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the gospel inspires, actuating so large a portion of our fellow christians, and exciting their zealous efforts to extend the invaluable blessings of this gospel to the ignorant and destitute among other nations.

sterling, [$1,189,200]-more than one third of which had been granted to institutions in other countries, for pronoting the general object of circulating the scriptures.

Since the formation of this society, it has issued a million of copies of the Bible and New-Testament for circulation in Britain alone; besides the vast number that have been circulated in other parts of the world, by means, which they have afforded.

They have printed and assisted in printing the word of God in fifty five different languages and dialects.

From the fifth report of the NewYork Bible Society, published in December last, we learn that the "Board of Managers" have lately received great encouragement for prosecuting their benevolent design of printing the bible in the French language, for the benefit of the French inhabitants of Louisiana and Canada. Contributions had been received from twenty one Bible Societies in the United States, and from several other associated bodies, for the accomplishment of this desirable object. The amount of The holy flame, which has producthese contributions is $5012 72, be-ed such wonderful exertions in Britsides considerable sums which had ain, has spread over the continent of been subscribed, that had not been Europe, and enkindled the same bereceived. With such encouragement, nevolent spirit among all denomina< the Board have put to the press autions of christians.

There are now in Great-Britain upwards of four hundred Bible Societies, which may be considered as branches to this parent institution.

edition of six thousand copies. The The Bible Society of St. Petersburg, printing is "advanced as far as the 1st (in Russia) is progressing with great book of Samuel, and is going on as ex-zeal in the work of translating the peditiously as the occasional interrup-Scriptures, and circulating them tion of the workmen for military duty will permit. It is expected that the work will be finished in the course of the next spring."

throughout that vast Empire. They have already engaged in printing the Bible in ten different languages that are spoken in Russia. They have auxiliary establishments at Moscow, at Abo, at Dorpal, at Reval, at Yaroslaff and at Riga. The Scriptures are now printing in 18 different languages and dialects, that are spoken within the Russian dominions.

We cannot omit to notice, in this report, the astonishing efforts of the British and Foreign Bible Society, which are annually increasing. In the tenth annual report of this Society, ending in March 1814, we learn that it had received during the preceding In other countries of Europe, paryear, 87,126/ sterling, [$387,225] be-ticularly in Germany, Denmark, Holing upwards of 10.0007, [$44,444]||land and Switzerland, Bible Sociemore than the amount of its receipts ties are annually increasing; being in any former year. aided and patronized by christians of The expenditures of the Society du- every denomination, and people of evring that year, were 84,6527 sterling,ery description. [$376,231] being upwards of 15,000l. [$66,666.] more that it had expended in any preceeding year.

Several of the Roman Catholic

clergy, both in Europe and America, have enlisted in the common cause of

The whole amount of the receipts || circulating the Holy Scriptures among of this Society, from the time of its es- all classes of people. The Bible has tablishment, was 299,1977. sterling, been introduced, as a school book, [$1,329,772] and its whole expendi- among many of the Roman Catholl ture during this period, was 267,5701. || in Germany.

A Bible Society has lately been tian nations; how can we express our formed at the Cape of Good Hope; gratitude to the Giver of every blessing, one on the Island of Mauritius; one for this distinguishing manifestation of at St. Helena; one at Bombay; one his goodnces and mercy to our ignoamong the people of color, in Jamai-rant and perishing world! Who, that ca; three in Nova Scotia, and one at considers these events, in connexion Quebec. with the general current of Scripture prophecy, respecting the Millennial prosperity and glory of the Church, can avoid the cheering and animating

The translation of the scriptures into the different languages of Asia, is prosecuted with unabated vigor. Mr. Morrison has completed the translationhope that this glorious day is near at of the New-Testament into the Chinese hand? Is not the way preparing by language, and it is now in circulation. these means, for the fulfilment of the The New-Testament has also been promise; "I will bring thy seed from printed, and is now circulating in five the east and gather them from the other different languages of Asia. And west, I will say unto the North, give translations of the whole Bible are up, and to the South, keep not back :-still making in seventeen Asiatic dia- bring my sons from far and my daughlects, including the principal langua-ters from the ends of the earth?" May ges that are spoken in that quarter of we not exult in the expectation, that the world. the midnight darkness, in which so

The New Testament has, also, been|| many millions of our fellow mortals printed in the Turkish language, and have been groping, for centuries, is is now in circulation. This is the soon to be dispelled by the beams of written language through all the Tar- the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS::-that tar tribes. It is spoken through the" the kingdom and dominion and the whole of the Turkish Empire, and a greatness of the kingdom under the great part, if not the greatest part of whole heaven" will soon "be given to Persia. It is used, or understood by a the people of the saints of the MOST greater population than any other in|| HIGH; whose kingdom is an everthe world." lasting kingdom, and all dominions Another consideration peculiarly re-shall serve and obey him?" markable is, that a considerable num- And shall we not esteem it an honber of the heathen, in Siberia, bave or and a privilege, unspeakably great, actually applied for he Holy scrip- that we may be instrumental in ful tures, to the Russian Bible Society, filling these predictions:--that and have sent them large contributions may unite with the vast multitude of for promoting their circulation, under our fellow christians, of every name an impression of their beneficial influ-and in every land, who are now preence upon the morals of men. "Among senting their treasures, their exertions, the number are three Siberian Heathen and their prayers for the advancement Princes, one of whom, from a distant of this glorious work? The least of province, sent money to the Bible So-fering which is presented in faith, and ciety at St. Petersburg, and begged to with love to the cause of IMMANUEL, have some Tartar Testaments to dis-will be an acceptable sacrifice to the tribute among the poor people, for whose salvation he was anxious."

