Sidor som bilder

very sight of a drunkard, his gesticu- | the song of gladness swell and be heard lations, his hickup and half articulated from the Hudson to the Delaware, words, his reeling and tottering, are from the Delaware to the Susquehan enough to make a sober man ashamed nah, from the Susquehannah the wes of his species. The actual distresses tern waters shall catch the inspiring occasioned by drunkenness are be-notes, and all unite in one harmonious yond the power of description. How concert of mutual congratulations. many wives and children are reduced to beggary and starvation by drunken husbands and fathers?

Willing and forward to give your influence in such a cause as this, and in view of such motives, do you ask, what? We answer in three words, your names, your examples, and your combined efforts. And thus forming a phalanx against the common enemy, God assisting, we may indulge the pleasing hope that this institution shall live, shall survive us, pass down to posterity unimpaired, and prevail until it shall be embosomed in the perfection of millennial glory, which shall

Intemperance, in its lowest grade, is an evil, and ought to be shunned as the almost certain precursor to inevitable distruction. It almost for ever casts down those who step foot upon its enchanted ground. Its grasp is death. It is easy falling; many go down into the pit, but not one of a thousand returns. You had better venture upon the brim of the crater of burning Etna, than be on terms of in-supercede the father necessity of for timacy with the intoxicating draught. "Touch not, taste not, handle not," should be inscribed in capitals on the vessels of every man who hopes to escape the fatal snare. Therefore, the wise man said, "Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright; at the last it bit-largest in the colony, their proceedings

eth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder."

ming and maintaining moral societies, for the suppression of vice and the encouragement of virtue.


OF THE VENERABLE MR. HOOKER, (Concluded from p, 296.)

As the church in Hartford was the

were generally considered a model for the others. It was also well underNow, brethren, for our own sakes, stood that the ecclesiastical transac for the sakes of our families, of our tions of that period would be regardneighbors, of our country, and of the ed as precedents, and have an imporhonor of God, is it not incumbent on tant influence in succeeding to set our faces as flints against these These considerations lay with all their and all other crying abominations, and weight upon the mind of Mr. Hooker, volunteer the last particle of our influ- to whom the other churches as well as unce to suppress them? Succeeding his own looked for their constant guide, in this noble attempt, we shall rear on and called forth all the resources of their ruins an altar to virtuous order, his mind, and all the fervor of his inwhose incense shall spread a fragrance tercessions for direction from on high. over society which shall be a blessing It is impossible for us to conceive the indeed. Then shall the holy sabbath anxiety and solicitude which such a be respected, profanity and intemper-state of things must occasion. They ance hide their heads, and every vice were striking out a new path, no landbecome disgraceful. Then "instead marks were before them, no establishof the thorn, shall come up the fig-tree, ed usages to direct their steps, no comand instead of the briar, shall come up mon habits for a basis of their regulathe myrtle-tree." Then shall the tions, the history of the church since mountains clap their wings, the little the primitive times furnishing no samhills leap for joy, and the valleys re-ple for their guide. But that God, spond in delightful accents; then shall who led our fathers into the wilderness,

