Sidor som bilder


His family, which, including domestics, object. The dazzle of a temporary was numerous, were taught the wor-approbation of the people, except as ship of God, and the truths and duties connected with their real and permaof the religion of his Son. Mr. Win- nent interests, was never the object of throp was distinguished for meekness his pursuit. His patriotism, instead of and prayer. The humility and conde- elevating his own country on the ruin scension of his demeanor, in all the or injury of others, sought the estabchanges of his life, were singularly lishment of a civil community, on the conspicuous, and constituted one of principles of justice and philanthropy, the first qualifications for the arduous alike happy in itself and beneficial to services which devolved upon him.- the world. Though possessed of a This characteristic was eminently good constitution, his indefatigable lamaintained by frequent and fervent bors and incessant cares wore out his prayer. God was ever in his view, he life before he had completed the ordiever rejoiced in his perfections, in du-nary course. What more justly than ty he emplored his aid, in perplexity he relied on him for guidance, in afffictions he adored his righteous wisdom.

this, could be called dying for his country. Like Moses, like Aristides, like Washington, Winthrop had his enemies; who suggested insinuations of misconduct in his public administration. The view of extraordinary virtue and uncommon public estimation the cankered heart of malice can never endure. It always resorts to the same subject of complaint. Ye take


As a patriot, Gov. Winthrop will bear any comparison that may be adduced. It has already been mentioned that the most of his great estate was spent in the service of the colony. In consideration of the great diminution of his property in the public service, he received, at different times consid-too much upon you; such influence in erable presents. In a speech at the the hand of an individual must be dam opening of the General Court he spoke gerous.' Mr. Winthrop desired an inof these in the following manner.- vestigation of his official conduct and "That he had received gratuities from was acquitted with great honor. divers towns, which he accepted with that occasion he remarked, "It repentmuch comfort and content ; and he had || eth me not of my cost or labor bestowed likewise received civilities from par- in the service of this commonwealth, ticular persons, which he could not but do heartily bless the Lord our God, refuse without incivility in himself. that he hath pleased to honor me so Nevertheless, he took them with a far as to call for any thing he hath be trembling heart, in regard of God's stowed upon me, for the service of word, and the conscience of his own his church and the people here, the infirmities; and therefore he desired prosperity whereof and his gracious hem that ey would m here af ter acceptance shall be an abundant rectake it ill, if he refused such presents ompence to me."* for the time to come. 99 He took a In the beginning of the year 1649, most comprehensive view of the true having for some time previous been interests of New England for the pre-afflicted with various infirmities which sent and future times, and to the pro- he viewed as indications of his apmotion of these, his utmost efforts proaching dissolution, Governor Winwere steadily directed. There is nothrop fell sick with a fever. The appearance of any attempts to pro- church held a fast on the occasion, mote the interest of his own colony to humbly pleading with God, that their the exclusion of the others. He view-illustrious pillar might still be spared. ed the whole as one connected com-But God was about to teach them to munity, united by a common interest, make himself alone their refuge and engaged in the pursuit of a common guide. In his sickness, after some * Magnalia. * Hutchinson.

VOL. 2. T

[To be continued.]


Concluded from page 131.

short conflicts, he enjoyed the anima-preserved. It forms an octavo voluine ting light of the divine countenance, of 360 pages, and is the most valuable cheerfully conversing with his Chris- document of the early history of Newtian friends on the hope set before us. England that is extant. With great affection and fervor he commended to the faithfulness of God, of which he had enjoyed great experience, the infant churches and colonies of New-England. To his children, The Branch Socicty in North Costanding around him, he gave his part-ventry reported also as their opining counsel and dying blessing. Heion, that the institution had produced then committed his soul to God, and effects highly and extensively benefifell asleep, March, 26, 1649. He had cial to the community there; that, by nearly completed the sixty-second its influence, the tide of popular feelyear of his age. ings and sentiment had begun to flow Mr. Winthrop had very severe do-in favor of wholesome morals; that mestic trials, in the loss of wives and the hands of the magistrate were greatchildren. To these afflictions he sub-ly strengthened; that the notorious mitted with the magnanimity of a vices specified in the constitution were Christian. A beloved son of great more and more abandoned; that trayhopes, was drowned soon after he elling on the Sabbath, of which early came to this country. The character in the year, there had been almost a of the father is strikingly marked in continual stream, was nearly suppresthe manner in which he mention this sed; that no needless labor was obafflictive event in his journal. "Friday served on the Lord's day; that tiplers July 2, (1630) my son Henry Win- had in a great measure forsaken those throp, was drowned at Salem.' This places to which a few months before is not stoical, but the language of a sub-they had been in the daily habit of missive Christian, who views the holy ||resorting; that, though the reformation hand of Jehovah in every event. of confirmed drunkards was hardly to

