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have their biographies in the same volume. Leigh- labours, of which they form an important and, in ton's Procession of Cimabue's Madonna' and fact, essential portion. To earnest students the Cymon and Iphigenia' are given with his life by value of the introductions is well known. Such the late Cosmo Monkhouse. Christ in the House are aware that they are an absolutely priceless of His Parents' supplies a specimen of Millais, whose guide to the times of Henry II., Richard 1., John, life is from the same source. 'Libraries' are dis- Edward I., and Edward II. Libraries in which the cussed by Mr. H. R. Tedder, a recognized autho- Rolls Series are comprised are, however, fewer than rity. Most interesting particulars concerning public might have been hoped, considering the conditions libraries are advanced. The Hon. D. Herbert Put-of their issue, and there are very many workers in nam gives full information concerning the libraries remote districts to whom access to them is denied. of the United States. A well-illustrated account These remarks may seem to be advanced as a plea of Lifeboats' is by Mr. Charles Dibdin, and one for a publication that stands in need of no advocacy of Lighthouses,' which is very instructive, is by the or defence. Sooner or later, when the complete builder of the new Eddystone lighthouse. Light' works of Dr. Stubbs are published, these must necesitself is treated by Dr. C. G. Knoll. Prof. Dewar sarily have been included among them, and when the naturally supplies the account of Liquid Gases,' on consent of the Controller of the Stationery Office to which subject he is the greatest authority. This their collection and reissue had once been obtained, is an article of deepest interest and is fully illus- the sooner they were given to the world the greater trated. Local Government,' which also is outside the boon. The works are not reprinted in their our ken, is dealt with by Mr. Macmorran. Prof. entirety. The preliminary portions are epitomized Case writes on 'Logic,' and Mr. H. B. Wheatley by Mr. Hassall, and a few hiatuses, presumably has an all-important share in the account of Lon- pardonable, are found in the course or at the end of don.' Major Barlow writes on 'Machine Guns,' and each introduction, the effect being to compress into the Rev. James Sibree upon 'Madagascar,' the latter, a volume of five to six hundred pages all that is a difficult subject, being judiciously treated. Mr. indispensable to the historian. Very few and-so Maskelyne is part author of the portion of the work far as we can judge, since we have not compared dealing with Magic,' by which, of course, is meant the text with that of the original series-unimillusion. Magnetism,' by Dr. Bidwell, also an article portant are the omissions, detracting no wise from of the utmost importance, describes the experi- the delight and advantage of the reader. Eleven mental work which has been carried out since the essays are there in all, dealing virtually with six or, appearance of the ninth edition of the Encyclo- it may be said, seven works. These are 'The pædia.' With it must be compared Terrestrial Memorials of St. Dunstan, Archbishop of CanterMagnetism,' two subjects which demand very special bury'; 'The Historical Works of Ralph de Diceto, knowledge in the critic. 'Malaria' has at the pre- Dean of London'; Benedict of Peterborough's sent moment profound interest, on account of the Chronicle of the Reigns of Henry II. and investigations into the mosquito parasitic theory. Richard I.,' vols. i. and ii.; The Chronicle of Roger The rules to be observed by dwellers in India or in of Hoveden,' vols. ii., iii., iv.; Chronicles and the tropics generally are extremely important. No Memorials of the Reign of Richard I.,' vols. i. and European house should be less than half a mile ii.; and Walter of Coventry's Historical Collecfrom a native village. 'Malay Archipelago,' 'Malay tions and Chronicles of the Reigns of Edward I. Peninsula,' and 'Malay States' (federated) are a and II.,' vols. i. and ii. leash of articles all of extra importance. 'Mammalia' comes next, and contains, among other illustrations, the superb coloured design of the Okapi. Very great additions to previous knowledge are chronicled. Mr. Lyddeker, F.R.S., is responsible for the account. Jacob Maris's life is accompanied by a reproduction of 'A Village Scene.' Marriage Laws' have seen a great change since 1883. These are described by Mr. Barclay for Europe, and Mr. Wilcox for America. Martial Law' is in the hands of the Deputy-Judge-Advocate-General, Sir John Scott. The sad life of Maupassant is told, and a startling opinion is expressed upon his work. Measuring Instruments' is quite a new subject. 'Medicine is in the hands of Dr. Clifford Allbutt. Many will turn to the exposition of the Monroe doctrine given by Prof. Woolsey. Pictorial illustrations to Claude Monet and Albert Moore attract attention in an admirable volume.

Historical Introductions to the Rolls Series.

