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Aboukir, battle of, 502

Academies, literary, Moratin's remarks on,


Agathias, historian, account of, 575
Agriculture, Swiss, 205 note, see Rural

Alexis, Willibald, romance of Schloss
Avalon, 231

Alfieri's character of Sweden, 519, note
America, Chateaubriand's Travels in, 469
-Botta's History of the Independence
of, 490-Aborigines of the larger islands
in South America, 602-Spanish Ame-
rica, see Spanish, Columbus.

Anacaona, a female Cacique, her character,

Angeloni, his statements relative to Botta,
494, note

Antiquities discovered at Corneto, 335
Arabian Poetry, 562

Arabic, study of, in Germany, 567, 568
MSS., Asiatic Museum, St. Peters-
burgh, 665

Aranda, Count de, 424

Architecture, see Berlin, Etruscans, Mu-
nich, Schinkel.

Archives, Spanish, destruction of, during
the war, 380

Armance, French novel, 221

Army, French, remodelled by Napoleon,
147-infantry, 148-artillery, 149
Arnold of Brescia, the reformer, 555
Artevelde, Jacob van, the brewer of Ghent,
9, 24

Philip van, 25, chosen chief cap-
tain of Ghent, 26-goes to solicit peace
of the Count of Flanders, 29-conditions
offered him, ib.-takes Bruges, 34;
besieges Oudenard, 36-slain at the
battle of Roosebeke, 39- portents on
the eve of that event, 41
Artillery, French, 149
Artois, Count d', 640


Atticotti, the, unjustly accused of being

cannibals, 587-confounded with the
- Picts by Chateaubriand, 589
Avanzini, Professor, death of, 326
Austria, study of Oriental literature in, 565,

Balder, mythos of, 538, 541

Ballads and Romances, Spanish, 71


'Death of Don Rodrigo,' 72-The In-
discretion,' 73-pastoral ballads, 74
Barante, Histoire des Ducs de Bourgogne,
1-style of the work, 2

Barros, Juan de, Portuguese historian, 195
Befana, singular Italian festival, 642
Beltrami, his pilgrimage in Europe, &c.

pilfered by Chateaubriand, 470
Berlin, New Theatre described, 302-
New Museum, 303-transactions of the
Royal Society, 331-Humboldt's lec-
tures on physical geography, 655
Berne, council of, 201, note-state of the
peasantry of the mountainous districts
202-regulations relative to the poor

Berthier, Marshal, Memoires de, 636
Bilderdijk, Dutch poet, 6
Bonn, university of, 332

Bossellini, Carlo, death of, 652
Botta, Carlo, his History of America, 490-
of Italy, 492-sketch of his life, ib.-
one of the Piedmont commissioners, 494
-his political intrigues and changes,
496-injustice towards Napoleon, 497-
misrepresentation of the expedition to
Egypt, 498-ditto of the battle of Abou-
kir, 502-want of candour and imparti-
ality, 516-his insinuations against
England, 510-praises the Venetian
Government, 511-and Manhes, 513
silence as to the action of Italians, 514-
and as to the judicial and moral changes
in Italy, 515-want of impartiality, 516,
note-author of an epic poem, 517—
Osservazioni, &c., 658

Bötticher, history of the Carthaginians, 304
Bruges, origin of, 17-rivalry with Ghent,
ib.-the Ghentese proceed against the
city headed by Philip van Artevelde, 31-
their success, 33-narrow escape of the
Count of Flanders, 34-slaughter by the
Ghentese, 35

Bulgarin, his Russian Gil Blas, 648
Buonaparte, 94-army remodelled by, 147
-Botta's injustice towards, 497-his
expedition to Egypt, said to have been
suggested by English emissaries, 498-
state prisons established by, 513-re-
fuses to allow juries in Italy, 514

2 Y

[blocks in formation]

Camoens, didactic poem by, 191-his
dramatic pieces, 193

Caribs, account of, 601-their origin, 602
Carnival at Bome, 545

Carthaginians, history of, by Bötticher, 304
Casas, Bartolomé de, his 'Relacion, &c.,'

584-its authenticity questioned, ib.—
his 'Historia,' 585-suppression of that
work, 586-reckoned a visionary by
Navarrete, 587

Cassas, L. F., artist, death of, 652
Cassoni, papal nuncio in Spain, artifices
of, 356

Castello di Trezzo, Italian romance, 230
Cavaliere-serventeism, 644

Chanca, Dr., his account of Columbus's
second expedition, 598
Chateaubriand, his egotism, 469-his tra-
vels in America, ib.-plagiarisms from
Beltrami, 470-his 'Natchez,' 472-re-
covery of the lost MS. of that work, ib.
-curious mythology, ib.-episode of
Chactas, 476-its inconsistencies, 477
-injudicious flattery of Louis XIV., ib.
-his 'Discours,' 479, intended as a
sketch of the fall of the Roman empire,
ib.-want of research, 481-character of
Tiberius, 482-omits Diocletian, 484-
character of Heliogabulus, ib.-Inde-
cency of his notes, 486-singular mis-
takes, 488

Cheese, Swiss, various manufactures of,

China, early travellers in, 372-Russian

missions, 373-little known to the
British, 374

Chinese literature, 375-novel of the
'Two Cousins,' ib.-analysis of the
story, 377


language, students of, in Germany

MSS., collection of, 664
Chronicles, French, 2-Icelandic, 528
Cid, the poem of, 48
Claude Loraine, 406
Clientship, origin of 181, note
Columbus, Portuguese memoir relative to,
186-original papers of, discovered, 581
-his birth-place, 588-conjectured to
have been commandant of Queenbo-
rough Castle, 589-conceives the idea
of a western route to India, 590-his

[blocks in formation]

Confederacies, republican, of the middle
ages, Kortum's work on, 550 - see
Middle Ages.

