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MAY, 1815.

By the Moral Society of Greene and Delaware Counties, to the Inhabitants of those Counties and their vicinities.

No. 11.

extent of territory; yet closely allied by commercial intercourse, we are, in a high sense, citizens of the same neighbourhood. We associate, therefore, as a band of brothers, for mutual benefit. Nor is it mere novelty to try BRETHREN AND FRIENDS, the experiment; this has been effectuIN conformity to the constitutionally done by our brethren both in Euof the Moral Society, and the remarks rope and in our own country, who introductory to its formation, we take have led the way before us. They the liberty to communicate a few have passed the ordeal, and in every thoughts, with which, we doubt not, instance with astonishing will most readily and cheerfully And should our society go into operation and prevail according to the hopes we indulge, salutary fruits will result, a new order of things ensue, which while rewarding us a thousand fold for our labour, shall entail to posterity a legacy more precious than gold, for which future generations shall hold us in greatful remembrance.


The meeting at Harpersfield, considering the short notice given in the public prints, was generally attended, by gentlemen from most of the towns in the two counties, and from several places adjoining.

On mature deliberation, the business having been first opened with solemn prayer, the gentlemen present It is a maxim laid down by God were unanimously of opinion, that himself, found as true by experience such an association, formed for the ex- as in theory, exemplified through time press purpose of encouraging virtue immemorial in the history of the world and discouraging vice, must, under the" that virtue exalteth a nation, and smiles of Heaven, promise very great that sin is a reproach to any people." and extensive usefulness, and at the The Israelites by becoming corrupt, same time enlist the feelings and se-became wretched. When Greece and cure the patronage of every friend of Rome abandoned their laws, they lost social order. their glory.

It is, brethren, with the greatest Vice and virtue, in all communities confidence and the more peculiar sat-produce effects diametrically opposite. isfaction we address you, since our While the former degrades man, the constitution, as you readily perceive, latter exalts him to his true free from every party consideration, This being admitted, to which we prerecognizes no political sect or religious sume there will not be a dissenting persuasion, in preference to another. voice, with what noble emulation We discard, as altogether abhorrent should we rally at the standard of virto our views, whatever might be insin- tuous order and with what keen-eyed uated or construed to be of this des- || vigilance should we stand as sentinels eription. to guard against vice at every avenue Though spread over a considerable and at all points repel his attacks ?

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And is there not at this time an im-false slumber; put on your armor perious duty imposed upon us, to act fill your ranks; hasten to the warfare; on the defensive? Are we not assailed" Be not overcome of evil, but overby a host of immoralities, which, like come evil with good." swarms of exterminating robbers, Do any ask why all this alarm?threaten to lay waste our dearest inhe- why so much apprehension ? what ritance, our morals and our religion, a evils are spreading such wide desolapatrimony bequeathed us by the God tion? We answer, it is no false alarm; of our fathers, which we are sacredly no frightful vision of the night; no bound to hold inviolate, and without spectre of a disordered imagination: which life itself is not a blessing, but a|| It is an affecting reality which swells curse?

our emotions. The holy Sabbath is Open your eyes, brethren, for we profaned. Because of swearing the appeal to your senses, and do you not land mourns. Drunkenness has come behold the Goliah of iniquity stalking up into our borders. These fatal sisforth with menacing front, defying our ters with a hydra of concomitants, are ministers of justice, stabbing the very hard pressing us. The good may vitals of our civil and religious institu-weeps. Society groans.

tions, and eager, with sacrilegious hand Be assured, brethren, that the ob to pollute our temples and our fire-ject of this address is not to usurp dosides, and if possible to render our sit-minion over the rights of private judg uation more doleful than Golgotha, or ment; it is not to abridge liberty, or even Tophet in the valley of Hinnom. enchain the concience; it is not to arAnd can we stand indifferent specta-||raign, accuse, condemn, and execute. tors, quietly and passively looking on, God forbid that we should seek an inwhile our young men and youth, bone fluence prejudicial to the best interests of our bone and flesh of our flesh, are of any man. Our object is to raise drawn headlong into the iron grasp of society, to strengthen the bonds of the the hideous monster, to be mangled, social compact, and thus by increasing devoured and lost forever? No, we the whole amount of virtue and felicicannot endure the sight and hold our ty, in the aggregate, to promote the peace. We have been silent too long. respectability and happiness of each Conscience condemns and chastises us individual. That state of things which for past delinquency. For we have renders man, most useful to man, is seen our fellow creatures whose exis- the point at which we aspire. This tence is as valuable as our own, char-being the height of our ambition, we med and intoxicated with vice, rush-scruple not to believe that every man ing precipitately towards the black of reflection will subscribe to our congulph of predition and actually swal-stitution, and give us his whole weight lowed up in the awful vortex: yet we of influence;-1. Against violations did not step between them and death. of the holy Sabbath. Was not the We have seen the merciless enemy Sabbath the first institution of God?— mowing down our columns by thou- | After he had finished the work of cresands; yet we did not do what we||ation, did He not rest on the seventh could to save them. Already, alas! day, and bless it, and sanctify it, by too long we have stood aloof from the his own most holy example? In that most urgent duty; too long through law given at Sinai, inscribed on stone shameful pusillanimity, we have said, by the finger of God, to be perpetuallion is in the way." But in such ly binding throughout all generations, a cause as this, shall we for a moment is it not expressly enjoined, " Rememgive place to timidity? Shall false ber the Sabbath day and keep it holy?" modesty still hold us in the back ground Though the Sabbath underwent a when the voice of God and of human-change at the resurrection of Christ, ty calls aloud? Awake from your from the seventh to the first day of the