By Wm. Stubbs, D.D. Edited by Arthur Hassall, M.A. (Longmans & Co.)

THE introductions contributed by the late Bishop of Oxford to the Rolls Series constitute some of the most valuable of his historical work. It may not, of course, be said that they are buried in the series in which they appear. It is, however, at least certain that they have with the majority of scholars to be looked for or come upon there, and have not hitherto been counted with the author's recognized historical

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It is obviously impossible to deal in extenso with what, after all, is not a new work. It may perhaps be said that the preface to 'The Chronicle of the Reigns of Henry II. and Richard I.,' known com. monly under the name of Benedict of Peterborough, is the boon for which the student will be most grateful. In the previous articles on Ralph de Diceto we have deeply interesting comment on the importance of the position of the Dean of St. Paul's, St. Paul's itself being at the head of the secular clergy of Southern England, a great educational centre, and the mother church of one hundred and twenty churches. Very interesting is the account of the quasi-collegiate establishment of the cathedral and of the hospitality of its residents, by whom illustrious strangers were entertained at great cost. In the later chronicle we have more of those brilliant characterizations which are a special feature in Dr. Stubbs's work. What is said concerning the character of the Angevin kings-two only of whom, Edward I. and Henry VI., the noblest and the unhappiest of the race, are exempt from the censure-is absolutely stirring: "All the Plantagenet kings were high-hearted men, rather rebellious against circumstances than subservient to them. But the long pageant shows us uniformly, under so great a variety of individual character, such signs of great gifts and opportunities thrown away, such unscrupulousness in action, such uncontrolled passion, such vast energy and strength wasted on unworthy aims, such constant failure and final

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disappointment, in spite of constant successes and brilliant achievements, as remind us of the conduct and luck of those unhappy spirits who, throughout the Middle Ages, were continually spending superhuman strength in building in a night inaccessible bridges and uninhabitable castles, or purchasing with untold treasures souls that might have been had for nothing.' Little in Clarendon or Gibbon is better than the account of Henry II. It is unfortunately forbidden us to quote further, but our readers will be wise to turn again to these passages, pp. 92-3. The controversion, p. 168, of the views of Sir F. Palgrave should be restudied, as should the expression, p. 181, concerning the effect of the Norman Conquest in introducing England into the family of European nations. Very striking is the picture, p. 316, of the first Richard, and the comparison which follows between Richard and Saladin is admirable. In the account of the historical collections of Walter of Coventry the character supplied of King John cannot fail to arrest attention. It is the best account we possess of that vilest of Angevin kings, and disposes summarily and finally of the heresies that have been heard concerning that monarch's reputed statesmanship. Few contributions to historical knowledge are more important or more welcome than this volume, which fills up what is virtually a gap in our knowledge.

A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage, the Privy Council, Knightage, and Companionage. By Sir Bernard Burke, C.B. Edited by Ashworth P. Burke. (Harrison & Sons.)

AMONG the works of reference for the year 1903 the place of honour is once more assigned to Burke's 'Peerage,' a book the authority of which is sometimes challenged without being much disparaged, and the popularity and utility of which remain virtually unassailed. The present is announced as the sixty-fifth edition. As will readily be believed, the bestowal of honours in a year so crowded with events of historic dignity and importance as that just past involves numerous changes in the annals of titled families. Rewards for distinguished service in connexion with the victories both of war and peace have been liberally accorded, and the volume which chronicles these will have signal and enduring interest. We mark personally in the list of those who have died during the year many close and constant friends, including one or two such as Sir George F. Duckett, whose title is extinct. Such consolation as can be reaped is found in the fact that the list of new-created honours is almost equally full. "Burke" complains that the succession to baronetcies is often a matter of much difficulty to determine, and suggests, in order to purge the order of the usurpers of styles and titles for which there is no warrant, an official roll of baronets, to contain the names of those who have proved their right to the satisfaction of the law officers of the Crown and, in complex cases, before a judge of the High Court. The foundation of two new ordersthe Order of Merit and the Imperial Service Order, the latter open to both sexes -is reported. In the lists that are given almost every phase of public life and every kind of success which the country delights to honour are, as the editor asserts, represented. Once more Mr. Ashworth Burke counts among those who have assisted him Garter, Ulster, Lyon, and all the officers of the Heralds' College, London. In addition to other

claims, then, which genealogists and antiquaries are used to recognize, the work has all the sanction which authority can confer. As to the changes which have been wrought in cases such as that of the earldom of Perth and Melfort-the former of which passes to Viscount Strathallan, while the latter becomes extinct or dormant - the reader must be referred to the book itself. So far as we are aware, no other country possesses a guide at once so full, so picturesque, and so trustworthy as this to its aristocracy and ennobled classes. The miscellaneous information for which we have been accustomed to look at the close of the volume is to be found in its place. For over two generations the conduct of Burke" has been in admirably competent hands.

