Game, on getting up a Head of, 48 Gone to Ground (with Engraving), Goodwood Meeting--by Craven- 155 Hind-hunting in Devon and Somer- Houghton Meeting, 352 "How happy could I be with "Last Scene of all!" (with En- Leatherlungs the "Leg"-by the 336 Letter from New Brunswick-by a Merry Monarch, Pedigree and Per- Morality of the French Turf, 137 Moors in 1844, an Excursion upon Moors, Shooting on the, 83 Newmarket First and Second Octo- Norfolk Cob, the; a celebrated Notitia Venatica-by R. T. Vyner, Old Pony, the--by Charles Willow- Otter-hunting, Recollections of, 390 Pheasant and Cock-shooting-by Prospects of the H. H. Country- Races and Regattas of July-by Racing Season, the past-by Castor Red-deer, the: Season for Hind- Refraction, Winner of the Oaks, Retriever, the (with Engraving), 258 Angling, the Practice of, particu- 346 Domesticated Animals of the Bri- Illustrated London Almanac, 412 Riding and Driving for the Million Salmon-fishing in Ireland, 388 Song, New, to an Old Tune-by Sporting Adventure in Texas, 384 Sporting Adventures - by Master Sporting Pictures-Hugo Meynell, Sports on the Cornish Moors--by State of the Odds, 67, 139, 207, THE TURF REGISTER. 1845. LIVERPOOL, WEDNESDAY, March the 5th.-Fifty Pounds, given by the Earl of Sefton, added to a Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, 5 ft., for horses that never won more than 200 sovs. at any one time; three years old 6st. 71b., four 8st. 3lb., five 8st. 101b., six and aged 9st.; f. allowed 3lb.; the owner of the second horse received back his stake; one mile (7 subscribers). Lord Chesterfield's br. f. Jenny Wren, by Hornsea, three years old (W. Abdale) 1 2 0 Mr. J. Scott's b. c. The Duke of Rutland, by Voltaire, out of Persian, by Whisker, Mr. T. Critchley's br. c. Cœur de Lion, by Dick, out of Brunette, by Blacklock Won easily. This was run on the day of the National Steeple Chace, prior to that race. 0 .. COVENTRY. MONDAY, March the 10th.-The Craven Trial Stakes of 10 sovs. each; for three years old 7st., and four 8st. 71b., f. and g. allowed 31b.; one mile and a distance (5 subscribers). Mr. J. Dixon's b. g. Dash (late Corodino), by Physician, four years old (Marlow) 1 A Handicap of 10 sovs. each, h. ft. if declared, &c., with 30 added from the Race-fund; one mile and a half (13 subscribers, 3 of whom paid only 5 sovs. each). Mr. Meiklam's br. m. Inheritress, by The Saddler, 5 years old, 7st. 10lb. (Lye).. 1 2 Sir C. R. Cockerell's b. h. Aurungzebe, five years old, 7st. 2lb. (Darling) Mr. S. Scott's b. h. Mosque, aged, 8st. 71b. (Howlett).. Mr. Worthington's b. h. Hooton, five years old, 8st. 21b. (Marlow) Mr. Ongley's b. m. Fama, aged, 7st. 21b. (Crouch) Mr. J. Dixon's b. g. Dash, four years old, 7st. (Moon) Mr. Percival's b. g. The Bird, six years old, 6st. 91b. (W. Arthur) Won by half a length. The City Stakes of 5 sovs. each, with 20 added from the Race-fund, for horses not thoroughbred; three years old 9st. 7lb., four 10st. 71b., five 11st. 41b., six 11st. 121b., and aged 12st.; m. and g. allowed 31b.; winners once before starting for this race to carry 3lb., twice or oftener 5lb. extra; a mile and a half (9 subscribers). Sir C. Cockerell's br. f. Niobe, by Defence, four years old-5lb. extra (S. Darl- Mr. F. Robins's b. c. Confab, four years old-51b. extra (H. Darling) Mr. S. Lucas's b. f. by Mundig, dam by The Cardinal, three years old (Marlow) 0 Mr. Wesley's b. f. by Bolero, out of The Queen, four years old (Noble) Mr. Percival's b. g. The Bird, six years old (Frost) Won by half a length. The Hurdle Race of 5 sovs. each, with 25 added, open for any horse; three years old 9st. 7lb., four 10st. 71b., five 11st. 4lb., six 11st. 121b., and aged 12st.; thorough-bred horses, 71b. extra ; two miles, with six leaps over hurdles four feet high (9 subscribers). Mr. Collins's gr. g. Isaac, by Figaro, aged (Noble) Mr. H. Robbins's b. h. Mantrap (Horley) .. Baron Rothschild's The Tiger (T. Ball) Mr. Carey's ch. m. The Darling, five years old (Owner) Won by a length. NORTHAMPTON AND PYTCHLEY HUNT. .. 