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of a servant. Psalm xl. 6, 7, 8. Gal. iv. 4. and Phil. ii. 7.

3. By the Father's appointment and his own voluntary act, he became an offering and a sacrifice, and was obedient unto death, on man's account.


jrence of God the Father and God the Son, the Son has taken the human nature upon him and put himself under the divine law in the form of a servant, and in that form perfectly obeyed the law, through the whole of his life, He became incarnate, was amidst the greatest trials and made under the law, and took temptations. Hereby it is proupon him the form of a servant, ved beyond contradiction, that and was obedient unto death, God hath an infinite regard to not for himself, but for us. This his law, as being holy and just the scriptures abundantly teach. and good in its requisitions, and Isai. iii. 5, 6. "He was wound-worthy of the highest honor and ed for our transgressions, he | support. Yea, hereby it has was bruised for our iniquities; been more amply honored than the chastisement of our peace it could be by the perfect obewas upon him, and with his dience of ever so great a numstripes we are healed. All we ber of mere creatures, for ever like sheep have gone astray: so long a time. For it has been we have turned every one to his perfectly approved, exactly fulown way: and the Lord hath filled, and completely obeyed, by laid on him the iniquity of us a divine persona person of all." Matt. xx. 28. "The Son greater dignity and worth than of man came to give his life a all mere creatures put together. ransom for many."Rom. iv. The perfect obedience of such a 25. "Who was delivered for our divine person is of greater offences."-2 Cor. v. 21. "For worth, and doth more honor to he hath made him to be sin for | God and his law, than the perus, who knew no sin."Gal iii.fect obedience of a whole sys"Christ hath redeemed us tem of creatures. Hereby it is from the curse of the law, being made to appear, that God is inmade a curse for us."-Eph. v. deed infinitely worthy of the "Christ also hath loved, and highest possible love and the hath given himself for us, an of-most unreserved perfect obedifering and a sacrifice to God for ence. And in this respect his a sweet smelling savor." 1 Pet. righteousness has been declared iii. 18. Christ hath once suf- by Christ. Further, fered for sins, the just for the By the determinate counsel of unjust, that he might bring us to the Father, and by his own conGod." These passages, with sent and voluntary act, this dimany others, contain the fullest vine person has, in our nature testimony, that Christ became and for our sins, been delivered obedient unto death on our ac- up to the cruel and ignominious count, and for our sins-the sins death of the cross. This death, of men. Upon the whole, then, these dreadful sufferings, this we may see, that for the express divine person has endured, to purpose of rendering it consist-redeem us from the curse of the ent with justice, for God to for-law, the Father refusing to forgive and save sinners of the hu- give us on easier terms. Hereman race, by the joint concur- by it is made to appear, that in



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curse of the law, no room is left for any such-like thought or pretence. The divine character stands as clear of all such impeachment, God's infinite displeasure against sin is as fully proved, and sin as highly discountenanced and condemned, as if the penalty of the law had been executed on the transgressors, and no atonement made.Thus it may appear,

That the design of the atonement made by Christ was, by answering those purposes which were otherwise to have been an

sinners, to render it consistent with justice, and consequently, with all the moral attributes of God, for him to express and display his infinite self-moved goodness and mercy, in the recovery, forgiveness and salvation of sinful men. These things, it is conceived, contain a general answer to the question under consideration. Nevertheless,

God's account sin is indeed infinitely criminal-that his displeasure against it is infinitely great that wherever it exists he will bear infinite testimony against it that his law is just in its threatening, and must and shall at all events be supported and vindicated that God has such regard to his holy, just and good law, to his own honor, and to the well being and happiness of creatures, and such hatred of sin, the universal enemy, as are essential to and mark the character of an absolutely perfect being, an infinitely wise, ho-swered by the punishment of ly, just and good moral governor of the world. Thus by Christ's obedience unto death, the righteousness of God is declared or manifested, and the way opened, and a foundation laid, for the exercise and display of his infinite goodness and mercy in the free pardon and salvation of sinners, in a consistency with justice without injury to himself, or to any creature. For now, if God forgives sinners upon the consideration of what Christ hath done and suffered on their behalf, he will give no occasion for creatures to think, that he does not hate sin with perfect hatred, or that he will not show and express infinite displeasure against it. No colorable pretext will be exhibited for any to imagine, that he does not perfectly approve and highly regard his law; or that he is not unalterably determined to support it; or that he has not such a regard to his own honor and authority and to the true interests of the moral world, as becomes the supreme and absolutely perfect moral governor. Since Christ hath thus suffered for sins, to redeem us from the

In order to a more clear and full illustration of the subject, it may be proper to state and answer a few queries relative to it.

