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this county every year, it is fcarcely poffible to ascertain with exactnefs; but the quantity must be very large; for befides what is confumed in the neighbouring country, a confiderable quantity is conveyed by the Erewash canal into Leicestershire. The quantity of plafter-stone annually raised at Chellafton pits is abcut 800 tons. These various fources of natural riches in Derbyshire cannot but prove highly valuable.

This county is likewife remarkable for native and extraneous foffils. The latter are extremely worthy of notice, on account both of their amazing number and variety. They occur in almost every part of Derbyfhire. The mountains of limeftone, which extend through the High and Low Peak, abound with marine productions. Entrochi, a fpecies of ftar-fish, are found almost every where. Our author has feen continued beds of them, above twenty miles in length. The number of anomiæ is prodigious. The cone in cone corraloid is found, in a bed ten inches deep, on the surface of the shell marble at Tupton near Wingerworth. The cone is exceedingly diftinct; and is likewife found in great abundance in other parts of the county. Corraloids, refembling that which is found in the Red-Sea, are frequent; as are alfo madrepores, millepores, tubipores, fungitæ, conic fungitæ, aftroites, porpites, retepores, the fea-fan, and a variety of other species.

Among the animals and infects there occurs a fmall alligator in the black marble at Afhford, The tail and back of a crocodile are faid to have been found at Afhford, and to be preferved in a cabinet at Bruffels. Groups of flies have been found in black marble at the faine place; with a beetle in iron-stone, and a butterfly in the fame, at Swanwick. Many vegetable impreffions are likewife to be found in different parts.

We afterwards meet with an account of the medicinal waters and baths, rivers, navigable canals, agriculture, produce, animals, and birds, of the county. Our author informs us, concerning the otter, that a few years ago one was brought up tame at Eckington. The Rev. Mr. Pegge told him that he faw it twice or three times; once in the water, where it caught a large eel, with which in its mouth it fwam about fome time. It was as tame and harmless as a lap-dog, and would

come when called.

In the fecond volume the author takes a general view of the ancient and modern ftate of Derbyshire, with its government, civil policy, and religion, at different periods. He appears likewife to have been at much pains in endeavouring to afcertain the prefent ftate of population in the county. The refult of his inquiries is, that the number of houfes now in Derbyshire is 25,206, and of inhabitants 124,465. In that part of the county

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where the bufinefs of the lead-mines is carried on, it is fuppofed by fome that the number of inhabitants is fmaller than it was fifty years ago. But we are affured that even in those fituations population is now much revived; and in other places it is confiderably greater than it ever was at any former period. Wherever Mr. Pilkington has had opportunities of procuring the necessary information, he has given a comparative view of the state of births and burials; from which it appears highly probable that the inhabitants of Derbyfhire are continually increafing in number.

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The manufactures carried on in Derbyfhire are various and extenfive. Thofe chiefly cultivated are filk, cotton, wool, and iron. We are told that the first, which is confined almost to the town of Derby, affords employment to about fifteen hundred hands. Cotton is manufactured in different parts of the county, with the machine invented by Sir Richard Arkwright.. Several having been conftructed upon that model, the number of machines which are now worked in this county is fixteen, and the hands employed by them may be computed at three thousand. A confiderable quantity of cotton is likewise spun upon hand machines, or wheels, in the north-weft part of the county, befides looms for weaving cotton; of the latter of which the number is computed to be at prefent about two hundred.

A large quantity of wool likewife is manufactured in Derbyfhire both into ftockings and cloth. The bufinefs of hofiery is carried on extenfively in that part of the county which borders upon Nottinghamshire, and also at Litton near Tidefwell. The author has endeavoured to ascertain the number of frames employed, and believes them to amount to about 1350. But this calculation includes thofe upon which filk and cotton, as well as wool, are wrought.