When we contemplate the extensive and vigorous exertions that are now making to diffuse a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures;-and when we consider how greatly these exertions have encreased the past year, in the Onited States, and among all chris


LORD. What great encouragement have we to zealous and persevering exertions? "For Zion's sake let us not hold our peace, and for Jerusalem's sake let us not rest till the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof, as a lamp that burneth.”

After reading the Report, the Sodiety proceeded to elect the following officers for the ensuing year.

JONAS PLATT, Esq. President,


Corresponding Secretary, ERASTUS CLARK, Esq.

Recording Secretary. Mr. WILLIAM G. TRACY, Treasurer. REV. AZEL BACKUS, D. D.





was then opened with prayer, by the Rev. Mr. Ripley of Concord.

Dr. Rufus Wyman of Chelmsford, Rev. Joseph Chickering of Woburn, and Rev. Justin Edwards of Andover, were chosen a committee of Arrange. ments.

The following resolutions were then proposed, and unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That the sentiments expressed in the excellent preamble to the law for the due observance of the Lord's Day, meet the entire approbation of this meeting; and that the recommendations of the Legislature, in their late resolve upon the subject of said law, are worthy the source whence they are derived, and deserve the support of every individual of the community.

Resolved, That, as by the recommendations of the legislature, and the concurrent exertions of the Clergy and others, public attention is now simultaneously and powerfully directed to this great object; that as serious people are aiding it by their prayCommillee.ed at this meeting, great and even unPurchasingers; and as, from information receiv Distribu- expected success has attended those ting Com- who have already actively engaged in miliee. it, we are fully convinced, that the present is a favourable time to carry it into complete effect.



Proceedings of the Middlesex Conven-
tion for Suppressing violations of
the Lord's day: the Lams of Massa-
chusetts, and Report of the Legisia-
ture on the Sabbath :-Directions to
Tithingmen and others, how to pro-
seed in executing the Laws
Address to the Public.

and an ;

Resolved, That this meeting recommend to all Tithingmen and other civil officers, to enter on a prude, firm and persevering discharge of the duties of their office, as early as the 3d Sabbath of Sept. inst.

Resolved, That whereas general concert in measures and execution is indispensable to accomplish this great object, this meeting recommend, that those persons in every town, who are desirous of a due observance of the Lord's Day, immediately appoint large committees, consisting of prudent, discreet and influential persons, whose duty it shall be to encourage, assist and support Tithingmen, and all other Joseph Locke Esq. was chosen civil officers, in the discharge of the Moderator, and Rev. Jacob Coggin duties imposed by the aforementionwas chosen Scribe. The conventioned law; to prosecute, or cause to

A CONVENTION, composed of members from ten different towns, was holden Sept. 5, 1814, at Burlington, county of Middlesex, Massachusetts, for the purpose of devising and adopting measures for the due observation of the Lord's Day.

prosecuted, breaches of the same, || ved and adopted the Resolutions there which may come within their knowl- passed, and have accordingly chosen edge; to procure the appointment of large and respectable Committees to a sufficient number of discreet Tith-||carry them into effect. These Cominginen, to correspond with the Cen-mittees, together with the Tithingmen tral Committee; and generally to con- in the several towns, have entered form to such recommendations as the with laudable spirit on the discharge Central Committee shall from time to of the duties assigned them. We also time communicate. learn, that similar exertions are making Resolved, That the said town com-in other parts of this Commonwealth, mittees exert themselves in their res-in many places in N. Hampshire, and pective towns, that suitable resolves be throughout Connecticut. The extent passed in town meetings as soon as and effect of these exertions is equal may be, assuring all civil officers of to our highest expectations.-Violathe cordial support of their fellow citi-tions of the Sabbath on public roads and canals have almost entirely ceased


The Rev. Mr. Ripley, of Concord, on the first prosecution; and, in maRev. Mr. Stearns, of Bedford, Rev. ny places, posting public notices of a Mr. Allen, of Chelmsford, Joseph resolution to restrain them has been Locke Esq. of Billerica, Rev. Mr. sufficient. Neighboring towns, which Chickering, of Woburn, Rev. Mr. Cog-have not yet entered into our measgin, of Tewksbury; and Rev. Mr.ures, have felt their beneficial influEdwards, of Andover, were then chos-ence, in a surprising diminution of traen a Central Committee. vel; and the work is almost accomThe Convention was then adjourn-plished to their hands. These facts ed to meet at Concord, Oct. 26 1814. fully justify the opinion of the ComOct. 26. 1814. mittee of the Legislature," that the The Convention met at Concord, provisions of existing Laws are suffiaccording to adjournment. Members cient to accomplish the end proposed, were present from thirteen different | if they are faithfully and discreetly extowns. ecuted."