provided one who possessed the confi- || ward of all your labors." He replied, dence of all. As the confidence of all" Brother, I am going to receive merhearts in WASHINGTON, was the only cy." The peace which he had enjoycommon bond of union possessed by ed in the Christian hope, with little inthe United States, previous to the es-terruption, for thirty years, now rose tablishment of the government, the to a full assurance of faith. He cloconfidence of the people in the Con-sed his own eyes, and with an inexnecticut Colony, reposed in Mr. Hook-pressible serenity on his countenance, er, was, for their ecclesiastical inter-slept for the resurrection morning.— ests at least, their great bond of union, || He died July 7th, 1647, in the sixtyand the sure pledge of their tranquilli- first year of his age. A venerable ty. No event which could effect the spectator of this scene wrote to Mr. interests of the churches escaped his Cotton, "Truly, Sir, the sight of his attention, he deemed no efforts too death, will make me have more pleasgreat for their welfare, and his exer- ant thoughts of dying, than ever I yet tions were eminently attended with had in my life." His people were orthe divine blessing. His church were phans, the colony was in tears, all the eminently distinguished for purity of colonies were in deep affliction. gospel sentiment, for great faithfulness The history of the church scarcely in the duties of religion, for examples furnishes a man who has brought eof watchfulness and prayer, and for qual ability, and equal zeal, to progreat attainments in the divine life.-mote the interests of Zion, with Mr. His people enjoyed great harmony, Hooker. To this object he was wholan uncommon purity of morals, and, ly devoted. He not only felt occain repeated instances, the signal mani- sionally, like most Christians, that he festations of divine grace. was willing to spend and be spent for the church of God, but this was the uniform feeling and the uniform conduct of his life. He appears to have had no ambition of being a party-man, or of getting an artificial distinction by opposition, when he relinquished the

ferment and risked every comfort, to vindicate the pure principles of the gospel of Christ. He went to Holland with the hope of seeing Christian churches established in uncorrupted

But God would teach the infant colony that their dependence must be on him alone. In their weak and fearful state, they must mourn the extinction of their most brilliant light. He who has always exercised the right of removing from the world the great pil-fairest prospects of ecclesiastical prelars of the church in the midst of their day, would now call this lonely people to adore his holy, unsearchable wisdom. After preaching and admin istering the sacrament of the Lord's supper, with great fervor and solemni-gospel order. Disappointed in his ity, with his usual vigor of mind and hopes, he bid a final adieu to his nahealth, Mr. Hooker was seized with an tive country, well apprized of the epidemical sickness then prevalent in toils of the American wilderness, for the town, which soon assumed symp- the same object. No discouragement Itoms that were alarming. His sick- or success relaxed his zeal, no obstaness was short and violent, and de- cle disheartened his exertions to the O prived him to a considerable degree end of his days. His wisdom and of the ability for conversation. Being counsel were much improved in the I asked to give his counsel and express civil interests of the colony, but he his apprehension concerning some im-ever acted the civilian, only as suborIportant things, he observed "I have not that work now to do; I have already declared the counsel of the Lord." A weeping friend said to him, "Sir, you are going to receive the re

dinate to the interests of the church. He and his coadjutors were indeed laying a foundation of a Christian Commonwealth, for the honor of Christ. In this view, no part of their

system could fail to engage his deep-acquired, not more from the acut est concern. But instead of an am-ness of his discernment, than from bitious solicitude to rear a powerful thorough acquaintance with himsel state, to try the experiments of polit- He had long made his own heart, in it ical philosophy, or to obtain a name natural and sanctified state, the sub among the Numas and Solons of the ject of his most watchful study and world, it was his great concern to pre- persevering attention. The know! pare a habitation for the Lord of Hosts. edge thus obtained, was one of the To the religious concerns of his peo- first qualifications for his great useful ple of the colony, and of the united col-ness. During his whole ministry, he onies, be devoted his utmost labors.was much resorted to for instruction, He was a great student, spent much by enquiring sinners, by desponding time in his study, in preparing for his Christians, by various characters who public ministrations, and in providing would know more of gospel truth, and the ablest vindication of his pure doc-more of duty. He had a most happy trines and precepts of the gospel. To talent at resolving cases of conscience, the discipline of the church, he was and applying divine truth in circumgreatly attentive. He was quick to stances of doubt and difficulty. notice any error or immorality, but, Wherever he was, he had the hap by timely and persevering exertions, piness to possess a very uncommon generally procured them to be cor-degree of influence. This arose from rected, without bringing them into pub- his known ability, and his unshaken lic notice. Though he viewed the integrity. During his residence in censures of the church lawful and im- Essex, a number of his brethren in the portant, he thought they ought, as far ministry who had been undecided as possible, to be avoided. During his in many religious sentiments, became pastoral connections with his church, by his means, principally, fully estab for fourteen years, but one member|lished in evangelical doctrines. By was publicly admonished, and but one his exertions also, a number of pious, was ex-communicated. In church faithful ministers were settled in that meetings, he always endeavored to country. He succeeded, further, in prevent debate. When any important persuading his brethren, to set up question was to be decided, he took monthly meetings for religious confer pains to have the ruling elders, and ences, fasting, and prayer, which were others of the principal members, fully long observed by many ministers of possessed of the subject, that they that vicinity, to their peculiar benefit. might be prepared to act with una- In Holland he was equally influential, nimity. If material difference of sen- so far as he was known. In Newtiment appeared in the church, he England, his influence, in ecclesiasticwould procure an adjournment of the al transactions, was not exceeded, if meeting, that they might confer with equalled, by that of any other man.each other in a private manner, and They knew the soundness of his judgthus prevent the evils of disunion.-ment, the extent of his information, Mr. Hooker preached much at home, in the neighboring places, and in the other colonies. Whenever he was at Boston, which was frequent, great congregations assembled to enjoy his Mr. Hooker's labors, in his Lord's public ministrations, while many re- vineyard, were eventually attended sorted to him for Christian counsel, as with the divine blessing. Few perwell with the concerns of the church-sons have been more useful, while lives, as those of individuals. ing, with ministers, than he. In his inMr. Hooker possesed a great knowl- tercourse with his brethren, he was edge of the human character. This he signally successful in bringing them

