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§ 5. FRANCE.

Area, 203,736 square miles. Population, 35,781,628.

FRANCE is at present an empire, and one of the largest and most powerful nations of Europe. In literature, science, and the arts the French hold a high rank among the enlightened nations of the earth. They excel in the beauty of their manufactures; silks, linens, woollens, wines, and brandy form the chief articles of export.

Paris, the capital, on the Seine River, is the gayest city in Europe, abounding in magnificent edifices, palaces, promenades, public gardens, fountains, and places of amusement. Lyons, the second city of France as regards population, wealth, and commerce, is situated on the Rhone. It is the greatest_manufacturing town in France, being noted for its silk goods and gold and silver stuffs.

Havre is the Rochelle is a Calais is a for

Marseilles is a large seaport on the Gulf of Lyons. Bordeaux is famous for its wines. Brest, on the Atlantic coast, and Toulon, on the Mediterranean, are the chief naval stations. Rouen is the great centre of cotton manufactures. Versailles is the seat of a magnificent palace. seaport of Paris, at the mouth of the Seine. great commercial city on the Atlantic coast. tified seaport town of France, on the Strait of Dover, and is noted as being the nearest port to England. It has daily steam communication with Dover, which is 26 miles distant. There is also a submarine telegraph connecting the two places.

The Island of Corsica belongs to France. Ajaccio, (A-yat'cho,) the chief town, is noted as the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte.


Area, 25,261 square miles. Population, 2,390,116.

SWITZERLAND is noted for the grandeur of its natural scenery and the freedom of its political institutions. It is situated in Central Europe, between 45° 50′ and 47° 50′ N. lat., and 5° 55′ and 10° 30′ E. lon.; length 216 miles, breadth 75 to 140 miles. It belongs to the region of the Central

Points of excellence. Manufactures. Paris. Lyons. Marseilles. Bordeaux. Brest and Toulon. Rouen. Versailles. Havre. Rochelle. Corsica. -SWIT

Alps, extending between Mont Blanc, in Savoy, and the Gross Glockner, in the Tyrol. The immense mass of Mount St. Gothard forms the centre of a system of mountains covered with perpetual snow and glaciers. The Alps cover all the central, southern, and south-eastern portion of the country, and occupy more than one half its surface. The Jura mountains extend along the N. W. borders, and between these is an undulating table land, 135 miles in length, from the Lake of Geneva, in the S. W., to the Lake of Constance, in the N. E. Its extreme breadth is 50 miles. Next the Alps it is 2000 feet above the sea, sloping towards the Jura, where it is 1350 feet.

The high Alps form vast reservoirs, whence issue thousands of fertilizing torrents. The chief rivers flow by the Rhine to the North Sea, by the Rhone to the Mediterranean, by the Ticino to the Po and Adriatic, and by the Inn to the Danube and Black Sea. No country in Europe, except Scandinavia, has so many lakes in proportion to its extent. The climate of Switzerland, owing to its elevation and other causes, is much more severe than might be expected from its midway position between the equator and the north pole. It presents the greatest extremes and the most violent contrasts. Vegetation corresponds with the extremes of climate. In the Valais, the fig and grape ripen at the foot of the ice-clad mountains, while near their summits the rhododendron and the lichen grow at the limit of the snow line. The great wealth of Switzerland consists in its rich and excellent pastures, which in summer support vast numbers of cattle.

Switzerland is a confederated republic, composed of 22 cantons, united in a perpetual league. By the new constitution of 1848, the federal assembly is composed of two divisions, a national council and a senate, and Berne was chosen as the capital or federal city. Geneva is the most celebrated city of Switzerland; it is chiefly distinguished as a seat of learning.


Area, 257,830 square miles. Population, 37,383,456.

The EMPIRE OF AUSTRIA is one of the largest, most populous, and powerful countries in Europe. It is composed of

ZERLAND. Republic. Occupation. Capitals. Geneva.-AUSTRIA. General

several nations, embracing almost every grade of civilization, and is one of the "Five Great Powers." It includes every variety of surface and soil; its forests are vast in extent, and it is one of the richest mineral countries in Europe. The provinces of Austria Proper, Tyrol, and Styria are German; Illyria, Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Dalmatia, Transylvania, and the military frontier are Slavonian; Hungary, with Slavonia and Croatia, are Magyar; Galicia and Bukovina are Polish; and Venetian Lombardy is Italian.

Vienna, the capital of the empire, is situated on the right bank of the Danube. It is one of the most splendid cities of Europe. Among other important places in Austria are Prague, Brúnn, Olmütz, Presburg, Buda, Pesth, Trieste', Grätz, Zära, Venice, and Mil'an.