Query I. Was the atonement made by the obedience, or by the sufferings, of Christ?

In answer to this, the following things may be observed.

1. If we regard the forms of expression made use of in the scriptures, as of any significance, I think we shall find ourselves obliged to conclude, that a peculiar stress is laid on the blood, the sufferings, and the death of Christ, as essential to the making of an atonement for sin― as being in some peculiar manner that by which the atonement was made,

The atonements under the Mosaic dispensation, were doubt

less designed as types, shadows, and figurative representations, of the atonement to be made by Christ. Those atonements were generally made by the shedding of blood. The words in Lev. xvii. 11. are very explicit and full to this purpose. "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar, to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul." If such an atonement, as is here mentioned, was designed to prefigure and represent the atonement to be made by Christ, who can help concluding that the true atonement was made by his blood?


Hence, without an evident perversion of the words and expressions of scripture from their most plain, natural and obvious meaning, I can see no possibility of avoiding this conclusion, that the blood, the sacrifice, the sufferings and death of Christ, were essential to the making of an atonement for sin, and that it was by his sacrifice, blood or death, that he made the atonement. Nevertheless,

2. When the death, or the blood of Christ is spoken of, as essential to the making of an atonement, and in an especial manner, the thing by which it is made, the idea of his suffering voluntarily, and therein performing the highest act of obedience, must be included.


Several passages containing forms of expression, which seem necessarily to convey the This idea is evidently inclusame idea, have already been ded in the scripture account of adduced, to prove, that Christ the matter. He said, "I lay suffered on our account and for down my life for the sheep.our sins; and to these many | Therefore doth my Father love more might be added, full to the me, because I lay down my life, same purpose. In these and that I might take it again. No similar passages of sacred writ man taketh it from me, but I lay we are told, that Christ was it down of myself." "Christ lov. wounded for our transgressions ed us, and gave himself for us an that we are healed with his offering and a sacrifice." stripes-that he gave his life a made himself of no reputation, ransom- that his blood was shed and took upon him the form of for the remission of sins-that a servant-and became obedient we have redemption through his unto death, even the death of the blood-are made nigh by his blood cross." No act of obediencé per-are reconciled to God by his formed by Christ, was more acdeath are washed from our ceptable to God than this. By. sins in his blood-are redeemed laying down his life in conformiwith the precious blood of Christ ty to the will of the Father, and -redeemed to God by his blood to the commandment which he —that his blood cleanseth from had received of him, Christ exall sin and purgeth the con- ercised and expressed the perscience from dead works-that fection of love to God, as well as he hath appeared to put away to men, and the most absolute, sin by the sacrifice of himself, unreserved submission and obeand hath entered into the holy dience to the divine will. This placé even into heaven, as an was, so to speak, the crowning high priest, by his own blood.-act of his obedience in the form

of a servant, by which his mediatorial righteousness was perfected and finished. Now when we consider the death of Christ, or his blood, as making the atonement, if we leave out the idea of his dying voluntarily, and thereby exercising and expressing the greatest perfection of love and obedience, what idea can we have of any thing, which partakes of the nature of an offering made to God on our behalf, or for our sins? For if Christ is not the offerer, who is? | If he did not make the atonement, by whom was it made ?-But if he had not died voluntarily, by his own consent, how could it be said with propriety, that he made the atonement? For upon that supposition, the making of the atonement was no act of his.

answered by the atonement, could be answered by the most perfect obedience, which could be performed, without the suffering of death.

