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leaving England, he is suddenly and | hinting to his master, his suspicion mysteriously joined by one Renault that the minstrel is a villain, and adVidal, a minstrel, (of whom, more duces several strange and mysterious anon). He leaves his nephew, Damian circumstances in proof thereof. Vidal de Lacy, governor of the Garde Do- presently returns with the blighting loureuse, and guardian of lady Eve- intelligence, that Damian and Eveline line, till his return. While all is pro- are guilty with each other; "neither ceeding securely and regularly at married nor betrothed." He seems Garde Doloureuse, a dissolute brother to enjoy the effects of his intelligence of Hugo's, named Randall, gains ad- with dark and keen malignity. The mittance in the guise of a falcon-mer- Constable mounts the horse of Vidal, chant, &c. He manages to get the and Guarine that of an old half-starved lady Eveline and household from the huntsman, whom he encounters flying castle; and they ride to some distance from Garde Doloureuse. In the mean for the purpose of trying his birds. while, Garde Doloureuse is sorely His emissaries are abroad, who in- pressed by the besiegers, (that is, the stantly seize her; but, through the army of king Henry.) Flammock, interference of Damian, who, however, however, finds means to quit it secretis severely wounded, she is even- ly, and gain access to the tent of king tually released, and returns with him Henry; when he demands safety for to Garde Doloureuse. We should Damian, Eveline, and his daughter, have previously mentioned, that the before he will put the king in posConstable informed lady Eveline, be- session of the castle. Renault Vidal fore he left England, that should his goes to a secret place, where he had return be protracted beyond three appointed to meet Hugo; from thence years, she was absolved of her pro- he sees a procession, and is informed mise, and might wed another. While that the Constable is about publicly her attendant, Rose Flammock, is to invest the Flemish with a charter. urging her in behalf of Damian, Guy He mingles with the throng-sees the Monthermer, an hereditary enemy of Constable-plunges a poniard, and De Lacy's house, appears at the gates buries it in his neck-is seized-and of the castle, sternly commanding her carried before the king; when, to his to open it, and admit a guard of king frenzied dismay, he finds that the Henry's. She resolutely refuses; and person he has slain is Randall, not the old warrior leaves, with a threat Hugo de Lacy. He confesses that he of his second appearance. The scene is Cadwallon, Gwenwyn's harper, and then shifts altogether; but here we is executed. The Constable then reshall extract the commencement of signs his claim to lady Eveline, and the next; it is a well-written para- she is wedded to Damian de Lacy. graph.

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Along a wasted tract of country, more than twelve miles distant from the Garde Doloureuse, in the heat of a summer noon, which shed a burning lustre on the silent valley, and the blackened ruins of the cottage, with which it had once been graced, two travellers walked slowly, whose palmer-cloaks, pilgrim's-staves, large slouched hats, with a scallop shell bound on the front of each; above all, the cross, cut in red cloth upon their shoulders, marked them as pilgrims who had accomplished their vow, and had returned from that fatal bourne, from which, in those days, returned so few of the thousands who visited it, whether in the love of enterprize, or the ardour of devotion."-Vol. 2. p. 247, 248."

In fact, the two travellers are Hugo de Lacy and Philip Guarine bis servant. The Constable had just sent to Garde Doloureuse, Renault Vidal, (who had been his constant companion in all his adventures,) for the purpose of obtaining information. Guarine, when we are introduced to him, is

This tale has all the characteristic merits and defects of the author. It is loosely connected in the incidents; there is a perpetual straining after scenes, without due regard to dramatical juxta-position. It is but poor in delineation of character. That of the old huntsman, is a plagiarism of the admirable sketch of Irvin's, in Bracebridge Hall, but immeasurably inferior to it. There are two very bungling contrivances, which we have noticed. The first is, where the author informs us of Berenger's ridiculous oath, to "wave all advantage," and literally encounter his foe, face to face, on "a level field;" merely for the sake of the author's accomplishing his death, in order to reserve the siege of the castle till he can shew off the novel generalship of Wilkin Flam mock. The second is, the introduction of Renault Vidal, and very un

necessarily dragging him all through the history, for the purpose of being an instrument of retributive providence in the death of Randall. Although, in some parts, it is powerfully written, it is vastly inferior to the second, (whereof, it follows, that we should give an account,) which is called "The Talisman."