The Moderator, Joseph Locke Esq. being absent on account of sickness, Dr. Isaac Hurd was chosen Moderator, pro tem.

The Convention was then opened with prayer, by the Rev. Mr. Litchfield, of Carlisle.

We wish the friends of the Sabbath to be deeply impressed with the importance and necessity of continuing that union, firmness and vigilance, which have produced the salutary ef fects already so visible. Vice may be bold and clamorous, when opposed only with timidity; but will at once

The following Report and Resolutions were then submitted by the Cen-shrink from the grasp of legal authortral Committee.

ity, sanctioned by public opinion.The Central Committee, sensible Yet so strong has been the current of of the importance of the object of this vice that for some time it will be conConvention to the order and happiness stantly seeking to encroach through of Society, the success of Religion, every unguarded avenue. Exertions and the advancement of the Redeem-must, therefore, for the present be coner's kingdom and glory on earth, have tinued, and in some respects even incheerfully devoted their time to the creased. A few instances have occursubject, and beg leave to offer the fol-red, in which travellers on the Sabbath, lowing--REPORT,

trusting that they should not be known, We are happy to state, that the friends have refused to give their names, when of Religion and Good Order, in most interrogated by the proper officers.of the towns represented in the late The law has, in such cases, provided a Convention at Burlington,have appro-heavy penalty. But if, from the troub

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le of tracing and convicting such im-actually inflicted. Unnecessary forpudent offenders, they are suffered to bearance or delay will be construed into timidity, and embolden transgressors. It is a general truth, particularly applicable to this subject, that the most vigorous measures, conducted with prudence, produce the most speedy and salutary effects.

It is of the last importance, that the

escape with impunity, both the law and its Officers will be brought into contempt. If, on the contrary, measures be taken immediately to procure a warrant, and pursue them with such celerity as to prevent the possibility of their escape, the effect will be decisive. These measures will necessari-spirit of reform, now so happily kinly be attended with some trouble and dled in many places, should be extenexpense; tho' probably not more than ded as widely as possible. If small the legal fees, and the compensation districts culy be engaged, the continuallowed to complainants, out of the al pressure from abroad, where the fines which may be recovered, will habit of violating the Sabbath is unredefray. If greater expense should in strained, will weary the patience and any cases be incurred, there can be no damp the ardour of the friends of ordoubt, that the amount may be procur- der; and, probably, in time induce ed by voluntary subscription in every them to desist. If this attempt fail, it town. Such vigorous exertions will will be a perpetual discouragement maintain the dignity of the law, save from making another, and the present its officers from insult, and at once generation, at least, must relinquish the put an end to an evil, which might|| hope of seeing the Sabbath properly otherwise occasion great perplexity aud|| regarded. But shall we, can we abanpernicious consequences. don this important object? Will our It has hitherto been usual to forbear Christian Brethren in any part of this prosecuting travellers on the Sabbath Commonwealth leave it to fail, for for the first offence, when they have on want of co-operation, and relinquish admonition desisted. We respect the the honour of helping forward so glorispirit which has dictated this forbear-ous a cause? No, we are persuaded, ance, and believe,that before the public they will not. The importance of the mind was fully aware of the exertions cause, is generally acknowledged, and that would be made, it was advisable ;||extensively felt. It will have an incalyet it is not contemplated by law; and we are persuaded that its continuance would be highly injurious. If such forbearance be generally expected, all persons disposed to travel on the Sabbath, will commence their journey without any restraint on their minds. They will hope to proceed some dis-rank, sex, and denomination. tance without interruption, and will present time is manifestly pointed out feel confident that they can at any time in providence for its success. Experiavoid a penalty by desisting. In this ence has demonstrated, that difficulties case, continual attention and exertion are much less formidable than had will be necessary, only to keep the been anticipated. The prospect of evil in check; and a complete re-enjoying the Sabbath in the same unformation can never be expected. interrupted quiet, and solemn stillness. We would also suggest the propriety as the fathers of New-England enjoyed of letting all prosecutions immediate-it, is now before us, and if we are not ly follow the offence. The chief de- wanting to ourselves, will, by the blessign of punishment is example. This sing of God, soon be realized. Hap design cannot be fully answered until py will those be who are active in pro the punishment is known to have been ducing this desirable change. Fute VOL. 2 H l

culable influence on the temporal and eternal happiness of thousands of the present and of future generations. It is the cause of God, and it is recommended by the united influence of his Ministers, civil and sacred. It is aided by the prayers of Christians of every


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