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make us large amends? It is an incontestible fact, that the Sabbath, or that which is tantamount to it, is a law of nature, as well as a positive institution of the Most High. The difference is, God has divided and fixed the time, and specified the purposes to which it shall be devoted; whereas men would have disagreed in respect to the proportion, and their time of rest would have been a necessary loss.

week, yet it has never undergone a had such seasons, do they not return repeal. The circumstance of its in-with renewed vigor to their toil and corporation with the moral law, or rather of its being a constituent part of that law, shews incontrovertibly, that it claims the same sacred observance, as when originally imposed. Hence, if any law of God is obligatory upon us, the law of the Sabbath is obligatory. And while we dare not impeach God's rectitude, are we not compelled to acknowledge his beneficence to man, in the institution of the Sabbath? We very well know, God But varying the question, and restmight in justice have reserved to him- ing on the ground of actual experiment self, for his immediate worship, a are we to consider the Sabbath as a much greater proportion of our time; favor or a frown of heaven in regard but the question is, whether He is not to our interest and comfort; here, in benevolent in what he has done ? Ev- the first place, let the question be canery man, when his mind turns upon didly put to those who have hitherto another world, hopes for an eternal lived in the pretty general neglect or Sabbath in glory; and is it not an un-violation of this holy law of God. Is speakable privilege, that God has pro- it by any means certain you are richvided for its commencement bere be- er on this account? Is it incredible to low? If we remember the Sabbath suppose, indeed, is it not more than day and keep it holy, are we not war-probable, that God in his providence ranted to hope for that rest which re- would have done more to advance maineth to the people of God? Cer- your temporal interest, provided you tainly then, the Sabbath, instead of ex- had kept the day holy, than you have citing our displeasure, should awaken done by breaking it? The Israelites our gratitude. gained nothing, but lost, by gathering manga and sticks on the Sabbath. Be

The question now turns, whether the Sabbath viewed as a mere world-sides, are your reflections more com ly institution, is for or against us? If fortable? Have you an easier coзcience there were no other life than this, because you have so often broken inwould it be better to have a Sabbath, to the divine inclosure and robbed God or be withouth one? Leaving room for of his sacred hours? In the second all works of necessity, which also the place, let the question be put to those scriptures allow, does not nature itself who have been afraid to speak their dictate one seventh part of time, at least || own words and transact their own buas an interim for the suspension of siness, on this blessed day. When worldly business? It is a fact, that you have seen others busied in secular those who wholly disregard both the concerns on the Sabbath, you might law of God and man, in this particular have as well attended to your worldly take of their own accord more respite concerns as they to theirs. But do from labor, week in and week out, you regret that you did not follow their than the law exacts, Indeed, are not example? Do you feel yourselves our bodies and minds so constituted, the poorer for your strictness in obseras absolutely to require relaxation ?—ving the Sabbath? Does the frequent And do not our beasts of draught|| return of the Lord's-day impoverish, and burthen which so patiently come under the yoke and bow to the load we impose on them, need their sea40 13 of rest? and after they have

oppress and embarrass you? Do you ever in taking a retrospect, regret that you had been so particular in observing the Sabbath; nay, do you not rath

If you

er lament, even on the score of inter- again, and repeat his oaths till he is ti est and enjoyment, you had not been red, he is as poor as ever. If he is more particular? Have you not found desirous that his declarations should be by your own experience that the holy credited, a string of oaths will defeat observance of the Lord's-day is profi- rather than aid his object. table for the life that now is, as well hear a man assert any matter as a fact, as for that which is to come, and that to which he had been eye witness, you the Saviour spake true when he said, credit him; but no sooner does he "The Sabbath was made for man," undertake to increase your belief in viz. for his benefit. Now is there an his declarations, by profane appeals to individual, after having viewed the God, than he causes you instantly subject dispassionately, who will deny to doubt. If a person would raise his weight of influence against those himself in the esteem of others, swearopen violations of the Sabbath withing sinks him. Men of worth in othwhich society is so extremely burthen-er respects, diminish that worth by ed, the cry of which is heard in every swearing. It is a vice which has no town and neighborhood of our coun-plea in its vindication. A negative try, and actually has reached the ear excuse is often made by the profane, of the God of Sabbaoth, who is vindi- that they have no ill meaning; but they cating his injured honor by the judg-rarely attempt to justify the practice. ments which we as a people, are now experiencing!

