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Jesus taught those truths which | up the vision and prophecy, and were galling to the corrupt, un- to anoint the most Holy. Know, sanctified heart. None more so therefore, and understand, that than his real divinity. This doc-from the going forth of the comtrine had been taught by the pro-mandment to restore and to build phets ages before Christ appear- Jerusalem, unto the Messiah the ed among men, especially by | Prince, shall be seven weeks, and Isaiah, when he declared, Unto threescore and two weeks: the us a child is born, unto us a son is | street shall be built again, and the given, and the government shall | wall, even in troublous times. And be upon his shoulders; and his after threescore and two weeks name shall be called Wonderful, | shall Messiah be cut off, but not for Counsellor, The mighty God, The | himself.|| Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. This doctrine which the prophets taught with a degree of obscurity, was declared by Christ with great clearness. He pressly declared his eternity, Before Abraham was I am. He asserted his oneness with the Father, I and my Father are one.‡ This important, fundamental doctrine of Christianity, Christ taught as much more clearly than the prophets, as the meri-Christ revealed divine truth, and dian sun outshines the pale moon, or twinkling stars. And for this doctrine, more than any other, the Jews brought him to the cross. By his death, he faithfully witnessed the truth; and by his death he completed the atonement. He came into the world not only to give witness to the truth by his death; but, also, by his death to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness. How clearly is this expressed by Dan-cy for hundreds, yea for thouiel in his prophecy relating to the seventy weeks. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal

When Messiah was cut off, but not for himself, then was reconciliation made for iniquity, and the vision and the prophecy ex-sealed up. To this pointed all the sacrifices and legal oblations. To this all the predictions of the prophets had respect; and in this they had their accomplishment. Herein was the plan of God relating to redemption completed. As a faithful witness

* Isaiah ix. 6. † John viii. 58. John x. 30.

died to confirm and establish it. And herein he made reconciliation for iniquity, and brought in everlasting righteousness.

It may not be improper to hint a few thoughts naturally suggested by the foregoing remarks.

1. We are led to conclude that Christ is the promised Saviour. If Christ was pointed out as the Saviour, and in that character was the subject of prophe

sands of years; if the legal
priests were all typical of him,
and in him the prophecies and
types all meet, and are fulfilled ;
if these things are true, then he
is to be viewed as the Saviour.
He is doubtless the person pro-
mised in the garden, and who
was, for a long time, looked for .

Daniel ix. 24, 25, 26.

and expected to make his appearance among men. As the Saviour, therefore, it becomes men to view and receive him. We are to own and embrace him in the character he hath assumed, and allow him all that dignity and glory he hath claimed; acknowledging that it is the duty of all men to honor the Son even as they honor the Father. We are to rely on him as the only Mediator between God and man, and make him all our hope and all our dependence.

correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."

All the doctrines revealed by Jesus Christ are the eternal truths of God, and are connected with the everlasting salvation of the soul. As such we are to receive and embrace them. We are to give up no doctrine contained in the scriptures, nor deny any thing Christ hath revealed. By denying the doctrines of rev. elation we deny Christ; and by denying him we seal our own destruction.

2. It is clearly the duty of people to embrace, and adhere closely to all the truths Christ 3. We have exhibited an exhath taught. Is Christ the faith- ample of fidelity. Christ was ful witness, and hath he revealed appointed in the counsel of eterall necessary truth? Hath he nity to be a "witness to the peoalso sealed his testimony with ple," in which character, we his own blood? If so then is it have seen, he was to reveal all not plain that people are to em- necessary truth, and seal his tesbrace and adhere closely to all timony with his blood. Yes, to the doctrines he hath taught? this he was appointed, even to How can we answer it to Christ, die, making his soul an offerand with what face can we appearing for sin; for he saith, Therebefore him, if we give up a sin-fore doth my Father love me, begle doctrine he hath revealed? cause I lay down my life, that I He taught no doctrine but what might take it again. No mun takis important as it relates to the eth it from me, but I lay it down honor of God, as well as the of myself: I have power to lay it good and happiness of men. He down, and I have power to take it hath revealed no doctrine but again. This commandment have Ï what is nearly or more remotely received of my Father. And he connected with the salvation of was faithful to do all that to sinners. Jesus Christ did not, as which he was appointed. He many speculatists do, spend his did not fail in the smallest and time to no valuable purpose. most inconsiderable thing. He He did not hold up ideas and revealed all that which, in the make propositions merely to a- divine counsel, he was appointed muse mankind, and afford mat- to reveal. He endured all the ter of speculation. All that he sufferings which were appointed, revealed had an important mean- and were necessary to the atoneing, and was designed for an im- ment; and he performed all portant end. If it were not so those works which it was the Fathe apostle could not have said, ther's pleasure to require of him. "All scripture is given by in- He is the faithful witness. spiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for