the purity of his intentions; qualities which never fail to procure an influence, and they had often realized their worth.

to just views of divine truth, and of the excited. He had one, in a high de interesting importance of the work in gree, which, of all passions, is perhaps which they were engaged. His ef the hardest for a Christian to subdue ; forts to enlighten, guide, and reclaim a passion for literary fame. This is so Christian churches, were productive of nearly allied to a just desire of useful good which cannot be duly apprecia-ness, that there are but few good men ted till we arrive in the eternal state. who can manage it at all. Mr. HookIn his preaching, he instructed and re-er rendered this, as well as all his buked with an authority which would other affections, subservient to the appal error and confound vice; he ex-love and service of the lowly Naza horted and warned with an affection rene. In the later periods of his life, which would move every heart. His he was seldom known to be discompoaspect bore a solemnity and tender-sed; quietness and benevolence markness, worthy of an ambassador fored his countenance in all his conduct. Christ. Though he was thoroughly He bore opposition and reproach, he versed in all the religious controver-bore the obstinacy and follies of men, sies of that day, he did not introduce without murmur or complaint. them in his ordinary discourses.- He was to a very eminent degree, Those, as well as deep metaphysical a man of prayer. On some occasions, disquisitions, he considered, ordinarily, the fervor and apparent confidence unprofitable and improper for the pul-which he exhibited, astonished every pit. Though he wrote many sermons, hearer. Some instances are recorded, and wrote with great attention on most in which he obtained remarkable angospel subjects, he generally preached swers to prayer. In the year 1643, without notes. This was the usual there was a war between the Moheapractice of the puritans of his time.-gan and the Naraganset Indians.He spoke with great animation, his ideas were clear, his language was correct, which together with the pathos infused into all his discourses, which no artificial zeal can imitate, rendered him one of the most popular preach-to an expected battle, Mr. Hooker ers of the age. was observed to pray with an unusual Mr. Hooker was a most eminent ex-and persevering importunity, pleading ample of the Christian life. As it with God for the remembrance of his pleased God to give him an unusual gracious promise, I will bless them share of divine grace, he ever impro-that bless thee, and curse him that cursved his talent with the utmost dili-eth thee. The expected battle took gence. The long struggle of his heart,place, in which the Moheagans gained during the period of his convictions, a great victory, which produced a convinced him of its exceeding corrup-peace between the tribes, and quieted tions, and of the necessity of maintain-the fears of the colony.