The Englishwoman's Year-Book and Directory, 1903. Edited by Emily Janes. (A. & C. Black.) THE editor of The English woman's Year-Book' claims that the work, which now appears for the twenty-third year and the fifth year of the new issue, covers ground occupied by no other book. She has been assisted in different sections by many recognized female authorities, and the compilation gives the best idea obtainable of women's work and interests. It supplies much curious information which may be looked for in vain elsewhere.

THE Library Journal, which is issued by the American Library Association, contains information of practical utility to every one occupied in providing England with public book-rooms; and the Publishers Weekly, which is the American book. trade journal, may be consulted for information relating to the literature now appearing in the United States.

Notices to Correspondents.

We must call special attention to the following notices:

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately. To secure insertion of communications corre

spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer. ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second communication "Duplicate."

H. ("Poem by Swinburne").-The Triumph of Time,' Poems and Ballads,' stanzas xli.-xliii. pp. 52-3.


Editorial communications should be addressed to "The Editor of Notes and Queries ""-Adver"The Pubtisements and Business Letters to lisher"-at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.

We beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print; and to this rule we can make no exception.

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THE CORONATION DURBAR. ALTHOUGH 'N.&Q.' usually takes no account of current events, it would seem fitting that a few words should be added to its Coronation notes, to place on record the great celebration at Delhi on the 1st inst., when Edward VII. was proclaimed Emperor of India. In the words of the King's message, the great Durbar was held "in order to afford an opportunity to all Indian princes, chiefs, and peoples, and to the officials of my Government, to commemorate this auspicious event." The day chosen was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the proclamation of Queen Victoria as Empress of India. Since that date a country larger than France has been added to British India. To the Viceroy's - Lord Curzon's-invitation over one hundred rulers of separate states responded, and he truly said that "nowhere else in the world would such a spectacle be possible." These rulers govern populations amounting to sixty millions, and their territories extend over fifty-five degrees of longitude. The officers and soldiers present were drawn from a force in India of nearly 230,000 men, while the leaders of Indian society, official and unofficial, were the mouthpieces of 230,000,000


souls. A few of the princes presented may be mentioned. His Highness the Nizam of Hyderabad, G.C.S.I., G.C.B. (Hon.), the Premier Prince of the Indian Empire, born August 18th, 1869, belongs to a family of the highest antiquity, and one that has always been distinguished for its loyalty to the British Empire. In 1887 he made an offer of a contribution of twenty lakhs annually for three years for the exclusive purpose of Indian frontier defence. The Maharaja of Mysore has a revenue of over a million sterling. The Gaek war of Baroda, in December, 1881, when only eighteen, was invested with full power. The Maharaja of Travancore belongs to a Hindu family whose rule dates back to 352 A.D.; he succeeded to the throne in 1885. The Maharaja of Gwalior, born October 20th, 1876, is an honorary colonel in the British army; he went to China as orderly officer to General Gaselee in the recent campaign, and provided a hospital ship at his own expense. Maharaja of Jaipoor was invested with full powers in September, 1882. In the administration of the State he is assisted by ten members of council; the capital, Jaipoor, has broad streets lit with gas, a free supply of water, a school of arts, a museum, and public gardens. The Maharaja of Kolapoor, born in 1874, has received a most careful English education. The Maharaja of Kashmir is a major-general, and succeeded to the title in 1885; he is grandson of the founder of the dynasty, Ghulab Sing, who negotiated a treaty with us in 1846 at the close of the first Sikh war, and afterwards stood by us during the Mutiny, The Maharaja of Bikanir is one of the heads of the Rathor family of Rajpoots, which is in the highest rank among Rajpoot clans. Born in 1879, he succeeded to the throne in 1887; he has received an excellent English education. The Maharaja of Idar is a colonel, and has visited this country at the times of the Jubilee, the Diamond Jubilee, and the Coronation. The Maharaja of Ulwar is descended from Pratap Sing, who founded the Ulwar dynasty in 1770. The Maharaja of Kuch Behar is a lieutenantcolonel; his state is a small one, bordering on the British province of Bengal, and has belonged to his family for 390 years; he was born October 4th, 1862. The Maharaja of Rewa is of an ancient Rajpoot line which dates back to 1057; his predecessor abolished suttee throughout his dominions in 1847; he was born in 1876. The Maharaja of Benares, Sir Prabhu Narayan Sing, belongs to a Brahman family whose traditions go back to 1000 A.D. The Maharao of Kotah belongs

to the great Chauhan clan of Rajpoots; his line dates back to 1625. He succeeded to the throne in 1889, having been educated at Mayo College, Ajmere.