If Christ, in the form of a servant and in the likeness of men, had performed the most perfect obedience, which could possibly be performed by him, without shedding his blood, and making himself an offering for sin; it might thereby have been made to appear, that God hath an infinite regard to his law as being holy and just and good in its requisitions, and worthy of the highest honor; and that he is infinitely worthy of the most perfect love and obedience. But if he had not suffered, as well as obeyed, how would his obedience have made it appear, that sin The plain scripture represent- is infinitely criminal and ill deation of the matter appears to be serving-that God views it as this, viz. Christ made an atone- being so, and is infinitely disment for sin by the one offering pleased with it-that wherever of himself on the cross, when he it exists, he will bear infinite gave himself for us an offering testimony against it-that the and a sacrifice to God, and be- law is just in its threatenings as came obedient unto death. His well as in its precepts, and must making the atonement was an and shall at all events be mainexercise and expression of the tained and supported—and that most consummate righteousness God indeed hath such a regard of the utmost perfection of love to his law, to his own honor, and and obedience, and the thing by to the happiness of the moral or with which he made the atone-world, and such infinite hatred ment, was his own blood, his of sin, as are essential to the own self, given and offered for character of an absolutely perus by his own consent. He gave fect being an infinitely wise his life a ransom, a price of re- and holy, just and good moral demption, for many. He hath governor of the world? The redeemed us to God by his blood. threatened punishment of sin was He hath purchased the church designed to answer these and with his own blood. He is the suchlike purposes-to make purchaser, and his blood is the these things appear to render thing with which the purchase them visible and manifest But is made. This brings me to ob- how these things could be made fully manifest, and rendered incontestibly evident to creatures without sufferings really endur


3. It don't appear how the purposes or ends designed to be

concerns at thy footstool. Prepare me for my great and last change, and enable me to live every day as though it were my last, keeping death, judgment and eternity, constantly in view. O thou guardian of my soul, keep me from spiritual pride; and save me from every sin, es

ed, it is not easy, if possible, to conceive. For God's displeasure against sin is fully manifested, and rendered unexceptionably evident to creatures, no otherwise than by its effects-by the evils or sufferings produced by it or proceeding from it. God is known, and clearly and convincingly manifested to crea-pecially from abusing the mer tures, to be such a being as hecies I enjoy. They are indeed really is, not simply by what he innumerable; but here like a says, but by what he does. It prince do I riot upon thy bounty, therefore seems impossible to without reverencing the hand conceive, how the purposes de- which bestows it," signed to be answered by the atonement, could be answered by Christ, without his sufferings and death. And hence I am necessitated to conclude, agreeably to the most obvious import of the general tenor and phraseology of the scriptures upon this subject, that the atonement was made by his sufferings by his death by his blood.

(To be continued.)

Lord's day evening. "The Lord is good to the evil and to the unthankful. O wretch that I am! I have been permitted to go to the house of God, and to abuse divine mercy-Have heard a sermon upon the glorious doctrine of divine sovereignty,"

Again she writes, "I have reason to believe that the devil and my wicked heart have combined to draw me down to everlasting destruction. How am Į bound and chained to the things of sense! And am I not pleased

Memoir of Mrs, Clarinda Pren- with my bondage? O God,


(Concluded from p, 196.)


thou knowest the secret wedge of Achan; deliver me from idolatrous affections. Had some comfort this evening in pleading at the throne of grace for the interests of Zion, and for minis

In October, 1800, she writes,

RS. Prentice kept a diary, the five last years of her life. She wrote largely respect-ters of the gospel." ing her exercises and experiences. Her writings of this kind" Blessed be God, I have had are sufficient for a large volume. some refreshment in prayer this A few extracts from her private morning. Oh, save me by the diary, it is presumed, will not right hand of thy power, for thy be unacceptable to the readers great name's sake.” of the preceding memoir of a person whose graces shone with such lustre.

Lord's day evening. "I have this day been permitted to celebrate the dying love of Jesus. Wonderful love indeed, wonderful salvation! O Lord, my once crucified, but now ris

In Feb. 1800, she wrote thus, "My health is on the decline; and O gracious Father, enable me to lay myself and all my I en and ascended Redeemer, par

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