The latter were a very warlike tribe, and many times the most numerous. They designed to destroy the colony, while the Moheagans were friends.On an occasion of prayer in reference

ing an unremitted warfare with sin.- This servant of Christ was ever He was distinguished for a singular mindful of the directions of his Lord watchfulness and circumspection in for deeds of charity. "It was no rare all his conduct, mindful of the many thing for him to give sometimes five admonitions of his Lord, which teach pounds, sometimes ten pounds, at a us that we are always in danger of time, towards the support of widows wounding our own souls and dishonor-and orphans, especially those of deing him. He obtained an almost per-ceased ministers." On a certain ocfect command of himself. He pos-casion, the people at Southampton on sessed, by nature, a very strong spirit, Long-Island being in a needy state, his passions were ardent, and easily Mr. Hooker and a few others freightVOL. 2. {{ed a small vessel with several hundred

bushels of corn, and sent to their re-be a very difficult, nor even undesira lief.* ble task to turn back the imputation of Several volumes of Mr. Hooker's fatalism upon those who deny the doc sermons were printed before and aftrine of God's sovereign, holy and u ter his death. But his most valuable niversal decrees. Let it then be as work is entitled A Survey of Church |serted, that all those who deny the de Discipline. In this, he vindicates, crees of God are fatalists; and then see with great ability, the order of Chris- if what follows does not support the tian churches, agreeably to the sen- assertion. What is meant by the uni timents generally maintained by Pres-versal decrees of God, is not difficult ident Edwards and Dr. Hopkins, and to understand. They are his eternal shows the lawfulness and expediency purpose, according to the counsel of his of the Consociation of churches, for own will, whereby, for his own glory, their mutual benefit, and preservation he hath foreordained whatsoever comes in the truth. lo pass. God's efficient will, or deter A cotemporary of Mr. Hooker, amination, which gives being to all man distinguished for learning and pi-creatures, things and events throughety, and for a great knowledge of men, out the universe, is his decree. What said of him, after much acquaintance, is meant by fate is, perhaps, more diffi" he had not thought there had been cult to be clearly understood. There such a man on earth; a man in whom are several senses in which the word learning and wisdom were so temper-fate is used; but that which is most ed with zeal, holiness, and watchfulness." He was prepared in the holy providence of God to plant these unhallowed fields, he now rests in the joy of his Lord.


common is hardly definable. It seems, however, to import some unknown, unintelligent, undescribable and eternal destiny, by which all things are unalterably fixed in an absolutely ne cessary chain of causes and effects. This fate, according to the ancient stoics, was superior to all the heather gods, who were subject to its decrees. Even omnipotent Jupiter, with all his

trol the events fixed by this superior destiny. This is the most intelligible view the writer can give of fate.

It is not uncommon for those, who deny the doctrine of the universal decrees of God, to charge those who be-potent council, could not alter or conlieve that he foreordained whatsoever comes to pass, as holding to fatalism; and consequently as being fatalists. This is used as a term of reproach, at Now to prove, that they who deny which the minds of many are apt to the universal decrees of God are fatal. revolt, and therefore it is believed,ists, we need only the use of this selfthat this opprobrious charge has had evident position, viz. every event must great influence upon many, and led be the effect of an efficient cause. This them to reject the salutary doctrine of is a fundamental principle of all just God's universal decrees. It is the reasoning. The whole universe must usual practice with disputers and con-have an adequate efficient cause of its troversial writers to retort, if possible, existence. All the things in the uni the arguments and charges of their verse must have an efficient cause, opponents, and thus to confound them which gave them their being and form with their own weapons. The writer-and all events, of every nature and of this does not recollect of ever read-kind, must have a primary cause, by ing or hearing any thing, in which a whose efficiency they are produced in retort of this charge has been attempt- their time, place and manner. ed. It is conceived, however, not to it seems, is true, beyond all reasona * Notwithstanding his liberality, he left a ble doubt. Now let the inquiry be good estate at his death. made, What is this primary, efficient


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