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thoughtful, or less kind, the leg rest might have remained useless in the lumber room, and both parties might have enjoyed less com. fort. Let us, then, encourage a spirit of kindness, and look out for opportunities to do good, and we shall often find that we have that lying by us which, while it is useless to us, may be a great comfort to others. No one knows the value of a leg rest but he who has a sprained ankle, a bad wound, or some other ailment in his leg.

But in my frequent visits among different classes, while I now and then find one who needs a leg rest, I very often find many who want a heart rest. Yes, yes, very many more are suffering from bad hearts than there are from bad legs; and though I do not often find myself called upon to prescribe a leg rest, I do very often find it necessary to prescribe a heart rest. The world seems to be almost full of troubled hearts. Few, very few, know what solid, settled rest of soul means. They are tossed to and fro like the locust, and driven about by every gust of wind like the thistledown. There is daily something in the family, or the business, or the church, or in the poor body, to agitate, trouble, and render the heart uneasy. And I find comparatively few who know how to make use of the heart rest. I knew a person once, who had a complaint in the leg, but who could not be persuaded to lay it up on a leg rest; there was so much to do, there was no time ; but at length the leg got so bad, that the party was obliged to lie in bed, and suffered long and severely for her folly. So I fear some will be ready to say they have no time to make use of my heart rest !

But it is time that I told my reader what I mean by a heart rest; but before I do so I would just say that I do not prescribe what I have not used, nor recommend what I have not proved. Often, very often, has my poor wearied, wounded, troubled heart, needed a rest, and blessed be God, I have found and enjoyed one.

Well, one of the best heart rests I know is PRAYER.

In prayer one draws near to God, lays one's case before God, casts one's cares on God, and finds rest in God. What burdens have I carried to the Lord's throne and left them there! What trials have I staggered under, and felt that I must sink under them, until I have cried unto the Lord, and he has helped me! What a troubled heart have I taken to the Lord at times, and he has given me peace! No poor invalid ever enjoyed a leg rest half -80 much as I have enjoyed this heart rest. If my reader is at any time burdened with the guilt of sin, or the troubles of a family, or the cares of business, or the low state of the Church, or anything else, I would earnestly recommend him to try this heart rest. Go to the Lord in prayer, as a child goes to its father; tell all you feel or fear, and pray for grace and strength to help you; and if you pray in faith, you will find rest unto your soul.

But there is another heart rest I can recommend, and recommend from an experience of its efficacy, too; and it is composed of the PRECIOUS PROMISES OF GOD.

These form a precious heart rest, indeed. Let me quote one or two of them, and let my weak, weary, and troubled reader try and rest his poor heart upon them. “I will be with

him in trouble.” “I will strengihen thee, yea, I will help thee.” As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” “I will be a father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." Do not these sweet promises make a soft, suitable, and precious heart rest for the sick chamber, for the field of conflict, and for the dying pillow ? Oh, the support, the consolation, and the power of endurance derived from resting on the precious, precious promises of God! What should I have done often, but for them? Where should I have been now, but for the strength and comfort derived from them?

I will mention but one thing more, which has often proved a blessed heart's rest to me, namely, the PRESENCE OF JESUS.

Ah, when I have found my Saviour present with me in the fires of temptation, or in the waters of tribulation, I have enjoyed a sweet and sacred rest. With the presence of Jesus, 1. can do anything, bear anything, part with anything. His presence always gives peace and joy. His presence always produces contentment and satisfaction. His presence is always an antidote to all the ills of life, and terrors of death. Sweet, unspeakably sweet, is it, to rest on the bosom of Jesus. To lean on the strong arm of Jesus. To enjoy the sense of the approbation of Jesus. No matter where one is, if we feel Jesus to be with us. No matter how we are circumstanced, if we realize that Jesus is present. No heart rest is like this, the gracious presence of Jesus.

Well, reader, what say you to these things? Do you feel the need of a heart rest? Have you ever tried my heart rests? However it may be with you now, the time will come when you cannot be easy without prayer; when you will find no rest, except you rest on the promises of God; and when you will enjoy no repose, except you have the presence of Jesus with you. My friend once felt no need of the leg rest, and would, no doubt, if it had been in his own house, have thrown it on one side, if he had not sold or destroyed it; but when he sprained his ankle, then he found his need of it, then he felt the comfort of it, and then he was truly grateful to his friend for thinking of it, and furnishing him with it. Well, so it may be with you. At present you may be healthy, your circumstances may be easy, your heart may be at rest in sin ; but the time will come when all these things will pass away, or prove unsatisfactory. Then you will feel your peed of something different, of something better; and then, perhaps, you will think of the heart rest I recommend to you, and betake yourself to prayer, look after the promises of God, and seek with heart earnestness the presence of Jesus. Remember, there is no rest for the sinuer in the law, or in the sacraments or services of the Church, or in any duties you can perform ; but there is rest in Jesus, rest for every weary soul, and to all such he says, “ Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.Yes, blessed Jesus, thou, and thou alone, canst provide a heart rest for the poor soul of the perishing sinner, and thou art willing to bestow thy heart rest upon all who call on thee!