Mr. Winthrop left four sons, all of be expected, yet the use of distilled liwhom arrived to good estates, and to||quors was generally discontinued by an honorable eminence in usefulness persons in the enjoyment of health; and character. His eldest son, John and that idlers and drones were, in the Winthrop, was the distinguished gov-public view, contemptible. ernor of Connecticut, who procured They were, likewise, sensible that the Charter of the State. A son of perseverance is indispensable to perthis last Gov. Winthrop was also gov-manent success in this patriotic and ernor of Connecticut. Professor Win-good work, and that they must go forthrop of Cambridge, who died in 1779,ward under the impulse of feelings like was one of the most fearded men New-those of brothers united in a common England has produced. Of the fami- cause. The education of children in ly of Gov. Winthrop, Dr. Elliot ob-the strictest habits; a vigilant attenserves, "Several of his posterity have tion to the moral qualifications of exhibited the image of their illustrious school-masters; exciting the people, ancestor, and his family have been as far as possible, to a universal attenmore eminent for their talents, learn-dance on public worship; affording ing and honors, than any other in New every needed encouragement to in England."* Gov. Winthrop's picture forming officers and magistrates, that is preserved in the council chamber inthey may continue to be vigilant, faithBoston. A Journal, kept by him, from ful, and fearless, in doing what they the time of his embarkation for Ame-have bound themselves by the oath of rica to the close of the year 1644, is the living God to do-were articles of * Biographical Dictionary of New-England duty in contemplation by the Society

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when their report was communicated. of the last years. Intemperance, and the profanation of the Lord's day, may be assumed as the principal sources of this growing toleration.

out morals, is a sword in the hands of a mad man-an instrument of perdition to himself and those within his reach.

