Dem. You are too officious In her behalf, that scorns your fervices. Lyf. Now the holds me not; Now follow, if thou dar'ft, to try whofe right, Or thine, or mine, is moft in Helena. Dem. Follow! nay, I'll go with thee, cheek by jowl. Exit LYSANDER and DEMETRIUS. Her. You, mistrefs, all this coyl is 'long of you : Nay, go not back. Hel. I will not truft you, I; Nor longer stay in your curft company. Your hands, than mine, are quicker for a fray : Her. I am amaz'd, and know not what to say. [Exeunt: HERMIA pursuing HELENA. Ob. This is thy negligence: ftill thou mistak'st, Or elfe commit'ft thy knaveries willingly. Puck. Believe me, king of shadows, I mistook And fo far am I glad it did fo fort, eyes: As this their jangling I efteem a fport. Ob. Thou feest these lovers feek a place to fight Hie therefore, Robin, overcaft the night; The ftarry welkin cover thou anon With drooping fog, as black as Acheron; E 2 Then Then crush this herb into Lyfander's eye, I'll to my queen, and beg her Indian boy; From monster's view, and all things fhall be peace. At whofe approach ghosts, wand'ring here and there, I with the morning's love have oft made sport; [Exit OBERON. Puck. Up and down, up and down; I will lead them up and down; I am fear'd in field and town. Enter LYSANDER. Lyf. Where art thou, proud Demetrius? speak thou now. Puck. Puck. Here, villain; drawn and ready. Where art thou? Lyf. I will be with thee straight. Puck. Follow me then To plainer ground. [Lys. going out, as following DEM. Enter DEMETRIUS. Dem. Lyfander! speak again. Thou runaway, thou coward, art thou fled? And wilt not come? Come, recreant; come, thou child! That draws a fword on thee. Dem. Yea; art thou there? Puck. Follow my voice; we'll try no manhood here. Lyf. He [Exeunt. Re-enter LYSANDER. before me, and ftill dares me on; goes And here will reft me. Come, thou gentle day! [Lies down. For if but once thou fhew me thy grey light, I'll find Demetrius, and revenge this fpight. Re-enter PUCK and DEMETRIUS. Puck. Ho, ho, ho! coward, why comest thou not?' Thou runn'ft before me, shifting ev'ry place; Where art thou? Puck. Come hither; I am here. Dem. Nay, then thou mock'ft me. Thou shalt buy this dear, If ever I thy face by day-light fee: Now, go thy way. Faintnefs constraineth me Enter HELENA. [Lies down. Hel. O weary night, O long and tedious night! Abate thy hours; fhine, comforts, from the east; That I may back to Athens by day-light, From these that my poor company detest :- Puck. Yet but three? come one more; Cupid is a knavish lad, Thus to make poor females mad. Enter HERMIA. [Sleeps. Her. Never fo weary, never fo in woe, I can no further crawl, no further go; My legs can keep no pace with my defires. Heavens fhield Lyfander, if they mean a fray! [Lies down. To your eye, Gentle lover, remedy, [Squeezing the juice on LYSANDER's eye, When thou wak'ft, Thou tak't True delight In the fight Of thy former lady's eye: And the country proverb known, That every man fhould take his own, In your waking shall be shown: Jack Jack fhall have Jill: The man fhall have his mare again, and all fhall be well. [Exit PUCK. [They fleep. SCENE I. A Wood. Enter Queen of the Fairies, BOTTOM, Fairies attending, and the King behind them. Queen. COME, fit thee down upon this flowery bed, And stick mufk-rofes in the fleek fmooth head, Peafe. Ready. Bot. Scratch my head, Pease-bloffom.-Where's monheur Cobweb? Cob. Ready. Bot. Monfieur Cobweb; good monfieur, get your weapons in your hand, and kill me a red-hipp'd humble bee on the top of a thistle; and, good monfieur, bring me the honey-bag. Do not fret yourself too much in the action, monfieur; and, good monfieur, have a care the honey-bag break not; I would be loth to have you over-flown with a honey-bag, fignior.-Where's monfieur Mustard-feed? Muft. Ready. Bot. Give me your neif, monfieur Mustard-feed. Pray you, leave your courtesy, good monfieur. Muft. What's your will? Bot. Nothing, good monfieur, but to help cavalero Cobweb to scratch. I muft to the barber's, monfieur; for, methinks, I am marvellous hairy about the face: and I am fuch a tender ass, if my hair do but tickle me, I must fcratch. Queen. What, wilt thou hear fome mufic, my fweet love? |