Tales and Sketches.

SKETCHES FROM THE LIFE OF I hearts in their bodies, hungering after COUNT ZINZENDORF. the words of grace; but as for the

vagabond crew up yonder, I think NO. III.

our Lord's saying is but too pertinent : On a clear sunny day in June, a • Cast not your pearls before swine, few days after the evening conversa- and give not that which is holy unto tion under the nut-tree, between the | dogs."" Salzburg Exultant and Rabbi Abra- | “Yes, my friend, but it remains to. ham, we find the Saxony exiles in the be proved that they are so utterly garden at Marienborn. In a large unclean creatures, and even if they

vine-covered arbour sat the Countess were so, yet all things are possible to Zinzendorf, a lady of noble bearing; God. Out of the very stones he can weariness and exhaustion expressing raise up children. I burn with the. itself on her countenance, but her desire of bringing souls to my Saviour, eyes sparkling with the bright flame to whom I way show the happiness which burned in her brave heart. She of my ways and my Saviour's goodwas conversing with her husband ness. Erdmuthe,” he said, turning to about her journey, her hopes and his wife, “are you not of iny mind ? fears with regard to the church and Do you fear the hell which David people from whom - they had been represents to us?” driven, and of their own exile, when *God forbid,” said the Countess, Christian David, who had been sent to . hastily, and with deep emotion. “I the Ronneburg to see that the p.epara go where the Saviour leads, without tions had been completed, arrived. consulting flesh and blood. Had I Stepping up to the Count he reported, felt otherwise, I met plenty of both with great respectfulness, that the friends and enemies on my journey dwelling was now in such a condition hither who would have turned me that he could Jive in it without fear aside. But I looked steadfastly in of its tumbling down about his ears. the face of Him who is the lover of But he added, “I would once more my soul, and till now he has inade submit for the consideration of my the path of duty quite plain to me.” lord, that the place is not a suitable Just then a packet of letters was sphere of labour for him. What I brought in, one of which announced have seen to-day, what I have been the death of one of his faithful colcompelled to listen to, is beyond all leagues. But wbile this drew tears patience to endure. Your lordship from their eyes, it also brought will only wear out soul and body strength and comfort to their hearts there, without effecting anything for by the recollection of wbat grace the Saviour.

had done for him, and what it could Count Zinzendorf looked quietly at do again in their new field of labour. the speaker, and replied : “ Dear “I remember it well,” said Zinzenbrother David, do moderate your dorf. “It is as if it happened yesterhurable respectfulness, and your titles day. I was going to Nurnburg, and of gracious lord and so forth. A was walking up a hill to ease the banished count in a priest's frock is a horses. A little boy stepped up to spectacle for the world and continually me, a beggar's bag across his torn its song. God knows that in his jacket, leather breeches on his legs, service I am only among the meanest but without shoes or stockings. He of his servants. Then as to your had an old fiddle in his hand, and warning about the Ronneberg and its asked to be allowed to play me a tune. people, have you not been in Green I was musing at the time, and, scarcely land, brother ?"

thinking of what he was saying, I put Yes, I have. But the Esquimaux my hand in my pocket mechanically. in their skins, stinking of whale-cil Aš I handed the boy the coin, my avd filth, had nevertheless human ! eyes met his-a pair of large brilliant

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blue eyes—and the soul of the child had struck the second hour of the seemed to speak to mine, like the | morning, but Zinzendorf was still at man of Macedonia to Paul, saying, bis writing table. After the family

Come over and help us !' I told had parted for the night he first held the child to play, and he struck up long communion with the friend of a tune common at the fair dances. his soul, and then composed the well

Can you play any sacred music?' I known hymn in memory of his deasked the little fellow. 'Yes, in parted friend. The grey dawn was deed,' was his reply. He tuned his breaking in the east ere the last of fiddle afresh, and began the melody, the letters were finished which were 'Praise and honour to the highest to be sent into all parts of Germany, good.' I nodded my approbation, and and into foreign countries. But when asked him if he knew the Creed. about five o'clock in the morning * Yes,' he said, "the Creed, the Ten the pilgrim church sang together the Commandments, and the Lord's song, “Morning glory of Eternity," Prayer.' 'Repeat them, then,' I said. the Count was there, the same as he He repeated the Creed and the Com | had been in the evening before, his mandments, looking up into my face; | heart fresh as the morning, for his but when he came to the Lord's spirit awoke early with the Lord. Prayer, he laid his fiddle on the ground and his cap beside it, folded his hands, and prayed. Looking at THE FRAYER-MEETING OF him thus, I prayed God that he would give me the soul of this child

