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Tongue, lofe thy light! "Moon, take thy flight!

"Now, die, die, die, die, die !"`

[Dies. Exit MOONSHINE, Dem. No die, but an ace, for him; for he is but one. Lys. Lefs than an ace, man; for he is dead; he is nothing.


The. With the help of a furgeon he might yet recover, prove an afs.

Hip. How chance the moonfhine is gone, before Thisbe

comes back and finds her lover?

The. She will find him by star-light.→


Here fhe comes, and her paffion ends the play.

Hip. Methinks, she should not use a long one for fuch a Pyramus: I hope fhe will be brief.

Dem. A moth will turn the balance, which Pyramus,. which Thisbe, is the better.

Lyf. She hath fpied him already, with those sweet eyes. Dem. And thus fhe moans, videlicet.

Thif." Afleep, my love?

"What, dead, my dove?

"O Pyramus, arise !

"Speak, fpeak!

Quite dumb?

“ Dead, dead! A tomb

"Muft cover thy sweet eyes,

"Thefe lily brows,

"This cherry nose,
"Thefe yellow cowflip cheeks,

"Are gone, are gone!

"Lovers, make moan!

"His eyes are green as leeks.
"O fifters three,

"Come, come, to me,

"With hands as pale as milk;

"Lay them in gore,

"Since you have shore

"With fhears his thread of filk!

F 4


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Tongue, not a word :"Come, trufty fword;

"Come, blade, my breaft imbrue :

"And farewel, friends;

"Thus Thisby ends:

"Adieu, adieu, adieu !"


The Moonshine and lion are left to bury the dead.
Dem. Ay, and wall too.

Bot. No, I affure you; the wall is down that parted their fathers. Will it please you to hear the epilogue, or to hear a Bergomask dance between two of our company?

The. No epilogue, I pray you; for your play needs no excufe. Never excufe; for when the players are all dead, there need none to be blamed. Marry, if he that writ it had played Pyramus, and hang'd himself in Thifbe's garter, it would have been a fine tragedy: and so it is, truly; and very notably discharg'd. But come, your Bergomask; let your epilogue alone.

[Here a Dance of Clowns. The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve; Lovers, to bed; 'tis almost fairy time.

I fear, we shall out-fleep the coming morn,
As much as we this night have overwatch'd.
This palpable-grofs play hath well beguil'd

The heavy gait of night.-Sweet friends, to bed.-
A fortnight hold we this folemnity,
In nightly revels, and new jollity.


Enter PUCK.

Puck. Now the hungry lion roars,
And the wolf beholds the moon;
Whilft the heavy ploughman fnores,
All with weary task fordone.
Now the wafted brands do glow,
Whilft the fcritch-owl, fcritching loud,
Puts the wretch, that lies in woe,

In remembrance of a shroud.



Now it is the time of night,

That the graves, all gaping wide,
Every one lets forth his fpright,
In the church-way paths to glide:
And we, fairies, that do run
By the triple Hecat's team,
From the presence of the fun,
Following darkness like a dream,
Now are frolick; not a mouse
Shall disturb this hallow'd houfe:
I am fent, with broom, before,
To fweep the duft behind the door.

Enter King and Queen of Fairies, with their Train.

Ob. Through this house give glimmering light,
By the dead and drowsy fire:

Every elf, and fairy fprite,

Hop as light as bird from brier

And this ditty, after me,

Sing and dance it trippingly.

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Tit. First, rehearse this song by rote
To each word a warbling note,
Hand in hand, with fairy grace,
Will we fing, and bless this place,


Ob. Now, until the break of day,
Through this house each fairy ftray.
To the best bride-bed will we,
Which by us fhall bleffed be;
And the iffue there create,
Ever fhall be fortunate.
So fhall all the couples three
Ever true in loving be:

And the blots of nature's hand
Shall not in their iffue ftand;
Never mole, hare-lip, nor fcar,
Nor mark prodigious, such as are
Defpifed in nativity,

Shall upon their children be,

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With this field-dew confecrate,
Every fairy take his gate;

And each feveral chamber blefs,
Through this palace, with fweet peace:
Ever fhall it fafely rest,

And the owner of it bleft.
Trip away;
Make no ftay;

Meet me all by break of day.

[Exeunt King, Queen, and Train,

Puck. If we fhadows bave offended,
Think but this (and all is mended},
That you have but flumber'd here,
While thefe vifions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream.
Gentles, do not reprehend;
If you pardon, we will mend.
And, as I'm an honeft Puck,
If we have unearned luck
Now to 'Scape the ferpent's tongue,
We will make amends ere long:
Elfe the Puck a liar call.
So, good night unto you all.

Give me your hands, if we be friends,

and Robin fhall restore amends.




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