Sidor som bilder
[blocks in formation]


BD EL KRIM, leader of the
Riffi, 405

Addison (Right Hon. Christopher),
The Report of the Royal Com-
mission on Food Prices, 1-18 ;
The Work of National Afforesta-
tion, 666-678

Airy (George Biddell) and his
scientific achievements at Green-
wich Observatory, 115
Al Azhar University, 540-549
Albigensian heresy, The, 270
American schools and experimental

education, 199
Anglais, Les, 805-812

Animals, The Transit and Slaughter
of, 152-160
Anti-British feeling in China no new
thing, 164

Anti-Christian Movement in China,
The, 701-713

Antic Literature, 614-626
Arab view of England in Palestine,
An, 49

Arminjon (Pierre), Al Azhar Uni-
versity, 540-549

Arnold (Dr.), influence of his work
and teaching, 724

Arran (Right Hon. Earl of), The
Parliament Act and Second Cham-
ber Reform, 823-831

Arthurian Legend in Brittany, The,

Aseptic Surgery in the Fourteenth
Century, 581-590

Asquith (Mr.) and reform of the
Second Chamber, 643

Association of British Fisheries,
Demise of, 227

Atkinson (Meredith), Australian
Lessons for British Labour, 178-187
Australia's Mocking Birds, 245-257
Australian Lessons for British La-
bour, 178-187

Avenue at Stonehenge, The, De-
scription of, by Stukeley, 416

Ayala (Ramón Pérez de), Spanish
novelist, 458


AKER (Humphrey), The Rail-
way Centenary, 101-110
Banner (Delmar Harmood), The
Contribution of Impressionism,

Barbed wire in relation to modern
hunting, 748

Barker, W. R., The Widows,
Orphans and Old Age Contributory
Pensions Bill, 19-31; Govern-
ment Publications, 321-324
Baroja, Spanish novelist, 458
Barrett (Sir James), Labour Govern-
ment in Queensland, 944
Barron (Lieut.-Colonel J. B.), Con-
trol of the Nile, 370-380
Bell (Rev. H. Chalmer), Vicarage
Houses in Relation to Clerical
Poverty, 894-902

Bevan (Edwyn), Dogma in the
Churches, 884-893

Bird Notes from a Southern Estuary,

Birds of Kensington Gardens, 922-

Blundell (A. S. Moss), The Riff

Question, 404-408

Boden (Rev. J. Worsley), Com-
munism and Christianity :
Reply, 62-72


Bolshevism, Growing menace of, in
the West of Scotland, 504
Bonner (George H.), The Druids,


Book of Common Prayer, Shall there

be a? 73-79

Botany in Shakespeare, 591-604
Brazil To-day, 52-61
Bread, 234-244

Bread, Average composition of, 239
Bread, Irregularities in the change
of price, 7

[blocks in formation]

ALVERLEY (C. S.) and Horace,
Canadian Exports of Foreign Pro-
duce, 677


Condominium in th
The, 865-873
Congested District
land replaced by
Agriculture and I
Corpore Sano, Men

479-480; The Pr
Labour Governm
land, 944
Cosmogony, The N
Crabitès (Pierre),
versity, 540-549
Crisis of Democracy,


ANISH co-opera
Beginnings of,

David Hume,

Letters of, 293-306
Dead, Among the, 62
Defoe (Daniel) on
through Islington
De Mondeville and
method of wound
Description of prison
De Sélincourt (Aubr
Poetry, 767-777
Diagrams showing 1
when and how peo
Dimnet (Abbé Ernest
culties, 168-177
Dogma in the Churche
Dreyer (J. L. E.),

servatory, 1675-192
Drink in West Africa
Druidic ritualistic pra
Druids, The, 422-430


Central Council of the National
Union of Conservative and Union-
ist Associations, Resolutions of,

Chaliapin and foreign language in
song, 312

Chambers (Vice-Admiral B. M.),

Sea Stories as they seem to a Sailor,

Chaos in Industry, 515-525
Characteristics of French people
summarised, 790
China and Britain, 161-167
Chinese Student at Work, The, 714-

