Have mercy, Jesu!-Soft; I did but dream.- 261 Enter Enter RATCLIFF. Rat. My lord K. Rich. Who's there? Rat. My lord, 'tis I: The early village cock Hath twice done salutation to the morn; Your friends are up, and buckle on their armour. K. Rich. O, Ratcliff, I have dream'd a fearful dream! 270 What thinkest thou ? will our friends prove all true ? Rat. No doubt, my lord. K. Rich. Ratcliff, I fear, I fear Rat. Nay, good my lord, be not afraid of shadows. K. Rich. By the apostle Paul, shadows to-night Have struck more terror to the soul of Richard, Than can the substance of ten thousand soldiers, Armed in proof, and led by shallow Richmond. It is not yet near day. Come, go with me Under our tents; I'll play the eaves-dropper, To hear, if any mean to shrink from me. 280 [Exeunt K. RICHARD, and RATCLIFF. RICHMOND wakes. Enter OXFORD, and others. Lords. Good morrow, Richmond. Richm. 'Cry mercy, lords, and watchful gentlemen, That you have ta'en a tardy sluggard here. Lords. How have you slept, my lord? Richm. The sweetest sleep, and fairest-boding dreams, That ever enter'd in a drowsy head, Have I since your departure had, my lords. Methought, their souls, whose bodies Richard mur der'd, Came to my tent, and cry'd-On! victory! I promise you, my heart is very jocund In the remembrance of so fair a dream. How far into the morning is it, lords? Lords. Upon the stroke of four. 290 Richm. Why, then 'tis time to arm, and give direc tion. [He advances to the Troops. More than I have said, loving countrymen, Forbids to dwell upon: Yet remember this One rais'd in blood, and one in blood establish'd; him; A base foul stone, made precious by the foil 310 You You sleep in peace, the 'tyrant being slain; 320 Shall be this cold corpse on the earth's cold face; [Exeant. Re-enter King RICHARD, RATCLIFF, &c. K. Rich. What said Northumberland, as touching 330 Richmond? Rat. That he was never trained up in arms. then ? Rat. He smil'd and said, the better for our purpose. K. Rich. He was i'the right; and so, indeed, it is. Tell the clock there. - Give me a kalendar. Who saw the sun to-day? [Clock strikes. K. Rich. K. Rich. Then he disdains to shine; for, by the book, He should have brav'd the east an hour ago: Ratcliff Rat. My lord? 340 K. Rich. The sun will not be seen to-day; The sky doth frown and lour upon our army. I would, these dewy tears were from the ground. Not shine to-day! Why, what is that to me, More than to Richmond? for the self-same heaven That frowns on me, looks sadly upon him. Enter NORFOLK, Nor. Arm, arm, my lord; the foe vaunts in the field. K. Rich. Come, bustle, bustle; - Caparison my horse ; 359 Call up lord Stanley, bid him bring his power :- And thus my battle shall be ordered. My foreward shall be drawn out all in length, Consisting equally of horse and foot; Our archers shall be placed in the midst: John duke of Norfolk, Thomas earl of Surrey, Shall have the leading of this foot and horse. They thus directed, we will follow In the main battle; whose puissance on either side Shall be well winged with our chiefest horse. 361 |