of concord existing between the allied princes, in order to further their own ambitious ends. Conrade promises to go to Leopold of Austria, and inflame him with jealousy of Richard. Accordingly, the next day, he visits Leopold, and persuades him, when heated with wine, to insult Coeur de Lion, and plant his standard before This admirable tale commences the lion of England. Richard being with a very solemn and striking de- informed of it, bursts forth-tramples scription of eastern scenery. A cru- under foot the Austrian eagle-creates sader is seen riding slowly along the a wild uproar—but at length is pacified sandy desert of the Dead-sea. His by the intervention of Philip of France, person, arms, and armour, his horse, and returns to his tent, leaving Kenand its accoutrements, are very mi- neth of Scotland, as an especial mark nutely and elaborately described. It of favour, guardian for the right of the is Kenneth of Scotland, the knight of standard of England. But, alas! love is the sleeping leopard, who is approach- stronger than valour; and Kenneth is ing "the diamond of the desert"-a seduced to leave his post, on a visit to spring of fresh water, where he intends Edith Plantagenet. When there, he to take his noonday meal. But a hears it is merely a trick of Queen Saracen cavalier springs forth and at- Berengaria's-flies back-finds his dog tacks him. Having exhibited mutual wounded, and the standard gone. proofs of prowess in a desperate com- While bewailing his misfortune, the bat, after the chivalrous fashion of the Moorish physician arrives-promises times, they exchange hands in token to cure the dog, and unsuccessfully of friendship, and proceed together to strives to win over Kenneth to the the spring, where each partakes of his service of the Saracen emperor. In meal. Kenneth informs his compa- the morning, Kenneth repairs to nion, that he is journeying towards Richard's tent-informs him of the the "Hermit of Engaddi ;" and the loss of the banner, and is sentenced to Saracen promises to conduct him thi- death, in defiance of the tears, importher. On their journey, a strange be-tunities, and lamentations of queen ing arrests and attacks the Saracen, but quits him at the command of Kenneth; and this proves to be the hermit of whom he is in search. They are led by him to his cave, where Kenneth has a mysterious sight of a subterraneous chapel, and is favourably noticed by Edith Plantagenet, his "Ladie of Love."

The scene shifts to Coeur de Lion's camp, between Jean d'Acre and Ascalon. Richard is ill, and none dares approach him, except Thomas de Vause, a rough, brave English knight. Hearing the sound of music without, he is informed that the emperor Saladin has sent to him a skilful Moorish physician, to attend the king. After great distrust and hesitation, he is admitted to the chamber of Richardwho, contrary to the advice of his councellor, drinks off a talisman prepared by the Moor, and drops into a profound slamber. We are then introduced to Conrade, marquis of Montserrat, and the Grand Master of the Knights Templars; who traitorously consult how to dissolve the bond

Berengaria, lady Edith, and Theodric, the hermit of Engaddi. But, at length, owing to the vehement entreaties of the Moorish physician, he obtains him for a slave, and departs with his prisoner to the Saracen army. In the interim, Conrade and the Grand Master have so successfully scattered the seeds of discord, that the allianced princes, affecting disgust at the pride of Richard, determine to withdraw from the confederacy. Kenneth of Scotland, disguised as a black Arabian slave, with his dog, arrives as a present to Richard, from Saladin. Kenneth preserves the king from assassination,-and detects, by the agency of his dog, the traitor who stole the banner; who proves to be Conrade, marquis of Montserrat! Kenneth of Scotland, having assumed his proper appearance, fights a duel with Conrade, in presence of both armies, and with his first stroke fells his opponent to the earth. While Montserrat is carried to his tent, it is publicly announced, that Kenneth of Scotland is "David, carl of Huntingdon, Prince

Royal of Scotland;" and that the Saracen, with whom Kenneth fought at the commencement of the history, the Moorish physician, and Saladin, the emperor, are one and the same person. They sit down to a banquet; and information being brought, that the Grand Master (then present) has secretly stabbed Montserrat, Saladin starts from his seat, and in another instant, the traitor's head falls by his side," while the trunk remains for a second, standing with the goblet still clenched in its grasp." The tale concludes with the marriage of the Earl of Huntingdon and Edith Plantagenet. The whole story is fully worthy of the author of Ivanhoe. It introduces us, as with the waving of the magician's wand, from scene to scene,each deeply and absorbingly interesting, without waiting to conduct us by the slow and tedious stages of prosing narrative. Its chief fault is, its being too much in masquerade throughout; but this, together with sundry other errors, is lost and absorbed in the intense interest excit

ed by the story. Edith, the stately, beauteous Edith, contrasts admirably with the lighter charactered, yet beautiful Berengaria; the fiery, bluff, impatient valour of Coeur de Lion, with the steady, polished, yet determined courage of Saladin. Thomas de Vause is a fine and characteristic portrait; but we have not time to enumerate more. As for ourselves, in after-time, we shall recur to this tale, (by the way, why is it called "The Talisman?" "Saladin" would have been better,) as an admirable performance of an intensely interesting period of history, rendered vivid and distinct by the enlightened rays of the genius of the "Author of Waverley."