Chirgwin (Rev. A. M.), The Anti-
Christian Movement in China,

Chisholm (A. H.), Australia's Mock-
ing Birds, 245-257
Christian Science Healing, 560-565
Churchill (Mr. Winston) and the in-
troduction of the Gold Standard
Bill in the House of Commons,

Clarke (Rev. A. H. T.), The Passing
of the Nineteenth Century, 933-941
Coach, The first, ever made in
England, 734
Coal, The Price of, 942-943
Coalfields capitalised and organised
for production in excess of de-
mand, 521

Cohen (Israel), Palestine and Lord
Balfour: A Reply, 39-45

Coles Pasha, Our Public Security
Problem, 214-226

Committee on National Expendi-
ture, Recommendations of, 669
Communism and Christianity: A

Reply, 62-72
Communist catechism
examined, 65


has Agricultural

Failed? 335-345
Economic advantage
pying ownerships, C
Education, An Exper
in, 198-203
Education on the W
officially sanctioned
Education's opportuni
ure of force, 719
Empire Settlement A
the Dominion Gover
England' in Palestine
English Agricultural
The: A Reply, 903-
English Hunting, Som
English Poor Relief Me
Foreign Eyes, 679-68
Evils of the gold standa
system, 357


FAILURE of Force, The: Edu-
cation's Opportunity, 719-727
Feisal (Emir) and the proposals sub-
mitted by the Zionist Organisa-
tion to the Peace Conference, 42
Fiennes (Gerard), Naval Problems of
To-day, 80-93

Fire of London, Effect of on roads,

Fishing Industry and the Nation,
The, 227-233


Hindley (G. D.), Aseptic Surgery in
the Fourteenth Century, 581-590
Hinks (Arthur R.), Stonehenge and
Karnak, 119-127

Hodgson (Stuart), The Crisis of

Democracy, 839-846
Horace, Old Popular, 278–292
Huntsmen of present day, Charac-
teristics of, 751

Fitzpatrick (Captain J. F. J.), BAÑEZ (Blasco), Spanish novel-

Christian Missions in Nigeria,

Flamsteed (John), first astronomical
observator at Greenwich Observa-
tory, 112

Flowers in Shakespeare, 591
Forestry Commission, Fifth Annual
Report of, 666

Fox (R. M.), Among the Dead, 627-

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

ADOW (Grace E.), Rural Com-
munity Council, 188-197
Hall (R. O.), China and Britain,

ist, 453

Ilbert (Sir Courtenay), Description
of limitations of the powers of the
House of Commons by, 642
Imperial Federation and autonomy,

Imperial Migration, A Policy of,

[blocks in formation]



EETON (George W.),
Chinese Student at Work, 714-

Hamilton (Rev. F. J.), A Journal-
istic Transformation, 94-100
Hart-Synnot (Ronald), The English
Agricultural Movement : A Reply,


Harvard undergraduate, The, and
religion, 409
Healing, Christian Science, 560
Henry VIII. and the paving of the
highways out of London, 731
Heresy in the Middle Ages, 272

Kennedy (Captain M.D.), Japan's
Social Problem, 390-403
Kennion (Lieut.-Colonel R. L.),
Abolition of Slavery in Nepal, 381-

Kitson (Arthur), The Gold Standard
Experiment, 346-360; The Gold
Standard: A Rejoinder, 874-883

[blocks in formation]

MacCallum (M. L.), The Condo-
minium in the New Hebrides, 865-

Macnaghten (Hugh), Old Popular
Horace, 278-292

Macnaghten (Lettice), The Transit

and Slaughter of Animals, 152-160
Malcolm (C. A.), The Groats of John
o'Groats, 916-921

Malcolm (Hon. A. S.), Britain and
the Dominions, 481-491
Malory (Sir Thomas) and his Morte
d'Arthur, 758