In that part of the High Peak which borders upon Yorkshire, a fmall quantity of wool is manufactured into cloth; and in the north-east part of the county the manufacture of iron is con-fiderable. But the principal manufacture of this metal is carried on in the neighbourhood of Sheffield; where nearly three hundred hands are employed chiefly in making scythes and fickles. Befides thefe, fome other inferior manufactures are mentioned as exifting in this county, which appears to be at present in a very flourishing ftate, both with refpect to its native and artificial productions.

The author proceeds next to take a particular view of the ancient and prefent ftate of towns, villages, churches, religious houses, caftles, feats, families, &c. In this furvey of the county he follows the ecclefiaftical divifions of it into 'deaneries; but we cannot afford to accompany him on fo extenfive a progrefs.


Though Mr. Pilkington has, for good reafons, omitted fome parts of his propofed inveftigation, he has profecuted others with much industry; and there is every reafon to be fatisfied that he has given a faithful, and, for the purpose of utility, a fufficiently ample account of the prefent ftate of Derbyshire.

ART. IX. The Farm-Houfe; a Comedy in Three Acts. As altered by J. P. Kemble, and first acted at the Theatre-Royal, DruryLane, May 1, 1789. 8vo. 1s. Debrett. London, 1790.

THIS elegant little performance is fprightly in its dialogue, interesting in events, and no where wearies the attention of the reader. We need not add how much it must be improved by representation when the charming Mrs. Jordan has the following dialogue allotted to her:


• Enter Modely.

< Modely. A fine evening, really, for a cool thruft or two. Where is the warrior that is to entertain me here? Egad, I wish 'twas over; I don't like it; it fits but qualmifhly upon my ftomach. Oh! yonder he comes crofs the ftyle. Ho, that's a boy, I think; I fuppofe he has fent fome formal excufe: the women have lock'd him up the country is rais'd; and the juftices have fent their warrants forth to ftop all military proceedings, and make up the matter over a cup of October.

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Aura. Your fervant, Sir.

Modely. Your's, Sir.

Aura. I am invited hither, Sir, to do juflice to an injured beauty [herfelf], whom I have the honour to be well with; and I fuppofe you are my man.

Modely. Thy man, lovey! and what then?

Aura. Why then, Sir, on the behalf of that fair one, I demand the honourable amends, Sir. To use violence to a lady, is an affront not to be put up with. To tear the boughs, and offer to haul down the fruit before it was confenting kindly ripe. If you had climbed up the ladder of her affections, and gathered it regularly with the confent of the owner, there had been no harm done.

Modely. Hah! thou art a very pretty metaphorical prigster. Hark ye, child, go home prefently, or I'll gather a handful of nettles under that hedge, and whip thee moft unmercifully.

Aura. I fhall whip you through the guts, or make a pair of bellows of your lungs, for this arrogance. What are your weapons? Modely. Nettletops, infant; nettletops.

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Aura. What are you for your country diverfions of this fortfails, cudgels, fcythes, back-fwords, oakin-towels, or wrestling? • Modely.

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Modely. Would'st thou have me wrestle with a bulrush?

Aura. Ah! I have brought a stouter man than you down before Or are you for the town gallantries, fingle rapier, fword and dagger, fword and piftol, fingle pittol, blunderbufs, demi-cannon, culverin, mortar-piece, or a barrel of gunpowder. I am ready at any of these weapons to wait your commands.

Modely. Look thee, thou impertinent infect; thou may'ft be troublesome, though thou canst not be hurtful; therefore, if thou Ayeft about my face thus, I fhall be forced to pat thee down with my hand, and tread thee out.

• Aura. Humph! You are very pert.

Modely. I am fo. Pray tell me though, what intereft have you in this lady, that she has engaged your haughty littleness in her affairs?

Aura. Who I, Sir? Oh! I have been her first minister a great while. She is a fine woman really, confidering she has been rufticated from her birth too. Her only fault is, poor creature, she is doatingly fond of me.

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Modely. Indeed! And fo thou art her playfellow, her gentle refreshment, her pretty pillow boy, her afternoon's cordial, and her tea at breakfast; her evening's flumber, and her morning's indolence.