* 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17. +John x. 17, 18.

In Jesus Christ we have an example of fidelity. Christians in him may see what is to be the extent of their obedience. They are to imitate him in doing freely, and suffering cheerfully, all that it is the pleasure of their heavenly Father to require of them and lay upon them. Like Jesus they are to say under the most pressing calamities, The cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it ?* They are, like him, to be faithful in doing, and patient in suffering all the will of God, even to the death.

earth with the blood of Martyrs. The same spirit that pursued Jesus to the cross, has, and will yet pursue, and thirst for the blood of his faithful servants. But they are not to confer with flesh and blood. When the persecuting Saul of Tarsus was converted into the meek and humble follower of Jesus, he well knew to what he should be exposed; and he was sufficiently armed for the fiery conflict.When, saith he, it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, that

heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood.† Know

4. Ministers and preachers of the gospel are not to confer with | I might preach him among the flesh and blood. The minister of Jesus is under peculiar obligations to imitate the faithfuling the trials he must undergo witness. Called to preach the in the apostleship had Paul conunsearchable riches of Christ, | ferred with flesh and blood, or and set for the defence of the consulted his own ease and pergospel, he needs the whole ar- sonal safety, he would have mor of God that he may stand, shrunk away from the work. faithfully, in his lot, and honor But, feeling the importance of his divine Master. Having to the cause, and relying on the meet the prejudices, the unbe- almighty arm of Jesus, he could lief, the ignorance and vices of venture forth, even though he mankind, if he consult ease and knew that bonds, imprisonment, popularity, he will daub with un- and death were before him. Is tempered mortar, and plaister there not the same inducement, over the errors and wickedness and the same ground of confiof his fellow sinners. However dence in every age of the church? unreasonable it may be to re- Religion and divine truth are the proach the servants of Christ for same now as in the days of the preaching the doctrines evident- apostles; and Jesus Christ is ly contained in the gospel, yet unchangeably the same yestersuch is the depravity of the hu- day, to-day, and for ever. man heart that unsanctified men We have, however, a more will do it. Every age from the perfect pattern than that of Paul commencement of the Christian or any of the inspired servants of era to the present period, has God. Our divine Redeemer has produced this evidence of hu-gone forth in the face of a most man depravity. Bitter enmity powerful opposition, and declaragainst Christ and his doctrinesed the truth at the expense of has produced raging and violent life. And shall not--will not his persecutions, and stain the ministers go and do likewise? + Gal. i. 15, 16.

* John xviii. 11.

On Covenanting with God.



the rod, and their iniquity with stripes.* What affecting instances of this have we in Eli, David and others, who might be mentioned? Of what moment is it, therefore, that Christians should understand the nature of covenanting with God, or what is implied in that solemn trans

themselves, and awful judgments upon their families. If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments: If they YOVENANTING with the break my statutes, and keep not great, holy, and omniscient my commandments; then will Į God, is one of the most interest-visit their transgression with ing and solemn transactions in which a creature can be engaged. Eternal life or death are dependent on the manner in which men covenant with him. Keeping the covenant is no less important than covenanting in the fear and love of God. If men's hearts be not sound in his statutes, and stedfast in his cov-action? That the solemnity of enant it is impossible to enjoy the blessings which it secures to the heirs of promise. It is in a conscientious, stedfast walk with God, according to covenant engagements, that his people have peace with him, peace in their own consciences, joy in the Holy Ghost, and assure their hearts before him. It is in this way that they do honor to God and the gospel, give joy to their brethren in Christ Jesus, become the pillars and ornaments of our churches, prepare and ripen for a happy exit, and for distinguished blessedness and glory, in the presence of their Redeemer.