REVIEW.-The Voice from Heaven, a Funeral Hymn. By David Everard Ford. Westley. London.

MR. Ford's reputation as a composer of music, is already established too firmly to be either much augmented or diminished by a single tune. This, however, that is before us, is not unworthy of its author; and should it fall into the hands of those who are unacquainted with his other compositions, there can be no doubt, that it will induce the lovers of sacred harmony to inquire after his "Original

Psalm and Hymn Tunes," which are already introduced into many congregations, where they occupy an honourable station, which they are likely to retain.


Missionary Intelligence.

for Australasia, having been established, to AN auxiliary Church Missionary Society, co-operate with the Church Missionary Society in London, we are happy to find, that its conductors turn much of their attention to the condition of the poor unenlightened natives of New between three and four millions. To aid them in South Wales, who are supposed to amount to their benevolent work, the government of the colony has manifested the most praise-worthy readiness. Sir Thomas Brisbane, the governor, of the London Deputation, in trust for the has directed to be made over, at the instance natives exclusively, 10,000 acres of land, in the vicinity of Reid's Mistake, lying between Port Jackson and Newcastle, and about forty miles from the heads. Should the mission at any time be abandoned, the above land reverts to the crown. It is understood, that as soon as the land is located, the Rev. Mr. Threlkeld will commence his labours in this uncultivated part of the missionary field. crown his exertions, the introduction of those mournful contests which have lately been civilization and religion will put an end to attended with a great waste of human life.

Should success

The missionaries on the Tahitian mission, observe as follows:-As to the state of civilization, it is progressive. There are many more houses finished in the European style; and, as of a market to purchase, which prevents the it respects European dress, it is only the want people from being generally arrayed in English clothing. Every man wishes for a coat, and every woman a gown, so that it is not the want the want of that dress to appear in, which obof desire to appear in an English dress, but liges many in our congregation to appear still in their native cloth." The people are now employed in putting an excellent fence round the burying ground, of four-inch boards, with a coping over them, which will be the first enclosed burying-ground we have seen or heard

of in these islands. Cultivation of all kinds of food which the islands produce, as well as of some foreign vegetables, is very general over the district, every family having their own enclosure for that purpose.

"The large heap of stones which remained of the great Morae, so much celebrated for being the place where the great ceremonies were performed for ages unknown, has been levelled, and it forms an excellent platform, three feet high, and 157 by 194, surrounded by form, the children dined together on the 11th a stone wall, built with lime. Upon this plat

of June, when about 90 tables were set out after the English fashion, and an equal number of long chairs were placed for the children to sit upon. It was pleasing to see so many children of both sexes dining together on the where, if a female had eaten but a morsel, a very spot where Satan's throne stood, and few years ago, she would have been put to


The children walked from one end of the settlement to the other, and sung a hymn at each end, and then returned to the chapel, when a sermon was preached to them by their pastor, from John xxi. 15. last clause, Feed my lambs.'

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Literature.

to have been handed down from the early ages, but as the remains of a supposed introduction of Christianity, previous to the known discovery of America. From the similarity in history, and in attributes, of the gods of Mexico, to those of the Old World, and from the mutual resemblance of their rites, Mr. Faber infers, that the eastern and western pagan theologies both sprang from the same source. The We understand from the report of this in- same inference he draws from the existence stitution, that the only publication in which it of various pyramidal edifices called Tescallis has hitherto found it expedient to engage, is a (house of God) erected by the tribes which continuation of the Hieroglyphics, as begun by peopled Mexico, in imitation of that raised by the Egyptian Society. This undertaking is the descendants of Noah in the plain of Shiunder the superintendence of Dr. Young. nar, to represent at once the mount of paraSeven plates are already engraved, and a mass dise, and the peak upon which the ark rested of materials, partly transmitted from Egypt by after the deluge. These edifices are all immeMr. Wilkinson, and partly existing previously diately connected with holy lakes: which Mr. in this country, being ready for arrangement, F. regards as consecrated symbols of the dethe first fasciculus, consisting of twenty plates, luge, and the prototypes of which existed in may be expected to appear before the next the old world. The paper concludes with anniversary. Among the publications con- various additional arguments, drawn from the templated by the Society, is that most curi- traditions of the Mexicans, all tending to corroous and important work, "Wickliffe's Trans-borate the opinion, that the ancestors of that lation of the Old Testament," hitherto unpublished. Since the last general meeting, eleven papers have been read at the ordinary meetings of the Society. The following is a synopsis.

