OF KENTUCKY; Comprehending those of a GENERAL NATURE now in force; TOGETHER WITH A COPIOUS INDEX AND A LIST OF LOCAL OR PRIVATE ACTS, With the dates of the Sessions at which they were passed. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UUITED STATES, WITH THE AMENDMENTS. THE ACT OF SEPARATION FROM THE STATE OF AND THE CONSTITUTION OF KENTUCKY. LEXINGTON: PRINTED BY JOHN BRADFORD, MAIN-STREET: 1799. WE, The people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish juftice, infure domeftic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and fecure the bleffings of Liberty to ourfelves and to our pofterity, DO ORDAIN AND ESTABLISH this CONSTITUTION for the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Article t §. 1. ALL legislative powers herein granted, thall be vefted in a Congress of the United States, which fhall confift of a fenate and house of rea prefentatives. §. 2. The houfe of reprefentatives fhall be compofed of members chofen every second year by the people of the feveral ftates; and the electors in each ftate fhall have the qualifications requifite for electors of the most numerous branch of the ftate legiflature. No perfon fhall be a representative who shall |