Such is the proposed abstract of reports from the Branches to the general Society at their last meeting. MaThe experience of more than a centuny of them, at the time of their reports ry has proved the excellence of our stafhad been quite recently formed. Noth-utes, Executed with promptitude and ing further could, of course have been energy, they have uniformly secured libdone, than merely to form their ays-erty and safety in well-doing. This is all tems, and commence their operations.that could be reasonably asked. It is From a number of Branches, not the end of their establishment. But the named in this abstract, no reports were whole of this good is lost, when they received. Those that reported, gen-religious, is our boast. But liberty, withcease to take effect. Liberty, civil and erally, though not all, gave the number and the names of their members. It has been deemed proper and useful that these articies be transmitted to the On this very copious and very plain General Society, and be kept on their subject, a single thought deserves to be files; but unnecessary to repeat them seriously considered. The devices of In the abstract for publication. Tho' the profligate, in their struggle for toleration, are many and subtil. In none, great numbers engaged in favor of however, do they succeed more triumgood morals are very desirable, y phantly, than in attaching odiousness to the success of a worthy cause, is not the character of an informer. The mis always found proportional to the mul- chiefs practised by the robber and thief titudes who lend it their names.-- are, indeed, seen and felt at once. There The discretion, fidelity, zeal, and per-is, consequently, no attempt to fix réseverance of a few have been fre-proach upon the character of an informer quently seen to accomplish the work against them. But the mischiefs diffused through the community by the conduct of many. The number associated in of the sabbath breaker, the drunkard, the the State of Connecticut, for the proprofane swearer and the vicious of every motion of good morals, is not precise-character, are less perceptible, in the sinly ascertained. It probably exceeds gle instance, and at the moment of perpetwo thousand. Even in this early petration. Besides, depraved appetite and riod of the combination, such a num-passion are, every where, on the side of ber is sufficient to afford much encour these practices so destructive in the result, agement and hope-and, especially, to the body and to the soul--to the tem when the effects already produced are poral and everlasting interests of mankind. It has been found easy therefore, to brought into view, It is wished and bring the cry of meanness and cdiousness expected that Branches will yet be upon the head of the individual who conformed in those parishes, where they scientiously informs against the dealers have been hitherto neglected. The in these pestilent vices. Nor have the friends of morality in such places are immoral ceased to avail themselves of affectionately invited to consider the this fact. They have rendered the ordigood they may do by a cordial co-op-ary operation of the laws ineffectual for eration with their brethren already restraint. The tithing-man, the constacombined. Such combinations in evin many instances entirely alone, is overble, the grand-jury-man, standing almost, ery part of the State must have it in whelmed. In several parishes, it has altheir power to accomplish purposes ready airived, as appears by the foregoextensively advantageous. To men ing reports, that he will sooner suffer the who are both well disposed and intelli-penalty of the law for refusing to take the gent, and have rising families, no consid-qualifying oath, that bind himself by its eration need to be suggested, but that ra- sacred obligations. In others, as is well pidity with which the toleration of an o-known, the informing officers, conscious pen disrespect to religion, righteousness, of their cars, feel themselves constrainand decency, has increased, during a few ed to hide their faces and shut their eyes,

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The 25th Number of the Periodical Accounts of the Baptist Missionary Society, which brings down the histo"y of the Mission to the close of the year 1812, is published. It is prefa

from seeing evil. In others, again, where the sight of profligacy cannot be shunned ey are driven to miserable evasions and equivocations to justify their neglect. Verily, ye that profess friendship to the vell being of man, these ought not so to The case of the officer is hard-it is Deplorable--and the prospects of every +ommunity so conditioned are gloomy.ced by some observations of the ComHere, then, is seen a reason invincible for combinations in support of wholesome laws, and of those who are appointed to enforce them for the common good.The odiousness of bearing an efficacious testimony against vice will not, where these Societies exist, and do their duty, oppress the informer. The associated will take this burden from his shoulders, and their collected strength will bear it not only without pain to themselves, but|| with triumph to the cause of virtue.

mittee, which serve to give a comprehensive view of its progress since the close of the year 1809. At that.period there were six stations, containing 391 members. At the close of 1812, there were twelve stations, and about

500 members.

The main part of

what has been done in Calcutta, has been done in these three years. By circulating the Scriptures in the nativelanguages, by preaching, and by the establishment of a large school, on Lancaster's model, a strong impression has been made on that city. During this period, not less than 160 persons

The great body of the people in this State are far from being notoriously vicious. The fact is matter of devout congratulation. It is ample ground of hope. The growing toleration of the comparatively few licentious is the cause of alarm. have been baptised in Calcutta and The well-disposed, the moral, the repu- Serampore;-a mission had been table, are sufficiently numerous, in eve-planted in Orissa, the seat of Juggerry parish, to render the profligate citi-naut, where not only have the Scripzen disreputable-to cover with shame tures, in the language of the country, the rising individuals that have begun been liberally distributed, even within to feel as if they might be vicious the precincts of the temple, but the with impunity--and to uphold our statute book as a watchful guardian of our gospel has been diligently preached social and civil enjoyments. By the and a church formed of between thirprogress then, of immorality within aty and forty members:-the church few years in our land; by the insufficien- in Jessore has increased from thirty to cy of law in its ordinary operations to eighty members :-the Gospel has check that progress; by the success of been preached, and churches formed the recent and present efforts, as far as at Bheerboom, Agra, Digah, Patna, made, to curb the openly profligate: by and Daca:-the word of God has the ample competency of the reputable been introduced into the Mahratta in every village to restrain the immoral among themselves; by that uncountry, where many were reading it measured affection which the generation with apparent effect:-and three new now risen and active feel for the well- stations have been occupied, viz. Cobeing of those that shall follow; and by lumbo, Chittagong and Bombay. the duty which all owe to God and their) country-let the friends of good morals in each parochial district be induced to unite their counsels and persevere in their labor to secure the invaluable object of this institutionand the wide-wasting enormities of vice will be speedily and effectually arrested..



