Who shall be of as little memory, When he is earth'd; hath here almoft perfuaded, As he, that sleeps here, fwims. Seb. I have no hope, That he's undrown'd, Ant. O, out of that no hope, What great hope have you? no hope, that way, is Ambition cannot pierce a wink beyond, (5) But doubts difcovery there. Will you grant, with me, Ant. She that is Queen of Tunis; the that dwells (4) For he's a fpirit of perfuafion,] Of this entangled fentence I can draw no fenfe from the prefent reading, and therefore imagine that the Author gave it thus: For he, a Spirit of Perfuafion, only Profeffes to perfuade. Of which the meaning may be either that he alone who is a Spirit of Perfuafion, profeffes to perfuade the King, or that, He only profeffes to perfuade, that is, without being so perfuaded himself he makes a fhew of perfuading the King. (5) That this is the utmost extent of the profpect of ambition, the point where the eye can pafs no further, and where objects lofe their diftinctnefs, fo that what is there difcovered, is faint, obfcure, and doubtful. (6) These lines ftand in the old Edition thus: -though fome caft again And by that deftiny, to perform an act, Whereof what's past is prologue, what to come The And by that destiny, to perform an act, Seb. What ftuff is this? how fay you ? "Tis true, my brother's daughter's Queen of Tunis, So is the heir of Naples; 'twixt which regions There is fome space. Ant. A fpace, whofe ev'ry cubit Seems to cry out, how fhall that Claribel As this Gonzalo; I myself could make A chough of as deep chat. O, that you bore For your advancement! do you understand me? Ant. And how does your content Seb. I remember, You did fupplant your brother Profpero. And, look, how well my garments fit upon me; The reading in the latter Editions is without authority. The old text may very well ftand, except that in the laft line in fhould be is, and perhaps we might better fay and that by deftiny. It being a common plea of wickedness to call temptation destiny. (6) — Keep in Tunis,] There is in this paffage a propriety loft which a flight alteration will restore. -Sleep in Tunis, And let Sebastian wake. VOL I. D Ant. Ant. Ay, Sir; where lies that? (7) Ten confciences, that stand 'twixt me and Milan, No better than the earth he lyes upon, If he were that which now he's like, that's dead; Whom I with this obedient steel, three inches of it, Can lay to bed for ever: you doing thus, To the perpetual wink for ay might put This antient Morfel, (8) this, Sir Prudence, who Seb. Thy cafe, dear friend, Shall be my precedent: as thou got'ft Milan, Ant. Draw together: And when I rear my hand, do you the like To fall it on Gonzalo. Seb. O, but one word Enter Ariel, with Mufick and Song. Ari. My mafter through his art forefees the danger, (7) In the first Edition thefe lines are otherwife arranged. The prefent reading is quite arbitrary, as appears by the neceffity of changing twenty to ten, but the change being for the better, it is fufficient barely to note it. I think we may fafely read, Candy'd be they or melt. That is, let my confcience be dried up and lie unactive, or melt and run quite away. (8) For Morfel, Dr. Warburton reads antient Moral, very elegantly and judiciously, yet I know not whether the Authour might not write Morfel, as we fay a piece of a Man. That That you, his friend, are in; and fends me forth [Sings in Gonzalo's Ear. While you bere do fnoring lye, His time doth take: If of life you keep a care, Shake off lumber and beware: Ant. Then let us both be fudden. Gon. Now, goodangels preferve the King![They wake. Alon. Why, how now, ho? awake? why are you drawn? (1) Wherefore this ghaftly looking? Gon. What's the matter? Seb. While we stood here fecuring your repofe, Ev'n now we heard a hollow burst of bellowing Like bulls, or rather lions; did't not wake you? It ftrook mine ear most terribly. Alon. I heard nothing. Ant. O, 'twas a din to fright a monster's ear ; To make an earthquake: fure, it was the roar Of a whole herd of lions. Alon. Heard you this? [To Gonzalo.] (9) to keep them living.] i. e. Alonzo and Antonio; for it was on their lives that his project depended. Yet the Oxford Editor alters them, to you, becaufe in the verfe before, it is faid -you bis friend; as if, becaufe Ariel was fent forth to fave his friend, he could not have another purpofe in fending him, viz. to fave his project too. WARBURTON. I think Dr. Warburton and the Oxford Editor both mistaken. The sense of the paffage as it now stands is this: He fees your danger and will therefore fave them. Dr. Warburton has miftaken Antonio for Gonzalo. Ariel would certainly not tell Gonsalo that his master saved him only for his project. He fpeaks to himself as he approaches, My mafter through his art forefees the danger, That thefe his friends are in. Thefe written with a y according to the old practice, did not much differ from you. Juliet. drawn] Having your Swords drawn. So in Romeo and What art thou drawn among these heartless hinds Gon. Upon my honour, Sir, I heard a humming, And that a strange one too, which did awake me. I fhak'd you, Sir, and cry'd ; as mine eyes open'd I faw their weapons drawn :-there was a noise, That's verity. "Tis best we ftand on guard; Or that we quit this place: let's draw our weapons. Alon. Lead off this ground, and let's make further fearch For my poor fon. Gon. Heav'ns keep him from these beasts! For he is, fure, i'th' ifland. Alon. Lead away. Ari. Profpero my lord shall know what I have done. So, King, go fafely on to feek thy fon. SCENE II. Changes to another part of the Ifland. [Exeunt. Enter Caliban with a burden of wood; a noife of thunder beard. Cal. LL the Infections, that the fun fucks up From bogs, fens, flats, on Profper fall, and make him By inch-meal a difeafe! his fpirits hear me, And yet I needs muft curfe. But they'll not pinch, Sometimes like apes, that moe and chatter at me, (2) Wound] Enwrapped by adders wound or twisted about me, |