But if they deal falsely in his covenant, they bring great guilt upon themselves, wound religion, grieve their brethren, can have no peace with God, nor in their own consciences, no communion with him in grace here, nor in glory hereafter. Notwithstanding their fair professions and high advantages, they will be cut asunder and have their portion with hypocrites.

Even God's own children, by backsliding, may bring great guilt and chastisements upon

it, and the importance of keeping covenant with God should be truly represented ?

Might not a discussion of these points be of speciul use to individuals, to our churches, and to society in general? It is the design of this paper to illustratę and impress them.:

Covenanting with God implies his willingness to be reconciled to rebellious men, and to enter into a covenant of peace with them, through Jesus Christ.— That the infinite God who dwells in the high and holy place, whose name alone is holy, should condescend to be a covenant God, and Father to polluted worms of the dust, is indeed wonderful. It should arrest the attention of the whole human race, and fill earth and heaven with gladness and hallelujah. Of this he hath given the fullest assurance. This is the language of his word, And this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and will be their God,

* Psalm lxxxix, 30, 31, 32.

and they shall be my people.* | that he will be a covenant God This was the promise to Abra- to all those who will be his peoham, I will establish my coven- ple. ant between me and thee for an To be a God to them implies everlasting covenant; to be a immense good, the inheritance God to thee. This covenant God of all things. It implies the formaketh with the whole church, giveness of all sin, adoption and and with every individual, who sanctification, peace with God, chooseth him for his covenant peace which passeth understandGod and eternal portion. Anding and keepeth the heart thro' I will be to them a God.‡ And Jesus Christ. It is a covenant I will receive you, and will be a ordered in all things and sure; Father unto you, and ye shall be so that all things shall work tomy sons and daughters, saith the gether for good, to them that Lord Almighty. These pas- love God, to them that are called sages of scripture give us the according to his purpose.* God fullest assurance that God is wil- himself, in his infinite perfection ling to enter into an everlasting and fulness, becomes theirs to covenant of peace with fallen make his grace sufficient for men. The gift of his only be- them, to give them peace in life gotten Son, from his bosom, to and death, to raise them up in open the way for it, the gift of glory at the last day, and to give the Holy Spirit to make applica- them eternal life. He that overtion of the purchased redemp-cometh shall inherit all things, tion, all the invitations and promises of the gospel, and means of reconciliation, show that the divine mind is exceedingly engaged in it.

and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.† This covenant thus full, ordered in all things and sure, is also an everlasting covenant. Nothing can Had it not pleased God thus vacate it, or prevent the Christo have made known his willing- tian's enjoying all the blessings ness to be a covenant God to of it. This is the language of men, and to have made known the scripture; He hath made the terms of his covenant, there with me an everlasting covencould have been no rational foun- ant. The mountains shall dedation for covenanting with him. part, and the hills be removed, It could not have been known | but my kindness shall not depart that it was possible; or on what from thee, neither shall the covterms it might be effected.-enant of my peace be removed.|} There could have been no ra- He hath said I will never leave tional ground of faith or hope in thee, nor forsake thee.§ covenanting. All attempts to covenant with God, without a revelation of his will, would be the highest presumption and madness. But blessed be his name, that he hath given us the fullest assurance on this point;

[blocks in formation]

This is the covenant which God freely proposeth to lost men, through Jesus Christ. He is the mediator of the new covenant, and the only mediator between God and man. No man

Rom. viii. 28. † Rev. xxi. 7. 2 Sam. xxiii. 5. | Isai. liv. 10% Heb. xiii. 5.

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