Dare they say they have a good meaning? We give to swearing its best In the 2d place--Will you not with character when we call it low, vulgar equal readiness give us your influence and ungentleman-like. Its real evils against the heaven-daring crime of are incalculable. It inflames the anprofaning the name of God! To ac-gry passions, produces animosities, count for this vice, so common among strifes and quarrels. Duels and murall grades of men, on the general prin-ders have often been occasioned by ciple of selfishness, is attended with swearing, or language which never considerable difficulty. The difficul- proceeds from any other than profane ty, however, is solved, by following lips. It corrupts the youth, saps the it through the labyrinth and tracing it very foundations of well regulated soto its true source, which is none other ciety; converts civilization into a than a bad heart. It is conceived by curse, and social life into a state more no means illiberal or uncharitable, and intolerable than bedlam. Nor is this most certainly correct, to ascribe pro- the worst, for unrestrained, it creates fane swearing directly to a depraved a hell. Profanation of God's name is mind, because there is no other foun- the language of the damned. tain from which so foul a stream can profane actually insult God to his face, possibly flow. Now some vices are and challenge him verbally to blast attended with strong temptations, ei- them to perdition. Nor is God indiftheir of immediate pleasure or profit, ferent to this vice; he sets an indelible or safety, such as the gratification of mark upon it, in what is subjoined to unlawful lusts, and stealing, lying and the third precept in the Decalogue.swindling, and deceiving and the like. The command is a tremendous prohiBut in respect to profanity, there ap-bition, and what follows a determinapears to be little or no temptation, ei-tion of God to take vengeance.ther of profit or pleasure, unless it be" Thou shalt not take the name of the a pleasure for a man to defy the Al-Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord mighty. For the man who addicts will not hold him guiltless that taketh himself to profanity, is sure to gain no advantage. He does not make himself the richer; he relieves no want.Let him swear, and swear, again and


his name in vain." Now, brethren, we do not paint this vice in any borrowed shades. We fail of giving you the full portraiture of its malignity. Lan

guage is too feeble. And can you want || a crime? Is not drunkenness a sin a motive more to induce you to put against which God pronounces his heaforth every effort, if not with hopes al- vy woe? "Woe to the drunkards of together to prevent, yet if possible to Ephraim!" Are not our minds given check a vice, which is absolutely us to cultivate and improve; and does more to be dreaded than the plagues of not intemperance enervate and paralEgypt. ize every faculty? Its tendency is to dwindle, and ran a man down to a state of the most abject degradation? It makes his mind vacant and worth

In the 3d place-We solicit your united influence, which we are persuaded you will freely tender against the growing and enormous vice of intem-less. This we know to be the fact. perate drinking. The progress of Intemperance is a species of suicide, drunkenness since the first settlement and by far the most to be deplored, of the country by the English and because the most frequent. Some, it Dutch, is perhaps, without a parallel is true, resort to the razor and the halin the history of the world. Our anter to shorten life; but more to the cestors were distinguished for temper-bottle and the cup. The former, in ance; but, alas, the degeneracy of their almost every instance, commit the descendents! In this respect "the crime secretly, and more generally, gold is verily become dim and the fine we apprehend, with little premeditagold changed." Without tracing out tion, while the latter do it aforethought, the causes which have contributed to by slow degrees, and rashly, and yet this alarming defection of morals, the effectually, against every possible enfact is undeniable. Every day is wit- treaty and expostulation. Which then ness. The thing has arrived to such a is the greater criminal, is easy to deheight that we are actually threatened termine. If we could clearly see and with becoming a nation of drunkards. || realize the circumstances of the drunThis vice is become so common, as ard, as they in fact exist in most inscarcely to be thought criminal, or e- stances, the spectacle would shock ven disgraceful in the public opinion. and overcome us even to weakness. And whenever excessive drinking, or Who could endure the sight, to see any other vice is considered no blot men lacerating their own flesh with upon the character by the public, we knives, and tearing off their skin with may pretty much abandon the hope pincers, or applying live coals of fire, of reformation. Indeed, there would, or torches to their naked bodies; and in this case,be no foot-hold from which yet multitudes of people are doing to make a beginning. We are, how-worse than this; they are actually burever, unwilling to believe, we hope better, than to conclude we are sunk so low.

Possibly it may be asked, what is the great evil of intemperance, since Divine Providence has so amply provided the means? Has God given us appetites and prohibited their indulgence? Does he set his bounties before us to tantalize us? We answer, it is not the temperate use of these bounties which God forbids; but the consuming of them upon our lusts, to his dishonor and our own unspeakable detriment. Every creature of God is good, and ought to be received with thanksgiving; but is not its perversion

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ning up their vitals and cutting away their heart-strings, by the inordinate use of ardent spirits, and are offering themselves a voluntary sacrifice to a martyrdom as abominable as though they were to hew themselves to pieccs in honor of Baal or in the house of Rimmon!

Drunkenness, exclusively of the expense, of which we shall make no calculation at present, is the most wasting pestilence which ever infested our borders. It opens the way for numberless diseases, and defeats the remedies applied for their cure. A drunkard is a real curse to the neighborhood or family in which be resides. The

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