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confession is made unto salva- | bled universe, that they have emtion." So that gracious words braced the terms of divine acform a necessary evidence by [ceptance. Hence we learn in which believers will be justified. what sense believers are justifiAnd in this sense are believersed, by each of those things pointjustified by their words. ed out in the gospel. They are justified freely by the grace of God, which concerted and effected the whole plan of gospel justification. They are justifi

meritorious ground of their acceptance, for without the sheding of his blood there could be no remission of sins; his atonement is that alone which can render God just in justifying the believ


They are justified by gospel faith, the exercise of which fulfils the gospel requirement for salvation. They are justified by gracious words as a neces

5. Believers are justified by their works. Says the apostle, "Ye see then how that by works aman is justified." Good works are a necessary evidence of gos-ed by the blood of Christ, as the pel faith, because they are its natural fruit, and confirm the believer's words. Gospel faith, as has been observed, is an operative principle, and purifies the heart it is a fountain that sends forth sweet waters. If any man believes there is one God he does well, or believes right; but if that is all, he does no more than the devils, for they believe and tremble; but such faithsary evidence of gospel faith.— without works is dead, being They are justified by good works alone. If any one should make which are a confirming witness ever so great professions off of the sincerity of their words, faith, it would be no evidence of and prove that they flow from its existence unless he brought that faith which worketh by love forth fruit meet for repentance. and purifies the heart. AlThough he should speak with though it is proper to say bethe tongue of men and of angels lievers are justified by each of and has not charity, he becomes these several things mentioned as a sounding brass or a tinkling in the gospel; yet it would be cymbal. That good works are improper to say they can be jusevidence which will be produ- tified without all of them, for they ced at the day of judgment is are not so many distinct justificonfirmed by the words of our cations, but only so many insepLord, for he shall say unto them arable links in the great chain in that day, "I was an hungred of gospel justification. It is and ye gave me meat, I was thought that many by attemptthirsty and ye gave me drink, ing to separate what God has I was a stranger and ye took me thus joined together, have led in, naked and ye clothed me, I themselves into fatal error and was sick and ye visited me, delusion. I was in prison and ye came unto me;" and from such evidence he pronounces then blessed. Thus believers are justified by their works, for they confirm their words, and establish sufficient evidence, before the assem

Secondly, we were to consider the reason why all these things are necessary for gospel justification. Upon this we shall make but few observations, as the reason has already been partly brought into view.

In view of what has been said, we may infer 1st. The great goodness of God in all his dealings towards his creatures; that all his works are mercy to his kingdom, and that he pursues its

All these things appear ne-ness, and happify God's moral cessary to display the holy attri- kingdom. butes of Jehovah and happify his moral kingdom. It could never have been known to creatures that God was gracious and merciful, if he had never exercised grace and mercy; therefore his justifying believ-highest happiness in making all ers in a gracious manner brought these attributes into view before the intelligent universe. It is to the ill deserving alone that grace and mercy can be exercised, and it cannot be exercised to them without injustice, unless the law they have broken be made honorable. Hence we see the necessity of the blood of Jesus to honor the law which mortals have broken, so that God can be just and justify the believer. Here justice and mercy were displayed. As sin brought disorder and confusion, and disqualified man for the enjoyment of holy beings, it was necessary for gospel faith to be the condition of salvation, as it is gospel faith alone which reconciles the sinner to the divine government, and diffuses happiness among believers, by flowing out in holy words and actions, which are the only evidences that will admit believers into the society of holy beings, and enable them to mingle in the heavenly employment of receiving and communicating happiness. They can never learn the song of Moses and the Lamb, without hearts glowing with holy exercises; and without words and actions here, we can never unite hereafter in chanting the seraphic theme. Hence we see that every thing by which believers are justified, is necessary to display the divine good

things subservient to that end. Therefore there is the greatest reason for rejoicing that the Lord reigns, and that he will do all his pleasure. We may infer 2d. That the atonement consisted in something more than obedience, for obedience only could never have made an infinite display of the turpitude of sin, nor have honored a law by aproving its penalty, which threatened infinite punishment for transgression. And that it would be a great insult to divine justice to ask the forgiveness of an infinite offence, without depending upon an atonement for justification, which had infinitely honored the law. We may infer 3d. That the atonement is of infinite value, and sufficient to render God just in justifying sinners, who are infinitely guilty if they are but believers in Jesus. We may infer 4th. That there is no foundation for believing that the personal sins of mankind were imputed to Christ and in him were punished to the extent of their deserts; for if the sufferings of Christ consisted in receiving the personal deserts of sinners, and to the extent of what divine justice could require, it would render the penalty of the law useless, instead of magnifying it, and making it honorable. And that it would be unjust to require any thing further of sinners, as it would be exacting more than their sing

