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They often feel a world of restless cares :
So that, between their titles, and low name,
There's nothing differs but the outward fame.


Enter the two Murderers.

1 Murd. Ho! who's here ?


Brak. What would'st thou, fellow? and how cam'st thou hither ?

2 Murd. I would speak with Clarence, and I came hither on my legs.

Brak. What, so brief?

1 Murd. O, sir, 'tis better to be brief, than tedi

ous :

Shew him our commission, talk no more.

Brak. I am, in this, commanded to deliver

The noble duke of Clarence to your hands :ï 890

I will not reason what is meant hereby,

Because I will be guiltless of the meaning.
Here are the keys;-there sits the duke asleep :
I'll to the king; and signify to him,

That thus I have resign'd to you my charge.

1 Murd. You may, sir; 'tis a point of wisdom : Fare you well. [Exit BRAKENBURY.

2 Murd. What, shall we stab him as he sleeps?
1 Murd. No; he'll say, 'twas done cowardly, when

he wakes.


2 Murd. When he wakes! why, fool, he shall ne

ver wake until the great judgment day.

1 Murd. Why, then he'll say, we stabb'd him sleep


• Murd.

2 Murd. The urging of that word, judgment, hath bred a kind of remorse in me.

1 Murd. What? art thou afraid?

2 Murd. Not to kill him, having a warrant for it; but to be damn'd for killing him, from the which no warrant can defend me.

1 Murd. I thought, thou hadst been resolute. 2 Murd. So I am, to let him live.


1 Murd. I'll back to the duke of Gloster, and tell him so.

2 Murd. Nay, I pr`ythee, stay a little: I hope, this compassionate humour of mine will change; it was wont to hold me but while one would tell twenty.

1 Murd. How dost thou feel thyself now?

2 Murd. 'Faith, some certain dregs of conscience are yet within me. 920

1 Murd. Remember our reward, when the deed's done.

2 Murd. Come, he dies; I had forgot the reward.

1 Murd. Where's thy conscience now?

2 Murd. In the duke of Gloster's purse.

1 Murd. When he opens his purse to give us our

reward, thy conscience flies out.


2 Murd. 'Tis no matter; let it go; there's few, or none, will entertain it.


1 Murd. What, if it come to thee again? 2 Murd. I'll not meddle with it, it is a dangerous thing, it makes a man a coward; a man cannot steal, but it accuseth him; a man cannot swear, but it checks him; a man cannot lie with his neighbour's wife,


but it detects him: 'Tis a blushing shame-fac'd spirit, that mutinies in a man's bosom; it fills one full of obstacles; it made me once restore a purse of gold, that by chance I found; it beggars any man that keeps it: it is turn'd out of all towns and cities for a dangerous thing, and every man, that means to live well, endeavours to trust to himself, and live without it. 942

1 Murd. 'Zounds, it is even now at my elbow, persuading me not to kill the duke.

2 Murd. Take the devil in thy mind, and believe him not: he would insinuate with thee, but to make thee sigh.

1 Murd. I am strong fram'd, he cannot prevail with


2 Murd. Spoke like a tall fellow, that respects his reputation. Come, shall we fall to work? 951

1 Murd. Take him over the costard with the hilts of thy sword, and then throw him into the malmseybutt, in the next room.

2 Murd. O excellent device! and make a sop of him.

1 Murd. Soft ! he wakes.

2 Murd. Strike.

1 Murd. No, we'll reason with him.


Clar. Where art thou, keeper? give me a cup of


1 Murd. You shall have wine enough, my lord,



Clar. In God's name, what art thou?

1 Murd.

1 Murd. A man, as you are. Clar. But not, as I am, royal.

1 Murd. Nor you, as we are, loyal.

Clar. Thy voice is thunder, but thy looks are


1 Murd. My voice is now the king's, my looks mine


Clar. How darkly and how deadly dost thou speak !

Your eyes do menace me: Why look you pale ?
Who sent you hither? Wherefore do you come ?

2 Murd. To, to, to

Clar. To murder me?

Both. Ay, ay.


Clar. You scarcely have the hearts to tell me so, And therefore cannot have the hearts to do it. Wherein, my friends, have I offended you? 1 Murd. Offended us you have not, but the king. Clar. I shall be reconcil'd to him again.

2 Murd. Never, my lord; therefore prepare to die. Clar. Are you call'd forth from out a world of men, 980

To slay the innocent? What is my offence?
Where is the evidence that doth accuse me?
What lawful quest have given their verdict up
Unto the frowning judge ? or who pronounc'd
The bitter sentence of poor Clarence' death?
Before I be convict by course of law,
To threaten me with death, is most unlawful.
I charge you, as you hope to have redemption,
That you depart, and lay no hands on me;


The deed you undertake is damnable.


1 Murd. What we will do, we do upon command. 2 Murd. And he, that hath commanded, is our king. Clar. Erroneous vassal! the great King of kings Hath in the table of his law commanded, That thou shalt do no murder; Wilt thou then Spurn at his edict, and fulfil a man's? Take heed; for he holds vengeance in his hand, To hurl upon their heads that break his law.

2 Murd. And that same vengeance doth he hurl on

For false forswearing, and for murder too :
Thou didst receive the sacrament, to fight
In quarrel of the house of Lancaster.


1 Murd. And, like a traitor to the name of God, Didst break that vow; and, with thy treacherous


Unrip'dst the bowels of thy sovereign's son.

2 Murd. Whom thou wast sworn to cherish and defend.

1 Murd. How canst thou urge God's dreadful law to us,

When thou hast broke it in such dire degree ?


Clar. Alas! for whose sake did I that ill deed?
For Edward, for my brother, for his sake:
He sends you not to murder me for this;
For in that sin he is as deep as I.
If God will be avenged for the deed,
O, know you yet, he doth it publickly;
Take not the quarrel from his powerful arm;

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