I. A fourth paper, by Mr. Sharon Turner, "On the Origin of the Affinities and Discordances of Languages." If the adoption of the same elementary sound by a variety of disconnected nations, to express the same idea, cannot be considered as accidental, still less can this be the case in terms compounded of simpler elements. This principle Mr. Turner illustrates in the present paper by examples selected from various languages, of words made use of to express the relation of Father, and concludes, that such words must have descended to each tribe of mankind from some common origin. The languages of the world present three inseparable phenomena; viz. 1. Various identities and resemblances. 2. The fact, that these identities and resemblances are not those of one uniform element, but of several distinct elements. 3. A vast general diversity, notwithstanding these partial iden


Of these phenomena, the only satisfactory account is given by the author of the book of Genesis; who informs us, that the language of the primitive families was made miraculously unintelligible to each other, and that they themselves were scattered abroad and disunited. The previous identity of language explains its present resemblances: in the "confusion of the lips," we discover the origin of the variety in these resembling elements; and for the multifarious diversity of words, a sufficient cause appears, in the variety of habits and circumstances consequent upon the disper


II. The second paper was communicated by the Rev. G. S. Faber, "Respecting the Theology and the Origin of the Mexicans." Mr. F. commences his observations with defending the veracity of the ecclesiastical writers of Spain, to whom we are indebted for the only records we have of this extinct theology. After adducing several proofs from the Mexican traditions, he concludes his reasons for believing in the honesty of those writers, by stating that they themselves did not consider the traditions

nation were emigrants from Asia, probably "a Japhetic people, under the government of an Indo-Scythic, or Cuthic, race of priests and nobles.'

III. The third paper was "On the Introduction of Greek Literature into England, after the Dark Ages." By P. F. Tytler, Esq. Secretary to the Royal Society of Edinburgh.Greek learning was revived in Italy by Petrarch and Boccacio, about the middle, but more effectually, under Chrysoloras, towards the close, of the 14th century. The honour of its revival in this country, which did not take place until nearly the end of the succeeding century, is divided among several learned individuals, of whom the most eminent are Linacre, Grocyn, Latimer, Lilye, Tunstal, Pace, Colet, and sir Thomas More. The present communication is chiefly devoted to a detail of the life, studies, and personal character, of the first of these scholars, whose master was the famous Politian, and who numbered among his pupils, Erasmus and sir Thomas More. Mr.Tytler has extracted testimonies to Linacre's taste and learning, from Buchanan and Erasmus, and added a list of his works. He died in 1524.

IV. This paper was entitled "Observations, Elucidatory and Emendatory, on the Epistle of Horace to Torquatus." By Granville Penn, Esq.

V. Another paper by the same writer on the Ode of Horace, "Persicos odi, &c."

VI. The sixth paper was by the Rev. H. J. Todd, M. A. It contained an account of a MS. belonging to the dean and chapter of York, entitled A Collection of Passages of State under Queen Elizabeth and King Janies." No writer's name is prefixed, but throughout it is apparent that the author is sir John Harrington. Mr. Todd's paper consists of, 1. An analysis of the volume by a later hand. 2. A letter from the work, written by James I. to sir James Harrington, in return for the present of his translation of Ariosto. 3. A defence of queen Elizabeth's reputation for chastity. 4. A character of lady Arabella Stuart. 5. An apology for queen Elizabeth's conduct towards the queen of Scots. 6. A statement of the imprisonment of the author's father. 7. An ac

count of the zealous attachment of all parties to queen Elizabeth at her accession.

VII. The seventh paper was, "A short Treatise on the Antiquities of Persepolis." By W. Price, Esq. The writer gives an account of an attempt made by him to decipher the arrowheaded characters upon the walls of this ancient city, in the expectation that the language of these inscriptions would prove to be the same as that now used by the Guebres. He exemplifies the affinity of the language of the Guebres to the modern Persian by a table of words and phrases, and subjoins extracts, with a translation from one of several MSS. obtained upon the spot.

VIII. "An account of a Coin of Metapontum." By James Millingen, Esq. This coin is very ancient, and is supposed to have served as a prize at some public games celebrated in honour of the Achelous.