The state of the translations at the end of 1812, was as follows;-1. In Bengalee, the New-Testament had ready for a fourth;-the second edigone through three editions, and was tion of the Old-Testament was printed to the fourth chapter of Leviticus. 2. In Sungskrit, New-Testament printed ;—Old-Testament printed to 2d Samuel, and translated to 2d Chroni

Accounts themselves.
Some extracts from the Periodical

cles. 3. In Orissa, New-Testament | admonition, "while solicitous for the printed, and tried and approved by success of Christ's kingdom in other Orissa pundits;-Old-Testament, the lands, let us not forget our native Hagiographia and the Prophets, and country, and while the souls of our felthe Historical Books to 1st Kings, low-sinners are dear to us, let us not printed. 4. In Telinga, New-Testa-be unmindful of our own. It is too ment translated, Matthew in the press. possible that a zeal may be kindled 5. In Kurnata, New-Testament trans-for a public object while at the same Jated, Matthew revised. 6. In Mah-time things of a personal nature are ratta, New-Testament printed, and in neglected. Surely it would be a grievcirculation ;-Old-Testament printed ous thing, if while busy here and to Numbers. 7. In Hindoost'hanee, there about converting the heathen, New-Testament, second edition in the we lose our own souls!" press ;-Old-Testament printed to Exodus. 8. Shikh, New-Testainent, translated and printed to Luke vii. 9. In Burman, types cast, a volume of "Serampore and Calcutta.-Fifty Scripture Extracts printed, and the nine have been added to this church, translation prepared to Luke xviii. the greater part of whom are natives of 10. In Chinese, New-Testament trans- India of various religions." "The lated; O. Testament to 1st Sam. v. and Scriptures and scripture tracts in variGospel of St. John printing. 11. In ous languages have been largely disCashmire, New-Testament translated tributed by the members of the church to Rom. ii. 12 Assam, New-Testament, among their neighbors, their servants, translated to John vi. Besides which and the strangers from various parts "Several of the younger the translation of the Scriptures into the Pushtoo or Affghun, the Nepala, the Brij Basha, the Bilochee, and the Maldivian were commencing; important improvements had been made in casting types and manufacturing pa per, and the younger branches of the family were so educated, as to be able to carry on the translations.

of India."

members of the church have applied to the study of the Bengalee, Nagree, and Persian characters, to enable them to read the New Testament to their servants and neighbors." "The Benevolent Institution for the instruction of poor children, has been this year extended to girls, who with the boys in a distinct apartment, amount to upwards of 300." "A building, during this year has been erected near the chapel, which will contain 800 children."

"The feelings excited by the disaster at Serampore, not only produced a prompt and very liberal contribution for the reparation of the loss, but probably increased the interest which the The impression made on the neighChristian part of the nation felt in the borhood by the conduct of the Misquestion, Shall Christianity have free sionaries, and the quiet manner in course in India? That interest cer- which they are heard by the natives, tainly was great, and of great import-will appear by the following account ance. The temperate but decided of one of their excursions:-"On 23, way in which the sense of the country in the evening, the brethren Marshman was expressed, as well as the respect- and Ward went to Ishra. The peoful manner in which it was treated by ple in the bazer kindly accommodathe Government and the Legislature, ted them with seats; and nearly fifty call for our grateful acknowledge-sat down around them, to whom they ments both to them, and to Him who read and expounded the Ten Comdisposes the hearts of all for the ac-mandments, asking the people which complishment of his purposes."-"Fi- of them they thought evil or unjust.nally," the Committee observe, and They answered, 'None'; they were we are anxious to second their pious all good.' The tree then, said they,

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