And run not sooner to his fatal snare? For God hath justly giv'n the nations up To thy delusions; justly since they fell Idolatrous: but when his purpose is
Among them to declare his providence To thee not known, whence hast thou then thy
But from him or his angels president
In every province? who themselves disdaining To' approach thy temples, give thee in command What to the smallest title thou shalt say To thy adorers; thou with trembling fear, Or like a fawning parasite obey'st; Then to thyself ascrib'st the truth foretold. But this thy glory shall be soon retrench'd; No more shalt thou by oracling abuse The Gentiles; henceforth oracles are ceas'd, And thou no more with pomp and sacrifice Shalt be inquir'd at Delphos or elsewhere, At least in vain, for they shall find thee mute. God hath now sent his Living Oracle
Into the world to teach his final will,
And sends his Spirit of Truth henceforth to dwell In pious hearts, an inward oracle
To all truth requisite for men to know.
So spake our Saviour; but the subtle Fiend, 465
Though inly stung with anger and disdain Dissembled, and this answer smooth return'd: Sharply thou hast insisted on rebuke, And urg'd me hard with doings, which not will But misery hath wrested from me: where
Easily canst thou find one miserable, And not enforc'd oft-times to part from truth; If it may stand him more in stead to lie,
Say and unsay, feign, flatter, or abjure ? But thou art plac'd above me, thou art Lord; 475 From thee I can and must submiss indure
Check or reproof, and glad to 'scape so quit. Hard are the ways of Truth, and rough to walk, Smooth on the tongue discours'd, pleasing to th'
And tuneable as sylvan pipe or song;
What wonder then if I delight to hear
Her dictates from thy mouth? most men admire Virtue, who follow not her lore: permit me To hear thee when I come (since no man comes) And talk at least, though I despair to' attain. 485
Thy Father, who is holy, wise and pure,
Suffers the hypocrite or atheous priest To tread his sacred courts, and minister About his altar, handling holy things, Praying or vowing, and vouchsaf'd his voice 490 To Balaam reprobate, a prophet yet Inspir'd; disdain not such access to me.
To whom our Saviour with unalter'd brow. Thy coming hither, though I know thy scope, I bid not or forbid; do as thou find'st Permission from above; thou canst not more.
He added not; and Satan bowing low His gray dissimulation, disappear'd
Into thin air diffus'd: for now began
Night with her sullen wings to double-shade
The desert; fowls in their clay nests were couch'd; And now wild beasts came forth the woods to roam.
The End of the First Book.
MEAN while the new-baptiz'd, who yet remain'd At Jordan with the Baptist, and had seen Him whom they heard so late expressly call'd Jesus Messiah Son of God declar'd,
And on that high authority had believ'd, And with him talk'd, and with him lodg'd, I mean Andrew and Simon, famous after known, With others, though in Holy Writ not nam'd, Now missing him their joy so lately found, So lately found, and so abruptly gone, Began to doubt, and doubted many days, And as the days increas'd, increas'd their doubt : Sometimes they thought he might be only shown, And for a time caught up to God, as once Moses was in the mount, and missing long; And the great Thisbite, who on fiery wheels Rode up to Heav'n, yet once again to come. Therefore as those young prophets then with care Sought lost Elijah, so in each place these Nigh to Bethabara; in Jericho The city' of Palms, Ænon, and Salem old, Machærus, and each town or city wall'd On this side the broad lake Genezaret,
Sir, what ill chance hath brought thee to this So far from path or road of men, who pass [place In troop or caravan? for single none Durst ever, who return'd, and dropt not here 324 His carcass, pin'd with hunger and with drouth. I ask the rather, and the more admire,
For that to me thou seem'st the Man whom late Our new baptizing Prophet at the ford Of Jordan honor'd so, and call'd thee Son Of God; I saw and heard, for we sometimes 330 Who dwell this wild, constrain'd by want, come To town or village nigh (nighest is far) (forth Where ought we hear, and curious are to hear, What happens new; Famealso finds us out. To whom the Son of God. Who brought me hither, Will bring me hence; no other guide I seek. 336 By miracle he may, reply'd the swain, What other way I see not, for we here Live on tough roots and stubs, to thirst inur'd More than the camel, and to drink go far, Men to much misery and hardship born; But if thou be the Son of God, command That out of these hard stones be made thee bread, So shalt thou save thyself and us relieve
With food, whereof we wretched seldom taste. 345 He ended, and the Son of God reply'd : Think'st thou such force in bread? Is it not written (For I discern thee other than thou seem'st) Man lives not by bread only, but each word
Proceeding from the mouth of God, who fed 350
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