Manichee ceremonies in the Middle
Ages, 271

Maurois (André), Les Anglais, 805-


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]



Maycock (A. L.), The Inquisition, PACKS of hounds, Increase in

265-277, 468-478

Mayo (C. H. P.), The Failure of
Force: Education's Opportunity,

Meat Trades Journal, The, Ex-
tracts from, referring to losses to
butchers caused by ill-treatment
in transit, 152

Meat, Wholesale and retail prices of,


Mens Sana in Corpore Sano, 566–


Nile, Control of the, 370-380
Noel (E. B.), Notes on the Literature
of Lawn Tennis, 258-264
Novelists of Modern Spain, Some,

Nuttall (G. Clarke), Rosemary at
Christmas, 797-804

OLD Age Contributory Pensions
Bill, The Widows, Orphans and,

Old age pensions, Rising cost of, 22
Original language in opera, Un-
translatableness of, 308

Oxford or Tractarian Movement,
Birthday of, 94

number of, 741

Palestine and Lord Balfour: A
Reply, by Israel Cohen, 39-45
Palmer (John), Antic Literature,

Pamphlets, Types of, broadcasted
in China to-day, 703

Parliament Act, The, and Second
Chamber Reform, 639-656,823-838
Parliamentary Papers, Cost of, to
the public, 325

Passenger transportation a hundred
years ago, 102

[blocks in formation]

Rentoul (Gervase), The Fishing
Industry and the Nation, 227-233
Report on wheat supplies, 8
Repression, 217

Revised Prayer Book, Changes pro-
posed in examined, 76
Revolution in Brazil nearly always
the result of political necessity, 53
Rhodes (Cecil) and prohibition of
intoxicating drinks, 210
Richmond (Ernest), 'England' in
Palestine, 46-51
Riff Question, The, 404-408
Road repair in mediæval times, 173
Rosemary at Christmas, 797-804
Ross (Right Hon. Sir John), A
Policy of Imperial Migration, 507-

Rowland-Brown (Lilian) (Rowland
Grey), Jane Austen Abroad, 778-

Royal Commission on Food Prices,
The Report on, 1-18
Rural Community Councils, 188-197
Russian influence on anti-religious
propaganda in China, 709


SANDERSON (William), Chaos in


Schoolboy Poetry, 767-777
Scotland, Depletion of, by emigra-
tion, 494

Scotland, Modern Tendencies in,

Scottish Home Rule, Bills and
motions in favour of, 498

Sea Stories as they seem to a Sailor,

Second Chamber Reform, Parlia-
ment Act and, 639
Second reservoir projected for
Egypt, selected site being at
Jebel Aulia, 31 miles south of
Khartoum, 377

Selborne (Lord) and the Parliament
Act, 640

Sellers (Edith), English Poor Relief
Methods through Foreign Eyes,

Shaw (Bernard) on diabolian ethics,

Slavery in Nepal, Abolition of, 381-

Songs, Rhyme in, 310
Sophistication, 605-613
Speaker of the House of Commons
and Single Chamber government
in respect of Money Bills, 644
Spence (Lewis), Brazil To-day, 52-
61; Modern Tendencies in Scot-
land, 492-506

Standing (Percy Cross), The Art of
the Triolet, 462-467
Starkie (Walter), Some Novelists of
Modern Spain, 452-461
Stationery Office, Foundation of, 322
Stone (Brig.-Gen. F G.), The Parlia-
ment Act and Second Chamber Re-
form, 639-656

Stone (E. Herbert), The Orientation
of Stonehenge, 415-421
Stonehenge and Karnak, 119-127
Stonehenge, The Orientation of, 415-

[blocks in formation]


Theodoric (Bishop) and his great

text-book Chirurgia Magna, 582

Triolet, the Art of the, 462-467
Turnor (Christopher), Politicians
and Agriculture, 657-665
Twofold aim of Impressionism con-
sidered, 444

Two of Our Invisible Hosts, 128-136

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