1 2 TUESDAY, March the 25th.-The Trial Stakes of 10 sovs. each, with 40 added; for three years old 6st., four 8st. 6lb., five 9st. 11b., six and aged 9st. 71b.; a mile and a quarter (5 subscribers). Mr. Osbaldeston's ch. f. Sorella, by The Saddler, four years old (F. Butler) Lord G. Bentinck's b. c. Clumsy, three years old (Abdale) Mr. Collett's b. h. Corranna, six years old (G. Whitehouse) Mr. E. Peel's b. c. General Nott, three years old (A. Day) 2 to 1 each agst. Sorella and Clumsy, and 3 to 1 agst. Corranna. The Althorp Park Stakes of 10 sovs. each, with 30 added; for two years old colts 8st. 5lb., and fillies 8st. 21b.; the straight run in, half a mile (14 subscribers). Lord G. Bentinck's b. f. Cherokee, by Redshank, out of African's dam (Flatman) 1 Mr. W. Sadler's b. c. The Pretender, by Stockport, out of Lilla, by Bobadil (J. Mr. M. Ongley's b. c. Mount Pleasant, by Sheet Anchor, out of Queen of the 0 0 0 Lord Lonsdale's b. c. by Glaucus, out of Benevolence (Bartholomew)* Col, Anson's b. c. Toronto, by Montreal, dam by Taurus, out of Whisk's dam (F. Mr. Woodman's b. c. Land Surveyor, by Nonsense, dam by Gaberlunzie, out of Sola, by Partisan (bolted)-(H. May) 5 to 4 agst. Cherokee, 6 to 1 agst. The Crupper, 7 to 1 agst. Malt, 7 to 1 agst. The Pretender, and 8 to 1 agst. Toronto. Won in a canter by two lengths. Malt was beaten a length from the second, and Pretender was close up with him. The Great Northamptonshire Stakes of 25 sovs. each, 15 ft., and only 5 if declared by the 1st of March, with 100 sovs. added; the owner of the second horse received 25 sovs. out of the stakes, and the winner paid 10 sovs. to the judge; two miles (83 subscribers, 64 of whom paid only 5 sovs each). Lord G. Bentinck's b. h. Discord, by Mulatto, aged, 8st. (Flatman) Mr. F. Ongley's ch. g. Roderick, six years old, 6st. 101b. (Murphy) Mr. W. Sadler's b. ro. c. Sparsholt, three years old, 4st. 7lb. (Donaldson) Col. Anson's ch. h. Napier, five years old, 8st. 5lb. (F. Butler).. Lord Warwick's b. h. Yardley, five years old, 7st. 91b. (Marlow) Mr. G. Ongley's bl. m. Queen of the Gipsies, five years old, 7st. 71b. (Crouch) Mr. Worthington's b. c. Dr. Husband, four years old, 7st. 21b. (Dufflow) Mr. Payne's b. m. Queen Mab, six years old, 7st. (Abdale) Mr. Dawson's br. c. Lord Saltoun, four years old, 7st. (T. Lye) Mr. Berrington's b. c. Father Mathew, four years old, 6st. 111b. (Pettit) Lord Howth's br. c. Warp, brother to Winter, four years old, 6st. 9lb. (A. Day).. Mr. Robinson's ch. f. April Noddy, four years old, 6st. 5lb. (T. Williams) Mr. Hook's b. c. Bastion, three years old, 5st. 7lb. (Sharpe) .. Mr. Coleman's b. c. Velox, by Bay Middleton, out of Guile, three years old, 5st. 3 to 1 agst. Discord, 4 to 1 agst. Bastion, 6 to 1 agst. Napier, 7 to 1 agst. Lord Saltoun, 10 to 1 agst. Father Mathew, and 10 to 1 agst. Sparsholt. Won in a canter by three lengths; Sparsholt a bad third, and the others beaten off. The Tally-ho Stakes of 25 sovs. each, 10 ft., for horses not thorough-bred; gentlemen riders, members or sons of members of White's, Brookes's, Crockford's, Boodle's, the Jockey Club, Goodwood, Heaton Park, Eglinton Park, or Croxton Park Clubs, or officers or sons of officers on full pay in her Majesty's service; two miles (4 subscribers). Mr. W. Manning's br. c. by D'Egville, out of Moselle's dam, three years old, 8st. Mr. Wesley's b. f. Solitude, by Zimmerman, three years old, 8st. Glb.-bolted 1 2 (Mr. Clifton). Disputed, on the ground that the winner carried nearly 2st. over weight, without the necessary declaration having been made before the first race of the day. The race was afterwards adjudged |