bandage, by causing a certain contraction of the skin over the weak part? Consequently, whatever will act in the same way cannot but be attended with some virtue. The thing principally needed is additional support to the debilitated sinews and muscles of the legs: moderate and equal pressure is what they are mostly in want of; and this can be obtained by the use of an elastic boot, reaching from the knee to the fetlock, and lacing up the outside of the leg. I do not offer this as a substitute for firing, when a horse can be thrown on one side for any considerable length of time, but simply as a means by which many may be kept on in their work, or it may be applied with good effect even after that operation has been performed.


May be ranked amongst the most common sources of lameness to which hunters are liable. I need hardly say that when they are found, and no pains should be spared in searching for them, they should forthwith be taken out. Should it, however, prove very difficult to extract them at night, it may be as well not to harass the animal when wearied by his day's work, as by applying a poultice they will probably come out more easily in the morning; and when they are once out, the cure follows with ease and expedition. It not unfrequently happens, however, that the most minute search is unable to discover any thorn, and the horse is set down as irrecoverably lame, to the no small chagrin of his owner. After the lapse of some months a gathering will be observed, for which no cause can be assigned, and eventually a large thorn will be ejected, putting the

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disconsolate owner at rest, if he has not been induced to part with the animal previously in despair. It should be remembered that these gatherings often form several times before the cause of them makes its appearance. When, therefore, they occur, they had better be encouraged as much as possible by the application of poultices, &c. When thorns or stubs are very deeply seated, or much in the vicinity of veins, sinews, &c., the safest plan is to call in the assistance of the veterinary surgeon, as a knowledge of anatomy may be required. The stubs from their size are more formidable, and will oftener stand in need of veterinary science than thorns. In some countries, especially those where many hop poles are cut, the most surprising thing is, that every horse is not lamed by them. I believe the best method at such times is to permit the horse to pick his own way as much as possible; this, however, requires considerable nerve.


This is an ailment which is not very frequently met with among the superior descriptions of horses, except when an accompaniment of chronic cough. Horses, whose pipes are not quite so clear as could be desired, should be treated in much the same manner as has already been laid down for that complaint. Linseed, either mixed whole with the oats or made into tea, will be found beneficial in most instances. They must of course be kept more than usually short of water before going with hounds.


By this is to be understood any injuries of a minor description which may affect this joint, and which for the most part partake more or less of the nature of thorough-pin. I have experienced some benefit by causing the heel of the shoe to be made as thick again as the toe, or raising the heels by means of a strong calking. I have also made use of bandages of sufficient length to admit of their being swathed round the houghs as well as the lower part of the legs, only taking care to leave the point of the joint at liberty, so as not to incommode the horse in lying down, and fancy that they have been productive of benefit. The plan of raising the heel may also be used in cases of weakness of the back sinews.



There is scarcely a viler character in existence than a pot-hunting sportsman; at least, that is to say, in the way of parenthesis, if such a designation does not carry with it the chorus of the old comic song, "a plump contradiction;" for, be it known, that a dog and gun, per se, no more constitute a real sportsman, than gold or silver do a

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gentleman, or silks and satins a lady. Still, notwithstanding the strong objection one must always have to such a pounds-shillings-andpence, profit-and-loss practitioner, who makes the sport but a cloak for his more tradesmanlike ideas, and is continually keeping his eye on the "return list," a good bag is a grand, if not indeed a necessary, item in a good day's sport. We would warn, however, amiable, stay-at-home, unentered people, from taking as a matter of course any immense displays and grand-total of the killed and wounded as a true test of success, of actual enjoyment, or excellent skill and prowess: the worthy who, with five guns and fifteen assistants or beaters, fills his waggon or two with hares, rabbits, and pheasants, without, I assure you, once leaving the home cover," has experienced far less sportsman's pleasure and excitement, and stands far less worthy of your flattering encomiums and heaps of admiration than the man who has traversed half the county to bring down his three brace of snipes and a widgeon. It is in the union of the two that we get a chance of taking the estimate of a senior optimè, when great attempts end in great gains-when the shooter, who has toiled up the mountain's side, and braved the fatigue and chance ever incident to the moors, can count his ten or fifteen brace of grouse, point to a specimen or two of that rara avis, the ptarmigan, and descant on the proportions of a buck that has taken as much time, art, and head to "circumvent" as an Ojibbeway warrior or an Old Bailey barrister. Then it is that he may justly court the applause of his audience, as, in all the pride of place and performance, he groups himself and supporters into "one perfect blaze of triumph," lights that sylvan luxury, the short pipe, and taps the cold punch, or cold tea, whichever may the better suit his palate. Under such circumstances, considering what he has done and endured, we all must agree with Mark Tapley, that there really is some credit in being jolly.

As a mere matter of form, we think it right to add, that on the first of the present month the jolly young watermen, on the good understanding of "those who win them, wear them," start for the coat and badge;" and that, on or before the twelfth, the jolly landsmen, young and old, start for the moors, where, in comparison with the forms and ceremonies they have lately gone through, and breaches of etiquette and privilege they have just managed to avoid, they may relax at once into nature's independence; go almost anywhere and anyhow they like; kill their own meat; bake their own bread; and even, should they not be over particular in the observance of a byelaw or two, brew their own drink. Although, in the latter case, Sawney will take care to explain to them, that the independent spirit of person must not equal that of the liquor; or, in other words, that if they keep a still, they must keep it still.

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