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Aura. Sir, the reputation of a lady is not thus impiously to be fported with. Oons! eat your words; up with 'em again this moment, or I'll ram 'em down your throat with the hilt of my fword.

Modely. Cool thyfelf, Narciffus; cool thyfelf, child; relieve thy reason with a dram of reflection. 'Tis the town talk; the whole village, and all the parishes round, ring of it. I am fure thou wouldst not die a martyr to falsehood. Why thy engagements there are known to every body; 'tis no fecret, my prettynefs.

Aura. Ay, Sir, 'tis true; but 'tis not fo gallant to enter into particulars of that fort. Though, as you fay indeed, I am fenfible 'tis no fecret. The affair has made a noife; the fury of the poor creature's paffion did now and then blind her difcretion. I think this is the feventh duel I have engaged in for her fake already. The feventh, no, the eighth. There were three juftices, two excifemen, a parfon, the apothecary, and yourself.

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Modely. Thou art the most impudent, wicked, little, bragging, lying fon of a whore that ever I met with.

Aura. Demme, Sir, son of a whore in your teeth! What, becaufe I have reprieved you, fuffered you to breathe a minute or two longer, while I diverted you with my gallantries, you grow


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Modely. Thou art a very popgun charged with air.

Aura. And thou art a wooden blunderbufs without any charge

at all.

Modely. Thou moft infignificant teazing terrier; by heaven, if thou doit provoke me, I will cut thee into minced meat, and have thee difhed up for my miftrefs's wedding dinner. [Draws his fword.

‹ Aura.

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Aura. (Prefenting a pistol.) Put up your fword; put it up I fay; 'fdeath, Sir, this inftant, or you die. (Modely fheaths his favord.) So! fo!

Modely. Ha! what have you thefe tricks too, my little bully! 'Aura. Very well; now you have obeyed me, I'll ufe you like a gentleman. You have a longer reach than I, and therefore it may not be fo reasonable to engage with fingle fword. Here, take one of thefe; this, or this (offering piftols). You may change it, or draw it and recharge it, if you fufpect my honour.

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Modely. (Taking a piftol.) How are they loaded?

Aura. Equally, Sir, with a brace of balls.

Modely. (Afide) What can be the meaning of all this? Sure the young dog is not in earnell.'

The reft of the dialogue is not inferior to this fpecimen, and often in proportion as it comes nearer to common life has more merit, by keeping equally clear of vulgarity and dullness.

ART. X. An Inquiry into the Small-Pox, medical and political; wherein a fuccessful Method of treating that Difeafe is propofed, the Caufe of Pits explained, and the Method of their Prevention pointed out; with an Appendix, representing the prefent State of Small-Pox. By Robert Walker, M. D. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinb. 8vo. 6s. boards. Murray, Lon don; Creech, Edinburgh. 1790.


[ Concluded. ]

N the twelfth chapter the author treats of the use and abufe of opiates in the fmall-pox. It happens fortunately for the theory which Dr. Walker has endeavoured to establish upon facts, that as the frequent ufe of opiates would contribute to the retention of the contagious particles, which to expel from the habit is the great object of his attention; fo recourfe to thofe medicines becomes unneceffary. By a fteady attention to this 6 courfe,' fays he,

The exciting caufe of every bad fymptom being gradually carried off, we shall find little or no occafion for the use of opiates in any ftage of the disease. It is fcarcely to be credited how much natural reft is obtained, even in the worst cases of small-pox, by purfuing the cool regimen, with the daily purging courfe, from the commencement of the disease. The celebrated Tiffot, who is one of the few authors that oppofe the general exhibition of opiates in fmall-pox, is of opinion that even natural fleep is hurtful in this difeafe; I can fee no bad confequence that can arife from quiet and natural fleep in fmall-pox; it is indeed feldom obtained, because the common method of treating the difeafe prevents it; and Sydenham's,

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