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scripts also from which the sermons are printed, are without the advantage of having received the final transcription and corrections of the author, so that some indulgence may be reasonably claimed for the manner and style in which they are presented. No indulgence, however, is asked either for the doctrinal truths or practical applications which they embody. These are believed by the compiler, to be the "true sayings of God," set forth with "sound speech that cannot be condemned," and with a "wisdom" which no adversary can successfully "gainsay or resist." Should the perusal of these discourses revive a taste for the oldfashioned style of preaching, in which the covenant of grace in Christ Jesus is made the foundation of all our hope and holiness, our consolation and our joy, and the federal relations subsisting between the "first and second Adam," and those whom they respectively represent are exhibited in all their more immediate effects and remoter consequences, a most desirable object will be secured. Not a few of the wise and the pious find cause to regret that the divinity of the olden time, the days of the Puritans and of the earlier Nonconformists, has been superseded in too great a degree by a lean, meagre, and immethodical theology, too desultory

to engage the attention, too bare to satisfy the understanding, and too fine to feed the soul.

While the thanks of the writer are respectfully tendered to those friends, generally, who have favoured him with the facts or observations which appear in the narrative, and more especially to the Rev. Geo. Lawrie and Mr. Poulton, both of Reading, who enjoyed for many years the confidence and intimacy of the deceased, he humbly requests the prayers of all who read, that the lifegiving Spirit may breathe upon these pages, and thereby perpetuate the useful testimony of a "faithful minister," who "being dead, yet speaketh."

G. C.

Walworth, March, 1840.

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