Area, 107,300 square miles. Population, 16,346,625.

The KINGDOM OF PRUSSIA Comprises two distinct territories one portion bordering on Russia, the other traversed by the River Rhine. Between these are several small German states. This monarchy has been built up in modern times, by conquest and diplomacy, and is now one of the “Five Great Powers" that control the political destinies of Europe. The surface is generally level, consisting chiefly of extensive plains. The products of the country are grain, cattle, iron, coal, salt, and amber. The manufactures are woollens, linens, silk and cotton goods, porcelain, and hard


Berlin is the capital, situated on the Spree. It is a magnificent city, and celebrated as the seat of literature, science, and the arts. Dantzic, near the Baltic, has an extensive commerce and great wealth. Among other important places are Rugen, Stettin, and Konigsberg, on the Baltic; Coblentz, Cologne, and Das'seldorf, on the Rhine.

description. The German provinces. Slavonian. Magyar. Polish. Italian Vienna. Other important towns. PRUSSIA. Divisions. This monarchy, how formed. Surface. Products. Berlin. Dantzic. Other seaports. Towns


Area, 244,634 square miles. Population, 30,164,392.

GERMANY, a country of Central Europe, is situated between 44° 48′ and 54° 50' N. lat., and 6° and 20° E. lon.; within these limits it comprises all the countries belonging to the Germanic Confederation, consisting of thirty-eight sovereignties, (including four free cities.) It is bounded N. by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic; E. by Poland, Galicia, Hungary, and Croatia; S. by Istria, the Adriatic, Italy, and Switzerland; and W. by France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. This alliance of states was formed to secure the integrity of their laws and their respective territories, and to maintain the peace and order of the whole. The confederation is represented by an assembly, called the Diet, composed of deputies from the different states, the seat of which is at Frankfort on the Main. The Emperor of Austria presides over the assembly.

Germany, in its reliefs, is divided naturally into three regions the upper or southern region, the middle or the region of plateau, and the lower or northern region. The climate is in general temperate and healthful; it varies greatly in different quarters. Grain is the staple production of the north, and the vine is extensively cultivated in the south. Fine cattle and sheep are abundant. Germany is rich in minerals. Agriculture is skilfully conducted, manufactures are numerous, and commerce is extensive.

The Germans are distinguished for their industry and perseverance. General education in Germany is of a higher order than in any other country of Europe; in many of the states the common schools are excellent, especially in Saxony and Thuringia. There are many universities, and numerous gymnasiums, lyceums, academies, learned societies, and richly furnished public libraries in the different states.

The cities of Germany are very numerous, and many of them splendid. Frankfort is a famous commercial city, situated on both sides of the River Main, and is noted as being the seat of the German Diet. Munich, the capital of Bavaria, is celebrated for its museums of paintings and ancient

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on the Rhine. GERMANY. Its limits. What countries does it embrace? Boundaries. Objects of the union. Diet. Capital. Face of the country. Climate. Productions of the north and south. Of industrial pursuits. The German people. Education, &c. Of cities. Frankfort. Munich. Aix-la-Cha

sculpture, and is rich in choice works of art. Aix-la-Chapelle', a frontier city of Rhenish Prussia, is remarkable for its mineral hot baths, and as having been the favorite residence of the Emperor Charlemagne. Hamburg, on the Elbe, is the principal commercial city of Germany. Its trade embraces every article bought or sold in Germany; it is visited by the ships of almost all nations. Leipsic, in Saxony, is the grand emporium of the book trade in Germany. At its Easter fair about six hundred booksellers assemble to settle their annual accounts, and the new-year and Michaelmas fairs are attended by a vast concourse of people from most countries of Europe and Western Asia.

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Area, 176,670 square miles. Population, 14,223,219.

SPAIN was once the most powerful kingdom in Europe, but is now one of the feeblest. Agriculture, manufactures, and commerce languish under the oppressive exactions of a corrupt government. Spain is naturally the most fruitful country of Europe, being blessed with a fertile soil and delightful climate.

Madrid', the capital, on the Mănzanä'res, a tributary of the Tagus, is situated on a plateau, 2000 feet above the sea. It is a dull, but superb city, the royal palace occupying, with its gardens, a space of nearly eighty acres. Ca'diz, on the island of Leōn', on the S. W. coast, is the chief commercial

pelle. Hamburg. Leipsic. Table of states. - SPAIN. Effects of the government on industry. Madrid. Cadiz. Seville. San Sebastian. Ferrol. Barce

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