deserved, and of course all that burns with fire and brimgospel requirements would be stone. We may infer, 9th. but unreasonable demands. That if any reject understandWe may infer, 5th. That ex-ingly any thing included in gosternal exercises of religion are pel justification, they must finalgospel requirements, and shouldly fail of salvation, for in the day not be neglected, but attended of retribution they will be weighin a humble, solemn manner; ed in the gospel balance, and will for our external conduct will ap- be found wanting, and the wrath pear in judgment either for or of God must abide upon them. against us; by our words we We may infer, 10th. That there shall be justified or condemned. is a great work to be performWe may infer, 6th. That faith ed in order for final justification. which is not operative and pro- We must depend on the grace ductive of good words and works of God that bringeth salvation, is not the gospel requirement, and rely alone on the blood of and that it is a lamp without oil, Jesus as the meritorious ground which will be extinguished in of acceptance with God, and exthe day of the Lord's appearing. ercise that faith which worketh "For what doth it profit, my by love and purifies the heart, brethren, though a man say he and confess Christ before men, hath faith and hath not works, that he may confess us before can faith save him?" Such faith his Father and the holy angels; certainly will not, "for faith if and finally work out our own it hath not works is dead, being salvation with fear and trem alone. We infer, 7th. That bling then we shall live in reliance on works as the meri- peace, die in hope, and beyond torious ground of acceptance the grave receive that eternal with God, is building upon a weight of glory, which God the sandy foundation which will not righteous judge shall give to stand when the winds and the all them that love his appearing. storm rage against it, because it is not founded upon the rock Christ Jesus, "for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." We may infer, 8th. That personal holiness is absolutely necessary for salvation; "for without holiness no man shall see the Lord." All that are destitute of gospel faith, which is a principle of holiness, are totally disqualified for the society of holy beings, and are fit only to mingle with the fear-" And be not conformed to this ful, and the unbelieving, and the world: but be ye transformed, abominable, and murderers, and by the renewing of your mind, whoremongers, and sorcerers, that ye may prove what is that and idolaters, and all liars, who good and acceptable and perfect shall have their part in the lake will of God." Our Saviour charVOL. VI. No. 4. S

On Conformity to this world.

No. I.

AUL in his epistle to the

ses as beloved of God, called to be saints; after beseeching them by the mercies of God, to present their bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God; exhorts them saying;

ples. Thus shall ye make it appear that ye have learned of Christ, have imbibed his spirit, and I will not be ashamed to own you. The disciples of Christ by separating themselves from the world which lieth in

lence of their religion. They make it appear that a mighty

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their hearts, to the glory of the holy Trinity. They use the most powerful means to advance the interest of the Redeemer's kingdom. By making it man

-acterising his true disciples and followers declares, "If ye were of the world the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." The Jews, God's ancient, cove-sin, prove the reality and excelnant people, were remarkably distinguished from all other nations, by their theological sys-work hath been wrought upon tem and by their religious rites; compared with which, the systems of the Gentiles even in their most improved state, were vanity and a lie, and their religious rites, an abomination.ifest that they are new creatures, With allusion to Israel, whom God thus distinguished by his grace, the apostle Peter, addressing believers in Christ, thus describes them, "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priest-superior to that which reigns in hood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light."

If any man be in Christ he is declared to be a new creature. With such, old things, are said to have passed away, and all things to have become new.— From these passages, and numerous others of similar import, that might be adduced, it is manifestly the will of the Lord that his disciples should, by their holiness, distinguish themselves from the world. It is their indispensible duty, an object which they should ever keep in view and with respect to which they should ever be on their guard. By causing their light to shine before those who are without, important ends are to be answered. Herein is my Father glorified, saith Christ to his disciples, if ye bring forth much fruit, so shall ye be my disci

that they possess something which mankind in common do not, a pearl of inestimable val ue-by showing that they are governed by a spirit as much

selfish men as the heavens are above the earth; they diffuse light for the conviction of the ungodly and use the most powerful means to recover lost souls. Two kingdoms divide the uni verse as opposite in the temper by which their respective subjects are governed as light and darkness, holiness and sin, and the subjects of the kingdom of darkness must be miserable for ever unless they are made sensible of their deplorable condition and induced to renounce the wicked one and all his works. Surely then it is vastly important that the children of light should distinguish themselves. If they are conformed to this world, so that no important difference appears between them and the children of this world, the latter looking upon themselves justified in their conduct, will feel secure until their condition be past remedy.

These preliminary observa

tions show our subject worthy people of the world, can discern the attention of all who call them- no material difference between selves Christians. their own conversation and that: of the professors of Christianity, instead of being alarmed, they will conclude their condition: safe.

Such is the frailty of man, , even at his best estate, and so full is the world of temptation, that we are ever prone to err. To avoid extremes, and pursue. Hence, it appears highly exthe golden mean is the happi-pedient to lay down some rules ness of the wise and pious few. by which to determine our duty With respect to the subject in this matter, or distinctly to under consideration, there is point out in what sinful conformgreat danger on both sides. Per-ity to the world consists. haps there is no subject on which it is more difficult, on all occasions, precisely to determine the path of duty.

As governed by a benevolent disposition, we would wish to. render ourselves as acceptable to our fellow men as we possibly can, and yet maintain a con. sistency of character, so it is undoubtedly our duty to conform to the world, in all things of an innocent or indifferent nature. To distinguish ourselves in such things is no mark of Christian: wisdom, benevolence or humility, but rather an evidence of the contrary. It is with respect to such things, that we have the example of the same great apostle, who exhorts us not to be conformed to this world; when he assures us, that he was made all things to all men, that he

Having the same ends in view, the glory of God and the good of mankind, the increase of vital piety, the honor of religion and advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom, the friends of Jesus, under various degrees of light and information, may pursue very. different measures. With a desire to promote these important ends, some have been led to withdraw from the world, to conceal themselves in convents, to deprive themselves of the most agreeable, social connections, and undergo great bodily mortification. Others hav-might by all means save some.* ing more light, do not proceed such lengths, yet maintain such a rigid austerity of manners, and exhibit such a gloomy air, that they excite disgust, rather than recommend the cause of religion. On the other hand, with a view to remove prejudice and win souls to the altogether lovely Saviour, some may be in danger of so far conforming to the world as to confound all visible distinction of character, between the subjects of the two kingdoms, respectively; and thus defeat the very object they wish to accomplish. For if the

This same great and good man, who hath set before us a most illustrious example, though sa› ready to conform to all men in things of an indifferent nature, well knew where in other things to make a stand and remain: immoveable. While in one view he seemed ready to turn with the times and accommodate himself to the particular prejudices and humors of those with. whom he was conversant and whose good he was endeavoring to promote; in another, he ap

* 1 Cor. ix. 20-22

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