Constant, Benjamin, de la Religion, 318
Conz, C. P., death of, 325

Corneto, vases, &c. discovered at, 335
Corpus Scriptorum Historiæ Byzantinæ,


Correggio, 411

Cortes, Spanish, accused by the Irish
Catholics of oppressing the church, 359,
note, 364, see Spain.

Cortez, anecdote of, 608-his religious
sincerity, 609

Courts of Justice, Turkish, 279
Crusades, magic believed in at the period
of, 253, note

Danish literature, notices of, 332, 633, 656,
see Ingemann.

orthography, Rask on, 633
Dotsky Sobesednik, or Children's Visit-
or, Russian journal, 311
Demarchi, sonnet (Italian) from Villegas, 68
Denmark, literary intelligence from, 656
Schlegel's work on the Consti-
tution of, 312

Denis, Resumé de l'Histoire Littéraire de
Portugal, 184

Dereser, Dr. T., death of, 658
Deycks, de Megaricorum Doctrina, 302
Dorn on the Oriental languages, 311
Drama Portuguese, 192-Italian, 647,658

Eddas, the, 270, 534, see Mythology.
Egypt, French expedition to, 498
Egyptian campaign, 636

Museum at Turin, description of

a papyrus at, 659
Eichhorn, J. G., death of, 326

Enghien, Gaultier d', atrocities committed
by, at Grammont, 22

Emigration no effectual remedy for excess
of population, 205

Epic poetry, on the use of the marvellous
in, 251, note

Ethiopic language, studied in Germany, 567
Etruscans, their architecture and arts, 175
Europe, state of, at the beginning of the
twelfth century, 555

Fantoni, Italian poet, imprisoned for pro-

testing against the cession of Piedmont
to France, 493
Faust, Goethe's, 435; Klinger's, Muller's,
Klingemann's, 436-character of Me-
phistophiles, 437-of Faust, 438-aim
of the author, 440


Ferdinand VI. of Naples, his cruelty, 505,
note-and treachery, 508- - approves
of the Sicilian constitution, 509
Fine Arts in Russia, 338

Flanders, early civilization and prosperity
of, 7-Louis de Male, Count of, 9, 10—
insurrection of the White Hoods at
Ghent, 11

Fleck, F. G., death of, 653

Florence, literary intelligence from, 333
Foote, Capt., of the Sea Horse, his 'Justifi-
cation, &c.,' 504

Foscarini, tragedy by Nicolini, 647
Foy's History of the Peninsular war, 145-
account of the author, ib.-character of
the work, 144-his veraciousness, 163
France, primary cause of the revolution,
85-policy of the restored Bourbons,
87-restoration of the Jesuits, 88-M.
de Villele, 91-the Parti Prêtre, 92-
state of public feeling, 93-variety of
climate, 211, note
French historical works, 2
novels, 220

poetry, 314

Freytag, Professor, new edition of Golias's
Arabic lexicon by, 567

[blocks in formation]

analysis of the fable, 445-character of
Phorcyas, 450-of Lynceus, 457-its al-
legorical meaning, 460-character of Eu-
phorion, 664-Goethe's ' Märchen,' 467
Gotha, Oriental manuscripts at, 569
literary intelligence from, 657
Gothic tribes, 524. struggles with the
Svear, 526, 527, note-Magnus's theory
respecting them, 520

Grassi, Alfio, his Charte Turque,' 275—
panegyrizes the Turks, ib.

Greece, Kruse's Geographical History of,
308-no national alliance between the
different states, 552

Greeks, ideas entertained by, relative to the
Hyperboreans, 520

Grossi, I Lombardi, alla Prima Crociata,
epic poem by, 238-analysis of the fable,
240-want of interest in the characters,
243-Giselda's lamentation over Sala-
din, 246 - death of Giselda, 251-de-
scription of the battle of Antioch, 254
-want of invention in the poem, 255

Hamarskiold, Lorenz, death of, 327
Hammer, J. von, History of the Ottoman
Empire, 307

Hanseatic league, 560

Hasche, J. C., death of, 327

Hauff, W., German novelist, death of, 653
Hebrew, study of, in Germany, 566
Helena, see Goethe.

Herodotus, his account of the Hyperbo-
reans, 521

Heyns, Jan, of Ghent, foments the insur-
rection of the White Hoods, 11-his
sudden death, 13
Hieroglyphics, successful study of, by
recent scholars, 572

Hispaniola, singular mode of revenge prac-
tised by the females on the Spaniards,
603-interesting history of the Cacique
Henrique, 610- Barrionuevo's inter-
view with him 621-visited by Las
Casas, 623

Historians, French, 2-Portuguese, 196—
Byzantine, 574


History of the Dukes of Burgundy, 1-of
the Peninsular War, Foy, 141
Rome, Niebuhr, 168 of Carthage,
Bötticher, 304-Trapezunt, Tallme-
rayer, 305-Ottoman Empire, von Ham-
mer, 307 San Marino, 316-Italy,
Botta, 496-Republics of the Middle
Ages, Kortum, 551-Byzantine History,
574-Spanish, 627


Hitzig, his Life of Werner, 96— ditto
Hoffmann, ib.

Hoffmann, German novelist,, 96 - intro-
duced to Werner, 122

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