Enter GREMIO, LUCENTIO in the habit of a mean man ; Bap. Good-morrow, neighbour Gremio: God fave you, gentleman! Pet. And you, good fir! Pray have you not a daughter Call'd Katharina, fair, and virtuous? Bap. I have a daughter, fir, call'd Katharina. Pet. You wrong me, fignior Gremio; give me leave.I am a gentleman of Verona, fir. That-hearing of her beauty, and her wit, Her affability, and bafhful modefty, Her wondrous qualities, and mild behaviour- Within your house, to make mine eye the witness [Prefenting HORTENSIO, I do prefent you with a man of mine, Bap. You're welcome, fir; and he, for your good fake; But for my daughter Katharine-this I know, She is not for your turn, the more my grief, Or else you like not of my company. Bap. Mistake me not, I fpeak but as I find. ? Bap. I know him well: you are welcome for his fake. Gre. Saving your tale, Petruchio, I pray, Let us, that are poor petitioners, speak too: Baccare! you are marvellous forward. Pet. Oh, pardon me, fignior Gremio; I would fain bę doing. Gree you will curfe your woo Gre. I doubt it not, fir; but ing.Neighbour, this is a gift very grateful, I am fure of it, To exprefs the like kindness myself, that have been more kindly beholden to you than any, free leave give to this young fcholar, that hath been long ftudying at Rheims [Prefenting LUCENTIO]; as cunning in Greek, Latin, and other languages, as the other in mufick and mathematicks; his name is Cambio; pray, accept his service. Bap. A thousand thanks fignior Gremio: welcome, good Cambio.-But, gentle fir, methinks you walk like a stranger; [To TRANIO.] May I be fo bold to know the caufe of your coming? Tra. Pardon me, fir, the boldness is mine own; That, being a ftranger in this city here, Do make myself a fuitor to your daughter, Unto Bianca, fair, and virtuous. Nor is your firm resolve unknown to me, I may have welcome 'mongst the reft that woo, And, toward the education of your daughters, And this fmall packet of Greek and Latin books; Bap. Lucentio is your name? of whence I pray? Bap. A mighty man of Pifa; by report I know him well you are very welcome, fir. [To HORTENSIO and LUCENTIO. You fhall go fee your pupils presently. Holla, within! Enter a Servant. Sirrah, lead Thefe gentlemen to my daughters; and tell them both, [Exit Servant with HORTENSIO and LUCEN. We We will go walk a little in the orchard, Pet. Signior Baptifta, my business asketh hafte, Pet. And, for that dowry, I'll affure her of Bap. Ay, when the fpecial thing is well obtained. Pet. Why, that is nothing; for I tell you, father, For I am rough, and woo not like a babe. Bap. Well may'st thou woo, and happy be thy speed ! Pet. Ay, to the proof; as mountains are for winds, Re-enter HORTENSIO, with his Head broke. Bap. How now, my friend! why doft thou look fo pale? Bap. Why then thou canst not break her to the lute? I did but tell her, fhe miftook her frets, And And bow'd her hand to teach her fingering; As on a pillory, looking through the lute; And twangling Jack; with twenty fuch vile terms, Pet. Now, by the world, it is a lufty wench; I love her ten times more than e'er I did: Oh, how I long to have fome chat with her! Bap. Well, go with me, and be not fo difcomfited; [Exit BAP. with GRE. HOR. and TRA, And fay-fhe uttereth piercing eloquence: When I fhall ask the banns, and when be married :- Enter KATHARINE. Good-morrow Kate; for that's your name, I hear. ing; They call me-Katharine, that do talk of me. Pet. You lie, in faith; for you are call'd plain Kate. And bonny Kate, and fometimes Kate the curft; But But Kate, the prettieft Kate in Christendom, Kath. Mov'd in good time: let him that mov'd you hither, Remove you hence: I knew you at the first, You were a moveable. Pet. Why what's a moveable? Kath. A joint-ftool. Pet. Thou haft hit it: come, fit on me. Kath. Well ta'en, and like a buzzard. Pet. Oh, flow-wing'd turtle! fhall a buzzard take thee? Kath. Ay, for a turtle; as he takes a buzzard. Pet. Come, come, you wasp; i'faith, you are too angry. Kath. If I be wafpifh, beft beware my fting. Pet. My remedy is then to pluck it out. Kath. Ah, if the fool could find it where it lies. Pet. Who knows not where a wasp doth wear his fting? In his tail. Kath. In his tongue. Pet. Who's tongue? Kath. Your's, if you talk of tails; and fo farewell. Pet. What with my tongue in your tail? nay, come again, Good Kate; I am a gentleman. Kath. That I'll try. Pet. I fwear, I'll cuff you if you ftrike again. Kath. So may you lofe your arms: [She frikes him: If |