river from the Victoria Tower Gardens to Lambeth Bridge, and the consequent widening of Millbank Street and the demolition of a large number of houses. In a note on These interesting biographical notes have 'Westminster Changes' (9th S. x. 263) I been taken from the Daily Chronicle of the stated that "the block bounded by Mill2nd of January, which also contains portraits bank Street, Great College Street, Little of these ruling chiefs. The Saturday Review College Street, and Wood Street is already makes reference to the difference of the posi- scheduled." I can now add that, with the tion of the Indian chiefs when they were exception of the " King's Arms," an old-estabpresent at the Durbar held in 1877. Then lished public-house in the occupation of they appeared as honoured and exalted spec- Mrs. Jannaway, and the shop next door, tators. On the 1st of January they came by being Nos. 2 and 4, Millbank Street, the right, as actors and hosts. The article compli- houses are all down, and the ground nearly ments the chiefs "who do not separate them-cleared; therefore the predicted end has selves from their people, but rather strive to come. No. 6, Millbank Street, known as associate themselves with them." At the time of the Indian Mutiny the cry against the retaining of native princes was all but universal. One of the few papers favourable to them was the Athenæum. In an article on the 10th of October, 1857, appeared the following:

"We are sure of their [the native princes'] support as long as we do not drive them to desperation by our injustice. Examples of either policy are before us. On the one hand, but for the King of Oude, the Rajas of Bithoor and Jhansi, and the King of Delhi, this revolt never would have taken place, or would have been crushed in the bud; on the other, but for the Rajas of Jheend and Patteeala, Sindhia, Holkar, and other chiefs, our power would ere this almost princes is a mark of nationality which it would be wise to retain. Up to the present time we have held India with the consent of its inhabitants by a native army and leaving intact many great provinces under native rulers, whom we called, and who were proud to call themselves, our allies. If the mischievous suggestions, which are now daily put forth, should be listened to; if our native army is to be superseded entirely by Europeans, if the native princes are to be dethroned, and the people entirely disarmed, we shall descend at once from the grand position of the governors of freemen into the odious circumstances of despots over countless myriads of

have ceased to exist. The existence of native


Victoria Tower Chambers, and most of the other houses were let out as offices. No. 8 was long in the occupation of Mr. Job Cook, where the business of a hatter was carried on for many years, this gentleman being one of the overseers for the parish of St. John the Evangelist, 1855-6 and 1856-7, an office which he discharged with much satisfaction to his fellow-parishioners. No. 12 was known as Fig Tree House, from a fig tree planted in the front, where it might have been seen for some years, but it ultimately withered and died. No. 18 was the "Portman Arms," another old-established licensed house, well conducted and of great respectability. It had not always been known by that name, as it is recorded that a Mrs. Henley, at one time the proprietress, had once lived in the Portman family, and so named the house out of respect for them. The last proprietor was Jacob De Hass.

In Wood Street were one or two warehouses, one having been in the occupation for many years of Messrs. Rawley & Grieves, bacon driers, &c., and afterwards in that of Mr. George Nichols, who was on the vestry for some years and much respected. The rest of this street and the whole of Little College One cannot close this reference to the cele-Street were in the occupation of small shopbration without a remark as to the enterprise keepers, the property being of little importof the daily press, by which all through the ance. empire accounts of the ceremony were in the hands of everybody on the following day. What a contrast to the time of the Mutiny! The open revolt took place on the 19th of February, 1857, but it was not until the 28th of April that the first intimation appeared in the Times.