IX. "On some ancient Coins of Cierium in Thessaly." By W. M. Leake, Esq. These coins, eight in number, were found by the writer, at or near Matarange, a village in the neighbourhood of the vestiges of Cierium, where it appears that Neptune was worshipped with peculiar veneration.

X. "An account of a Codex, containing several Greek MSS. belonging to the Patriarch of Jerusalem." By Mr. Todd. This paper is principally taken up with the copy of an account by Dr. Burney, of one of many Greek MSS. brought from the east by professor Carlyle and Dr. Hunter, of which Codices, four, including that here described, were returned to the patriarch. The volume consists of 268 pages, containing works, part entire and part mutilated, of the following authors. Anonymus, Rhetor Anonymus, Aphthonius, Demosthenes, Heraclides, Herodotus, Libanius, and Simpli

cius. Some of which are inedited.

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potatoes, picked from the same heap; some of the latter were set whole, and some cut in half. When he took them up, the former row produced four bushels and a half of fine large potatoes, with scarcely any small ones. The other row gave so few in measure, that they all went into a half-bushel scuttle, and were miserably small.

Excellent Glue for External Work.-If a quantity of white lead be well ground up with linseed oil, and as much of the mixture be added to common glue as will make it of a whitish colour; the mixture forms an excellent glue for external work. It should be used rather thick, and it requires about double the time to dry it, that is necessary to dry common glue.-Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary.

Apple Bread.-A very light pleasant bread is made in France by a mixture of apples and flour, in the proportion of one of the former to two of the latter. The usual quantity of yeast is employed, as in making common bread, and is beat up with flour and the warm pulp of the apples after they have been boiled, and the dough is then considered as set; it is next put in a proper vessel, and allowed to rise for eight or twelve hours, and then baked in long loaves. Very little water is requisite; none, generally, if the apples are very fresh.

To remove Warts.-The most accumulated and inveterate warts may be removed by the following plan:-A bit of impure potass, or lapis infernalis, moistened, should be applied to the warts, or gently rubbed on the surface of them a few minutes, so as to leave a kind of whitish paste upon them; over this should be applied a strip of sticking-plaster, and allowed to remain on for a week. On removing the plaster, if the warts are not quite gone, a similar application must be used.

Madame Lavalette.-The wife of General Lavalette, whose escape made so much noise some years since, is in a private madhouse in Mont-Martre. Her malady is of the melancholy kind, and she amuses herself with tearing her dresses in long narrow slips, accompanying the action with a corresponding hissing sound. Her only paroxysms are when she beholds her husband; her conduct is then outrageous. She is about 45 years of age, and every means have been used for her recovery, but without effect. Her husband has been again received into favour, and is now employed in the king's household.

XI. A fifth paper by Mr. Turner, "On the Origin of the Affinities and Diversities af Languages." The object of this writer is to prove that there exist every where among the languages of the world, partial resemblances, sufficient to evince an affinity of origin, whilst at the same time there appears such a general dissimilarity, as indicates, not a gradual departure, but a violent dismemberment and abruption, from an original common stock. These positions are further illustrated and established in the present paper, first, in the elements of the word inquio; secondly, in the pronoun I, in its different numbers, persons, and derivatives, which are proved to be the same in a vast variety of languages; and thirdly, in a deriva-church-yards, is by the historian Ingulphus, tion of the word nature from nascor, from na which in many languages means mother, and Loxw, to have; and of quots from fou, which is the word in several languages for father. The council expect to pablish a volume of Transactions next year.

To obtain large Potatoes.-Many people imagine, that it makes no difference in the result, whether the eyes, as they are called, of large or small potatoes be planted. This is a great mistake. A writer in the Farmer's Journal states, that, as an experiment, he planted a row of sets, cut out into single eyes, from large potatoes chosen out of a heap; the row was 25 yards in length; and next to it he planted another row of equal length, from the smallest

Crosses.-The first mention of crosses in

irruption into this country in 870, barbarously who states, that when the Danes, in their fatal murdered the monks of Peterborough, Godrick, the venerable abbot, not only took care for their burial, but erected a stone cross in the church-yard where they had sepulture, in order to remind passengers to pray for their souls, and for those of others there interred.

To soften Ivory.-Steep the ivory in a decoction of sage, made by boiling sage in strong vinegar. The longer the ivory remains in the decoction, the softer it will become.

Society of Arts.-On Monday May 30th, Master Richard Warren, aged sixteen, obtained from the hands of the Duke of Sussex, the large silver medal, for a finished drawing from the antique, being his first attempt.

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