ONE. to win him for his own. And In the old town of Eastville, New he heard my prayer. We became Hampshire, there was once a flourishfellow-travellers during the rest of ing church. Years, as they sped, the journey home, and all tbat the kept adding to its' numbers, and lad of thirteen years old promised me | Christians who worshipped there as he sat by my side in the carriage, were widely known for their good the man Tobias Frederich has faith- | fellowship and religious integrity. fully performed. We have to thank Old Nathan White was the pastor. our beloved pa tor Rothe for the able His hairs were gray, but age had not manner in which he instructed the diminished the fire of his eye nor the lad in several sciences and in foreign thunder of his tones. Fearless, enerlanguages; but more fervent thanks getic, resolute, and old-fashioned in we would ascribe to our Heavenly all his gospel ideas, he dealt out the Father, who received him into his ! word with a force and pungency school of grace, and blessed him richly which few could resist. There was with that knowledge which maketh no telling how often the plain cushion wise unto everlasting life. He was of the front of the pulpit had been an instrument which he himself had renewed. Father White always made fitted for his own service. What large his banda ness of heart spoke out of his large blue and not unfrequently hands, feet, and eyes. None ever met with him but tongue all went together. But there they parted full of new love to the came at last a dark day that spread a Saviour. And wherever he was sent mourning veil over the whole parish. by the church, whether to Sweden to Old Nathan White lay dead. Everyopen a new door for the Saviour's body grieved in some manner-men, work, or to the learned at Jena, he women, and children. The little, was received on account of his win quaint parsonage house was besieged ning manner with such friendliness, by those eager to look upon that that this one man has gained sweet and venerable face once more. more friends, and reconciled more It was affecting to see how his meenemies, than all of us put together. mory was beloved by the very aged. But he has been wanted in the One man who could scarcely stand city of God above. Let us again say, | up, who, besides being a cripple, was Amen! Thy will, Lord, be done." | blind, insisted to be taken to the old

The evening worship of the pilgrims minister, that he might only lay his was over. All were reposing, even the half-palsied band upon the cold most wakeful. The steeple clock | features he had often watched before


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his infirmities grew so great. His will know what sort of a person death was also much commented Aunty Baker was. Aged as she upon, and the manner in which it took seemed, there were still dimples in place. He had walked erect in the her cheeks and sweet smiles playing midst of his congregation on the very over her lips. Her complexion had day on which it pleased the Master to survived the decay of some other call him. To everybody who saw | beauties, and even now rivalled the hiin he looked surprisingly well. It rose : her attire was neat, rather was observed that his hand had often prim : and her piety, like a pure trembled of late, but on this day the stream, constantly and freshly springnerves were firm. His voice, too, ing up in glistening purity. Who was clear, though subdued, as he was there that ever saw Aunty Baker, announced his text, “For I am now who did not instantly love her? The ready to be offered up," and his face young were magically attracted ; and shone like that of an angel. These | seldom was she seen walking along things, it may be, would have been the country road without two or less noted and talked about but for three little ones following and listenwhat followed. He had nearly finished ing to her sweet voice. The sick his discourse, and was in the act of watched for her coming young lifting his hands, when, with the maidens sat at her feet to learn wisholy name of Jehovah upon his lips, dom from her teachings, the church he suddenly fell forward, leaned over looked up to and revered her while the cushion that was to bear his Nathan White lived; but her influvigorous stroke no more, and peace ence seemed rather lessened since bis fully breathed his last.

death, for the reason before stated, He died as I've often heard him that the church seemed shorn of its say he'd like to die, with his armour spirituality. Over this sad fact on,” exclaimed the palsied and blind Aunty Baker mourned with a constant old brother, as his thin hand moved sorrow. She had not wept when caressingly down the sharpened fea the good minister died, for by faith tures of the minister's face. “Well, she saw him in his angel's garment, well, God knows best, but I did amidst the purified, walking the hope," he added, with a faltering golden streets, eating from the tree voice, “I did hope I should be there of life, drinking of the river that to welcome him.” The funeral was | flows by the throne of the Lamb, and over, the people settled down into her soul rejoiced that he had gone silent sorrow, a new minister was home to the Master he loved so well. sent, a young, unmarried man, who But she mourned when the stately did well for a time; but the old people steppings of Jehovah ceased to be were broken-spirited ; things did not heard among them, and as she often seem to them to go as well as formerly; told them, it was not the Lord's fault and paying more heed to their often but all their own. They had deinfirmities, they did not attend the pended too much on an arm of flesh; courts of the Lord as had been their now if they went to the living God wont. Others moved away, because he would be gracious. But they at that time the western fever broke | heeded not. O, how she prayed for out and raged epidemic like, to the them ! night and day they lay near ruin of many and the building up of her heart; but her prayers seemed some. Fashion crept into the church, I not to be answered; the church grew discipline became more lax, the youth colder and colder; until it seemed as were less restrained, the minister if the world had taken the place of preached politics, and finally the the Saviour. It was as if strangers church appeared to come to a stand ; | had stood in the holy place where there were no conversions, and the Jesus had wept, and looked coolly on whole body became inactive, losing the ground bedewed by his anguish! all spirituality.

Time sped on, and the church still Quite near the church, in an odd kept in the back-ground. By-andsort of cottage, lived old Aunty | bye, as the members fell off, some by Baker. Imagine the woman, over death, some by marriage, entering seventy, who combines in herself other places of Worship, and some Many Christian graces, and you I getting tired of the homely meeting.

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