A WESTMINSTER IMPROVEMENT. A GREAT improvement, talked about now for some few years, has been commenced within the last month or two. This scheme of improvement is the embanking of the

In Great College Street the houses were of a much better type, all being used for offices. No. 9, at the corner, was in the occupation of Miss Bradford, who carried on here the somewhat unusual business, for a lady, of an ecclesiastical bookseller, and received a considerable sum as compensation for disturbance. The other houses up to No. 1 were all offices, mostly occupied by railway and other public companies. Nos. 10, 11, and 12, Great College Street are empty, but not at present demolished. No. 20 Wood Street, at the corner of Little College Street, is

another public-house, now and for many years upon the map of London. At the reference known as the "Queen's Arms," but originally previously given I alluded also to the emptythe "Bull's Head," under which name it had ing of a considerable number of small houses fallen into disrepute, so when it was taken in Tufton Street, Romney (formerly Vine) by Mr. Edward Taylor the sign was altered. Street, Little Tufton Street, and Carpenter I knew some of the proprietors, among them Street. The sale of a great number of them being Mr. W. Jewitt, who had been previously took place on 13 June, 1901, and it may connected with the evening paper the Glow-be worth while to place on record the numworm, published in the Strand in premises now bers that are now unoccupied: 3 to 7, Little occupied by the Vaudeville Theatre; Mr. Van Tufton Street; 67 to 79, Tufton Street; der Kiste, a first officer in the P. and O. service; Lane's Cottages (four houses), Romney Street; Mr. J. E. Parker; Mr. Mark Johnson, a well- 62 and 64, 38 to 48, 30, 15 ("The George known music-hall performer; and later Mrs. public-house), and 13, Romney Street; the Julia Boak, Mrs. Dovey, Mr. W. H. Hiscox, whole of Grub Street; 2, 12, 18, 30, and 32, Mr. F. Hand, and Mrs. Kaye. and 36 to 46, Horseferry Road. As yet Champion's Alley, a double row of small houses, is not touched, but one side of Carpenter Street, 1 to 6, is condemned, the houses being empty and closed. In connexion with this scheme it may be well to mention that the portion of Tufton Street from Great College Street to the corner of Wood Street was formerly known as Bowling Street, and kept alive the memory of the bowling green where, according to Walcott, "the members of the convent amused themselves at the game of bowls." At the corner of Millbank Street and Church Street a plot of ground has been cleared for some considerable time; and at the corner of Vine Street a newly erected building has been set back in anticipation of further changes. W. E. HARLAND-OXLEY. C2, The Almshouses, Rochester Row, S.W

It is said that the limit of land for this great scheme is the south side of Tufton Street, and it is devoutly to be hoped, if such really be the case, that Barton and Cowley Streets, as well as what yet remains of Great College Street, will be spared; but this appears doubtful, for, as already stated, 9, 10, and 11 in the latter thoroughfare are now empty, preparatory to some steps being taken which may, and very likely do, mean demolition. A crumb of comfort may be found in the fact that these houses are among the least interesting in the street. One of the houses higher up will be eventually vacated, as new premises for the Westminster Female Refuge are being built in Tufton Street, on the south side, next to the Drill Hall of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers. From this building to the corner of Wood Street and for some distance down that street the ground backing on to the houses in Cowley and Barton Streets has

been cleared.

The house at the corner, No. 19, Tufton Street, was the "Adam and Eve" publichouse, of which the last proprietor was Charles Ranton-in fact, in this neighbour hood almost every prominent corner is occupied by licensed premises. No. 23, Tufton Street, late in the occupation of Mrs. Susannah Simson, who carried on a grocer's business, was the house in which, according to Sir Frederick Bridge and other competent authorities, the immortal Henry Purcell resided, there being very many evidences in the house, behind its slightly modernized frontage, that favoured the theory. It was also some years ago occupied by Mr. Robert Jekyll, and here, I believe, were born two of his sons, James and Charles, both musicians, one of them being deputy at Westminster Abbey and afterwards for a time the organist of the Chapel Royal.

In Wood Street a little cul-de-sac, Young's Place, has now gone, and will be seen no more

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AMONGST the literature of fiction in China, the Kin Kou Ki Kouan' has excited the interest of many European students, and Stanislas Julien, Samuel Birch, Gustave Schlegel, and the Marquis d'Hervey Saint Denis have translated parts of it. Trois Nouvelles Chinoises' of the last named (Paris, 1885) contains a narrative of some interest in relation to the British drama. The story of the deception of Pan-kien-tseng recalls in some particulars the plot of 'The Alchemist' of Ben Jonson. Pan is a rich man who dreams of obtaining possession of the secret of the transmutation of metals, and in that manner of becoming the master of illimitable wealth. At a famous pleasure resort he meets a stranger, who has a retinue of servants and a pretty wife, and who lives in the style of an ostentatious Croesus. The two become acquainted, and Pan learns that the illustrious stranger is an alchemical adept who can make gold at pleasure. By a well

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